Tag Archives: Politics

Conservatism, The Biggest Story Never Told, Since Reagan

Unless you were listening to Rush or read The Blaze, you are not aware of news that Rush correctly characterized as ‘earth-shattering,’

It’s the fantastic, and real, turn-around that Gov. Scott Walker has done in Wisconsin as reflected in his State of the State address. Not only are new jobs being created, they have a budget surplus already amounting to $912 million, and is giving the people’s money back to them by cutting income taxes and property taxes. Why you might ask? Because Walker believes the taxpayer’s money belongs to them. Not the government. Gov. Walker also made the point that the surplus was not just a gimmick of budgeting or accounting (like we’re used to by the pols in Washington), but was the result of serious, significant policy changes. 

Listen to Rush’s take on this as it relates to the Tea Party, conservative principles, and the establishment Republicans. It’s a home run.


Shame on the media for actively ignoring this news story. And shame on the RNC, the Republican Governor’s Association, Sen. Mitch McConnell, and Speaker John Boehner for also ignoring it.

Rush, as usual, is right. The Wisconsin success story must be touted as the example of not just what is possible, but of what has actually been done. In a Blue state no less. Talk about ‘open tent’ and appealing to people from both parties? And under the right leadership can also be done for the country. If the establishment Republicans weren’t so focused on demonizing conservatives, the tea party, and on trying to be Democrat-lite,  their 2014 campaign theme is right before their freaking eyes.  It’s a strong message for how to turn this country around. It’s a ready-made script for a conservative campaign, to contrast Walker’s success story to Mr. Hopey Changy, focused like a laser on his teleprompter, robbing from future generations with debt, jumping from one problem Americans face to another, ignoring the fact that he is the cause of them all, wasting trillions of dollars on “stimulus” spending with nothing good to show for it.

Links: Limbaugh, Governor Walker’s Wisconsin Earthquake of Conservatism Goes Ignored by Media, GOP 

Today’s Progressives, Pop Quiz

In a way to better understand why we are where we are (going down the tubes) in America today, you need to understand the mindset and philosophy of the people leading the charge. President Obama wasn’t the first “leader” to call for fundamental change.

Here’s a quick quiz.  Below are nine quotes, two each from Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, and one bonus quote where you name who said it. Hint, the bonus quote belongs to none of the above.

Which quote belongs to who?

  1. “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
  2. “It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed.”
  3. “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
  4. “We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?”
  5. “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
  6. “I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution…”
  7. “We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
  8. “I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry…”
  9. A prospective K-12 teacher needs to ‘be aware of the social and moral universe we inhabit and…be a teacher capable of hope and struggle, outrage and action, teaching for social justice and liberation.”

Answers: (1,2) Vladimir Lenin, (3,4) Joseph Stalin, (5,6) Barack Obama, (7,8) Hillary Clinton, and the bonus quote (9) belongs to William Ayers.

For more quotes from the fab four, follow the In Their Own Words link below.

Links: In Their Own Words: Lenin, Stalin, Obama, and Hillary | Bill Ayers To Teachers, It’s A ‘Movement’

Pollution from China Reaches U.S., Our Fault?

One of the best kept secrets from the global warming crowd and the so-called environmentalist movement is that the great majority of pollution going into the atmosphere comes from China and India, not the United States.

But now that pollution from China is blowing across the Western United States, the meme changes to it’s our fault because we buy too much stuff. Not only that, but the pollution we’re getting is because of what China exports to the U.S., as if  pollution generated from what they export to other countries around the world what, goes no where, or goes somewhere else?

China’s contribution to pollution is the result of the process of their manufacturing and electrical generation, not from the products we buy. That “process” being they don’t give a flip about using clean technology as is used in the United States. 

Two facts, it is the political, labor, and tax policies in the U.S. that have driven the manufacturing and related jobs overseas. And, although the U.S. is the cleanest industrial nation for its size in the world, no amount of industry strangulation here is going to make up for countries like India and China who have no desire to clean up their act.

