Whether she retired or was fired really doesn’t matter. Her take on Israel is not new and everyone she works with knows it. Still calling Israel Palestine, she may as well be the spokesperson for Hamas or correspondent for Al Jazeera.
Hello there my pretty! One thing about Helen that always amazed me. She’s the only famous person I know that could play the wicked witch of the west without much makeup.
'It's a pattern of controlling the press.' The 'events are pre-packaged.' This is what Helen Thomas, the Grande Dame of The White House press briefing room, told White House Press…
http://youtu.be/ax_9AQuDbPY "We didn't allow polygamists to re-define marriage, I don't know why we should allow anyone else to re-define it." That's an issue for the states, not the courts, to…
Isn't it amazing that the 'Letters to the Editor" section is becoming a news source for local politics? As of this writing, this LTE is the only mention of candidate…