Tag Archives: Politics

That’s Not Who We Are

I’m getting tired of hearing, from the people wanting open borders, and who want to snatch people from terrorist hotbed countries and bring them here, drone on about “we are a nation of immigrants” as though that grants some automatic pass to bring them here and, commit suicide in the process, gambling with Americans’ lives.

Tired of hearing it because, we are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens. American citizens. Many of whom immigrated here. And American citizens have a right to decide whether, who, and how many immigrants we accept. Whose interests are immigration laws supposed to serve — and whose interests do current immigration reform proposals actually serve?

Sorry but, when there is no assimilation of American values and culture, that is NOT “who we are.” And that includes learning and speaking English.

There was a 40 year halt to immigration, 1925-1965, for the purpose of obtaining assimilation. Immigration resumed in 1965. Maybe it’s time to do that again?

There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.

Acting AG Replaced

President Trump, not one to accept insubordination by someone refusing to do their job for obvious political reasons, fired Sally Q. Yates, the acting Attorney General appointed by President Obama.

Dana J. Boente, who was appointed by President Trump this evening to serve as acting Attorney General, tonight issued the following guidance to the men and women of the department:

On January 30, 2017, Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates issued a memorandum barring Department of Justice Attorney’s from presenting arguments in defense of the President’s January 27, 2017, Executive Order entitled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.” At approximately 9:00 p.m., I was asked by the President to serve in the capacity of Acting Attorney General. After having dedicated the last thirty-three years of my life to this Department, I am humbled and incredibly honored to serve as Acting Attorney General. Based upon the Office of Legal Counsel’s analysis, which found the Executive Order both lawful on its face and properly drafted, I hereby rescind former Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates January 30, 2017, guidance and direct the men and women of the Department of Justice to do our sworn duty and to defend the lawful orders of our President.

Link: DOJ Press Release

Organized Labor Declines

The Dept of Labor released their report on Union Membership last week. Not surprisingly, the AP had a cow and came way far from reporting what the report means and what the report shows.

The only national number the AP used was comparing Wisconsin’s union membership, 8 percent, to be below the national average of 10.7 percent. There’s not a word about the serious overall national decline in union membership. Let alone the performance during the last eight years of the Obama administration. Those are facts the AP, whose journalists are mostly if not entirely members of the News Media Guild, doesn’t like. So it didn’t report them.

The AP then blamed right to work legislation as the reason for that shortfall without offering any “proof” that right to work legislation caused any part of Wisconsin’s union membership decline in 2016. Overall, Wisconsin’s union membership dropped by only 4,000 in 2016 to 219,000.

The situation for organized labor goes way beyond Wisconsin. Florida dropped 90,000 members since 2015, representing 5.6 percent of workers compared to 6.8 percent the previous year.

And this is what the labor union membership looks like after eight years of the Obama administration.

What else happened last week? The XL Pipeline and Dakota Access Pipeline projects got the go-ahead from President Trump. All union  jobs. And, Labor Union leaders met with President Trump in The White House to talk jobs. Reminds me of a question often raised in the 2016 presidential campaign. What have you got to lose?

Links: Union Membership (Annual) News Release  |  AP Ignores Falling Obama-Era U.S. Union Membership, Takes Aim at Wisconsin

Cost Per Household?

Who knew that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was a numbers guy? He figured out that the U.S.-Mexico border barrier that President Trump ordered this week could cost a projected $15 billion, once. That translates to $120 per household, based on the latest Census date of U.S. households.

Here is another number that Majority Leader McConnell should be concerned with. How much are illegal aliens already here costing U.S. households? That is $113 Billion. And that translates to  $904, per year per household.

But the pressure on education, health care, infrastructure, prisons, jobs and unemployment are not the only cost. That $113 Billion does not count the people illegals have killed, raped, robbed, and assaulted. All preventable crimes if the border were secure. Can Sen. McConnell put a price on that? Is Sen. McConnell suggesting that Mexico reimburse the U.S. $113 Billion per year?

Let’s see, a one-time charge of $120 or an annual charge of $904. Where do I send my check?

Granted, even after the border is as secure as possible, and the welcome mat for illegals has been pulled, that $904 number won’t go away in the short term. Once illegal immigration is no longer an issue, it will in the long term.

I know President Trump ran on Mexico paying for it. His bravado. That would be nice. But not necessary. Mexico pays for the wall that they have on their southern border. For as little as it would cost to build, just do it already.

Mexico will “pay” for it in other ways. Like by having to deal with their own unhappy people instead of shooing them here, across the border, and transporting them from their southern border to our southern border, only to send remittances back.

Remittances used to be Mexico’s second highest source of income. Second only to oil. With crude oil prices dropping, remittances are now their highest source of income.  And that amounts to $2 Billion per month leaving the U.S. economy. That’s how illegals “contribute” to our economy. Kind of like how multi-national corporations “contribute” to the economy by sheltering their assets from the onerous tax code.

