Tag Archives: Middle East

The Peace Process Illusion

For more than four decades, Americans have waited for “peace in the Middle East.” The reason they’ve expected peace in the Middle East is because the U.N., politicians in Washington, and  the media have us all believing that there actually is a peace process going on. The unrest has been ongoing since the formation of Israel in 1947.

The truth of the matter is, and President Clinton proved the point, that the Islamist half of this phony peace process have more to gain by clubbing Israel from “the process” than they do in having peace. Peace that the Islamists do not want. They want peace without Israel.

In negotiations with Yasir Arafat, the chairman of the P.L.O, Clinton essentially called Arafat’s bluff. Clinton agreed to everything that he asked for. Instead of coming to an agreement and having peace, Arafat walked away and refused to agree to his own demands for peace with Israel.

The controlling political authority in the conflict, Hamas, still has the destruction and elimination of Israel in their charter. There is no way to negotiate that. That is why Netanyahu was right when he said there never would be a so-called two-state solution. Because the Palestinian side is the side that is demanding a one-state solution.

Netanyahu’s clarification was simply to say that he would be for a two-state solution if they had a negotiating partner, including Iran who supports and finances Hamas, that also wanted a two-state solution.  But they don’t. And President Obama has his head up his ass if he thinks peace can be achieved by negotiations when the Islamist side denies Israel’s right to exist. The media is just as irresponsible for giving the president a pass by keeping this story from being told.

The existence of Israel is not negotiable. The reason it is “hard to find a path” toward serious negotiations is not because of the lack of will from Israel. It is because of the lack of will on the part of the Palestinians and their shadow government (Iran) to recognize Israel as a legitimate State. And because of the naïveté of President Obama to pretend that they do.

Too bad President Obama doesn’t have what it takes to come to terms with that very basic fact. He is the one missing the opportunity to bring the parties together. And paling up with the enemy while chastising our ally, Israel, is not even “looking” for a path to realistic peace talks, let alone finding one. And until he does, there will never be peace, and always be a “process.”

What Religion Is Barack Obama?

What does it matter if Obama is a Christian, an Atheist, or even a Muslim? That talk is irrelevant according to our 1st Amendment. But it is something the media would like to hyperventilate over, if they can tar a republican with it. It’s why they’re having a hissy-fit because Gov. Walker won’t play their game, re: Rudy Giuliani comments.

When was the last time you heard anyone from the MSM ask Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden, or Elizabeth Warren how they feel about Bill Clinton traipsing off to an island with a pedophile?

The only thing that matters is how Obama carries out his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. And so far, he’s not doing well.

It matters when he refuses to protect this country at home and abroad.

It matters how he gave up all that was gained in Iraq, had erasable ‘red lines’ in Syria, and now has handed ISIS a good part of both countries.

It matters when he succumbs to Iran’s delays on nuclear arms and now is going to allow Iran to have nuclear weapons. Just what Iran wants. He didn’t have to negotiate that. He may as well have said, I won’t try to stop you, so let’s come up with a way to make me look like a relevant leader of the free world.

Screw our ally in the Middle East, Israel.

Screw our NATO ally, Ukraine. Screw the Budapest Agreement.

An unpatriotic and irresponsible national debt? Who cares, as long as I can control everyone’s health care and tell them what to eat, how to live, and how much of their money I’ll let them keep as I grow the government beyond recognition. It’s what he called “fundamental change.”

It’s things like this that matter.

President Obama, The Enemy Within

By trying to draw a moral equivalence to the Islamic goons, aka Islamic terrorists of today, President Obama is making a dangerous attempt at rewriting history.

The Crusades was a push back, a fighting back, of an Islamic war. A muslim v cresade battleswar based on Islam, the purpose of which was to take over the world by eliminating any other religion. The Crusades was not a war on Islam. It was a war for survival against the Islamic goons of the time. In Islam, their religion is their government. When the battle was won, it was over. Christians didn’t continue killing “non believers.”

By drawing this moral equivalence, Obama says “that’s not who we are.” Sorry Barack O, but standing our ground and not succumbing to Islamic goons, or Nazi Germany, or Imperial Japan, IS who we are. We will save ourselves from any enemy, and destroy the threat. (And we’ll even do the same for other countries who can’t do it on their own.) So from this standpoint, his rewriting history is setting us up for another attack.

He is trying to assuage us into believing that what the Islamic goons are doing is no big deal . This is clear by the fact that the president won’t even use the words Islamic terrorist to describe the enemy.

An enemy that resurfaced in the last 30 or 40 years. And having a Commander in Chief that refuses to fight our enemy, and refuses to even identify our enemy, means only one of two things. Neither bode well for the United States.

