Not Charlottesville

The problem with history is not that it is history. It’s that some people today either deny it, or don’t know it, which manifests itself with all this monument nonsense. You either want history to stay where it belongs, or you want to resurrect it for political (if not revolutionary) gain.

What happened in Charlottesville was in no way representative of the people who live there, Virginians, or Americans in general. Virginia is in “the South,” History is what it is.

To illustrate, below are two tweets from Dinesh D’Souza.

Here are some of the “many sides” of fringe groups where violence comes from. Some of which were on display in Charlottesville, VA yesterday.

  • Antifa
  • Neo-Nazis
  • BLM
  • KKK
  • White Supremacists
  • Black Supremacists
  • Muslim Supremacists

Now if you want to include where some of the motivation for these groups come from, you can look to where you should least expect it. From the media, and Democrats in Washington. Partners who like to conflate 1st Amendment rights to speech and assembly with anarchy, for which there is no “right.”

This is what defending the 1st Amendment looks like.

Back the Blue.


Sen. McConnell (R-KY), Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Reacting to President Trump’s disappointment in Congress for their failure to repeal Obamacare already, Sen. McConnell responds with, well, the president is new at this government thing, and he doesn’t understand how fast things work in Washington.

Unless you just arrived from behind the Iron Curtain, you know that the Senate Majority Leader, Sen. McConnell, has told Americans that he can’t repeal Obamacare unless he gets control of the House. Americans believed him, and responded. In 2010, Americans voted him that control. Then McConnell said well, we don’t have the Senate. In 2014 Americans voted him that control. Then McConnell said, well hey, the President (Obama) would veto it anyway. We can’t repeal it without also having a R in The White House.  It took seven years of the democratic process to give the majority “leader” everything he asked for.

For Sen. McConnell to act all indignant over his failure of leadership to do what he said he would do, “on the first day” of the 115th Congress, eight months after the first day, Sen. Mitch McConnell (RINO-KY) wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award.

Rush Limbaugh weighed in on McConnell’s retort to the president. And explains it all in a way that McConnell and the RNC, and Americans can understand. One thing is for sure, McConnell needs to be primaried and gone.

Link: McConnell: We’ll start Obamacare repeal on day one

How N. Korea & Iran Got Nuclear

And why we are where we are now.

Nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran is history. You might ask, how did that happen? Fair question, especially when you recall what President Clinton and President Obama told us about their “deals” with the respective countries. It will also give you an appreciation for the problem that President Trump inherited from his predecessors that has metastasized to where it is today, with North Korea threatening to attack the U.S. and its territories with nuclear weapons.

Here’s what President Clinton said about the deal he and Sec. of State Madelyn Albright crafted.

That turned out real well didn’t it.

Not to be outdone, another Democrat President, Barack Obama, crafted a deal with Iran thought to be impossible, getting Iran to back off of their nuclear weapons program. He wanted it so bad, for his (ostensibly good) legacy, that part of “the deal” was a prisoner swap three days before President-elect Trump was to be sworn in.

In his Sunday morning address to the American people, Obama portrayed the seven men he freed as “civilians.” The senior official described them as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security. These civilians, that he called businessmen, were engaged in rather unique businesses. Most having to do with missile guidance and nuclear technology, weapons trafficking, and connections to Hezbollah, the U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

Now you know how successful, or how bad, the “deal” President Obama made turned out. For all practical purposes, there is no deal, and everything Obama said about how dangerous Iran would be had he not done this deal are coming to fruition today with this deal.

He said “We do not have to accept an inevitable spiral into conflict, we certainly shouldn’t seek it.” What we have to deal with is North Korea and Iran (the largest State sponsor of terrorism) sharing their nuclear technology, making the world a far more dangerous place.

Thank you President Obama for making a bad situation worse, and leaving your successor with a more dangerous world and less options to avoid conflict.

In response to the ongoing threats and missile tests from the DPRK, President Trump calls them out to stop, or the regime will feel the “fire and fury” of the United States.  You could interpret that as the beginning of negotiations with someone who means business. What happens next is up to Kim Jong-un. Predictably, the media’s reaction to the president’s choice of words is that it is very different from the rhetoric of the last three presidents. Well, YEAH! Their rhetoric combined with the Clinton/Albright “deal” was so effective in ending DPRK’s nuke program. Wasn’t it?

It might help to bring some perspective to how President Trump views the belligerent and threatening behavior of North Korea today by seeing how he felt about it in 1999, the day before he left the Republican Party to register Independent.

You decide how in tune the President is to what is going on in the world, and consistent about it. He was right then, and he is right now.

