Tag Archives: Obamacare

Obama Shifts Blame From Himself To Insurance Companies

In response to everyone’s dissatisfaction with Obama’s lying about ‘you can keep your plan and your doctor, period,’ and in the wake of over five million obama_on_aca-trustpolicies being cancelled, affecting three times that many people, Obama’s humbling and gratuitous speech on Thursday was pure political hokus pokus. And more FUD factor.

Constitutional authority aside (everyone knows he doesn’t respect that), King President Obama declared that he now wants insurance companies to let people get the plans that they like back, he didn’t say at the same price. He didn’t change the law. All he is doing is he’s choosing not to enforce the Affordable Care Act, aka “settled law,” for a year. See, it’s only settled law when he wants it to be settled law.

He did this on Thursday in an attempt to stifle the House from passing the H.R. 3350: Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013. A bill that he promised to veto and ultimately passed the House Friday by 61% with bipartisan support. (R’s 222, D’s 39) That bill does change the law, and does allow insurance companies not only to offer policies that people may want, but it also allows new purchasers to buy plans that they want too, without all the ACA mandates.

Since Obama did not change the law, the policies are still illegal under the ACA. It’s unrealistic to expect that insurance companies will start selling illegal policies when they are given zero immunity from Obama should they end up in court in a dispute over an illegal policy. And since Obama’s idea is to postpone this enforcement for a year, there’s no reason to assume that the premiums will be the same as before the ACA went into effect either.

So what happens when the insurance companies don’t bow to the King and reinstate illegal policies? He can, and will, say how the insurance companies are just greedy, bla bla bla, and take the focus of blame off of himself and the ACA and shift it to “those evil insurance companies.”

Why does President Obama say he’ll veto the Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013? The President says that Obamacare introduces competition which will bring down cost. The true part is that competition brings down cost. The lie part is that Obamacare is competition. By vetoing this bill, Obama is eliminating competition by preventing insurance companies to offer plans of their own that people want that are not burdened with government mandates, ie. “inferior policies.” And he can’t let the free market work if Obamacare is to succeed. To put it another way, unless the insurance industry is neutered or just goes out of business, he won’t be able to fundamentally change the country to a nationalized health care model.

aSide Order

The experiment using monkeys is framed as them receiving unequal pay. It certainly, and quickly, brings out a primal behavior. If I were to characterize the behavior, I would see it from a different perspective. Like the motivation and energy that is inherent in seeing a goal and doing something to make that goal.

Let that lab person represent the government providing handouts. Given equally, there is no motivation or drive to do anything more or realize full potential. That is why I would measure compassion, not by how many people I can get on the welfare or food stamp rolls, but by how many people I can get off of them via people realizing their own potential and moving up that economic ladder. Instead of running from side to side.





Dinesh D’Souza & Michael Shermer in debate at Oregon State University. Questions from the student body about Universal Health Care / ObamaCare.


This quote is not from Ben Stein. That, according to Snopes according to Ben Stein. But, does it really matter who said it? Read it for what it says. Who wrote it is irrelevant. I’m guessing he, or she, wasn’t a Democrat.


Obamacare Makes Country Music Award Show

Funny bit by Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood on the 2013 CMA. “Obamacare, over six people served.”

Some jerks in cyberspace are accusing the audience of being, among other things, racists because they all laughed and got it. Probably because they’ve tried to check out their health care options like I did and got exactly what the parody portrayed.

But to those jerks I’d say, Yeah right!  We would be dancing in the streets celebrating the dawning of government control of our health care if only Barack Obama were white.

Obamacare Enrollments First Day, 6, Second Day 248

obamacare_enrollments4 million visits and 6 enrollments on first day. 248 enrollments by day two. To meet goals (and projected cost savings), the enrollment must be 39,000 per day. So far, the vast majority of enrollees in the state exchanges are going to Medicaid. Which means, they are not contributing to cost reduction, but rather government dependence. Which means, higher costs for everyone else, and increased debt.

I remember President Obama saying (I know, he says a lot of things) that he wouldn’t sign the bill if it added one dime to the national debt. If he doesn’t himself call for the repeal of his signature train wreck of a piece of legislation, then you can add this to his list of lies.



The Grand Deception, If You Like . . . You Can Keep . . .

