Tag Archives: Obamacare

Illegals Can Get Coverage Under ACA


Joe Wilson was right when he shouted “you lie” to Obama when he said that illegals wouldn’t be covered under obama-stop-deporting-dreamers-apObamacare. Of course everyone knew that. After all, it’s why the Heller Amendment was defeated.

In a virtual town hall meeting hosted by Spanish-language media outlets on Thursday, President Obama wanted Latinos to know that “I’ve got your back.”  And . . .

The main point that I have for everybody watching right now is, you don’t punish me by not signing up for health care. You’re punishing yourself or your family if in fact there’s affordable health care to be had.


I Want My Affordable Health Care

Have you begun to notice that the Affordable Care Act, which was supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, (never mind that 85% of the population were happy with the health insurance and health care they had), keeps getting delayed (illegally I might add) from implementation? Curiously, all the bad stuff, like policy cancellations and the people seeing their premiums double and deductibles quadruple, losing their doctors, hospital, and medicine, keep being pushed back to periods AFTER elections. After 2012, after 2014, and now some provisions after 2016 and long after 2016.

If this law is so good, something that Americans just couldn’t live without, then let those policy cancellation notices come out in September and October of 2014. Let’s get it on already. It wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that Democrats totally OWN the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, would it? Or from the fact of what we’ve seen so far that it is turning out to be nothing like what was promised? Or maybe it was because the promises have been revealed to everybody, including democrats, to be not promises, but outright lies?

Ignoring the failure of Obamacare is one thing. What’s even more amazing is the democratic strategy for the 2014 mid-term election. A strategy designed to not make Democrats look like they have to run away from Obamacare. Their idea is to run on fixing it.

To a Democrat in Washington this makes perfect sense. Just like their inability to stimulate the economy with so-called stimulus spending, and wanting to spend more, while the only result is record long-term unemployment, the lowest worker participation rate since Jimmy Carter, and massive record national debt. In other words, they’ve proven that what they’re doing does not work. So let the ones who broke the economy fix the economy by doing the same thing that broke it in the first place.

It follows then that we should re-elect the people who destroyed our health care system and health insurance industry so that they can ostensibly “fix” it in however many years it will take. And that makes sense to who? Especially when there has been a private sector alternative solution to Obamacare for 4 years now. And on that topic, remember, every time you hear a Democrat say “they have no alternative,” you know they are lying to you again.

‘Austerity’ Isn’t What It Appears

In what could qualify for the MRIOD award where the defense budget is concerned, if President Obama really does cut the military back to pre-WWII levels, don’t think for a second that you won’t hear how that so-called ‘saving’ is going to be spent on something other than paying down the national debt.

We heard this before. Like when the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan come to an end (win or retreat lose), we can spend that money ‘saved’ (actually borrowed) on ‘roads, bridges,  infrastructure, and schools.’ But he’s got so many more special interests to pay off now. Unions wanting relief from Obamacare, businesses wanting relief from Obamacare, people wanting relief from Obamacare, unemployment compensation fund backfilling, and of course, those green technology ‘investments.’ The list goes on. So don’t think for a New York second that whatever phony numbers this administration says it can save, it will spend, in spades.

Imagine the chutzpah of this administration to claim they’ve been austere in spending the people’s money when they’ve grown our national debt from $9 trillion to $17.3 trillion in the first six years of his term. Projected to be $26 trillion in 10 years. Then imagine the wisdom of cutting our national defenses instead of cutting the size of the government.

Obamacare Update, He Knew

Recall last October, shortly after the Obamacare rollout, President Obama acted totally surprised, ‘caught off guard’ I think was his phrase. Surprised to find out how bad the problems with the website and other problems with the law were. Everyone was astonished that the President would have been so disconnected from his signature piece of legislation that he was caught off guard. Then news that the White House visitors log showed only one entry of Secretary Sebelius having been to The White House in the 18 months prior to the rollout had everyone scratching their head.

From FOIA requests, The Hill has uncovered dozens of meetings between Sebelius and President Obama, many of those about Obamacare specifically. He knew what the situation was. His CYA was to lie about it and to throw Sebelius under the bus.


Saturday February 15th is National Youth Enrollment Day

That’s the day The White House has picked to have an all-out youth enrollment campaign for Obamacare. Oh but wouldn’t you know, healthcare.gov will be down for maintenance on Saturday February 15th until Tuesday February 18th.

OK, everyone who still thinks that the federal government knows how to control your health care better than you, please raise your hand.


