The Third Option For Dealing With Iran

By Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D.

Ratification of the nuclear deal with Iran does not eliminate the threat of war, but only postpones it while the Shia-Mullahs grow stronger.

Most people think there are only two options: accept the nuclear deal, or go to war with Iran. The nuclear deal will elevate the Shia-Mullah regime to the dominant power in the region with devastating results for the U.S. and its allies. War with Iran would destroy the global economy and bring death and suffering to millions.

However, there is a Third Option:  peaceful regime change by the Iranian people themselves, with no outside military action.  Conditions are ripe, and this kind of regime change can be accomplished rapidly and effectively. A friendly regime in Iran would eliminate the nuclear threat, end Iran’s support for international terrorism, stabilize the Middle East, secures energy supplies for the world, and more, as shown in the chart below.


Ends Iranian support for terrorism, replaced with a civilized, friendly regime consisting of experts in different fields. Makes the Shia-Mullah regime the top power, expands terrorism, leading eventually to war. Immediate disruption of oil and gas supplies and the global economy.
Establishes balance between Shias and Sunnis in the region, leading to weakening and eventual dismantling of ISIS/ISIL. Rise of terrorism and radical Islam worldwide, and control of Islam by the Shia Mullahs. Massive casualties on all fronts, millions dead and disabled.
Recognition of Israel by the largest country in the Middle East, with friendly relations and trade. Rising threat of annihilation of Israel and occupation of Saudi Arabia. Tens of millions of refugees.
Ends Iran’s drive to dominate the region and the threat to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Gulf states; blocks the spread of radical Islam to Europe and the U.S. Dominance of radical Shia Islam, and the end of kings and sheikhs in the Middle East. Collapse of the world economy.
Abolishment of torture and capital punishment; political and social freedom based on modern civil law, not Sharia Law. Rise of Sharia Law and execution of political opponents. Potential end of the civilized world as we know it.
Neutralizes Russian influence in the region. Gives Russia access to the Middle East and North Africa.
Protects the U.S. Dollar’s reserve currency status; continuing prosperity for the U.S. Weakens the U.S. Dollar as world reserve currency, leading to shrinking prosperity in the U.S.
Opens the huge Iran market for U.S. businesses, civilian and military; hundreds of billions of dollars in new trade agreements. Loss of the huge Iran market to Russia and China.
Ends the nuclear threat and defuses the nuclear arms race. Rise of nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
Secure, stable energy market for the world, especially for the U.S. and western allies. Insecure energy market worldwide.
Peace and prosperity for the Middle East, North Africa and the world. Rising social costs of all kinds for the world economy and growing poverty worldwide.
The lowest cost option of all, with the greatest benefits to the U.S., Iran, and the region. Regime change would cost less than $20 million.  Part of the $150 billion in frozen assets will be used to implement an economic plan which creates millions of jobs.This money is recovered from the booming economy. Most of the money is distributed to the people of Iran, boosting U.S. and European economies as well. Costs of this option are very high. Much of $150 billion of frozen Iranian assets ends up in Russia and China. At least $50 billion to protect and police the region, $10 billion or more per year related to refugees; $10 – $50 billion in foreign aid to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, and other friendly nations in the region; $2 – $5 billion over 10 years for monitoring nuclear activities in Iran. Would cost millions of lives and $10 Trillion or more, while destroying the global economy.


Dr. Farid Khavari is a noted independent economist and author of 10 books, including the classic Environomics (1993) and Oil and Islam: The Ticking Bomb (1990) which predicted that Iran, not Saddam Hussein, would become the biggest threat in the Middle East. He is the creator of Zero Cost Economics and was on the ballot in 2010 and 2014 for Florida Governor.  More information is at Dr. Khavari can be contacted by email at [email protected]

DNC Chair Comes Out, Planned Parenthood

Debbie Was-a-man Shultz comes out. In her fear campaign to raise money, Debbie says she is “pissed off.” “I’m going to be frank,” she says. (Could have been an uppercase F.)

Willing to shut down the government for preserving $500,000,000 of taxpayer money to 700 Planned Parenthood butcher shops instead of giving it to 13,540 federally qualified women’s health clinics that don’t kill babies and sell their remains, Shultz demonstrates how abortion, not women’s health, is the Holy Sacrament of the Democrat Party.

In her DNC fundraising letter, she also bemoans how those evil republicans want to repeal Obamacare. The program that was forced down America’s collective throat. The program that is so bad that it won’t even be fully implemented (if not repealed first) until Obama is out of office. Obama doesn’t want to be around to face the mess he made.

aSide Order

What welfare fraud looks like.

welfare fraud

Now what are you going to do about it?