The bold truth is, the U.S. is not Mexico’s welfare department. And the U.S. isn’t here to be their auxiliary country because of the corruption in their government and the drug cartels. A secure border would not only help keep Americans safer, but it might be the wake-up call Mexico needs to clean up their act.

And on that “big beautiful wall, with a great big door,” post a sign on the south side of the door.  “Para ingresar a los Estados Unidos, diríjase al consulado más cercano. Ellos están ahí para ayudarte. – For entry into the United States, please go to the nearest consulate. They are there to help you.”

Link: Trump’s wall could cost an estimated $120 per US household  |  The Bank of Mexico says money sent home by Mexicans overtaking oil revenues as a source of foreign income for the first time  |  HOW MEXICO FACILITATES ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION

Mexico’s “Migrants”

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, like his predecessor Vicente Fox, is using the ‘M’ word, in speaking about Mexicans. He spoke with President Trump by phone on Saturday, and said Mexico would demand that the U.S. guarantee humane treatment and respect the rights of Mexican migrants.

No, Mexicans are not migrants. Animals migrate. Human beings immigrate. And like Mexico, we have immigration laws that we will now start enforcing.

His reference to Mexicans as being migrants is to presume that they can’t help themselves, they are driven by Mother Nature, like hummingbirds, to migrate North into the United States. But unlike hummingbirds, they don’t return to where they started.

Nieto doesn’t want the remittances interfered with. Wire transfer of money from illegals to Mexico is Mexico’s second largest revenue source. If it were me, I’d not allow wire transfers to or from illegals in this country. Call it a matter of national security. After all, terrorists can do it too. And we don’t need to help terrorism.

All the humane treatment an illegal alien is owed is free passage South of the border. And whether that should be “free” is debatable.

Link: Mexico Vows to Protect Migrants, Free Trade in Talks With Trump Administration

How Is The FairTax Fair?

Glad you asked. Actually, a FB buddy, John Ingraham Berry said, and asked:

Burdensome on those families and individuals who have very little… have a little trouble grasping and seeing the fairness of this concept.

It’s really very easy, especially on the poor. Once you understand what’s in the bill, it’s like a ‘slap yourself in the head’ brilliant concept. For lack of any media excitement or mediocre coverage of the FairTax, getting people to learn what’s in the bill, as opposed to what the establishment says about it, which is pure demagoguery, is the biggest challenge.

Under every circumstance EXCEPT the FairTax, a consumption tax is regressive. By percentage of income, it hurts the poor the worst. The FairTax doesn’t do that. It is progressive in a way that benefits the poor the most, as you will see below.

Here’s the short version.

1.) Everything everyone (poor included) buys today is paying all the income and corporate tax, capital gains, gift, estate, alternative minimum, SS and Unemployment tax, and self-employment tax of everyone involved in bringing that item to market, from raw materials, to manufacturing, to transportation, and all the costs of a wholesaler and retailer to bring the item to you, the final consumer. Call that the “embedded” tax. Everyone pays it, it’s in the cost of the item. It just isn’t itemized on your receipt. It’s hidden in that way, but it is there. Under the FairTax, the amount of federal tax you pay will be printed on your receipt. Totally transparent.

Now imagine what the same item would cost if there were no embedded taxes, if that product could be made with none of the above taxes. After over $22 million of research, the percentage amounts to about 22 % less.

The research included, of course, finding out what people buy at all income levels. No small task. That done, for the FairTax to be ‘revenue neutral,’ the FairTax percentage comes in at 23%.

That doesn’t mean an item automatically costs 23% more under the FairTax than it does today. When you remove the 22% embedded tax, and replace it with a 23% sales tax, you see a 1% increase in price on a widget. This is an average, not an absolute. One method is swapped with the other, having a negligible effect on cost to consumer.

2.) Here’s what the critics don’t tell you, or don’t know about. There is NO TAX on used items, including a car, motorcycle, boat, or house sold that was not bought by the ORIGINAL owner. The sales tax is ONLY for NEW items purchased for the FIRST TIME. Fair thing is, this applies the same to everyone, at all income levels. Including tourists, diplomats and other non-citizens.

3.) Because it is a consumption tax, assessed to new items sold, everyone pays it. The tax base instantly expands to 320,000,000 people instead of only legal citizens who have a job. What we have now is an income tax. No income = no tax revenue. And a tax base less than half of that. And because of that dynamic, the FairTax is a more stable revenue source. Fair thing is, this applies the same to everyone, at all income levels. Including foreign tourists, diplomats and other non-citizens, legal or illegal. And that tax never exceeds 23%.

4.) This is the part that makes this consumption tax progressive, instead of regressive. The Prebate. Designed to be the same, aka fair. Everyone gets this prebate based on the number of people in the household. And the prebate is for legal U.S. citizens only.