Colorado Health Exchange Director Indicted For Fraud, Theft, False Claims

Christa McClure, 51 is the director of partner engagement for Connect for Health Colorado, the state program that implements the Affordable Care Act in the state. She is facing an eight-count indictment filed in U.S. District Court in Billings, Mont., in January. The 12-page indictment alleges that while serving as executive director of the federally funded Housing Montana, McClure between 2008 and 2010 paid herself “significant sums” for consulting services although she was already on the payroll as a full-time employee. She also made payments to her family and used federal money for personal travel, the indictment alleges. She also is accused of charging homeowners for a $750 warranty that did not exist, converting a laptop for personal use, inflating the hours she was to be compensated for and writing herself a $21,000 check.

What’s worse? State health care exchange officials said they had thoroughly vetted her.


Oregon Health Exchange Enrolled ZERO

Despite receiving $160 million in taxpayer money, Oregon’s ObamaCare website has yet to properly sign up a single person for health care.

And there could be consequences. An Oregon legislator has gone to the FBI. Top officials have resigned. The state is investigating. And there could be a federal probe as soon as Thursday.

If history is any lesson with this administration, instead of hand-cuffs or a pink slip, there’s probably a promotion coming.

Stalinist Obama Criminalizes Normal Business Practices

This should make a difference to even the most staunch, deaf, dumb, and blind supporters of King President Obama, not to mention members of Congress.

So Obama has unilaterally legislated illegal conditions on the illegal waiver. To wit, employers will be required to certify to the IRS, under penalty of perjury, that the waiver was not a motivating factor in the company’s hiring and firing decisions. As Fox News’s Chris Stirewalt quips, “To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs.”

Businesses are only businesses because they can manage to make a profit. When expenses increase on one end, like in taxes for example, they find ways to offset those added expenses where possible. Else they will eventually be forced out of business. And there is no better a motivator for a cost-cutting business decision than tax increases. Happens all the time, every day of the week. The tax code even drives businesses overseas. This isn’t a story about tax reform and the advantages of FairTax, but it could be.

Where Obamacare is concerned, every employee now has tax value attached to them. Employers have to decide if they can afford to keep the employee and pay for their insurance, cut their hours and let them get their own insurance, or terminate them. In addition to interfering with free-market business decisions and stifling free speech prior to the next two elections, this lawless President is now going after businesses by criminalizing normal business activity. As a matter of fact, the normalcy of these kind of decisions was specifically confirmed by the Supreme Court, who ruled that the Obamacare mandates were taxes, not penalties.

As if all his making up laws and breaking laws is not enough, his latest move should garner bi-partisan support for having blatantly crossed the line of being within the law and under constitutional authority. President Obama has become the most destructive force in this country to this country. He and his agenda must be stopped.

This latest move by the regime should be front page, above the fold in every newspaper, calling him out on this lawless action. Carrying the call for impeachment. But that’ll never happen.

Link: Obama Adds Irrationality To Lawlessness — While Threatening Prosecution  |  Thought Police: Firms must swear ObamaCare not a factor in firings

Obamacare’s Alternative Gains Another Co-Sponsor

Rep. John Kline [R-MN2] became a co-sponsor to the alternative to Obamacare that President Obama says does not exist, H.R. 2300: Empowering Patients First Act of 2013.

Kudo’s to Rep. Kline. If your representative isn’t a co-sponsor yet, let him or her know that they should be. Persuading more Democrats and electing  more Republicans to the Senate, is the only way this is going to work.

Obamacare, So Much For Building The Middle Class

Remember the meme last week coming from The White House? Income inequality, needing to grow the middle class. Oh, and raising the minimum minimum wage cartoon2wage. Today? Not so much. Today, everything most conservatives knew would happen under Obamacare, was confirmed by the CBO. The director of the Congressional Budget Office said today that Obamacare will cause the loss of 2.5 million jobs, and, will cause people to migrate from full-time positions to part-time positions. Obama and his media aren’t too concerned about that. In fact, they are saying this is good news. This is a new “freedom.” Americans now have “new choices, new options.” Americans now have the freedom to choose either not to work, or to work less. And, the less they work and the less they make,  the more government subsidies they will get. And conversely, the more they make, the less government subsidies they will get. And higher taxes for richer households also reduce the incentive to work. So now, faced with the possibility of moving up that economic ladder, and because of the consequences of making more money, people will now weigh whether it is worth it for them to take that new job or promotion that pays a few thousand dollars more if it means losing more than that in subsidies. Paul Ryan nailed it by calling it a “poverty trap.”

CBO Director Doug Elmendorf said the nonpartisan report does find that the healthcare law creates a disincentive for working. “The act creates a disincentive to work relative to the case were the law not in place,” he said.