Despite what some of those in Washington would like you to do, never forget.


A critic’s look at how they do TV weather in Mexico.

More Choices For Women’s Health

In our tri-state area of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, there are 1144 (abortion free) clinics that provide comprehensive women’s healthcare to  low-income, medically under-served populations.  By comparison, there are 29 Planned Parenthood clinics in the same tri-state area.

The next time you hear a politician scoff at the idea of stopping  federal dollars (500,000,000 of them) from going to 700 Planned Parenthood sites, the nation’s largest abortion provider (327,653 in 2013), remind him or her that there are 13,540 other federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and rural health clinics (RHCs) nationwide that do everything Planned Parenthood does, and more, but do not perform abortions and sell the remains. Something taxpayers should not be forced to support.

Critics of Planned Parenthood are not against women’s health. On the contrary. And if proponents of Planned Parenthood were for women’s health, they too would be calling to send that half-billion dollars to the thousands of other locations women go. Because there are 20 comprehensive health care clinics for every Planned Parenthood.

alabama women centers v planned parenthood



florida womens centers v planned parenthood



georgia womens centers v planned parenthood


Fund Women’s Clinics, Not Planned Parenthood

If you want to see how ridiculous Hillary Clinton and her party’s response to Planned Parenthood critics are, just look at the numbers. When you do, it becomes obvious that Planned Parenthood is merely a political special interest of the Democrat Party. And as such, the $500,000,000 is the quid pro quo,  a political investment.

If serving women’s health issues were the object, then the pols in Washington would have no hesitation in pulling the half-billion dollars from the 700 Planned Parenthood Clinics, and instead divvy it up to the 13,540 other women’s clinics in the country. Clinics that do not kill babies and sell their remains.

Doing so will not shut down Planned Parenthood. They’ll get along just fine, if they don’t get shut down for the actions of their abortion department. And doing so will help more women than Planned Parenthood ever could.

Links: Health Clinics Nationwide Compared to Planned Parenthood Centers |  State maps of Women’s Health Centers v Planned Parenthood


Jeb Bush Off By Hundreds Of Billions

Jeb Bush criticizes Donald Trump’s plan to build a great big wall with a beautiful door as something that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. He’s on the campaign trail saying that doing so is ridiculously unaffordable and hopelessly unrealistic.

Well, he’s only off by hundreds of billions of dollars. Not only that, but when you consider the cost of an illegal alien to the United States, it would reach a break-even point after 8,500 illegals are prevented from crossing.

The 245-mile security fence in Israel cost $450 million, averaging $1.8 million per mile. Assuming the completion of our security fence would cost the same amount, the total tab would come in at just under $2 billion. Even if we use higher estimates of 9 million per mile, as estimated by DHS for the cost of the San Diego fence, that would amount to roughly $6 billion for the project. 

Af far cry from hundreds of billions of dollars Jeb. The more Jeb speaks, the more he demagogues, the more he sounds like Obama. Bush is not the one for The White House because like Obama, he does not have America’s, and American’s, best interest in mind.

h/t Mark Levin

Link: The Case for the Border Fence

On Immigration, Trump Owns Media

There’s one guy just tickled to death that Donald Trump is dominating the news on the subject of immigration. President Barack Obama. Anything to draw attention from participating in nuclear proliferation and providing funding to a terrorist-supporting country. And from trying to cripple the energy industry, coal specifically, and drive up the cost of electricity. But I digress . . .

Were it not for Donald Trump, what would the candidates be talking about?

Trump held a press conference yesterday. It was broadcast on two cable news channels. (Are any other candidates talking to the media? Or, is any media talking to other candidates?) At the start, Jorge Ramos from Univision, failed at imitating a BlackLivesMatter antagonist and got the spanking he deserved. Not because Univision and Trump are involved in a lawsuit, but because Ramos was acting like a spoiled child. After Ramos returned, Trump gave him more time than any other candidate would at answering and taking questions from a single reporter. Trump came out the winner in that exchange.

Later on FNC’s The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly asked Ted Cruz if he would deport an American citizen if his parents were illegals? She was speaking of an anchor baby. Instead of answering that question, Cruz gave his own answer which included words to the effect of “I’m not playing that game.”

I’ll answer your question Megyn Kelly. The answer is YES. That’s because, obviously, the family should be kept together. And if the parents would refuse to take their child with them, abandoning the child, then the kid should be taken from them as unfit parents, put in foster care, and the parents sent back to wherever they came from. And the anchor baby problem will cure itself.