The full 20 minute interview below

Links: Flashback: Here’s What Trump Told Tim Russert in 1999 About Launching a Preemptive Strike Against NK  |  Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway

No More Mr. Nice Guy

The appeasement & naivety of Presidents Bill Clinton, GW Bush, and Barack Obama are responsible for the nuclear DPRK and Iran we see today. Not Trump. Pre-emptive action is better than a retaliatory one. Not only is it better, for us, but protecting the U.S. from rogue regimes with nuclear capability who threaten to attack us on a regular basis is the responsibility of the Commander In Chief. The enemy doesn’t get a free hit.
Is it all fake news from anonymous sources? If true, is the intelligence community right this time? If you were the President, what would you do? Sacrifice a few cities to see if Kim Jong-un is serious, or take his sorry ass out? Practically ensuring a devastating artillery attack on Seoul, South Korea.
Moreover, are the American people up to the task? Would they succumb to nuclear blackmail? Would they let history repeat itself and take the Neville Chamberlain route, sacrificing a few American cities with millions of casualties?

Regardless of whether the American people would support the President if he chose to act preemptively, it isn’t our decision to make. It is only his. And the time to act is sooner than later. There are no good options with this Axis of Evil actor.

Not long after GW Bush was President, he was thrown into being a wartime president after 9/11/2001. The way things are going, and unless Kim John-un changes his tune, and quickly, I’m afraid that President Trump, already inheriting the war on terror, will be the next wartime president. Only with North Korea, it shouldn’t be a long one.

Since the story broke today, Kim Jong-un is already threatening to bomb Guam. His big mistake.

The Lunch Counter supports President Trump. Unlike recent past presidents, this one doesn’t bluff, nor does he kick the can down the road. I trust him to fix the problem he was given.

Ceiling? What Ceiling?

Raise the debt ceiling? HELL NO! Get ready for it because you know it’s coming when the pols get back to Washington.

For all the Obama administration, there never was a budget proposed and passed by congress. There were only CR’s, continuing resolutions. That was Obama’s flying-by-the-seat-of-his-pants style of budgeting.  Funding his agenda without having to show what it was for or how much it would cost. That, and year after year of raising the debt ceiling is how he managed to double the national debt to over 20 trillion dollars during his eight years in office.

Not proposing and passing a budget, waiting until just days before they run out of borrowed money from the last CR, Congress will raise the debt ceiling and pass another CR. This has become routine for last 8 years.

It’s about time for 3 things to happen.

1) No more baseline budgeting with automatic increases in spending every year, regardless of need or justification.

Every budgeted dollar must be justified. “Because we had that much last year” is not a justification for getting it again this year.

2) No more raising or exceeding the “ceiling.”

If you can’t fit in the room, chop your head off. Congress has raised the ceiling already, several times. Tell your representatives to work with it. Make the hard choices you were sent to Washington to make.

3) Put up a budget either piecemeal, or in its entirety.

Americans deserve the transparency they’ve been promised.

OK 4) When the Democrats squeal, which they will, make it known that they are the ones “shutting down” the government. (Which never really gets shut down. I wish.)

The only way to make America great again is to make the government fit within the Constitution, again.

McCain’s Last Hurrah?

In a last ditch effort to cap seven years of voters putting Republicans in the majority to get rid of government-run health insurance and government-run health care, and contrary to his earlier votes to repeal, and campaigning on repealing Obamacare, Sen. John McCain (RINO-AZ) cast the last NO vote to kill the repeal effort. In what may prove to be one of the most important votes he has cast in his 35 years in Congress, he chose to operate like the standard-issue politicians he likes to rail against.

He’s brave enough to show what a liar and fraud he is, for voting against the repeal of Obamacare when it was possible, with Trump in The White House, after voting for it, and campaigning on it, when he knew it wasn’t possible, with Obama in The White House.

Not only does Obamacare remain the law of the land, it also keeps the federal government sending a half billion of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood.

Without a full repeal, and a reformed market-based health insurance industry, Obamacare will continue to do what it was designed to do. Destroy the private health insurance industry and leave people with no options but single-payer health care, socialized medicine.

Adding to the drama in Washington, the Fake News Washington Post says that VP Joe Biden petitioned McCain to vote NO hours before he voted. Noting that Biden’s son died from the same cancer as McCain’s.

According to a Senate Democrat, McCain heard from two longtime friends pleading with him to oppose McConnell: Joseph I. Lieberman and Joe Biden.

Ever the showboat, hours before the vote, McCain had this exchange with an unnamed reporter.

“Have you decided how you’ll vote?” they asked.

“Yes,” McCain replied.


“Wait for the show,” he said.

But he wasn’t alone. He had the company of 5 other RINOs who voted for, and campaigned on repeal, when they knew President Obama wouldn’t sign it. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., Dean Heller, R-Nev., Lisa Murkowski R-Alaska, and Rob Portman, R-Ohio.

Lesson learned? The exit of George W. Bush from The White House was not the end of big-government Republicans. Along with the never-Trumpers,  the vote Friday morning revealed other swamp dwellers in the Party.

Links: Mr. McCain Goes to Washington  |  Why John McCain voted to save Planned Parenthood and Obamacare  |  The week John McCain shook the Senate  |  Fund Women’s Clinics, Not Planned Parenthood

No Security For You

Palestinian gunmen ambushed and killed two Israeli police officers at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Friday, July 14, bringing bloodshed and chaos to a religious site that is sacred to both Jews and Muslims. The attackers were all (Muslim) Israeli citizens of Palestinian descent.

