The cultural decay of America didn’t just happen in the last couple decades. This was proscribed in American culture three-quarters of a century ago.
A political party, running from decades of racial discrimination, and the pop culture of the 1960’s in the form of its music and entertainment, gave the process a booster shot.
The pilfering of Social Security’s so-called “lock-box” to fund welfare programs, and a youth anti-war movement that embraced the “Love the one you’re with” mindset, magnified by a non-critical news media were the termites introduced to American society. Defeating liberalism is the treatment.
Remember how the country was wooed when Sen. Obama arrived to challenge Hillary Clinton for the 2008 presidential race? And Hillary was tossed aside like a dirty sock?
The thought of the first Black president who, just by his election, would heal the stigma of slavery from our country’s past. He would be the one to transform America into its new post-racial era. Or so we thought.
Get ready for another slam of the Obama Wrecking Ball if what seems to be brewing comes to fruition. And I’m not just talking economically.
Reparations isn’t something new to this administration. He’s already tested the waters. For someone who dislikes America as much as him, and as community organizers go, stirring up something like reparations, for people who had nothing to do with it, from people who had nothing to do with it, is right up his alley.
Is this a belated April Fools joke, or just the next step in erasing the “United” from the United States?
Walter E. Williams perfectly elucidates the plight of Blacks today. And it has nothing to do with racism, as he documents. Basically two things, liberal government policies that ease the consequences for poor decision-making, and minimum wages keeping those wanting to start a job from getting a job.
You’ll be shocked to see the social cost of government policies upon the Black community. The numbers he researched tell a story very different from the grievance industry today.
Minorities, and all American citizens, believe this:
Your job, and family, is not as important to President Obama as illegals being able to vote. And it’s not just an affront to Black Americans, it’s an affront to ALL Americans.
Obama pledges allegiance to his ideology in a way that all dictators do. His allegiance is not to this country or you, a citizen.
Ask yourself this;
with a labor participation rate at 62.7%, a level not seen since the malaise of the Carter administration, and
2.6 million people among the long-term unemployed, which is 29.8 percent of all unemployed, and
277,000 more people dropped out of the workforce, gave up looking for work, in March 2015, compared to February 2015,
with unemployment rates highest among Blacks, 10.1% for 20 yr old and up, 25% for 16-19 yr-olds. (Whites 4.7 and 15.7% respectively), and
average family incomes falling greatest among Blacks
Who do you think benefits most by granting millions of illegal aliens work permits, adding 6 to 12 million more people in the country to compete for the same jobs you are? You, or the Democrat Party you’ve enabled to do this, to you?
Think those numbers are bad? Check this out, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ FAQ, which is in the link below.
2. Are undocumented immigrants counted in the surveys?
It is likely that both surveys include at least some undocumented immigrants. However, neither the establishment nor the household survey is designed to identify the legal status of workers. Therefore,
it is not possible to determine how many are counted in either survey.
But wait, it gets worse. All the bad numbers and statistics above, by the government’s own admission, include illegal aliens. If you are one of the unemployed, the exact number of them doesn’t matter very much does it?
Not only does this administration condone illegals coming here and working, taking jobs from American citizens, it now is in court fighting both Kansas and Arizona to keep them from identifying non-citizens on voter registration forms. The Obama administration is just fine with Mexican and other illegals nullifying your vote and the votes of all American citizens.
If you weren’t aware that Obama’s ideology is his primary motivation behind his need to “fundamentally change America,” it should be crystal clear now. He has set the stage, laid the foundation. He’ll be gone by 2016, but his agenda, the Democrat Party’s agenda, will lead us down the same path, if America would be reckless enough to put a Democrat in The White House for a third consecutive term.
Baltimore recovering after the Free Loot-and-Burn night expires. The “curfew” goes into effect tonight.
It was amazing to watch the live TV coverage last night. Amazing to watch the police lines withdrawal from the literal “hot spot” of activity, instead of taking action to stop the looting.
