Tag Archives: Obamacare

Why Democrats, Reid, Went For The Nuclear Option

Listening to Neal (The Talkmaster) Boortz today on my way to work I happened across the mother lode of this political phenomenon. The filibuster nuclear option. I’ve heard Boortz speak of this before but not until now was I able to capture it (for lack of a written transcript) to share with you.

For years and years, the Liberals and Progressives in the Democrat(ic) party have continually stressed and relied on the courts to thwart, if not harry_reid_fingerenact, public policy that they either don’t agree with or otherwise could not do via the legislative process. In short, they view and use the court system as another branch of the legislature.

Now, after years of every Democrat leader having gone on record against the nuclear option, including all the ones who are now for it, they’re not only for it, they invoked it. So why now? It’s because President Obama’s signature legislation, the government control of health care, Democrats’ ‘wet dream’ legislation since John Dingell Sr. first introduced it 70 years ago, is losing public support as chances for repeal or defunding it become more probable.

Public opinion for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) is dropping like a stone, not only because of what it is doing to people’s policies, families, and wallets, but the lawlessness in which the President himself is trying to keep the sinking ship from sinking by issuing edicts to insurance companies to add to and take away from the law. It’s all unconstitutional. They must fill the three vacancies in the Federal Court of Appeals in the DC Circuit with judges sympathetic to upholding all challenges to Obamacare and their regulatory over reaching. That’s why they are for the filibuster before they were against it. Most Americans see the ACA as a crisis to America. Democrats in Washington see the repeal or neutering of it as an even greater crisis, requiring the nuclear option.


Putting judges sympathetic to his cause is the only life-line he has left. Moving the United States’ free-market capitalistic economy to a fascist economy, which is what President Obama is all about and what he meant by fundamental change.

The recording of Neal’s rant begins after he explains the characteristics of capitalistic and socialist economic models. The clip begins with the fascist economic model. Boortz explains . . .

The Replacement, H.R. 2300, Gets Three More Co-Sponsors

Yes. The Empowering Patients First Act of 2013 picked up three new co-sponsors.

A big Thank You to Rep. Ralph Hall [R-TX4]Rep. Charles Boustany [R-LA3] and Rep. Peter Roskam [R-IL6].

The bill now has 54 co-sponsors. So far all are Republicans. If your representative is not yet a co-sponsor, email them, call them, suggest that they get on board with this, the private-sector solution to improving health care and health insurance. H.R. 2300 will solve all the problems that the ACA was supposed to “fix” without putting the government between you and your doctor, lowering costs through real competition among insurance companies and no government mandated coverages that you don’t want or need.

Link: H.R. 2300: Empowering Patients First Act of 2013

Budget “Deal” Reached, But

What do you call a budget deal that spends $63 Billion of “settled law” called the sequester? I call it a Republican surrender. Never mind that since the sequester began, the Obama administration has claimed some economic recovery. And never mind that the sequester passed with bi-partisan support.

For un-sequestering $63 Billion dollars today and for the next eighteen months, the deal promises reductions totaling $85 Billion elsewhere. But that’s not for today or the next two years. That’s for the next ten years. Who in their right mind believes this will happen?

But that’s not even the most insane talking point the House and Senate Republican leadership is touting. They use buzz words like “specific deficit-reduction provisions” and “mandatory savings” and “non-tax revenue” that makes up this fictitious $85 Billion number. And “if you’re for deficit reduction, you’re for this agreement.” The snake oil they’re selling is that this agreement would cut the deficit by between $20 and $23 Billion, as if that actually means something. They call it “a step in the right direction.” It’s surrender. It’s means nothing more than trying to look relevant in standing up to Democrats for the sake of getting something done. It’s not going to stop demagoguery from Democrats. It’s not much more than moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic.

With a national debt of $17 Trillion, $23 Billion is like a mouse fart in a hurricane. There’s no serious attempt, not even the slightest attempt, to deal with the debt and deficit spending whatsoever. It’s like driving over the cliff at 60 miles per hour instead of 65.

Speaker Boehner is hoping to win something by playing defense with the Democrats. Mr. Speaker, you don’t win anything by playing defense. What Speaker Boehner is doing is effectively managing the decline of the Republican party. He’s doing it in two ways. By budget deals like this, which will rise its head again in time for the 2016 general election when he’ll once again cower to the demagoguery of the Left. And by attacking republicans in the House and throughout the country. Republicans who want to see real evidence of getting to a balanced budget, which necessarily means working toward not spending more than we take in, (to quote President Obama) PERIOD. I recall that that’s what they were elected and sent to Washington to do. And he can start by putting an end to the insane “baseline budgeting” scheme. If you and I can’t use baseline budgeting, what on earth makes any sane person think that the government should? They should be forced to justify every dollar of their budget before it is allocated.