The American people are not deserving of what Obamacare is inflicting on them. It’s not their fault that they believed President Obama when he was running for President and trying to gain public support for the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, and even after it was passed into law. This isn’t anywhere near a “read my lips, no new taxes” moment. This was the Grand Deception.


It was nothing short of a Grand Deception because the administration knew that millions of Americans would be necessarily kicked off their plans because of the ACA as early as July 20, 2010. Yet, he decided to play “community organizer” on the honesty and integrity of the American people, and snooker them into accepting Obamacare on his words and promise.

Americans let the ACA pass was because they believed President Obama when he said, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period.” And “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.” Which should tell you that for the most part, Americans were happy with the plans they had. And they didn’t have a watchdog media to warn and tell them what was in the law. There was no groundswell of opinion for up-ending the health insurance and health care industries.

Americans believed him because . . . he was the President. He’s still the President, only now they also know what he, democrat operatives in the party, and the media are capable of.

Sad truth is, with him and his acolytes, the end (even lying) justifies the means.

And this “We’re going to work with the employers to lower premiums by $2,500 per family per year.”

“Affordable” Care Act Mandate

In an effort to get to the meat of the penalty that Obamacare will impose on you, in the unlikely event that it would be possible for you to keep your insurance policy that the government (not you) deems unsatisfactory, below you will find the law as is in the Federal Register.

The penalty for not buying a government approved health insurance policy, or not buying an insurance policy at all, begins now at $95 and increases to $695 per year or 2.5% of your income by 2015, after the next presidential election.

The Joint Tax Committee prepared a summary of Obamacare that includes this discussion of the mandate:

The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code and accounted for as an additional amount of Federal tax owed. However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay such assessments in a timely manner.

On page 19 of this 19 page law, you will find this:

b)Special rules. Notwithstanding any other provision of law—

(1)Waiver of criminal penalties.In the case of a failure by a taxpayer to timely pay the shared responsibility payment, the taxpayer is not subject to criminal prosecution or penalty for the failure.

(2)Limitations on liens and levies.
If a taxpayer fails to pay the shared responsibility payment imposed by this section and §§1.5000A–1 through1.5000A–4, the Secretary will not file notice of lien on any property of the taxpayer, or levy on any property of the taxpayer for the failure.

The IRS only has the power to deduct whatever penalty you may incur from your tax refund. The Obama administration knows that poor people look forward to receiving their refund check each year, and don’t mind preying on the poor to take it from them. The poor would be wise to consult with their employer on how to not overpay their taxes by completing a new W-4 form so that they will get the maximum in their paycheck and, not expose themselves to government abuse.

Obamacare, Mission Impossible

Since the kick-off of the Obamacare website, healthcare.gov, I have been unable to compare my current plan with any of the options in Obamacare. This, after hard_pill_to_swallow3 weeks of logging onto the website and going nowhere. Today, after two phone calls and three hours on the phone, I was able to get a price, for all three plans, BUT was not able to find out the details of any of the policies, deductibles, what’s covered, what isn’t. You know, everything one would need to make an informed decision on which plan to buy, or not to buy. Not only did President Obama promise I would be saving $2,500 per in premiums, but he also said I would be able to shop the plans and see whether I could get a better deal in the private market instead of from the government exchange.

I asked the lady exactly what the policy covered and she politely said that the details would be sent to me in the mail in about three weeks. What? Is this Obama’s idea of shopping for an insurance policy? They can tell me how much it cost, but not what’s in it? Does this sound familiar? I’ll bet you a cheesesteak that any private health insurance carrier can quote you a policy and explain the coverage inside of a 10 minute phone call without music-on-hold.

I told the woman that the open enrollment period on my group insurance ends in the third week of November, and that I need to know the coverage details now so I can make an informed decision. All she could tell me was that they would send me the coverage details via snail mail, in three weeks.

Now feature this. For Obamacare to be a “success,” they need to enroll 7 million people. Most of which are young and healthy adults. After wasting three hours of my (and her) time today, and two hours on the phone earlier in the month with other phone bank employees, with this kind of productivity (if you can even call that productivity), how in the hell does anyone think that they’re going to enroll anywhere near the 7 million people needed for Obamacare to survive when they can’t answer basic questions about their “product?” According to the numbers so far, over half of the enrollees are qualifying for and getting on Medicaid. Which means they are government dependents, not policyholders contributing to  (wait for it) lowering costs.

