Tag Archives: Politics

Democrats Leaving The Party, Welcome Home!

It may have taken a long time (like two elections) to realize that what President Obama and the Democratic Party says and what they do are two very different things. The identity politics of dividing the country and characterizing the opposition as not just wrong, but evil with selfish, racist, xenophobic, and homophobic intent is seductive and in fact, went a long way to Obama being elected twice. But now people have grown tired of hearing the same speeches year after year about how they are fighting for them, against everything bad that Republicans want to do to them. And, not seeing their lot in life improve, but get worse, despite getting every major piece of legislation they wanted, reality is setting in.

There’s a reason the President doesn’t venture outside union halls or college campuses. Not surprisingly, not all democrats are brain numb. They are not all economic imbeciles like our President. When times keep getting tougher, the “economic conservative” in them begins to show and, they are defecting to the Libertarian and Republican parties.

People look at things differently when it begins to affect their wallet. Incomes fell and are falling more in Obama’s recovery than during Bush’s recession itself, and household incomes have basically flat-lined ever since.

And those hurt the most? Blacks, Hispanics, female-headed families and the young — have fared far worse under Obama than everyone else.

Here’s a recent and most articulate example of what I’m talking about.

Links: Obama’s Accelerating Downward Spiral For America– Forbes  |  Obama’s Economy — We’ve Fallen And We Can’t Get Up – Investors.com

How Come Mexico Can Require Voters To Prove Citizenship And Arizona Can’t?

The Supreme Court has ruled that it was bad for the state of Arizona to require proof of citizenship for voters. In a serious country, this wouldn’t even be an issue. And illegal_aliensit isn’t—in Mexico.

Learn how Motor Voter (1993) was so important to voter fraud and, why the Supreme Court still prohibits States to show proof of citizenship to vote.

Link: Memo From Middle America | How Come Mexico Can Require Voters To Prove Citizenship And Arizona Can’t? | VDARE.com.

North Korea Full Of Speed Freaks

Originally produced by the government as an export product to China, North Koreans have taken to the drug crystal meth, or methamphetamine. Estimates are between 40-50% of adults are addicted to crystal meth and are now making it in their homes.

That explains a lot when it comes to dealing with North Korea. A cash strapped drug dealer with nuclear capability. Make that, nuclear proliferation capability.

Link: North Korea Grapples With Crystal Meth Epidemic – Korea Real Time – WSJ.

POLITIFACT Needs A Stomach Pump On Obamacare

So the kids at the Tampa Bay Times are at it again. Angie Drobnic Holan might consider getting her stomach pumped because it is clear she has had way too muchholan of Obama’s cool-aid. Let’s examine, from a purely economic standpoint, the first claim she has allegedly “debunked.” That the Affordable Care Act, you know, the Act that Congress and labor unions are trying to get exemptions from because they can’t afford it, is the pathway drug (no pun intended) to a single-payer system, aka socialized medicine. Just forget for a moment that is exactly what Obama said he intends this bill to do. They were his words to the SEIU in 2007.

Anyway, Angie says the claim is false “because the health care law leaves in place the private health care system and the free market.”

She’s right about that. The law doesn’t say they have to go out of business. BUT it does mandate how they must run. Which WILL cause them to go out of business. The free-market isn’t free when the government dictates how “private” companies must operate. It’s the Marxist Economic Model. Look it up. And by forcing health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, and forcing them to cover risks that are not needed by every consumer, and with an industry average net profit of 3.5%, they have to raise their premiums, IF THEY ARE TO STAY IN BUSINESS. The Affordable Care Act also mandates that employers provide insurance for their employees (50 or more) or pay a fine. A FINE that the Supreme Court called a TAX in order to keep from overturning it. It’s now back to being called what it is, a fine.

The Affordable Care Act mandates the fine employers and people must pay for not providing or not buying health insurance, which is thousands of dollars lower than the cost of an insurance policy. It also undercuts the price of an insurance policy purchased through a government exchange by thousands of dollars to one from a “private” insurance company.

