Tag Archives: Politics

Marco Rubio Drinking Water, 229 Million Hits

If you listened to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) deliver the Republican’s response to the President’s State of the Union show, you would have heard a reasoned, common sense, conservative approach to solving our nation’s problems. On the whole, the response was more ideological, more big picture, than the more specific, policy-oriented theme that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) delivered in the Tea Party’s response.  Not surprisingly, the mainstream media (aka, the Obama-media) is not reporting the content of what he said. Instead, they have made hay over a sloppy production job and a not ready for prime time television personality. That’s all the excuse they needed to ignore what he said and to focus on how he looked. With this media, perception is reality. Rubio is a senator, he is not a TV personality with acting experience like say, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and Mister Teleprompter himself, Barack Obama.

Google ‘rubio water‘ and you’ll see 229,000,000 hits. If you want to know what he said, you’ll have to do your own digging.

Or see it right here.

Link: Tea Party’s response by Rand Paul

Pensacola Indoor Shooting Range Opening Soon, UPDATE 4/7/2013

Click HERE for the latest updates on the Pensacola Indoor Shooting Range.

The people at Pensacola Specialty Pawn (850) 432-9050), near Pace Blvd & Fairfield Dr., are planning on opening a 10-lane indoor shooting range on their property around June-July mid to late September 2013.  They have changed the site from the pawn shop site to a spot on North Palafox, Rt. 29, the former site of Leisure Time RV. Seems to me to be a better location from an accessibility, if not safety, standpoint. They are capping membership at 500 members.  Members can go anytime. Non-members can go when space is available. Their annual membership pricing is: Patriot (first responders & active/retired military) $199.99, Individual $299.99, Family (2 household) $399.99. Non-members $20 per hour.

Some new features (new to me anyway) at the range will be a closed circuit TV setup for each lane. There will be ten lanes. No matter where you put your target, which is adjustable right from your shooting position, there are two cameras in operation. One on the target, and the other on you. No need to get out the binocs to see where your bullets went. The camera system is focused on your target no matter how far downrange you put it. Another cool thing is that in another room, out of the shooting room, monitors will be there for your party (or whoever) to see you in action, in split screen (you/target), uh, for better or worse.


Personally, I’m glad to see this new business. Glad to see any new business for that matter. I miss the range on ‘W’ Street. Compared to an outdoor range, it is a little pricey. But you really can’t compare the two venues on price alone. Each have their own ‘value’ to the shooter, and their own limitations. But there is value in weather protection and convenience and proximity to the city, something an outdoor range can not offer.

Link: Pensacola Indoor Shooting Range

Dr. Benjamin Carson, Education, Taxes, Health Care

Fascinating segment of Dr. Benjamin Carson‘s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. Not a believer in Political Correctness, this segment covers Education, Taxes, and Health Care, and most of all, common sense. President Obama is struggling to stay awake as he hears everything he believes in and has done to the country look so small, and so wrong, as Dr. Carson presents it in a non-partisan way.


Keep a sharp eye out for this in the mainstream media. Not.

The last time I felt so moved from a speech was when I first heard Sen. Obama’s speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. Only difference is, Dr. Carson is no BS, has the life experience and education to know what he is talking about. I’ve come to learn that Obama is all teleprompter. A vehicle for the liberal message. Otherwise, just an empty suit community organizer who managed to fool enough people twice.

If he would be so inclined, Dr. Carson has a great political future ahead of him. Able to help more people in the country from a national political office than from an operating room.

Dr. Carson’s full speech HERE.

Tax Dollars Wasted Or ‘Invested’

And in the ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ department comes this from our Dept. of Labor.

Migrant and seasonal farmworkers experiencing chronic unemployment and underemployment will soon have opportunities to upgrade skills or prepare for new occupations.

