Tag Archives: Politics

What Snake-Oil Looks Like

Do you happen to remember when, back in September 2009, President Obama spoke before a joint session of Congress to sell his Government controlled health care plan, known now as the Affordable Health Care Act?

There was all kinds of opposition to Obamacare then, for the same reasons as exist today. Paramount among the opposition is the debt picture, it is going to cost more money that we don’t have.

In response to the no-more-debt objection, Barack Obama brings out the snake oil and says this . . . (29:15 in video)

I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize.

“And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision . . .” If he was serious, that provision would have already been written.Which begs the question, now that we know that Obamacare will cost more, way more. What happened to that cost saving “provision?” Was that a lie too?

The first two minutes of this video is worth the price of admission. That’s why it’s here.

At 12:45 in the video is the Big Lie about keeping your doctor and your plan if you want to.

At 31:00 is where President Obama says “not a dollar” of Obamacare will come from Medicare. He says “I will protect Medicare.” (well, except for that $500* Billion cut) And all the other gems of promises made.

I know this video is from September 9, 2009. But when you see this performance today, you have the advantage of seeing the same smooth talker today as three years ago. And what’s good about that is that the American people can see that after three years of Obama’s economic policies, the economy is treading water at best.

*Update 9/3/2012: The total removed from Medicare now stands at $716 Billion. That’s up from $500 Billion.

Obamacare Lies Coming Home To Roost

Anyone remember President Obama say in 2009, when he was pushing for the passage of his Affordable Health Care Act, that he would NOT sign a bill that would raise health care costs, premiums, and/or the national debt?  It was the same time he claimed to have “pulled this economy back from the brink.”

And here’s what you need to know.  First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future.  (Applause.)  I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.  And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize. {emphasis added}

The pitch was that Obamacare was going to cost $940 billion over ten years.  The CBO this week revised the number to $1.4 trillion over nine years.  And when they factor a full ten years of spending in Obamacare, then the total cost will be over $2 trillion.

All of which means that you could expect President Obama to call for the repeal of Obamacare himself. That is, if he is not a lying Marxist.

Links: ‘Obamacare’ foes on way to capital | President Obama to Joint Session of Congress

What’s Pelosi’s Excuse Now?

The last time gas prices were this high, then Speaker Pelosi put the blame on the “two oil men in The White House.” It is instructive to see how nothing on her part, or on the part of her political party has changed with respect to increasing our oil supply and capacity.

Pelosi said she would continue to oppose two policy changes that President Bush and congressional Republicans have been advocating: lifting the ban on offshore drilling and opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration. Video Watch Pelosi argue against more drilling »

Pelosi said she had no plans to allow votes to lift a ban on offshore drilling despite widespread support for the move.

You know we haven’t seen the peak of high gas prices yet, and they’re already at or above the 2008 levels. If you want a laugh at how ignorant this woman is on this subject, look at the video.

Every time you fill up your gas tank(s) at a record high price, remember all that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are doing to bring prices down. Nothing.

Link: ‘Two oil men’ to blame for high gas prices, Pelosi says

The Poor Tax – Energy, Food, Transportation

The tax hammer has long been the tool of the politician to micro-manage behavior. In order to insulate them of any real accountability, the bean counters in Washington institutionalized the big deception when they took energy and food out of the mix in measuring the cost of living in America. After all, who needs to eat or get anywhere? And while the Obama administration is fine with promoting class warfare, wealth envy, race divisiveness, and Obama’s latest distraction, gender warfare, the people he supposedly champions the most are the ones getting screwed by his no-energy ‘energy policy.’

As a percentage of income, Obama’s economy hits the poor, and poor working people the hardest. The increase ‘taxes’ that the poor must pay to put food on the table, gas in the car, and clothes on their back is way more damaging and sinister than the $40 street money Congress ‘gave’ them by cutting funds from Social Security and senior citizens. It doesn’t make up for their rising heating and electric bills. It does nothing to those homeowners poised to lose their home due to falling home values. No, Obama is just fine with letting the poor squirm before, during, and after his fundamental changing of America.

Food cost has gone up, not only here but everywhere in the world. And the cause has nothing to do with capitalism. It has everything to do with the environmental movement and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy.

Beginning with monetary policy. This is where the ‘hidden tax’ comes in, and it is always first. As the Federal Reserve increases money supply, QE 1 & 2, all that, the value of the dollar decreases. Increasing of our national debt to the point of losing a AAA credit rating (for the first time in history) also puts negative pressure on the value of the dollar. So what cost you a dollar before Quantitative Easing, now cost you $1.20. Suddenly, $100/barrel turns in to $120/barrel because the dollar is worth less. Then comes the push to use foodstuffs in our gas tank, bio-fuels, and killing new drilling and exploration and the Keystone Pipeline. All of these events cause the price of gasoline to rise. None of it puts negative pressure on the price of oil.

Food price spikes due to droughts in grain-producing nations are one thing. And usually temporary. But the permanent variable in food prices is the price of oil. Oil price increases cause a general escalation in the costs of fertilizers, food for the farmer’s livestock, food transportation, fuel for tractors and industrial agriculture.