Drilling down to your wallet, all those who would prefer to pay THOUSANDS of dollars MORE for health insurance from a private insurance company than from the government raise your hand.

This is how the private health care industry will end. It will be “left in place” to bleed to death. They will find other risks to insure against because the government will have driven them out of the health insurance business. And exactly as the Heritage Foundation says, we will be left with a health system like Great Britain and Canada.

And, according to the Congressional Research Service, there will STILL be over 30 million people who won’t have a health insurance policy. So what has changed? We have  a government takeover of sixteen percent of the economy, a decimated health care industry, and 30 million people without a “health insurance policy.”

Clever huh?

Link: POLITIFACT: Debunked health care claims live on at Heritage town hall  |  Obama’s Plans For Healthcare In 2007

Obama’s Economy, Recovery Is Worse Than The Recession

After reading about the layoffs continuing at my local newspaper, Investor’s Business Daily has some interesting, or rather disturbing, numbers on “Obama’s recovery.”

Incomes fell more in the year after Obama’s recovery started than it did during Bush’s recession itself, And household incomes have basically flat-lined ever since.

And those hurt the most? Blacks, Hispanics, female-headed families and the young — have fared far worse under Obama than everyone else.

There are a lot of historical reasons that people habitually vote Democrat. But the Obama regime has been so bad on the economic front that it is causing defections to the Libertarian and Republican parties. People look at things differently when it begins to affect their wallet.

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Let me get this straight: If you cross the borders into Mexico illegally you will be jailed for up to two years. But, if you cross the United States border illegally you could get:

  • A driver’s license
  • Access to Social Security and Medicare
  • Access to Food stamps and Welfare
  • Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house
  • Free education for your children
  • Free health care and Emergency Room visits
  • Millions of servicemen and women who are fighting for your rights every single day

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known as America’s Toughest Sheriff, is up for re-election and is asking you to make a special contribution to his campaign of $25, $50 or even $100 today to show you stand against the Obama “justice” Department, the open–borders, pro–AMNESTY crowd, Big Labor (SEIU), and the ACLU who are on constant attack against him. You can help him HERE. And I hope you will if you can.

College President Barack Obama On Tour

Hitting his usual and usually compliant constituents, 18 to 21 year olds, President Obama is on the campaign trail again. While pretending to coax colleges to lower their costs, he is out there justifying why he (or we) will be spending even more on them than we already are. It’s a continuation of the union money laundering scheme. Which explains why he doesn’t try this act on the rest of the country, that know him for who he is.

He’ll wink at continually rising tuitions, and continue financing them with student loan programs destined for eventual bailout.

Egypt Arrests Muslim Brotherhood Leader, Obama Dumbfounded

Egyptian security forces have arrested the top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, pressing a crackdown on his group. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates know who the enemy is, and have already sent over $12 Billion to support Egypt’s military, who is taking the fight to them. The U.S. position under obama_surrenderPresident Obama? Undecided.

He won’t say releasing Mubarak, who he help to overthrow, is good. But does say that Morsi (Muslim Brotherhood) should be released. Won’t say a peep about the war on Christians in Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood. Where Egypt’s neighbors have stepped up financial support to Egypt’s military to take the fight to the ‘Hood, to the tune 10 times what the U.S. was committed to, Obama finds himself on the wrong side of the fight, if for no other reason than not being in the fight.

What we have here is the Nobel Peace prize recipient who manages to make the United States the laughing-stock of the world while at the same time alienating the United States from our friends and allies in the region.

If there’s anything more the President could do to make the United States irrelevant on the world stage, I’d like to hear it. For the first time in his Presidency, he has finally come upon an instance where ‘voting present’ isn’t an option, and he hasn’t the courage to take a stand. It’s what ‘leading from behind’ gets us.

via Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood leader Badie: state media – Yahoo! News.

Pensacola, Brought To You By The Letter ‘S’

As a Pensacola resident, have you grown tired of the never-ending hand-wringing over doing something that will increase tourism, prevent young people from having, and wanting, to leave town to make a living, and of the politicians catering to deep-pocketed special interests to no one’s benefit except the politician and his special interest, aka contributor? Let’s try something different.