The attackers smuggled weapons into the compound. In an obvious attempt to make the holy site safe, for everyone, including Muslims and Jews, Israel set up metal detectors at the three strategic entrance points. Unfortunately, it comes too late for the two dead Israeli police officers. Had they been installed years ago like exist in Mecca and Medina, they would be alive today.

The reaction to make the site safe has resulted in protests by the Palestinians and like-minded terrorists who just want to kill Jews. Which explains why there are no protests over metal detectors going on in Mecca and Medina. In Israel, Muslims can practice their religion and be citizens. Not so in Saudi Arabia, where Jews are not even allowed in.

The UN, the Pope, and other nations are calling for a de-escalation of tensions. Looking for Israel to submit. Not for the out-of-control Palestinians to shut up and go home. True to form, the Muslim authorities that oversee al-Aqsa said they would continue to oppose any new Israeli-imposed measures. And Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas cancelled a planned security meeting after announcing he was cutting all contacts with Israel.

So the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, does not want a secure holy site either. This should tell you how good a “two-state solution” would work.  They want to be able to kill Jews. Jews don’t want to be killed. Where’s the common ground?

Funny how the Fake News media doesn’t think this story is more important than the flow chart at The White House.

Links: Israel refuses to remove metal detectors from mosque despite rising violence  |  Two Israeli police officers killed by Palestinian gunmen near Jerusalem holy site, police say

UPDATE 7/24/2017: Israel to remove metal detectors at Temple Mount


Columbia University Institute Wins MRIOTD Award

Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute has filed a suit against President Trump, alleging that Trump has breached the First Amendment rights of two people, Holly O’Reilly and Joe Papp, because he has blocked them on Twitter.

Who knew that the First Amendment also included the freedom to listen? Well, it doesn’t. And blocking anyone on Twitter for whatever reason, or no reason at all, does not prevent Holly O’Reilly, Joe Papp, you, or anyone else from speaking their mind.

The fact that Columbia is taking this suit is indicative of just how polluted higher education has become with their disdain for the Constitution. For taking this matter to court on 1st Amendment grounds earns Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute the Lunch Counter’s Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award.

As an aside, and winning an honorable mention is PETA, for “representing” a monkey named Naruto. Naruto took selfies using British nature photographer David Slater’s camera. PETA claims that the monkey holds the copyright to the pictures. The case has risen to a three-judge panel in the 9th Circus Court of Appeals in San Francisco. Naruto could not be reached for comment.

Links: No, Trump isn’t breaching your First Amendment rights by blocking you on Twitter  |  Trump blocked some people from his Twitter account. Is that unconstitutional?  |  Monkey-selfie copyright lawsuit returns to court

Battle Of Fake News

1 potato 2 potato 3 potato 4. CNN tries to take out Trump. Trump takes out CNN more.

It’s a funny video. You gotta know that Trump is getting his kicks with this. Egging CNN on to continue, so he can hit them back again. He’s playing with them. Not being able to put this president in their little box, they, and his detractors, are about going insane.

It’s the Fake News Media that has made politics a contact sport. They have met their match. And as they say in the Twitterverse, ROTFLMAO.

This is the original clip. Trump and his wrestler end up shaving Vince McMahon’s head. I guess that was part of “the deal.”

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a new sheriff in town.

What Common Ground?

Every time I hear politicians from both parties talk about the need to come together and find common ground, I’m reminded of this old Roseanne Barr line; “Ya know what burns my ass? A flame about this high.”

It happens so often that I’m having my doubts whether the politicians in Washington are going to snap out of the political coma they are in. Those politicians who for decades think that money grows on trees. There seems to be only a handful left, Trump being one of them, willing to face the reality of just how deep a hole they have put this country. And it’s not like there’s anything new to expect from spending more than you can afford. Look at any country in socialist Europe, or Venezuela, to see the state of the Welfare State.

What are we getting from Democrats? The same old song, Republicans want to “take” health insurance away from 22 million people. That farce is explained HERE. Republicans want to take away everything we want to give you.

Finding common ground with this bunch is impossible. Like finding common ground with Hamas. They want to kill Jews. Jews don’t want to be killed. Where’s the common ground?  Liberals and Progressives want to tax and spend their way to bankrupt the country by committing inter-generational theft, thereby exacerbating an already catastrophic financial meltdown. They want to ignore the current $20 Trillion debt, and over $200 Trillion in unfunded mandates, and make both worse by running on “free” stuff.  Who doesn’t like free stuff? Where’s the common ground?

What we need is more adults in Washington that have the will, and the guts to tackle the problem. Chart a course for a new America. One that pays its way and doesn’t steal from future generations, and reviving the economic engine and job creation that the country is capable of.

But first, we must win the argument that a responsible government is what we need. Democrats want an irresponsible government, that’s how they get re-elected. Republicans want to fix the problem, that makes them evil. Where’s the common ground?