He is either hopelessly ignorant of what is really happening, OR, he is brilliantly paving the way for more victories by the Islamic goons, more attacks in our own country. There is a third possibility. It’s sort of like voting “present.” That no matter what, he is not going to answer the war that radical Islam is waging on us while he is in The White House.  But rather, will leave that up to his successor. The spinmeisters have an acceptable phrase for such cowardice, strategic pause.  He is the anti-war president after all. He ran on that.  In any case, he is on the wrong side. An enemy from within.

The racial spin on this is but a distraction from the enemy we face. This enemy wants to kill us based only on their “religion” and it’s high time we get on our high horse and take it to them. Again.

aSide Order

Iran Wins Another Round With Delay

Ten years and counting. Learning from recent history, when it comes to their nuclear program, Iran knows that this administration is all bark and no bite. The deadline for compliance has come and gone. The solution? Instead of shutting down centrifuges, they have six more months of full-steam ahead development and production. Oh, and the monthly dole-outs of $700 million in frozen funds that began under the temporary nuclear deal agreed on late last year that led to the present talks, continue.

Link: Iran nuclear talks stumble, extended until July


So How’s It Going?

Iraq is falling to pieces, again. ISIS and al-Qaeda are growing. Beheadings have become common and, a new normal. Russia is occupying. The Commander-in-Chief cuts military budgets and personnel while expanding their role. After withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, now that the mid-term elections are over, President Obama is sending the new smaller military back. Third Secretary of Defense in six years resigns. Iran continues to ignore the world in rolling back their nuclear weapons program.  China is eating our lunch. No one wants to eat Michelle Obama’s lunch. Not her lunch, the lunch she wants your kids to eat. The economy on Main St. is treading water. Long-term unemployment is growing. Average family income is falling. The “no-energy” energy policy is increasing energy cost. The Affordable Care Act fraud exposed. And cities are burning.


Jump Rope Girl – World’s Best Jump Roper!!! Adrienn Banhegyi

aSide Order

The “War on Women” is over.

And the good guys, women, won.


Express lane to 72 virgins

Much too quick a death for those bastards. They never got a chance to feel themselves dying. It’ll take ground troops to do that. Anyway, glad they’re enjoying their 72 hairy virgins.

Wake the kids, show them what happens to terrorists. Make sure they know that we are one of the few countries in the world capable, but the only country in the world willing, to do it.



Welcome to 2014


I have one more to add to the list. “Country” needs two entries. Or maybe changing the “Country” in the picture to “Washington.”

Country – Borderless


Worst Ever, Commander In Chief

President Obama gave the much-touted prime time address to the nation. After more than six months of watching ISIS convoys roll into Iraq from Syria, and watching  ISIS take back city after city in Iraq that our men and women and their families sacrificed so much for, President Obama now says he has a plan. This, two weeks after saying he had no plan for ISIS, and after watching two American journalists get beheaded, and after seeing his job approval rating fall to an all-time low, he had a conversation with the American people.

For the first time that I can recall, he used the L-word. Lead, as in leadership. Oh, did I mention his poll numbers for his ability to lead are also at an all time low?

What President Obama did is this. He told the enemy that he was coming for them. Gave them the heads up to move their assets around, spread them out, and not be an easy target. And to give cover for his piss-poor execution, he asked Congress to join him, even though he said he had the authority, and didn’t need them.

There isn’t war general, and has never been a Commander-in-Chief that will telegraph what the next move is, and what options he won’t use, like President Obama. And, appearing like a guest speaker at a VFW convention, he makes his speech behind a podium from a hallway in The White House. Not from his chair, behind his desk, in the oval office. Apparently, a well-financed and equipped Islamic terrorist organization that already controls half of Syria and Iraq, beheads Americans on video, that has declared war on us, isn’t important enough to come from there, the most un-used room at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

After all that, he can’t bring himself to declare war on them. A real leader, one committed to protecting and defending the people of the United States and all that the people of the United States already fought for, would have told the American people something like, “tonight the United States, with the help of our Joint Chiefs of Staff, have waged a massive attack on ISIS strategic locations inside Syria and Iraq . . .”

He needs to get the hell out of Washington, play golf, and leave the war fighting to the adults in the Pentagon. He’s a joke on the world stage. Anything but a world leader. Can’t be trusted at home or abroad. And an embarrassment to the nation.

Link: President Obama: “We Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy ISIL”

UPDATE 10/9/2014:I guess it depends on what “Ultimately” means.


President Addresses Nation On ISIS, Beheading

President Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office to announce the beheading of another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, by ISIS. He said ISIS is a terror group whose goal is to set up an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East, enforcing strict Sharia law that includes killing of anyone that opposes them, including infants, women, and children. He also noted that ISIS has already taken over vast portions of Iraq and Syria as part of their goal.