How about we start with something that will enhance our area for everyone? Beginning with the letter “S”.

Scenic Highway is an area that has been neglected for so many years that there’s no scene anymore. Out of 11 miles of it, there’s maybe a half-mile left, measuring small patches of open view along the way. The area has been left to overgrowth of wild nuisance trees and other invasive growth that have taken the scene out of Scenic Highway. This didn’t happen overnight.

Did you know that there is a Scenic Highway Foundation? They see the problem as I do, and have received no cooperation from the City of Pensacola to fix it. As they see it . . .

One of the major problems along Scenic Highway is non-native invasive plants. These plants are a threat to the highway corridor’s natural landscapes because they can alter native ecosystems by outcompeting, shading out, and sometimes physically overwhelming, native plants. So invasive plants threaten native plant diversity, but also they provide fewer habitats for beneficial insects than natives do, and many native birds depend on these insects to feed their young. On the bluffs, invasives cause the additional problem of obscuring views of the bay, making Scenic Highway less scenic.

I’m not one to criticize without offering a solution. Get rid of the non-native vegetation. And for control of erosion, replacing where necessary with native plants like the SHF recommends. Remove the junk/wild trees that obscure the view at street level. Topping off, as in chopping off, those trees at street level that are rooted on the hillside leading down to the bay. After that, keep up the highway so that it will not be overgrown again. Then residents and tourists will be treated to the natural beauty that Pensacola has to offer. It would make Ladybird Johnson proud.


Next on Pensacola’s to-do list, and another thing that didn’t happen overnight, is to find the source(s) of the fecal bacterial contamination that has plagued Bayou Texar for decades, causing the Health Department to close it for use and human contact several times a year. Getting the Shit out of Bayou Texar has been on my radar since November of 2007. A lot has happened since then. But nothing to fix the problem. Just more Bayou closings by the Health Department and lip service from City Hall.

I have challenged the Emerald CoastKeepers, a local group created in 1999 by Mike Papantonio (local lawyer and Lefty talk radio host), to address the issue to no avail. Their focus on environmental issues is suing corporations with deep pockets instead of advocating for clean water in Bayou Texar.

I refer you to two links here on The Lunch Counter that give a good summary of efforts made to affect positive change. All to no avail. Both posts, Cleaning Up Bayou Texar No Longer A Priority and Mayor Hayward’s Town Hall Tonight condense the issue to who said what, including a comment from Doreen Glennan, a prospective newcomer to the area.

For brevity, I urge you to follow the links provided in the posts mentioned above. A complete summary of all my research on this subject can be found HERE.

Since Mayor Hayward’s tenure, the reporting from the Health Department has been sanitized. What used to be described as fecal bacteria is now called simply “bacteria,” and the posting of signs at the boat ramps to warn the public was discontinued. There’s nothing to be gained by ignoring the nature of problem, except maybe to disguise the truth and not embarrass the new Mayor-based City government while outside advertising campaigns designed to attract tourists and industry are running. I don’t know. To quote my favorite former Secretary of State, “what difference, at this point, does it make?”

A gentleman named Al Garza used to advise the city on matters like this. After talking to him though, it seems his “solution” is to do nothing. That’s not acceptable. What should be done is to contract again with a scientist or organization qualified in determining the source(s) of the fecal contamination, like Dr. Richard Snyder at UWF or some other entity. And, see it through to completion.

Mr. Garza seemed conflicted between the Shit in the water and the chemical contaminants in the sediment of the Bayou. As though the fecal contamination could not be solved without dredging the bayou. And, he said, dredging the bayou would cause more problems by stirring up the chemicals. I’m not a scientist, but seems to me that whatever “problems” would be created by removing contaminated sediment would be solved by the natural flushing and depositing of new sediment that is not contaminated. And it wouldn’t take decades for it to repair itself. Long term, it would be repaired and we won’t have to tout the new Chamber slogan . . .

Visit Pensacola, You’ll love our shit!