Here are a couple other fun facts:

• China emits more CO2 than the US and Canada put together – up by 171% since the year 2000
• The US has had declining CO2 for two years running, the last time the US had declining CO2 for 3 years running was in the 1980s

Links: Pollution from China Reaches U.S., According to New Study – weather.com. | World carbon dioxide emissions data by country: China speeds ahead of the rest

Perdido Beach Mouse v2.0, MRIOTD Award Winner

Never ceases to amaze the hubris of some who assume the role of our Maker. Some command to lower sea level and adjust the world’s thermostat, others, like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, refuse to take NO for an answer where rodents are concerned.perdido_beach_mouse1

The Perdido Key beach mouse, was wiped out naturally and was “re-introduced” in 1987. And again, it was wiped out naturally by hurricane Ivan. Not to be outdone by mother nature, the mouse has been captive bred since then. And people who are supposed to be environmentalists are about to infest the environment, Perdido Key, with a rodent that has twice proven it can not sustain itself, its survival rate is zero, in an environment where people have a survival rate of 100 percent.

And this makes sense to who? For this reason the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Blogger Jailed, Not In China, In Alabama

Here’s a disturbing case of Roger Shuler, an Alabama blogger (Legal Schnauzer) now under indefinite detention in a state prison after refusing to remove items from his blog in adherence to an injunction ruling. Seems the judge way overstepped his bounds and lynched Shuler’s First Amendment right without a trial.

Shuler’s is the only name listed from the Western Hemisphere in the Committee to Protect Journalists’ list of imprisoned news workers around the world. While the presence of a U.S. blogger in a U.S. prison because of his work is troubling enough from a constitutional standpoint, there is even more to Shuler’s story than was first suggested in early reports. A New York Times report on Shuler may have underplayed some chilling factors relating to the blogger’s situation.

Commenting on the article in the NYT, Shuler’s wife, Carol Shuler, said

The Times article was entirely in error in suggesting that we are not seeking a lawyer. My husband and I both told the [Times] reporter repeatedly that we were in fact very much wanting a lawyer and were in fact looking for one, however, we did not have the resources to pay an attorney. We hope to find a good First Amendment or constitutional law attorney who could represent us pro bono or by contingency.

There certainly are a lot of high-priced attorneys in Pensacola. Wouldn’t it be nice if one of them stepped up to help this guy out? There’s no greater constitutional issue than this.

How strange it is that there’s nothing in the media about this? A First Amendment issue ought to be front-page above the fold, just as the lynching of a citizen would be.

Link: Jailing of an Alabama blogger: It’s worse than we thought | Blogger’s Incarceration Raises First Amendment Questions

Muslim Brotherhood Gets “Port Courtesy” From TSA, Not You

And in the WTF Department comes this. Something that took a FOIA request to get.

Never mind for a moment that there is a war against the West and non-believers going on. It used to be called a war on terror. It’s a war where the aggressors are all radical Muslims. Then consider that the reason your grandmother and 10 yr. old daughter get patted down at the airport is because ‘racial profiling’ is not politically correct. No matter how effective it may be. So you have to wonder why racial profiling is now allowed for members of the Muslim Brotherhood. An organization affiliated with terrorists (Hamas) and listed a terrorist organization, with family ties to Anthony Weiner’s wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Weiner, aka Huma Mahmood Abedin.

This racial profiling dictates that if air travelers are Muslim Brotherhood types, then they will not get the same scrutiny that you and your family receive. They’ll get the VIP treatment that the TSA calls “port courtesy,” normally reserved for high-ranking visiting government officials and dignitaries.

It’s embarrassing how reckless, naive, and downright stupid President Obama is waging this war on terror. Seems like he’s on the wrong side. Or, he thinks the was is over. Were it not for his actions in Egypt, Mohamed Morsi wouldn’t have deposed Hosni Mubarak. Himself now behind bars. The Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed in Egypt and labeled a terrorist organization, and all their assets there are frozen. Not here in the United States. His stupid head-in-the-sand handling of Benghazi post Muammar Gaddafi is another example. It’s the same kind of “leadership” that gave Syria to Al Qaeda.

As if you needed convincing that President Obama is our enemy from within, this should do it. When is the first impeachment hearing scheduled? Probably not until Speaker John Boehner is replaced. Keep a sharp eye out for this revelation coming from the mainstream media.

Links: Well, This Seems Fair. | Obama ‘Admin’ DHS Gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP Treatment, No TSA Pat Downs | IPT Exclusive: Records Prove MB Delegates Skipped Airport Inspections

NSA Spying On Terrorists?