If this were a joke, it’d be a good one. Because the purpose (according to its namesake) of Obamacare was to insure everybody, because,  aghast, 15% of Americans don’t have a health insurance policy. Set aside for the moment that the federal government has no business being in the health insurance business. In the last few months, more people have had their policies cancelled than have enrolled into Obamacare. So rather than insure everyone, Obamacare is in the process of destroying the private sector health insurance industry, and increasing costs on the 85% of Americans that were happy with their policy in the first place, and still not insuring everybody, all for the promise of helping 15% of Americans. Some of whom don’t have a policy because they didn’t want one. And Obama’s solution is to force everyone to buy one or be fined. This is exactly where the role and relationship between the government and the citizens has been turned upside down.

Obama ‘gives’ you a right, takes your freedom

Not only that, but The White House is attempting to create another ‘right’ for Americans. In addition to your right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, a right to vote, a right to speak, a right to bear arms, etc., they are saying that you have a right to a health insurance policy. And along with this new right to health insurance you get, there’s a “freedom” you lose. That is, what kind of policy and what kind of coverage you want. You don’t decide that any more. Under Obamacare, it is the government, not you, who makes that decision.

Responding to the president misleading Americans about his main selling point of Obamacare “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period” not actually being the case, at 4:54 in the video White House spokes-kid Jay Carney said . . .

I take your point, it is correct that substandard plans that don’t provide minimum services that have a lot of fine print that leaves consumers in the lurch often because of annual caps, or lifetime caps, or carve outs for some preexisting conditions, those are no longer allowed because the Affordable Care Act is built on the premise that health care is not a privilege, it is a right and there should be a minimum standard of plans available to Americans around the country. {emphasis added}

Cute how Jay and his boss conflate health care with health insurance. Health insurance isn’t a privilege. It’s a product.

Obamacare has fallen and it can’t get up. It is America’s Albatross to get rid of.

An alternative to government-run health care exists. And it will lower costs, won’t increase the national debt, will offer the consumer more choices, and you won’t have the government getting between you and your doctor. What is this alternative? It is H.R. 2300, the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013. It’s been around for years. In the 111th congress it was called H.R.3400, The Empowering Patients First Act.

Link: The hidden truth behind early Obamacare numbers: It’s not what it seems

Media Focuses On Politics Rather Than Obamacare

A prime example of how the media circles the wagons around this president, is this AP story that took two people to write.

julie_paceObama_presserNotice how AP writers Julie Pace and Nancy Benac make the story over the politics of it all. How this will hurt the administration, how republicans fell into a controversy with legs, etc.. Well Julie, Nancy, just because Solyndra, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS intimidation of political adversaries, EPA intimidation of political adversaries, and NSA domestic surveillance are not in your reporting doesn’t mean they didn’t happen and are not attached to this administration.

For the AP, it isn’t about how Obamacare (the law) is not doing what it was supposed to do or doing what it was promised to do. And, it isn’t about leaving seniors, and everyone for that matter, in the lurch with cancelled policies, higher premiums and deductibles, and a non-functioning website. Not to mention that there are millions of Americans that aren’t plugged into the Internet in the first place, like seniors, that need a health insurance policy. None of that.

And only now do they admit how wildly unpopular Obamacare is and always has been with most of America. Wouldn’t be surprised if Julie Pace, Chief White House Correspondent at the AP, gets a W-2 from The White House.

Link: For Obama, health care woes may have staying power

Obamacare Destroying Health Security

Here’s a headline that should get your attention: More Americans In 3 States Have Had Their Insurance Canceled Under ObamaCare Than Have Filed An Exchange Account In All 50. And it centers upon President Obama’s big promise when he was “selling” his plan to you.

Over 500,000 individuals have seen their insurance policies cancelled in just 3 states. In all 50 states, only 476,000 applications have been “filed” in an exchange. (Even though we are still learning the true definition of “filed.”)

But the deception doesn’t stop there. When the administration cites the enrollment numbers, few as there are, they exaggerate them too! Whatever the number of enrollment they give, it includes those who have enrolled in Medicaid instead of buying insurance through a government exchange. Even the young and “healthy” are getting on Medicaid, and they’re the ones the government is depending on to pay the freight for older Americans.

Link: More Americans In 3 States Have Had Their Insurance Canceled Under ObamaCare Than Have Filed An Exchange Account In All 50