Tag Archives: Politics

Venezuelans To Choose Chavez’s Next Target

The hemisphere’s idiot, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, will learn who will run against him for president of the socialist and terrorist-supporting regime. Chavez, the West’s most dangerous dictator and friend of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Venezuelans voted in their first-ever presidential primary on Sunday, choosing a single challenger to finally end the dictator’s 13 years in office. The current front-runner is Henrique Capriles among five other contenders.

The state-run media is ignoring the primary except to demean the opposition party. Where have we seen that before? Having ‘no ink’ in the state-controlled media, the opposition is almost totally grass roots.

General-in-Cheif Henry Rangel Silva. Chavez's enforcer.


He already has his military (Henry Rangel Silva) in place to make sure he does not lose. Even if he loses. Whoever Venezuelans choose, he or she will be ripe for an ‘accident’ of some sort.


Link: Venezuelans vote to choose Chavez’s challenger.

25 Billion Dollar Shakedown Of The Banks

Today’s news is saturated with the Obama administration’s $25 billion shakedown of the mortgage banking industry. Only the media doesn’t characterize it that way. It’s a head-fake. It’s another excuse for a huge slush fund and street money, same as what TARP and the $785 billion ‘stimulus’  package were. Can’t have too much money for a re-election campaign you know.

The banks were participants for sure. But, not necessarily willing participants.

Learn what caused the mortgage crises. This video shows who it was that was sounding the alarms and trying to prevent what happened from happening. Enjoy. This video was removed from YouTube a couple of times since its first release so capture it if you can. It lays to rest who is responsible, exposing the lies you are being told today.

Abortion, Birth Control, Democrats’ Holy Sacrament

The clash of religions has finally come to the forefront. Those Americans who believe that the Constitution and Bill of Rights, personal freedom, personal responsibility and liberty mean something are rising up against the provision in Obamacare that mandates that religious organizations provide contraception and abortion access even though it is against their faith or be fined (any amount) are finally seeing what motivates and animates the Liberal/Progressive wing of the Democratics {sic} Party.

It’s all about power. The power of the government to not just govern, but to control as many aspects of our lives as possible. Like any good Marxist regime would do.

It’s not like these kind of services are not already available in any county or state health department, Planned Parenthood, or any other abortion club. But that’s not enough for these Marxists. They want to force private and religious institutions to do it too, or be fined hundreds of millions of dollars.

Hearken back when the Obama administration was trying to get the un-Affordable Health Care Act passed. States had to be bribed. In order to get their last vote, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), had to be convinced that the bill would not pay for such things. And on top of that, we were not allowed to see what was in the bill before it was deemed passed. Remember Nancy Pelosi saying, we have to pass it to see what’s in it?

And where is the media on Obama’s subterfuge? Nowhere but complicit.

To get their agenda into law, Obama and his acolytes have to lie about their true intentions, knowing that the dumb masses will accept whatever they say. But hey, as long as most of the country can get on the government dole, who cares anymore?

Some democratics care, as do all of the republican candidates for president. That’s who.

8.3 Percent, The Fraud Continues

I suppose we should be mourning the sudden death of 1.2 million Americans. Because last week, the Obama administration’s Bureau of Labor Statistics refused to count them as still unemployed. Which they are, still unemployed. From Obama’s perspective, they may as well be dead.

No doubt, the unemployment percent that the administration puts out leading up to the 2012 election will continue to decrease even though there is no real increase in employment. They will continue to use this shrinking workforce math to make the unemployment percentage go down.

You won’t find the truth in your local newspaper. They have way too much invested in The One now to tell you what the administration is doing with the numbers.

In a December post, when the unemployment rate went from 9 to 8.6, the analysis then is identical to January’s.

From CNBC:

When the unemployment rate declines, we want to see both employment and participation increase as discouraged workers return to the labor force. Today, we got the former, but not the latter, making the 0.4 percent drop look a bit suspect,” Neil Dutta, US economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, told clients. “We would not be surprised to see the unemployment rate give back some of its decline in the coming month(s).”

Well I’m surprised! NOT! As it turned out, there was no give back. They did not factor in the Christmas season layoffs in their report. That might come on Friday when they normally make ‘adjustments’ and most likely won’t get any attention in the media. Let’s wait and see.

This fraud perpetrated by the administration was detailed HERE a couple of months ago.
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Finland Elects First Conservative President In Five Decades

President elect Sauli Niinisto will be the first president from the conservative National Coalition Party since 1956, and the first in 30 years from a party other than the center-left Social Democrats.