The business owners knew the scenario. They said if the police move away, the looters will move in. And, that’s exactly what happened.
And the sorry thing is, we’ve seen this before in Ferguson. No police intervention. Let them burn themselves out. Treating them like and out-of-control two-year old having a temper tantrum. Letting them cry themselves out. Only these tantrums are attacking police, fire fighters, and robbing others of their homes and livelihood. And instead of condemnation. the politicians and race grievance industry makes excuses for them.
They have no courage to discuss the real problem. The failure of decades of “Democrat policies and leadership.”
It’s been a whole three days since the ATF shelved their idea “at this time” to ban 5.56 ammo used in the most popular rifle in the United States today, the AR-15,
As predictable as the sun rising in the East, Congressional Democrats, not taking no for an answer, are at it again.
In light of the cop shootings in Ferguson, if these Democrats really want to protect cops, like they claim they want to do, then they should call for a ban on Liberals, not bullets.
There is no rash of cop killings, not even one, happening with AR-15 ammo. However, there are murder attempts happening from the racially charged rhetoric from liberals, the race industry, our President and Attorney General.
Now I’m not making any excuses for racism, anywhere, but it is becoming clear that there is a previously undiscovered mental condition, if not political ideology, present in the minds of some people, like Reginald Dogan for example, who has a penchant for recalling the lynchings of the 1960’s back to the early 19th Century, on an almost daily basis.
It’s one thing to never let us forget how evil some people are, but it is quite another to equivocate that with terrorism today to the point that lynchings become more important. Also, that people talking about the terrorist threat (that would be me) are more dangerous to these people than ISIS and al-Qaeda and Islamic goons in general.
Reginald Dogan . . .
ISIS is no bigger threat than FBI, CIA, FDLE, GOP, YOU.
I’m not a psychiatrist. So I’m not sure exactly what to call it, PTLD (Post Traumatic Lynching Disorder) or maybe LDS (Lynching Derangement Syndrome). Whatever it is, it is pretty powerful. Powerful enough to turn a blind eye to what we face today. And by “we” I mean everyone. Of all races.
This disorder manifests itself in denial of reality. In this way:
Alicia Pepper . . .
Not taking anything away from the Holocaust but lynchings & The killing of innocent blacks happened on our own soil. It is still happening on our own soil. I see innocent AMERICAN CITIZENS being murdered as a huge domestic issue. Isis can wait.
terrorist attacks by these Islamist goons are happening “on our own soil.”
From 1972 to present, 3102 Americans have been killed by terrorists in 74 attacks on our own soil.
Since 1968, zero lynchings have occurred on our own soil.
From 1882 to 1968, there were 3445 lynchings of Blacks, 1297 of Whites.
ISIS can wait? For what?
This syndrome, whatever it is, is something that HHS and maybe even our President should look into and address. Anything that takes our eye off of our enemy is a good thing, for the enemy.
If you’ve ever tried to engage in an informed debate on race in America, you will quickly learn how intolerant or unwilling some people can be. The trick is in finding someone willing to have a discussion on race in (as President Obama put it in July 2010), “a truthful, mature, and responsible way, the divides that still exist.”
Given a little curiosity, there is a lot to learn about our history. And by “our” I mean American, in this post, History Of Civil Rights, Republicans And Democrats. My contribution to “Black History Month.” The plethora of documented and sourced material in there totally debunks the lie that the GOP of today is, or was, the lynchers, slave owners, and segregationists of Blacks. Something that needs to be done if there ever is to be an honest airing of the race grievance community with the goal of actually reaching the “post-racial” America that our first Black president said he would be a part of.
Picking an educated Black man (Reginald Dogan), who used to write for the local newspaper, and who constantly reminds us of our horrible racial past, seemed to me to be the right place to begin this discussion.