Now a new term to learn, effective tax rate. Based on the consumer spending research mentioned above, the amount of the prebate is figured to offset the sales taxes that would be paid for the basic necessities that everyone buys up to the poverty level as determined by HHS. It is paid to the household every month. Taking the prebate into account, lower income people pay less than 23%. In fact, the prebate at the lowest income levels make the effective tax rate a negative number. An income stream.

5.) Absent all the embedded taxes, at the federal level, the term ‘take home pay’ becomes obsolete. Your gross pay is also your net pay. THAT makes a big difference for all people, especially the poor. Currently, for every job, and many people do have 2 or more jobs, they pay those embedded taxes. Can’t get more regressive than that. Imagine the effect when they are not taxed every time they get another job. Purchasing power goes up for everyone, only greater for the poor. The rich pay the maximum 23%. But since “the rich” also buy more, they pay more taxes in dollars, obviously, than the poor, when they buy their yachts, cars, planes and other high-end toys. That’s how it affects families of all income levels, on the personal level.

6.) No more income taxes to file. And because of that, there is no compliance cost incurred to pay them. No tax preparers, accountants, or tax lawyers to pay. In total, a saving of over $400 billion. And, the IRS is effectively gone.

7.) On the national, macro level, absent the income tax, the $10-15 trillion that U.S. companies have sheltered overseas will come back to be invested here, since there will not be a tax obligation to shelter it from. Then, with the absence of an income tax, foreign business will come here and open up shop. The U.S. will become a global magnet for businesses. The U.S. will become the “offshore tax haven.” There will be a job for anyone who wants to work. Maybe more jobs than people. And competition between employers to get employees will do what? Increase wages. We will experience real economic growth on a personal and national level. And none of it  government subsidized, adding to the national debt.


How the politicians spend that is another matter. The FairTax is only to be the replacement source for funding the government. It has nothing to do with how that money is spent or where it is allocated.

You can read the text of the bill HERE. It’s not 75,000 pages like the current IRS code. H.R. 25 is a whopping 132 pages long. And more information is available at the link at the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

Link: H.R. 25: FairTax Act of 2017

Obama’s 2A Parting Shot

The Federal form required to buy a firearm from a gun dealer, the 4473,  was revised and in effect as of last Monday, Jan 16, 2017.

The Department of Justice has come down on the subject of medical marijuana and the penchant for gun control. Added to the question of addiction and unlawful use of drugs, 11 e., is a warning for users of marijuana. Even if legal in your state, whether by prescribed medical use or decriminalization, you are prohibited from purchasing or receiving a firearm.

11 e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?  Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.

In the case of marijuana, there seems to be no qualification of addiction. Only that as a Federal matter, “use” of it is illegal, and that alone will deny a person’s 2nd Amendment right to purchase, or receive, a firearm.

Also added is a question to identify the name and location of a ‘qualifying gun show or event’ if the firearm is being ‘transferred’ there. Laying the groundwork to require private sales/transfers (i.e. not a gun dealer) at gun shows to include a background check. And quite possibly, anywhere else.

So, with less than a week left in the Obama administration, along with sending GITMO terrorists back to their homeland, commuting FALN militant Oscar Lopez-Rivera’s sentence, commuting the sentence of the biggest traitor in American history, the Obama DOJ tosses this 2nd Amendment issue up for his successor.

Form 4473, Firearms Transaction Record by Ross Calloway on Scribd

Short of decriminalization, remove it as a Sched 1 drug. The least that could be done would be to yield to the States and go with that. Candidate Trump had indicated that the “marijuana issue” should be a state matter. In such case, all that needs to be done with the 4473 is to delete the “Warning” statement, since it would then not apply.

Link: ATF Form 4473 – Firearms Transaction Record Revisions

Buh Bye United Nations

It’s long past time for the country to break from the United Nations. Their performance and history has proven to be out of sync with the intent of its formation.

In that light, I’m please to share with you the thoughts of our new Dist 1 representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL). From his newsletter . . .

Withdraw from the UN

It is past time to get the U.S. out of the U.N. – and to get the U.N. out of the U.S. This week I joined Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) in proposing legislation to do just that. The U.N. has become an anti-US, anti-Israel organization. It cannot be trusted to inspire nations to peace or prosperity. I continue to support a restored American presence in the world through direct action and direct coalition building, led by our new president.

Link: In the wake of Brexit, Alabama congressman wants U.S. to exit U.N.

US Intelligence Report

So the best the intelligence community can come up with is that Russia’s media, like RT, tried to influence the American people against Hillary, to try to influence voters to pick her opponent.

And, didn’t we just experience an onslaught of American media aligned against one candidate, for another? Like, against Trump and for Hillary? Thought so.

Am thinking, wasn’t the Obama administration’s overt attempt to unseat Netanyahu in his re-election campaign much worse?

Bottom line, sore losers in search of an excuse for losing. Twice. Refusing to accept responsibility is a sign of immaturity.