By definition, if you’re a “seasonal” “farmworker,” doesn’t that make you gainfully employed? You know, the lie that they are doing work immigrant-farm-workers-2that Americans don’t want to do. What’s next, a living subsidy support program (with cell phone) for the non-growing season? After all, why should ‘migrant’ workers have to migrate somewhere where crops are growing? Targeting migrant workers, an entire class of people coming under the microscope in the big illegal immigration debate, looks an awful lot like $9.6 million dollars of street money, courtesy of the 50 percent that pay taxes, for some who aren’t even citizens.

From the DOL’s press release . . .

$9.6 million is available for grants to operate the program in central California, Hawaii, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey and Puerto Rico.

I know there are 8.5 million Americans who are out of work or underemployed. How about we concentrate our efforts there, growing the economy so they can get their job back?

Link: US Department of Labor announces grant competition to provide career training to farmworkers

Blood On Their Hands Game

Just thought of a new role playing game. Let’s call it ‘Blood On Their Hands.’ It was inspired by news of the cop cop-killer Chris Dorner in Chris_DonerDianne FeinsteinLos Angeles and my recollection of the behavior of folks like Media Matters, Think Progress, ABC’s Brian Ross and other democrats after other shootings. How they said Sarah Palin had blood on her hands for Gabby Giffords being shot by a Nazi nutjob in Arizona. And if they couldn’t connect them to right-wingers, they made it up, just so they could complete the Left’s narrative that conservatives and other right-wingers are all blood thirsty killers, inspired by the party leaders.

Well have I got news for them. This Chris Dorner nutjob is a big gun control advocate (go figure), is a big fan of Obama, Dianne Feinstein, Mia Farrow, Hillary Clinton, Piers Morgan and Anderson Cooper.

More from his manifesto . . .

Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Pat Harvey, Brian Williams, Soledad Obrien, Wolf Blitzer, Meredith Viera, Tavis Smiley, and Anderson Cooper, keep up the great work and follow Cronkite’s lead.

Amazingly, I haven’t heard any of them being accused of having blood on their hands. I’m so disappointed with the media for not making the obvious connection. Let alone not mentioning that the guy is a big leftest and Obama supporter. Not a word.

Links: Suspected L.A. Cop Killer Posted Pro-Obama, Pro-Gun Control, Leftist Rant on the Web (Update: KTLA Whitewash)  |  Christopher Dorner’s Anderson Cooper Package (huh?)  |  Chris Dorner’s Manifesto

‘Homeland Security’ Buys 21.6 Million More Rounds

Are they anticipating a bum rush at the border of zillions of illegal immigrants? Are they planning to shoot them all? It’s time that “the most transparent administration” show some transparency and explain just why they think they may need over 40 million rounds of ammo (that’s in addition to the 1.6 billion rounds they’ve already bought in the last 10 months) when I have to look far and wide for a single box of 50. Or is this just the beginning of a process to disarm America? I would suggest that if they think they actually need all that ammo to fundamentally change America, or they think that Americans (govt. employees) will use that ammo to fire on other Americans, then they need to go.

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.

Just what on earth could they be talking about? This . . .?

A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.

Are they nuts, or just crazy?

Link: DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition

Sequestration Is Coming Home To Roost

2012 Presidential Debate, “Sequestration Isn’t Going To Happen.”

You may recall last summer when the talk of huge cuts in defense, and hence defense contractors, was the buzz of the politicos, all due to the budget sequestration that Congress voted on, and Obama insisted on, as a consequence of extending the debt limit last year. As summer turned to fall, DOD contractors began to talk about sending out layoff notices to their employees, as the Dept. of Labor’s WARN Act requires them to do.

Facing an upcoming election in November 2012, President Obama didn’t want the defense contractors and their families to be notified, as the law required them to do, that they would soon be out of a job as a result of the sequestration agreement. Putting politics ahead of American workers, the lawless President told the defense contractors not to issue layoff notices. During the presidential debates, he said, sequestration isn’t going to happen. Having succumbed to Presidential blackmail, and believing what the President said, no notices were sent. He suffered no political damage, and was re-elected.