This budget deal dodges a bullet. To win seats, Speaker Boehner needs to go on offense and shoot one of his own. He needs to carry a republican platform instead of a democrat-lite platform. He needs to talk about bold tax reform like the FairTax. Something that eliminates the current, punitive IRS tax code.  He needs to talk up health care reform like H.R.2300, the private-sector solution. And what better time to do that? And he needs to talk about how unleashing the economic engine of the country, achieving true energy independence, creating jobs, and putting people back to work again will turn this ship around. That’s what the American people want. And that’s something that, so far, only Republicans have a chance at delivering. Problem is, I’m not so sure Speaker Boehner has what it takes to get us there.

Obama Lied, And Won By 4 Points

OK, the 2012 election is over. I get it. But get this. One of the architects of Obamacare, Ezekial “Zeke” Emanuel, was on FOX News Sunday yesterday where Host Chris Wallace asked him whether President Obama’s promises “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period,” and “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period” were true statements?

Zeke’s answer to Wallace was from another planet. He said, “Yes.  But look.  If you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that.”

And to that point, Wallace said “Which means your premium may go up over what you were paying so that, in other words –”

Emanuel cut Wallace short with “No one guaranteed you that your premium wouldn’t increase. Premiums have been going up.”

That is a true statement. No one guaranteed that your premiums would not increase. On the contrary, President Obama said that premiums for the average family would decrease by $2,500. And that’s not happening either.

So in other words, it’s OK to lie to the American people if it will help you get elected. This isn’t news to me where liberals are concerned. It’s what they do. But it’s the first time it has been admitted to on national television.

Had President Obama said, “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, if you want to pay more for it,” or “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you want to pay more,” or, “if you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital, if you want to pay more,” how many points do you think Romney would have won by?

Link: Ezekiel Emanuel: If You Want To Pay More For Your Doctor, You Can Do That

Obama’s Approval, Trust, At All Time Low

With President Obama at the helm for five years, the majority of Americans now believe America is headed in the wrong direction. Polls show President Obama with the lowest approval rating for his job performance, and trust. And with good reason.

The course he is taking this country, consistently for five years now, can’t be by accident or arguably, incompetence. That would be an excuse. But his determination, lawlessness, and the people he surrounds himself with, not to mention his own public declarations; spread the wealth, fundamentally transform America, and “irresponsible debt” before it wasn’t irresponsible, you can keep your plan, you can keep your doctor, etc.. And taking into account his influences and tutelage from childhood up to elected office by communists, Marxists, terrorists and revolutionaries (William Ayers), there is only one conclusion to be drawn. It is deliberate, and it’s because he doesn’t like America as it is and as founded.

It would be one thing if the President would recognize he is not doing what the people want him to do. But he isn’t listening. He’s listening to a different drummer. His ideology. His far left, collective ideology trumps everything. The people, the law, the constitution. Everything.

Sorry to say, and as unbelievable as that sounds, that is the man we elected President. Twice. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice . . .

That’s my opinion. Your mileage may vary.

Obama’s Heckler, Ju Hong, A Prop-ed Plant

Ju Hong being arrested at the July 12 rally in San Bernadino. Photos: William Perez

No appearance President Obama makes is random or unscripted. Including this heckler , Ju Hong, who interrupted his speech on immigration in San Francisco on Monday. Hong shouted out because his family has been torn apart by U.S. immigration policy — and the administration has done nothing to help them. Don’t think for a second that the Secret Service did not know this guy’s “history of civil disobedience.”

The event fulfilled two goals. It set himself up as the bystander, void of responsibility, fighting for this, that, or the other. On this day it was amnesty, AKA comprehensive immigration reform. And a distraction from the Titanic-like Affordable Health Care act.

PRESBO sees his support, popularity, and TRUST going South in the polls because of Obamacare, because Americans are finally seeing him for the fraud that he is. What we’re seeing here is his publicist’s (Valerie Jarrett) attempt at stopping the bleeding in the best possible light.

The simple solution to the planted heckler keeping his family together is this. Keep your undocumented family together and take them with you back to South Korea. You could do well for yourself and them there with your U.S. taxpayer-paid college degree.