The root causes are political, not scientific. The deflation of the dollar, the increasing use of biofuels in developed countries, and an equally jaundiced outlook for increasing our domestic oil supply and capacity. These are all pieces in the food cost puzzle.

Everything that is wrong with the economy now is a result of the tried and failed policies of this administration. Whatever miniscule increase in economic activity does happen, happens in spite of Obama’s policies, dictates, and Czars. Not because of them.

We could have a much brighter economic outlook if the Senate would stop sitting on the dozens of bills submitted by the Republican House designed to do just that. Not the least of which is the FairTax. But remember, it is the President that wants to run on a ‘do-nothing’ congress.

That’s what elections are for. Getting the White House doesn’t get you much without also getting control of the Senate and keeping a majority in the House.

Maybe voting for the same guy again and expecting a different result is not a good strategy?

Big Labor To Endorse Obama

As the A.F.L.-C.I.O. prepares to endorse President Obama on Tuesday, labor leaders say they will mount their biggest campaign effort, with far more union members than ever before — at least 400,000, they say — knocking on voters’ doors to counter the well-endowed “super PACs” backing Republicans. Trying to make Barack Obama America’s newest founding father.

Link: Labor Leaders Plan to Apply New Clout in Effort for Obama

Electric Car Fails

Remember the Fiskar Karma? It’s the product of an electric sports car company that the Obama administration gave a $529 million loan guarantee to. Not only did it not create jobs in this country, but the one delivered to Consumer Reports locked up after 180 miles. Had to be towed.

So we subsidize a car company whose target market is “millionaires and billionaires.” Then we give them $7,500 more of our tax dollars to incentivize them to buy it. All that from the guy that calls himself a ‘warrior for the middle class.’

There is a consistency to be concerned about when it comes to ‘green investments’ by the government. The companies either fail, go bankrupt, send jobs overseas, any two, or all three.

Such a great job Obama is doing on this green energy front. What else could he possibly do?

Ilegal Immigration Threatening France

Whether from ignoring illegal immigration, as is the official position of the Obama administration with their Mexican Dream Act, or by an open border agreement in the EU, the problems remain the same. No assimilation, and overloading of support systems.

A wave of immigrants who began arriving in Italy and southern Europe following the Arab Spring last year has put the  27-year-old zone under unprecedented pressure. French president Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday threatened to wreck the European free travel zone unless there is a new pact to cut down on illegal immigration.

Link: France could quit EU open borders deal because of illegal immigration, warns Sarkozy

Obama, Oil Is The Energy Of The Past

Never missing an opportunity to prolong our dependence on foreign oil, and high gas prices, President Obama lobbied the Democrat controlled Senate to oppose a bill that would, if passed, be the start of the Keystone Pipeline project with our Canadian neighbors.

The message to the president was clear. There is majority bi-partisan support for the pipeline. The senate voted for it 56-42. But because the Senate rules required 60 votes for passage, it was defeated.

In all, 11 Democrats joined 45 Republicans to support the pipeline. Only the fact that 60 votes were needed for passage saved the White House from an embarrassing defeat.

How does a president justify turning down a project that would build a measure of energy independence and energy infrastructure and lower gas prices?

How does a president justify turning down a project that would create 20,000 jobs now, and over 140,000 jobs once complete? Union jobs in fact. (Big Labor supports the pipeline.)

Today it’s out. President Obama doesn’t want jobs if they have anything to do with the oil industry. He doesn’t want energy infrastructure improvements nor any oil from Canada to come to our refineries and our ports. He made that known today.

President Obama finally gave us his blueprint for the nation’s energy future, beginning today apparently. He told us that oil is the energy of the past.

Oh really? Here’s what the United States Energy Information Administration has to say about it.

EIA projects that most petroleum-based and non-petroleum based liquid fuels — including those derived from fuels such as coal, biomass, and natural gas — will continue to be used for transportation over the next two decades.

Who at the EIA is going to update President Obama on this?

Open Letter To Carbonite Customer Service

I read the statement from your CEO, Mr. David Friend about dropping advertising from the Rush Limbaugh radio show. It is obvious to me that his statement was based on what the Media Matters  (or similarly minded leftists) folks have told him.

Two things I’d like Mr. Friend to know. I originally bought Carbonite from Rush’s website, based on his recommendation.

Now that I see you have succumbed to the Left-wing blogosphere that can pump out several hundred thousand emails to threaten advertisers of conservatives they don’t like, I have disabled Carbonite and wish to cancel my subscription and request a refund for all of the 346 unused days remaining.

Following Mr. Friend’s actions and his longing for ‘a more civilized public discourse,’ he may be surprised to see that, taken to its logical conclusion, he is contributing to shutting down speech. He can advertise somewhere else if he wants. And I can get my online backup somewhere else too!

Looking forward to a speedy resolution and refund.

Above is what I sent to Carbonite’s customer service department. Your mileage may vary.