Suffice it to say, the Democrat party has set a hook so deep into the hearts and minds of the majority of Blacks that the discussion Barack Obama says we need to have has become impossible (at least with the person I hoped to engage), as shown by this attempt. Which was reinforced by another and current writer (Troy Moon) for the local newspaper. You know, the people we’re supposed to look up to as being smart, relevant, and impartial.
Of course, their level of intolerance and selective interpretation of “free speech” is nothing new. It’s who they are. But that’s not going to stop me from trying to reach out to save the savable. And it shouldn’t stop you either.
Commenting on Reggie’s post of lynchings from Southern States in the 19th and 20th centuries, the first comment from a reader was, “Reginald – don’t look now but it’s 2015!” Continue reading Race, Democrats, And The Hook→
As Black History Month (February) comes to a close, there is some Black history that relatively few people are aware of, but should be.
Since the 1960’s, the Democrats and public education have effectively re-written history to the point that Blacks born since that time do not know the truth about their history and that of the Democrat and Republican parties. Surprising news for many Americans, not just Black democrats.
Slavery is quite possibly the most influential issue underlying American politics from 1776 to 1865, and the single greatest issue in the formation of the Republican party. Slavery was an issue that caused a divide in the colonies. The humanity of it was so divisive, that the formation of a unified country was impossible without some solution.
The Democratic Party was the party of white popular sovereignty in the North and plantation slavery in the South. The short form is, the Democrat Party was the party of the four S’s: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism. In its formation, slavery wasn’t something they wanted to abolish. Democrats of the day took a moderate position on slavery. They, as a national platform, said it was OK as long as the states wanted it. By 1850, the Republican Party was formed as the anti-slavery party. How it all shook out up to Lincoln’s assassination in 1865 is explained HERE.
Slavery, and the abolition of it, was so important that a Civil War was fought over it. Frederick Douglass, the former fugitive slave and best-known African American spokesman wrote of his break with the apolitical and pacifist Garrisonians and his embrace of political abolition. He was a supporter of the early Republican movement and during the Civil War helped mobilize northern blacks and freed slaves for the Union cause. He campaigned extensively to recruit black regiments for the Union Army and agitated the northern public to support emancipation and civil rights for blacks.
It was Democrats who fought against civil rights in the 1950’s and 60’s. It was Democrats who fought against de-segregation.
Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox famously brandished ax handles to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant. In 1954, Democrat Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of a Little Rock public school.
It was Martin Luther King Jr. who wrote President Dwight D. Eisenhower, both republicans, requesting a swift resolution allowing the students to attend school.
Observing the standoff between Faubus and the federal judiciary, King sent a telegram to President Eisenhower urging him to “take a strong forthright stand in the Little Rock situation.” King told the president that if the federal government did not take a stand against the injustice it would “set the process of integration back fifty years. This is a great opportunity for you and the federal government to back up the longings and aspirations of millions of peoples of good will and make law and order a reality” (King, 9 September 1957). Aware that the Little Rock incident was becoming an international embarrassment, Eisenhower reluctantly ordered troops from the Army’s 101st Airborne Division to protect the students, who were shielded by federal troops and the Arkansas National Guard for the remainder of the school year. In a 25 September telegram, King praised the president’s actions: “I wish to express my sincere support for the stand you have taken to restore law and order in Little Rock, Arkansas. . . .You should know that the overwhelming majority of southerners, Negro and white, stand firmly behind your resolute action” (Papers 4:278).
Ignored today is this, it was Roosevelt who started blacks on the path to dependency on government handouts during the Great Depression with his “New Deal” that turned out to be a bad deal for blacks. Even though Roosevelt received the vote of many blacks, Roosevelt banned black American newspapers from the military because he was convinced the newspapers were communists.
Little known by many today is the fact that it was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In fact, Dirksen was instrumental to the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Dirksen wrote the language for the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Dirksen also crafted the language for the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibited discrimination in housing.
