Category Archives: 2016 Election

Dept of Energy Embeds

One of the things people don’t like about Washington, and the Obama administration, is the way that political operatives are embedded into every agency of the Executive Branch.  So much so that the phrase “drain the swamp,” made popular by candidate Trump, now Pres.-elect Trump, was widely accepted by voters in November.

The politicization of the Dept. of Energy is in the news now. The Dept. of Justice is another, but that’s for another time.

Lately, the Obama administration fired a top scientist and intimidated staff at the Department of Energy in order to further its climate change agenda.

A top DoE scientist who liaised with Congress on the matter was fired by the Obama administration for being too forthright with lawmakers, according to the report, which provides an in-depth look at the White House’s efforts to ensure senior staffers toe the administration’s line.

So it’s no surprise that the Obama administration stiffed the incoming transition team’s request for names in the DoE who have been working in the area of Climate Change. Not only that, but Democrats are pushing back for them even wanting to know. The epitome of politicization of an agency. They claim it is over-reaching. I think it is important to know who is involved so the new administration can learn what it is they have to say on the subject. Regardless, it won’t take long for the new administration to find out who they are and what they know. Sooner or later, the swamp will be drained of the political embeds poised to fight against the administration.

Like Obama once said. Elections have consequences.

Links: Congress: Obama Admin Fired Top Scientist to Advance Climate Change Plans  |  DOE won’t provide names of climate change staffers to Trump team  |  Democrats call for special counsel to probe Trump team’s focus on climate scientists

It’s Official, Trump Won, Again

Final electors tally, Trump 304, Clinton 227.

Contrary to the wishes and expectations of the wacko Left and their media, Clinton had more defectors than Trump. Trump lost 2, Hillary lost 5.

That makes Hillary a confirmed three-time loser.
  1. Jun. 2008
  2. Nov. 2016
  3. and Dec 2016
The biggest not-published news story today, and since the election Nov 8, is the voter intimidation and death threats perpetrated by the Clinton campaign and her supporters directed at the electors of the Electoral College. Not one statement by Hillary to accept the results and to stop tearing at the constitutional electoral process. You know, like she said two months ago when she was speaking about Donald Trump.

Texas Elector, A Fraud



Link: No record of ‘faithless elector’ Chris Suprun as a 9/11 first responder

It’s Far From Over


Now there’s an observation I can agree with.

Why shouldn’t they expect the same treatment? Creating major bills (Affordable Care Act) that the other party can’t take part in, then passing it (deeming it passed), not by a vote, but by Budget Reconciliation instead.

Liberals know that Republicans have more respect for the system of government the Founders made to even think of doing crap like that.

Obama governs as though the Constitution has a “Sick and Tired” Clause. If Congress fails to pass something he wants, rather than go with it and accept the outcome of the Legislative Branch, he does something extra-constitutional to get it done. Invoking his Sick and Tired Clause.

Democrats (and Republicans) allowed the Executive Branch to usurp their power. In fact, I recall Democrats in the House giving Obama a standing O when he told them he was going to run around them wherever he could to advance his political agenda. They were cheering the surrender of their Constitutional powers to the Executive Branch. I recall House Republicans giving Obama the funding he needed to fund his agenda, increasing debt limits, not by approving budgets, but by six years of Continuing Resolutions.

This is the way it’s supposed to work.

Article 1 of the Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch. That’s where laws are made.

Article 2 of the Constitution establishes the Executive Branch. That’s where laws are enforced.

Article 3 of the Constitution establishes the Judicial Branch. That’s where laws are interpreted when the need arises.

There is a major adjustment needed to return to a government that will fit inside the Constitution.

Trump refers to it as draining the swamp. And it is going to take more elections to drain it. Just changing the president is not going to be enough.

Jobs Situation, October 2016

The last jobs report before the presidential election  from the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics is out today. Here is the “progress” President Obama is talking about today in Fayetteville, NC while he campaigns for Hillary Clinton.

Two things you should know about what you will hear from the mainstream media. One is that they will report an unemployment rate below 5%, 4.9%  (Table A-1) The number is only that low because they don’t count millions of people who’s unemployment benefits have run out. It’s like they don’t exist any more. The real unemployment, the U-6, is 9.5%, not 4.9%. (Table A-15)

There were 161,000 jobs created in October 2016. (Table B-1) And this number includes people who have lost their FT job and taken on a PT job. It also includes those who have a job and got a 2nd or 3rd job. Taking into account births, deaths, immigration, and retirements, a minimum of 250,000 jobs is considered break-even. So 161,000 jobs created represents an 89,000 net job loss.

