Tag Archives: Race Relations

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Mexico, Central America’s Banana Republic

Gary and Yanira Maldonado, who live near Phoenix, Ariz., traveled to Mexico last week to attend a family funeral. On their way back to the U.S. their bus was stopped at a military checkpoint where soldiers ordered all passengers off the bus.

Later soldiers told the couple that marijuana was found under her seat and the seat next to hers…and Yanira was arrested, KPHO-TV said.american_is_mexican_hostage

Yanira’s brother, Brandon Klippel, said the couple were the only U.S. citizens on the bus – and if drugs were truly found on board, they were already there when the couple sat down, KPHO-TV reported.

“His attorney had talked to the prosecuting attorney there and came back to him and said, ‘You know how it works in Mexico, right?’” Klippel told CBS5 News. “He said, ‘no I don’t.’ He [attorney] said, ‘well, if we bribe the judge – then he’ll let you go.’”

Here’s an idea. Stay out of Mexico, under any circumstances. Don’t vacation there. Let the corrupt politicians and drug lords die by their own sword. Their problem is not our problem to fix. With any luck, more Mexicans here illegally will return home and face that reality and take their country back. Instead of trying to take this one.

Why do we have a President and Secretary of State anyway? I think that they are supposed to protect us and our interests? Since the ones who are supposed to intervene seem to be UN-involved yet again, maybe we should ask Dennis Rodman to intervene?


 Southern Justice Cost Woman Her Life, Over A Parking Ticket

st_claire_courthouseIn a suburban Birmingham, Alabama courtroom, Dwana Vonica London-Richardson, age 45, died on the courtroom floor struggling to breathe, after being arrested and jailed over an unpaid parking traffic violation. That, after being refused medical treatment, an asthma inhaler, in the courtroom. Despite pleas for help from her daughter.

Ayunna Johnae London, the daughter of the deceased victim, claims her mother died gasping for breath in the court after being treated callously and unconstitutionally. Her mother suffered from asthma and other health conditions yet the jail administration refused to get her medication, saying she was faking it, and then they let her die in the courtroom, according to Ayunna.


Out Of The Closet, A True Confession

After seeing life-changing things like this in the news media, I question whether there’s anything to it. So, after looking deep inside my psyche and emotions, I’ll confess what I’ve carried with me since my earliest memories. To get this monkey off my back, so to speak. It is something that, for me, just seemed to come naturally. Juvenile experimentation aside, I have come to realize that I have always been attracted to the opposite sex and am a heterosexual.

That being said, only one question remains. Beside the President, who cares and what does it matter? OK, that’s two questions.

New Orleans Crime Has Common Thread

On the heals of the Mother’s Day shooting in New Orleans, and with the media and the pols in Washington trumpeting stricter gun control cost_of_crimelaws (despite falling gun crime statistics) I came across this article by Walter E. Williams that does touch on what ‘the problem’ is. It is societal and political and is perpetuated by the victims themselves. In cooperation with the race hustlers and poverty pimps.

Today 72 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock. Being born and finding out that your mother is 17 years old, that your grandmother is 35 and that you don’t know who or where your father is is not a good start on life. In fact, it’s a near guarantee for school dropout, poverty and crime, but such a start in life has nothing to do with racial discrimination.

In his article ‘Honest Examination of Race,’ Williams casts PC aside to take a look at what plagues large cities under Democratic control.

One definition given for insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; it might also be a definition of stupidity. Let’s look at some cities where large percentages of black Americans live under poor conditions.

More . . .

Fourth Vacation In Three Months

If taken on his word, you should be feeling that everyone that wanted a job now has one. And over 14 percent unemployment (U-6) is the new normal. That’s because President Obama told us how he would not rest until that was done.