We are three weeks away from the cuts going into effect and President Obama is doing nothing to stop it. Ostensibly, the cuts go into effect March 1, 2013.

Media Spin On Jobs

Below you will find the Department of Labor’s Employment Status Report for January 2013. The low-information voters wouldn’t believe how bad it is when the news reports typical to the AP broadcast (below) is all they may hear.

Note that the Associated Press can’t objectively report a statistic. Saying “almost 160,000” jobs were created when the number is 157,000. The mood Aaron Katersky creates is like blowing out the candles on a birthday cake.

AP Radio News

For starters, and you’ll never hear this from the mainstream media, in order to keep up with population growth and retirement rates, a ‘break-even‘ point in job creation is 250,000 a month. Any numbers below that means we are going backwards.

The January report shows 157,000 new jobs created, non-farm. That’s the category the media looks at. That was down from the month before (Dec. 2012) when 196,000 jobs were created. But the inquisitive media won’t tell you that.

Month after month, the President and his compliant media drum the point that jobs are being created every month. “It’s not as much as we’d like,” he says. That’s a better way to say “our way of creating jobs isn’t working, hasn’t worked, but we believe that eventually it will.” It is true that jobs are being created every month, but it is in spite of, not because of, Obama’s policies or his recently disbanded Jobs Council. We are going backwards.

Also missing from the AP’s (and everyone else’s) account is the fact that 169,000 jobs were lost. Those are 169,000 people who are out of work, and no longer counted as unemployed, even though they are, because they gave up looking for work. The DOL calls it the “labor participation rate.” In total, that number is 8.5 million people since Obama became President. Even with the DOL’s massaging the numbers via the workforce participation rate, the real unemployment number, the U-6, is 15.4% (see Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization). The “seasonally adjusted” unemployment percent is 14.4%.

The media parrots what the DOL says. For example, the report begins with this . . .

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 157,000 in January, and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 7.9 percent. . .

What do they mean by “essentially unchanged?” The Dec. rate was 7.8%. It went up.

While you hear this AP radio news broadcast, listen too how they put lipstick on the fact that the economy has contracted over the last quarter. Not mentioning that the unemployment rate went up. No thought of a double dip recession, just the optimistic hope of a recovery later on.

Now, raise your hand if you think the media would ignore any of this if there were a Republican in The White House. Now, what are you going to do about it?

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Obama’s Next Straw Man Argument For Gun Control

President Obama made his argument today like this, “We don’t want our police to be out gunned.” Well, who could disagree with that? Especially when I’ve seen police with full auto weapons, shotguns, and multiple magazines. But that’s not the problem. Thugs aren’t going around robbing and shooting police.

The community organizer won’t acknowledge that law-abiding Americans don’t want to be out gunned by criminals. That, and Americans don’t want the least competent entity in our lives, the federal government, taking away our choice and in fact making our choice for us, as to what kind of firearms and capability that we feel we need to keep our family and property safe.

Where my and my family’s safety and property are concerned, I’m pro-choice. Ironically, the federal government is pro-choice when it comes to taking lives, but not for saving lives.

February Is Black History Month

On November 2, 1983, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed the bill in the White House Rose Garden making the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a national holiday. The bill first came up for a vote in 1979, but the Democrat-controlled US House of Representatives refused to pass the legislation. The first national celebration of the holiday in honor of Dr. King took place on January 20, 1986 and is celebrated on the 3rd Monday in January. In his remarks on signing the bill Reagan said: “Dr. King had awakened something strong and true, a sense that true justice must be colorblind, and that among white and black Americans, as he put it, ‘Their destiny is tied up with our destiny, and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom; we cannot walk alone.'”

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission with the mission of overseeing the observance of the MLK holiday was created in the bill signed by Reagan.

In May 1989, Coretta Scott King was made a member of the commission for life by Republican President George H. W. Bush.



Democrats today are trying to usurp Dr. King’s legacy, when it was the Democrats who Dr. King was fighting.


Continue reading February Is Black History Month