At the start of the Obama administration in 2009, there were 80,380,000 people not in labor force. As of Oct ’16, this has increased to 94,609,000. Obama’s economy since taking office represents a net negative job growth. And minorities are hit worst.

Black labor participation rate (Table A-2), the number of people who can work that are working, is Oct 2015, 62%. Oct 2016, 61.8%. Fewer Blacks working this year than last year.

Black unemployment Oct 2015, 8.3%. Oct 2016 8.6%. (Table A-2) Unemployment rate for Blacks is double that for Whites at 4.3%.

The jobs being created are not the better paying jobs. Comparing Oct ’16 to LY, employed persons by occupation, the largest sector growth is in the low-paying services sector at 1.12 million. (Table A-13)

Oct ’16 compared to Oct ’15, there is a 430,000 increase in people having multiple jobs. Because they have to just to get by. (Table A-9)

October ’16 compared to LY, there were 163,000 more people NOT in the labor force. Compared to the previous month, Sept 2016, the increase  is 425,000. (Table A-1)

Employment Situation October 2016 by Ross Calloway on Scribd

This dismal economic situation should open your eyes to what you can expect if Hillary Clinton should become the next president, because she is campaigning on continuing, if not exacerbating, Obama’s path.

Link: Employment Situation October 2016  |  94,609,000 Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops to 62.8%


Obama Busted

After FBI Director James Comey’s recitation of the many crimes, as specified in the Espionage Act,  Sec. of State Hillary Clinton committed, then declared that there would be no prosecution, many Americans were left scratching their heads for a moment. Then, it was clear that the fix was in. Now we know why.

To go ahead with charges against Hillary, the President himself would have to be brought into it because he too violated the same statute.

How do we know this? We can thank WikiLeaks for exposing the evidence. And as usual, the Obama administration is calling out Russia for trying to influence our election process. The Russians are not amused that the administration is making them their scapegoat. Another example of Obama’s recklessness in foreign relations, he’s playing Russian Roulette with the wrong people.

The mainstream media and the administration are indistinguishable today, which is why they publicize Obama’s accusations and ignore the content of the emails and the fact that many (33,000?) were from him under an alias, dating back to the beginning of his administration.



Regardless if Russia had anything to do with it (Maybe I did it, yeah, I did it. I hacked her server and sent it to WikiLeaks, Russia, China, Iran, and N. Korea, just to be safe.), bringing about transparency from the most corrupt administration in my lifetime is not an assault on our democracy, as Hillary claims. It’s about keeping elected officials honest when dealing with policies and the American people. She, her party, and the Obama administration is the assault on democracy and our system of justice. And must be stopped November 8, 2016.

September Jobs Picture, Sad

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the September Employment Situation looks like this.

All you will hear about it from Secretary Clinton and President Obama, and their spokespeople in the media, is three blurbs . . .

  • Unemployment rate 5.0,
  • 156,000 jobs created,
  • and nn of consecutive months of job growth.

Not sure how many number of consecutive months it has been, but it doesn’t matter, because it amounts to a net job loss.

To put the numbers you hear and see from the administration into perspective, realize that a monthly job creation of 250,000 is considered to be a break-even number when retirements, deaths, and population growth (births, immigration) are factored.

For September 2016, 156,000 jobs were created. Far short of break-even. Aside from that, and even worse, 284,000 jobs were lost in September. Of the 156,000 jobs created, 30,000 of them were in the foodservice industry.

Compared to last year, 1.8 million people were not counted. Of that group, 553,000 of those were in September 2016. Any thinking person might wonder how the employment rate can be 5% (Table A) when there are more people not working? Fair question. But the media never worries about that. The way the BLS arrives at that low percent is because they don’t count the millions of people who haven’t been working so long that their unemployment benefits have run out. They didn’t die. They’re still unemployed. If they were included, the REAL unemployment rate is 9.7 %. It’s called the U-6, (Table A-15).

When you dig deeper into the statistics, you come across a “MULTIPLE JOBHOLDERS” category, (Table A-16). These are people who have a second (or more) jobs because they have to and are able to, just to support themselves and their family. That number increased by 549,000 for Sept 2016 over LY. The dirty little secret about the multiple jobholders stat is, the second or third job that they get is counted as a “job created.” It’s still one person. Keep that in mind when you hear Barack or Hillary tout the number of jobs created. Makes me wince at their dishonesty when I hear them.

The Labor Participation Rate remains at 62.9%. That is the level it was under the Great Malaise administration of Jimmy Carter.