He told the American people the bad news, that ISIS has declared war on the United States, and has threatened to kill more Americans if we keep on attacking them. As Commander-in-Chief, he expressed confidence that the United States will take the war to ISIS with all the military might we, and our coalition of the willing, have, wherever they are, and get the job done. He said he “will not rest” until ISIS has been killed.

The empty chair and desk. Together again.

Oh Wait! No he didn’t.

World Leaders Differ On ISIS

British Prime Minister Cameron says the ISIS threat is “a poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism”. Clueless Pres. Obama says it’s political.

Why would President Obama deny that ISIS, alQaeda, all those cowardice cave men clinging to their guns and religion, is political and therefore requires a political solution? That there is no military solution and, btw, we don’t have a plan on how to deal with (terrorism) them. If that isn’t music to the terrorists’ ears, I don’t know what is.

Great Britain is learning what an open door Politically Correct driven immigration policy is getting them. Suicide bombers, citizens being decapitated in broad daylight. Unfortunately, President Obama is likewise genuflecting to the Islamic goons by ignoring border security here. Which begs another question. Do you think Obama has weighed the benefit of millions of undocumented democrats against the terror threat that exists? To put it another way, do you think Obama thinks that the sacrificing of untold number of Americans to terrorist attacks is worth the price for the perpetual Democrat control of government?

From the frame of mind of someone who wrote the book “Dreams from my (Communist) father,” I have no doubt that he thinks it is worth it.

As an aside, and not totally unrelated to Obama and terrorism, let’s review his actions of late.

  • Illegally sends reinforcements to the Taliban, ostensibly after spending a year in Qatar, by trading five of their top generals for one deserter.
  • Gives further aide and comfort to the enemy (that’s also illegal) by announcing that the US has no plan to deal with them.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not feeling confident that this president knows what is best for America.

Somebody tell me, what happened to, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”? (h/t to Rush Limbaugh for that one)

Links: David Cameron stands up to Islamists |  Terror target Britain  |  Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap was illegal, says US government watchdog

Where’s The “Coalition of the Willing?”

Why is there no “coalition of the willing” to deal with ISIS and terrorism this time?

I’ll tell you why.

  1. President Obama hasn’t the stomach for it.
  2. No country in the world trusts Obama to do the right thing.
  3. No country in the world will put their troops under the direction of a Commander-in-Chief who works on a timetable instead of results. A commander who prefers to end wars than to win them. Nor one who gives dates for withdraw before the job is done. And who could blame them?
  4. Only a fool would partner with the one person most responsible for empowering ISIS and trust that he knows how to fix it.

Bottom line, Obama broke it. It’s his problem to fix.

Obama’s “Mission Accomplished”

Equatorial Guinea president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

and his wife Constancia Mangue De Obiang. Like his dictator uncle before him, President Obiang kills or jails political opponents. Wins elections with 99% of the vote, and there is no freedom of the press.

In another time, not so long ago, people around the world suffering oppression or genocide from evil dictators, could look and would look to the United States for help. Because we could help, and because we would help. We’ve been involved militarily to free people, not to take their land, but to free them from those kind of situations.

That was before we elected a President who’s mission became knocking America down to size, withdrawing from world affairs both militarily (in a way that supported our enemies) and morally (by ignoring security agreements with Ukraine).

Out to “improve” our image around the world, President Obama has successfully made that image into a country willing to watch the rest of the world go to hell in a hand basket, while turning our own society into a basket case, by a combination of no border enforcement and increasing the number of government-dependent citizens (usurping 20% of the private sector economy) with the lowest worker participation rate since the Jimmy Carter era.

Two current, and glaring, examples is when President Obama opened up The White House to host Africa’s worst despots and dictators. Correctly described as the “Monster’s Ball.” But not by any of the U.S. media. Imagine the hopes of the poor Africans being dashed when they see the president of the United States having a dinner party with the people directly responsible for their misery.

Then there is 40,000 religious minorities (Christian and other non-Islam), that have been literally chased to a mountain top by ISIS in Iraq, where ISIS says they will either starve to death or come down and be shot to death, unless they agree to convert to Islam.  This is the same group that the world (and President Obama) watched roll unopposed into Iraq in convoys to take it over after our departure. The world also watched Obama refuse (by stalling) Iraq’s request for air strikes on ISIS at a time when it would have been most effective. After all that we accomplished and sacrificed there.

America’s response isn’t to use our air-power to clear out ISIS to free those people. Obama’s response is to air-drop food to them. And threaten to use force IF ISIS attacks any U.S. installations left in Iraq. Apparently, America is now OK with the genocide about to take place.

This is Obama’s America. Is this the new America? The America Michelle Obama can be proud of? There you have it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