Does that sound like a plan to build the middle class? Does it sound like a plan to encourage moving up the economic ladder? Of course it doesn’t. And worse, Obamacare is doing exactly as it was designed to do. Aside from ruining the private sector health insurance and health care industries, it is  building and enlarging the dependent class. Effectively killing the American Dream. Or, replacing it with the progressive version of the American Dream. Which is, for the government to control as much of our lives as it can get away with, and, to grow the number of people dependent on the government, insuring votes from whoever promises them the most.

Sorry to say this, but Barack Obama and his party are overseeing the destruction of this country. Which is why the ACA must be repealed, if not replaced.

Obama’s Confession Of Failure

The ten minute interview that President Obama granted to FOX News Channel host Bill O’Reilly was, among other things, a study in dodging pertinent questions. It was also a decent critique of the success, or failure, of his six years in office. In this case, failure. The transcript below was the first two and a half minutes of it which didn’t make the cut for the ten minute segment that aired. It was about the economy and the dissolution of the American family.

O’Reilly’s first question:

BILL O’REILLY – One of my, uh, points on the Factor is that poverty is driven by the dissolution of the American family, that is the prime mover, okay. On your watch, median income has dropped seventeen percent among working families in this country. That’s not a good record, it’s not all your fault, part of it was this terrible recession, we all know that. Everybody knows that.


O’REILLY – All right. But 72 percent of babies in African-American community are born out of wedlock.

Some irrelevant back and forth, then this.

In his own words . . .

PRESIDENT OBAMA – Because — because what’s interesting, when you look at what’s going on right now, you’re starting to see in a lot of white working class homes, similar problems — when men can’t find good work, when the economy is shutting ladders of opportunity off from people, whether they’re black, white, Hispanic, it doesn’t matter. Then that puts pressure as well on the home. So you’ve got an interaction between the economy that isn’t generating enough good jobs for folks who traditionally could get blue-collar jobs even if they didn’t have a higher education, and some legitimate social concerns, uh. That compound the problem and so we want to hit both. We want to make sure that we’re putting folks back to work and making sure that they’re well-paid —

In the first 2 minutes 35 seconds of the interview, President Obama correctly listed his performance in his first six years. And, he made it sound like he wasn’t responsible for any of it. As if he is campaigning for President who is running against his predecessor. Only in this case, his predecessor is himself.

  • you’re starting to see in a lot of white working class homes, similar problems
  • men can’t find good work
  • the economy is shutting ladders of opportunity off
  • that puts pressure as well on the home.
  • the economy that isn’t generating enough good jobs
  • some legitimate social concerns

Feel free to follow the link to the full unedited 11 minutes and 17 seconds of the interview. What you’ll see is the art of not answering a question, and, blaming FOX News for these scandals; Benghazi, IRS, and Obamacare.

Link: TRANSCRIPT: Full interview between President Obama and Bill O’Reilly

Boehner Signals Surrender

The problem with Speaker Boehner and the rest of the establishment Republicans who are meeting in Maryland to come up with an agenda for 2014 and beyond, is that they are letting Obama and Democrats set the narrative. Democrats want this, they want that, whether it’s Obamacare, deficit spending, minimum wage, Immigration Reform. The latter translates to amnesty and the end of America as the we know it.

If all you’re going to do is accept the premise of the Democrats and propose your own version that accomplishes the same thing, you’re abandoning your principles and the republicans who hold those principles dear. About half the country. Which explains why polls are showing people who used to call themselves republicans are now calling themselves independents.

The Republican leadership seems to be stuck on stupid, and instead of saying NO to these Democrat initiatives, like an opposition party should, they’re accepting their premise, ignoring the American people, and coming up with their own version of the same policies that will destroy this country.

Where immigration is concerned, the only reform that needs doing is to secure the borders and enforce the law. And do nothing more, NOTHING, until that first step is finished. Not planned. Not agreed to, but FINISHED. Then, and only then, should we move to step two. Whatever step two might be.

What Boehner doesn’t get is, just because comprehensive immigration reform and raising minimum wage, and income inequality are Obama’s priorities, doesn’t mean that they are high priorities on the minds of the American people. They are not. The top concern is the economy and jobs. An area where Obama is proving to be a complete failure. That’s the direction Boehner and the establishment republicans ought to be going. They need to set the premise that most Americans agree with, and make their own agenda. Be the solution to the problems we face instead of accomplices in making things worse.

The last thing 92 million Americans out of a job want is millions more illegal aliens flooding the Unites States of America. And the last thing republicans and independents outside the beltway want is for the establishment Republicans to side with Democrats against what is referred to as the Tea Party. Which really isn’t a party, but an ideology.

Link: Boehner: House GOP is ‘alternative’ to Obama, not ‘the opposition’  |  GOP CRAFTS PLAN TO WRECK THE COUNTRY, LOSE VOTERS