This is Obamanomics. We are living the consequences of Obamanomics. It’s more like, Trickle Up Poverty.

If you think it’s time for a different approach to job creation, one that will actually create more high-paying jobs, your choice in November can only be Donald Trump.

Link: Employment Situation Summary


Not The News Today

What’s not in the news today, but should be? What we are witnessing here is a Democrat/Media attack on Trump like they did to Mitt Romney four years ago. Harry Reid alleged that Romney didn’t pay is taxes (when he did), and his dog on vacation fiasco.  That was front page, above the fold for weeks. Nothing illegal, like Trump, but an attempt to take down the candidate and dispirit his supporters from voting. In the latter, it’s not just to attack Trump, this includes half of America along with him. The “irredeemable deplorables.”

Let’s begin with the illegal publication of Donald Trump’s tax return. No one is accusing Trump of anything illegal. Trump followed the tax law by writing off a business loss.

  • You can’t find a word about the illegality of the IRS, or whoever else, for leaking the information.
  • You can’t find a word about the New York Times breaking the law by publishing it.
  • And, you won’t hear a peep from Obama’s Justice Department to be the least bit curious in enforcing equal protection under the law. To the contrary, his record consists of using the IRS as a weapon against political opponents.
  • You won’t find one article examining how Hillary Clinton made $22 million by giving speeches to donors on Wall Street, for speeches she won’t release the transcripts of.

Trump had a business loss in his Atlantic City casinos in 1995. That’s when the casino industry in Atlantic City started taking a dive. From which it has never fully recovered. Consequently, his corporation lost $916 million. Hillary Clinton uses that to denigrate Trump’s business acumen. She hasn’t a clue. Trump is among a small league of  business leaders who can take a $916 million loss as a bump in the road.

Current tax law allows you to carryover a large loss over however many years the size of the loss dictates. Trump lost $916 million of his own money. Only so much per year is allowed to be written off. In this case, it took 18 years.

So what has Hillary Clinton lost?

  • Four Americans including an Ambassador.
  • 33,000 incriminating e-mails
  • Broken laws on national security
  • Destroyed evidence under subpoena
  • $6 Billion of taxpayers’ money while Secretary of State

If a carryover write-off would be available for that, Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have to pay taxes for five generations.

Bottom line, know what you’re seeing and don’t let it work on you. Staying home this election is not an option.

The Campaign Tax Discussion

What an opportune time to talk about tax reform, thanks to the ft-how-federal-income-taxes-were-distributed-in-2014_04282015-lgClinton campaign and their publicist, the New York Times. Accusing Trump for not paying “his fair share.” To chastise Trump for having to hire a team of accountants and lawyers just to file his taxes, shows what an abortion of tax code Americans are saddled with. For example . .

  • The top 1 percent of earners (incomes in excess of $615,000) are paying nearly half — 45.7 percent — of individual income taxes for tax year 2014.
  • The top 20 percent, with incomes above $134,300, pay nearly 84 percent of all federal income taxes for tax year 2014.
  • The growing complexity of the U.S. tax code has led to large compliance costs for households and businesses.
  • Americans will spend more than 8.9 billion hours complying with IRS tax filing requirements in 2016.
  • Put in dollar terms, the 8.9 billion hours needed to comply with the tax code computes to $409 billion each year in lost productivity, or greater than the gross product of 36 states.

That’s not how much taxes were paid. That’s how much it cost us, as a country, just to comply with the tax laws to file our taxes.

Under the FairTax plan, that’s $409 Billion per year that stays in our pocket, FOR FREE. Under the FairTax, you don’t “file” your taxes any more. There’s nothing to file under a consumption-based tax system. And April 15th is just another day.

So Hillary and her lemmings want to paint Trump as a tax cheat when he follows the tax law. Legally spreading a single loss in 1995 of $916 million dollars over 18 years. (Must be nice to have a loss like that to be just a bump in the road.) Unlike Al Sharpton, Trump did not break the tax law. They are great at name-calling on phony accusations.

Well guess what? Come to find out, the New York Times didn’t pay any taxes either, for 2014! And on top of that, got a “tax refund” of $3.5 million (of taxpayer money), even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million. How do you like the tax code now?

But when it comes to one of their own, like Rev. Al Sharpton, who in fact did not pay his income and payroll taxes, who has tax liens on him for over $3 million, well, he’s a frequent VIP in The White House.  Go figure!

Nowadays, Bill Clinton and Al Sharpton will tell you the hot money seems to be made in Charities and Foundations. They don’t pay taxes, especially when you can donate to yourself. Two different worlds, two different standards.