Also yesterday, speaking in McAllen, Texas, Jeb Bush said, in Spanish, “I, as President, I would go to congress and change the law to give them not a residency but citizenship.” It is Bush’s belief that illegals (he and Obama call them Dreamers) deserve it. Like so many other candidates, Jeb is on that “the immigration system is broken” bandwagon.

It’s that whole “deserve” thing that troubles me. The other thing that troubles me is when people/politicians say the immigration system is broken. The only way to determine that is to enforce the immigration laws. They are pretty clear. We need a leader to demand that the laws, all of them, be enforced. No sanctuary cities, no anchor babies, no anything for illegals, except a ride back to the border.

Aside from Trump pretty much owning the media, the media is doing a great disservice to the folks by ignoring all but a select few of the other candidates. One such candidate has filed a complaint to the FEC over the media’s totally biased reporting on the field of candidates. And, he’s the only candidate so far who can show you his plan in writing. That would be Kerry Bowers.

The Buck Stops In The Oval Office

So how’s the 2016 Clinton campaign going? Not very well. The fact that people do not trust her was brought on by her own actions.

From the start of her position as Secretary of State, we now learn that she was allowed to have her own private mail server to conduct official business, instead of the required secure government servers.

True to form, for Hillary Clinton, her mission was to keep her activities out of public view and out of the reach of any Congressional oversight. Can you say Benghazi?

So why is it that the most obvious questions about Sec. Clinton’s mail server activity still has not been asked of her boss, President Obama?

Like these two . . .

Mr. President, the Cabinet officials work under you and for you.  Confidential and Top Secret emails are normal business for our Embassies around the world. Not only between our Ambassadors and the Sec. of State, but between the Sec. of State and yourself. How is it possible that you never noticed that email communications to and from your Cabinet Secretary were not going through a government-secured mail server? Will you agree to an investigation to verify that you also do not, and did not, have a private server and private email account of your own, that was not part of a government-controlled secure environment, for official business?

Hillary Clinton’s Resume

Got a letter from Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, the nation’s government watchdog that took over when the media watchdog died. Since Hillary Clinton is making a second go at her husband’s last job, there are some things Tom reminds us voters of. Things that speak to the character of Hillary Clinton, the person who is asking expecting Americans to vote for her.

Here’s Hillary Clinton’s resume and, what you could expect of her in the future.  She acts as if the laws that apply to other Americans like you and me do not apply to her.

Whether it was . . .

  • Obstructing the release of records about the Whitewater land deal when her husband was running for president in 1992 (her Rose Law Firm billing records were mysteriously lost for two years and then turned up in the White House residence); or
  • Keeping her “Health Care Task Force” proceedings secret when she was First Lady in 1993 (her task force wouldn’t even give the names of all the consultants it brought in for advice); or
  • Refusing to tell the truth about the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack that took place on her watch as Secretary of State in 2012; or
  • Violating and avoiding accountability by using secret email accounts as Secretary of State; or
  • Abusing her public office to funnel money to her personal accounts — with corporate money, foreign money, foreign government money . , , gobs of money, much of which is now sloshing around her vanity “charity” that could be renamed “The Clinton Corruption Family Foundation.”

All throughout her political career, Hillary Clinton has shown chronic contempt for the law and for the American people’s “right to know.”

Special Treatment, Clinton, Special Prosecutor

From the start of Secretary Clinton’s term, her email activities were contrary to government requirements and in violation of espionage laws. And from the start, her boss (that would be President Obama) is ultimately responsible for the activities of those under him.

Ask yourself, had this been any other federal employee carrying on official business, much of which is confidential, secret, and top secret, on a non-secured government mail server, how many days (or hours) would pass before the FBI would be in their house, taking their computers, cell phones, and computers and cell phones of their family?

Over six months have passed since it was publicly known that Obama and Clinton have broken the law. The fact that it is also Obama’s Justice Department stonewalling what would otherwise be  an automatic investigation, should also be obvious to everyone by now.

hillary clinton delete emailIt’s long past time for a Grand Jury to be impaneled if not a Special Prosecutor to begin looking into the special email server, why it was allowed, who authorized it, the deleting of evidence (the emails and server) while under subpoena, and most importantly, all the communications between Secretary Clinton before, during, and after the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi. None of which have, so far, been provided.

It’s not like special prosecutors are not called for and used in cases of national security, and much less. Especially if the subject had an R after their name.

How’s that go again? “No Justice, No Peace.”

Link: Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.