He has been under a lot of criticism for his many vacations and golf outings over the course of his first term. Living the high life while people are losing their jobs and moving back home with their parents. His second term isn’t any better. In fact, it’s worse. It is this “in your face” arrogance that Barack and Michelle have exhibited that reminded me of a term that I had not thought of or heard said in a long time, while The White House (the people’s house) has to be closed for lack of money, that seems to fit this President.

I consulted the urban dictionary on this and half expected to see Obama’s picture there. For all who are quick to yell “racist,” you should know that this term is not race-specific. It describes the behavior, not the skin color. They, by any way you want to measure it, come in all colors. OK?

Links: Urban Dictionary, Nigger Rich  | The First Family enjoys FOURTH vacation in three months

aSide Order

First Amendment Not For Everyone

Your First Amendment rights don’t mean much in Gaines Township, Michigan. Authorities there said that Vern Verduin, a cattle farmer who believes that President Obama’s political goals are destructive and inconsistent with American values, can’t put his trailer on his land with this message. More here.


The Left’s Attack On Dr. Ben Carson Begins

Aside from exhibiting the denial that Blacks in America are not all cut from the dependent role that Democrats expect them to play, like not straying from the Democrat Plantation, this race baiter, Touré Neblett on MSNBC, chooses to demagogue the Tide of God. Carson’s point was not whether Tide is regressive, but that in principle, everyone have some skin in the game.

And how do you like the attachment of Dr. Carson to Republicans by this Touré character? I have yet to hear Carson declare his political party affiliation. It’s true that he is being courted by conservatives to run for elected office. But all Dr. Ben Carson has been talking about are issues, problems, and his thoughts on how best to solve them, all in a non-political and common sense way. Touré’s attack is evidence enough that Democrats are feeling threatened by Dr. Carson. It’s the Chicago way to politically eliminate threats like him ASAP, which is what Touré (on NBC) is attempting to do here.

Where ‘flat’ taxes are concerned, the FairTax, although flat, is NOT regressive. But to say he is wrong about flat taxes being regressive might, in some corners of the far Left, qualify me for being racist. Oh well. Who is it playing the race card here?


Most Effective Rape Whistle

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Why I voted for Obama, twice.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about a voting block that President Obama caught. They’re called low-information voters and are not race-specific, ethnic-specific, or income-specific. If you were like me, scratching my head over how in the world this community organizer could be re-elected in such a dire economic and jobless environment, this video should clear it up. You have the racial aspect, and what became known as the Santa Claus effect.

Don’t know who this person is. But if this is satire, it’s really good.


Gun Dealers Have Problems With Credit Card Processors

Nick McMillan, a gun dealer in Tennessee, recently received an email from Intuit Payment solutions informing him the company was no longer interested in processing his credit card sales. Well isn’t that special? Intuit also sells TurboTax and Quickbooks.

In the email the company wrote “Intuit does not support the services you are providing” and then the reason stated was firearms, ammunition, gun parts and accessories sales not sold in a face-to-face environment with the credit card being swiped.

As you might expect, the KOSites are estatic over it.

There are plenty of gun-friendly credit card processors out there. Payment Alliance International is one.


Tawana Brawley served with court order to pay man she accused of rape in 1987sharpton_brawley1

sharpton_brawleyInfamous hoaxster Tawana Brawley — whose outrageous rape lie 25 years ago inflamed racial tensions nationwide — yesterday was finally slapped with a court order to settle a hefty defamation case against her. It also made Al Sharpton famously famous. Johnny Cochran paid off Sharpton’s bills on the case. Wonder if the good Reverend will step up and pay Tawana’s bill?

February Is Black History Month

On November 2, 1983, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed the bill in the White House Rose Garden making the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a national holiday. The bill first came up for a vote in 1979, but the Democrat-controlled US House of Representatives refused to pass the legislation. The first national celebration of the holiday in honor of Dr. King took place on January 20, 1986 and is celebrated on the 3rd Monday in January. In his remarks on signing the bill Reagan said: “Dr. King had awakened something strong and true, a sense that true justice must be colorblind, and that among white and black Americans, as he put it, ‘Their destiny is tied up with our destiny, and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom; we cannot walk alone.'”