Link: Obama heckler has history of civil disobedience

Obama: Nuclear deal blocks Iran’s path to bomb. REALLY?

That “the deal” is a first step to blocking Iran’s path to the bomb, is like the Affordable Care Act is the first step to affordable and better health care to Americans. Who believes Obama any more?

Then there is the throwing of American Pastor Saeed Abedini under the bus. A U.S. citizen imprisoned by Iran because of his faith, by reaching a deal with Iran that  eases sanctions and provides “humanitarian relief” while Abedini stays in an Iranian prison.

And to say that this is the first step is to ignore the years, decades, of sanctions against Iran that have failed miserably to do what they were supposed to do. Now we’re saying OK, never mind. Let’s come up with another shell game to not make us look like complete idiots and you can go on with your nuclear ambitions.

irannukedeal.govThis doesn’t end anything in Iran. Making concessions to Iran’s ending their nuclear enrichment and nuclear bomb ambitions is like playing Russian Roulette with a fully-loaded revolver.

Only difference is the gun isn’t pointed at Obama’s head. It’s pointed at Israel, our troops within range in the region, and our other so-called allies in the Middle East by conventional means. Then through Iran’s terrorist ties to Main Street USA by non-conventional means.

Iran isn’t as big a threat to the United States and the world as President Obama is with his dangerous and naive foreign policy.

Links: Obama: Nuclear deal blocks Iran’s path to bomb  |  Obama Administration Betrays American Pastor

Obamacare Highlights And Racketeering

Through congressional hearings and testimony from HHS Secretary Sebelius and Deputy Chief Information Officer Henry Chao, the head IT guy responsible for the website development from front to back, here’s where we are. Now, keep in mind all the promises made by the President and Sebelius of how the website is ready to go live on October 1st.

The website crashes continually. You can’t shop plans. You can’t even buy plans. The great majority of people who were successful in getting through found themselves qualified for Medicaid, joined it, and so are not contributing a dime to lowering the cost. Instead, are contributing to raising cost and increasing the debt.

When questioned about what the administration’s plans are to increase the participation of the young and healthy, the target group that is supposed to be footing the bill to lower cost, Secretary Sebelius said there are marketing plans to handle that. Turns out, it is a marketing campaign promoting promiscuous behavior and binge drinking. I doubt the millennials are so gullible as to identify with such a despicable government-sponsored marketing campaign. No doubt they are as offended by it as anyone else would be to learn what their government thinks of them.

Through congressional testimony today, Nov. 19, 2013, we learn that the website, healthcare.gov, is not finished being built yet, to the tune of between 30 and 70 percent. The back office part of the website that pays insurance companies hasn’t been built yet. This, for a program that is to start paying insurance carriers on January 1, 2014. At the same time, and no doubt related to the payment system not built yet, we learn that Obama has met with insurance companies and is telling them that the government (you and I) will reimburse them for any loss in profits they may incur as a result their mandated participation in Obamacare. Recall that President Obama is the guy that told the American people that he would not sign the bill (ACA) if it added one dime to the national debt. What’s worse, this isn’t even a “bailout” as we’ve been accustomed to. This is an ongoing taxpayer obligation to bail out Obamacare for the next three years. And after that?

From beginning to end, what has been perpetrated on the American people is worse than fraud. This whole Obamacare effort makes Ken Lay (Enron) and Bernie Madoff look like pikers. This is racketeering and robbery (of taxpayers) on the national level. And finally, public opinion is catching on that Barack Obama isn’t trustworthy. Sorry it took them five years to figure him out because it cost families and our economy dearly.

Somebody, I guess it’ll have to be Congress, has to perp walk Obama right out of The White House. But I’ll settle for the full repeal of Obamacare and begin debate on H.R. 2300, the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013. This is the free-market alternative to government-controlled health care and government-controlled health insurance.

Obamacare “Success” Story

It’s a short story. This isn’t exactly what I call health care reform, or a success.

Turns out, I can keep my existing group health insurance plan with United Healthcare. That’s the good news. And that’s only because King President Obama waived the (settled law) employer mandate until after the 2014 election. The bad news is, my premium doubles, and my deductible goes from $3,000 to $12,000 a year. For all practical purposes, I’m self-insured. This is what spreading the wealth around looks like. And, it’s only the beginning. The other shoe drops when the employer mandate finally goes into effect and 150 million more policies get cancelled.

Still waiting for Obamacare to tell me what kind of coverage I can get. It’s been over two weeks now since they told me they would send policy coverages to me in the mail. Snail mail.

You’re welcome to share your success story via comment.