The data gathering on Americans, and everyone else in the world, has kept us safe from the Times Square bomber in May 2010, and the Boston Bombing by the Tsarnaev brothers in April 2013. Oh wait. No it didn’t. Despite all that was known beforehand about them.

So what’s the benefit for spying on you? I don’t see becoming a police state as a benefit.

Obama, Putting The Cart Before The Horse

My president said Obamacare would be affordable. He put it in its name, The Affordable Care Act. He said my premiums would go down because young people would be chomping at the bit to buy an insurance policy they didn’t know they wanted or needed.

cart-before-the-horseSo if young and healthy people wanted a health insurance policy that bad, why is HHS running ads and hiring sports icons to try to “sell” it? To have to “sell” Americans on this redistribution scheme should tell you that this program wasn’t wanted in the first place. It is true that Democrats wanted government-run health care since John Dingell first tried it in 1943. And it has been rejected by the American people for the last seventy years.

So when one considers the lengths to which Democrats went, under President Obama’s leadership, to get the ACA passed; the bribes, kickbacks, and “deeming” it passed, it’s no wonder that it is turning out the way it is.

Turns out, only 25% of those “sold” are from that targeted demographic. And 80% of all those sold also are getting a subsidy (because they can’t afford it either), paid for by me and you. Nothing of what was promised, and nothing of what was planned, is happening. Should we just pick a good seat on the Titanic or change ships before it’s too late and we have a full-fledged single payer socialized medicine scenario like what other countries, and their citizens, are suffering under?

This is what happens when you try to put the cart in front of the horse. In this case the cart is the President, leading the horse, which is the U.S. Constitution and 300,000,000 Americans.

Hillary Clinton Audio That Ends Her 2016 Aspirations

Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Hits!

Hillary-Clinton-benghazi_hearingYou have to hear then Senator Clinton in 2001 and in 2002, pressing for answers surrounding the first 9/11 attack. The one in 2001. Wanting to find out who was responsible for the deaths of Americans. And suggesting that, given all the warnings, the Bush administration could have done more and should have done more to prevent the attack.

Continue reading Hillary Clinton Audio That Ends Her 2016 Aspirations

Can Hillary Survive Benghazi? Not With This Audio

071512bridge_dngnkUPDATE: New audio of Hillary Clinton below.

According to news reporting for the last week, the big and only question is about Gov. Chris Christie. Can he survive Bridge Gate. The main reason for their concern is that Christie is the only Republican that, according to polls, beats Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical presidential race.

Yesterday and today, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees declassified some of their findings on the massacre at Benghazi and revealed what everyone knew but President Obama, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice lied about. For weeks. Only now it’s not a right-wing talking point to call them liars. Now, it’s a confirmed fact.

  • The attack was a planned, coordinated terrorist attack.
  • The attack was carried out by alQaeda-afilliated terrorists.
  • It had nothing to do with a video on YouTube.
  • It could have been prevented.
  • Nothing was done to help.
  • Sec. of Defense Panetta, Gen. Carter Ham, and Gen. Dempsey knew from the start what happened, as did President Obama, and did nothing to correct the administration’s spin.

The last bullet point exposes something that isn’t getting any media attention. That this administration has cultivated a climate of loyalty that trumps the truth. Where leaders under the president, Bob Gates included, will allow things of this nature to go on unchallenged. From committing troops in harms way for political instead of national security reasons, and flat-out lying to the American people, shows an unhealthy climate in the administration. Unhealthy for our form of government that depends on our leaders being trusted to tell us the truth. If the American people can’t trust their own government, why should our allies?

In a most amazing audio of then Senator Clinton in 2001 and 2002, in the investigation into the first 9/11 attack, the one in 2001, former Secretary of State Clinton seems to have changed her tune for the second 9/11 attack. Under President Bush, it made a difference. Under President Obama and her as Secretary of State? Not so much. Give a listen.

H/T to Roger Hedgecock for airing this audio on his radio show today.

Because they were an accomplice, the media is maintaining their blackout as the New York Times covers for Mrs. Clinton. They could do something to save themselves from total irrelevancy if they would ask the obvious question. Can Hillary survive Benghazi? All they have to do is their job, and play this audio, and send Hillary to the home for presidential candidate also-rans. Even they can’t change Hillary’s testimony from twelve, thirteen years ago.