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission with the mission of overseeing the observance of the MLK holiday was created in the bill signed by Reagan.

In May 1989, Coretta Scott King was made a member of the commission for life by Republican President George H. W. Bush.



Democrats today are trying to usurp Dr. King’s legacy, when it was the Democrats who Dr. King was fighting.


Continue reading February Is Black History Month

113th Congress, Most Diverse

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R)

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) has pledged that his first bill would seek to repeal “every syllable of every word” of the Obama administration’s “‘Affordable’ Health Care Act.”

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott (R)

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott (R) of was sworn into office Thursday  on a historic day that saw him become the first African-American United States senator from the South since Reconstruction and the upper chamber’s only current black member.

Links: Cruz Sworn In As Texas’ First Hispanic US Senator, Will Introduce Bill To Repeal ‘Obamacare’ « CBS Houston.  |   Sen. Tim Scott’s Swearing-in Caps Historic Rise  |  113th Congress Is Most Diverse Yet; Hispanics Make Gains

Police Shoot 137 Rounds At Unarmed Couple

The Cleveland, Ohio PD needs to check itself and its ranks for yahoos with guns. Ignoring rules about ‘high-speed’ chases, this chase ends up with two dead unarmed people and no evidence that either of them fired a gun, and no evidence that they had a gun. So if you’re in Cleveland, and your clunker of a car occasionally backfires, you better watch out.

There are plenty of reasons why people would run from police. Why this couple did will never be known. They’re dead. It took 25 minutes for police to put themselves in a position to use lethal force. This is not a case of standing your ground. That 90 out of 137 rounds missed the target is another issue altogether. But I don’t believe running from police in this country requires an immediate death sentence.

So why do you think the mainstream media is mute on this story? And where are the Rhyming Reverends?

Link: Police Shoot 137 Times Into Car After Chase, Killing Unarmed Couple

Government Response Sandy, Katrina

There’s no question that the media response to both storm disasters are different. And so was, is, the government’s response to them. There’s also no question that there is no interest in why this is.

First and foremost in the Katrina storm coverage was the racial aspect of its inhabitants and Bush (R) didn’t care about them, for a couple ‘reasons.’ They’re Black and for the most part, democrats. The media pushed the race card narrative, and paid less attention to the interference of the state’s own politicians.

New Orleans population is about 250, 000 and 67% Black. Staten Island’s population is twice that, about 500,000, and 9.5% Black. Not saying that the racial disparity between both disasters is material to the government’s poor response to the people in Staten Island. The disparity in the media’s response and coverage is perhaps more political than racial now that there’s a D in The White House, who also happens to be a White-Black (by NYTimes definition). Who knows? I’m just say’n.

What is obvious is that the government response, FEMA and the rest, is no where near as efficient in Staten Island as it was in New Orleans. Same with the media’s coverage of it, which, aside from FOX News, has been pretty much forgotten.

It’s easy to assume that the government is overwhelmed and unable to respond like it did after Katrina. What’s not so easy is for the media or The White House to admit it. The photo ops have been done. Obama is going on his Hawaiian vacation. That must mean the disaster relief is complete. Just don’t ask anyone, Black or White,  in Staten Island if they think so.

Obama ‘Widened The (Islamic) Gap’

The recent killing of our Ambassador called a lot in to question. Lack of security at the Embassy and at the ‘safe house’ being only one. What is it about these murdering Muslims? Why do they continue to hate us now? President Obama told us he’s got this under control. Elect him and they will like us. Hope & Change. All that.

Jean Aziz, columnist for the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, believes it’s all our fault. That “the repeated mistakes of U.S. policy in the Middle East and vis-à-vis the Islamic world could lead to another 9/11.”

Continue reading Obama ‘Widened The (Islamic) Gap’