December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks claimed her civil right to exist which kicked off the civil rights movement. Leading up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that passed with more Democrats than Republicans voting against it by nearly 2 to 1. The House version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by only 61 percent of that Chamber’s Democrats versus 80 percent of the Republicans.
It was Republicans that ended a filibuster by Democrat Senator Robert C. Byrd (former KKK recruiter), preventing a vote on this bill in the Senate. 82 percent of Republicans voted for cloture versus 66 percent of Democrats.
In the final Senate vote on the Act, 82 percent of Republicans voted “Aye” versus 69 percent of Democrats.
President Lyndon Johnson was no supporter of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He also did not like the mass exodus to the Republican Party.
“These Negroes, they’re getting uppity these days. That’s a problem for us, since they got something now they never had before. The political pull to back up their upityness. Now, we’ve got to do something about this. We’ve got to give them a little something. Just enough to quiet them down, but not enough to make a difference. If we don’t move at all, their allies will line up against us. And there’ll be no way to stop them. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”
Seeing the exodus of Blacks from the Democrat Party in the wake of all the resistance to freedom and equality for them coming from Democrats and, in an overall sense, to help to erase their foils of the past, the Great Society was the permanent payoff. And, the chain on the leg of poor Blacks and Whites to keep them on the Democrat Plantation.
Senator (later President) John F. Kennedy was opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1957. As President, he was opposed to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington. He had his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, also a Democrat, had the FBI investigate Dr. King for suspicion of being a communist. RFK also wiretapped Dr. King’s phone communications.
Democrats condemn Republican President Richard Nixon for his so-called “Southern Strategy.” These same Democrats expressed no concern when the racially segregated South voted solidly for Democrats for over 100 years, while deriding Republicans because of the thirty-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party. The “Southern Strategy” that began in the 1970’s was an effort by Nixon to get fair-minded people in the South to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values and were discriminating against blacks. Georgia did not switch until 2004, and Louisiana was controlled by Democrats until the election of Republican Bobby Jindal, a person of color, as governor in 2007.
The enforcement of affirmative action began with Richard Nixon‘s 1969 Philadelphia Plan (crafted by black Republican Art Fletcher
who became known as “the father of affirmative action”) that was
merit-based and set the nation‘s first goals and timetables. Nixon was also responsible for the passage of civil rights legislation in the 1970’s.
Democrats have not only invented but have perfected a tactic that could not be more successful politically, nor more divisive socially. Democrats prefer political success to your economic and personal success. It’s called ‘identity politics.’ If this is news to you, it breaks down like this. Divide the people into distinct and separate groups. No longer look at you as Americans, as one people. You are Black, you are Poor, you are Old, you are Female, you are Gay, you are Pro-Choice, you are here illegally. All of which the Democrats have a solution for, and all of which Republicans are cast as being against. But not only against their policy, but against you. Identity politics does two things simultaneously. Casts groups as victims, and casts the opposing political party as being evil, mean people. Their success depends on casting half of America as bad people. That’s where Democrats set their moral standard. Because of this, you see the families, especially in the minority communities, falling apart. The consequences of which is low income, low employment rates, and high crime. And encourages those on the receiving end of government programs to vote for the party that is cast as the ones giving them. You see, moving up and out of government dependency is not their goal. It is the goal of the party (Republican) that detests identity politics. Convincing people to make that switch is a steep climb from where we are today.
There are many success stories of what can be done to unleash the human spirt and the potential in everyone. It starts with personal responsibility and hard work. The rewards are all there for everyone to reap.
Firsts of minorities in power, and empowered, are all over the Republican Party. The media just doesn’t like to point to them because, they have their own party and it starts with a D. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, General Colin Powell, Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senator Tim Scott, Rep. Mia Love, Mike Hill, Florida State Representative, Elbert Lee Guillory, Louisiana State Senator. This is not an all inclusive list, but you get the point.