The 63-year-old took 63 percent of the votes, compared to 37 percent for his rival, Greens candidate Pekka Haavisto, official results showed with 100 percent of ballots counted.

Link: Conservative wins Finland presidential vote

Jim Moran, Race Baiter And Bigot

Virginia Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) dismissed Congressman Allen West’s (R-FL) criticism of the President. He said Allen West, a black man, was “not representative of the African-American community.” To Moran, West is a runaway from the Democrat plantation.

Here’s what West said . . .

Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneur will and spirit of the American people, somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America. {emphasis added}

It isn’t hard for Conservatives, or even Republicans, to understand that it was the message, not the messenger (Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Wasserman-Shultz), that West was talking about. But it was enough for Moran to play the race card to shoot the messenger, West, with his bigoted comment.

Apparently, Moran must believe that blacks are supposed to like Obama’s near double-digit unemployment (13.6% for blacks, over 50% for young blacks in Washington, D.C.),  record food stamp enrollment, re-inflation of the housing and higher-education bubbles, and massive redistribution of wealth from the working class to the Wall Street bundler class.

Michelle Malkin summed it up nicely. . . .

Congressman Jim Moran is an old white Democrat from Virginia who thinks he can judge whether we minority conservatives are acting sufficiently non-white enough. Moran’s an inveterate bully, a brawler, a crook and a bigot. And not one of his civility-preaching liberal colleagues has the courage to call him out.

Federal Budget For Dummies

Does the size of the numbers of our budget deficit and national debt make your head spin? You’re not alone.

To understand why Standard and Poor’s downgraded the United States’ credit rating, all you need to do is look at this analysis done by The Gainesville Tea Party.

Even liberals should be able to figure this one out. Especially the last line that shows how serious Washington is about restoring fiscal sanity and our economic health.

Keep in mind also that this analysis does not include the, absent any reforms, forty-three trillion dollars in unfunded and mandated obligations of Medicare and Social Security.

Why S&P Downgraded the US:

U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000

Federal budget: $3,820,000,000,000

New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000

National debt: $14,271,000,000,000

Recent budget cut: $ 38,500,000,000

Let’s remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household budget:

Annual family income: $21,700

Money the family spent: $38,200

New debt on the credit card: $16,500

Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710

Total budget cuts: $385

$385  of a cut is not serious. It’s laughable. Because this administration does not ever intend to reach a balanced budget.

Add to this example the annual deficits of the Obama Administration, $5 trillion. Add to that the $43 trillion in the unfunded obligations of Medicare and Social Security and the reality of all the debt we are facing as a country looks like this.

Outstanding balance on the credit card: $190,710

Total budget cuts: $385

Another Diplomatic Disaster For The Unites States

Leave the upcoming military confrontation with Iran aside for a moment. And put Russia and China on the back burner as countries hostile to humanity for condoning Syria’s murdering of their own citizens. Which at the same time highlights the uselessness of the United Nations and its Security Council.

Set that aside for now so you can concentrate on how Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt is sending 19 American NGO (non governmental organization) workers to trial for ‘crimes’ like promoting democracy and human rights and for receiving funds to support them and their mission.

The Muslim Brotherhood used the NGO’s to help overthrow former President Hosni Mubarak. The ‘democracy’ that got rid of Mubarak is no longer needed. Now, they are holding 43 of them prisoner and moving to the oppressive Sharia law.

One of the Americans held captive is Sam LaHood, the son of Secretary of  Transportation Ray LaHood. Sam LaHood is the head of the Egypt office of the Washington-based International Republican Institute.

I don’t attribute any of that as, like Joe Biden had warned, that President Obama will be tested on the international stage. This is a result of a combination of his inexperience, naivety, and his pre-occupation with transforming the United States into some form of government-controlled society where the federal government makes all decisions for you.

Three years ago, then Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) said . . .

Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy.

And they have not stopped.

Makes one wonder if Biden made that statement because he knew what would follow when the top of the ticket is clueless on any subject besides ‘social justice.’

Link: Egypt sends American workers to trial

Friday 13th Stimulus Bill, Third Anniversary

Remember that $787 Billion ‘stimulus’ bill? The Democrat controlled congress passed it on Friday 13th nearly three years ago. That’s the one President Obama sold to us as going towards shovel-ready infrastructure projects and green technology. It was supposed to create jobs here, in the United States.

The stimulus bill turned out to be a slush fund to award green energy grants to big campaign contributors and to buttress under-funded labor union pension and benefit plans in the states. And the green technology jobs went to China. Feeling stimulated yet?

It also marks the third anniversary of the death of the ‘media watchdog.’