I’ve figured out what the worst job in the United States is. And Mike Rowe has never been there. It is so bad that it almost takes a village to do it.
The worst job is the poor saps in The White House charged with coming up with ways to convince the American people that Obama and his State Department are foreign policy geniuses. But that’s not all. They have to do it in such a way that, with cooperation of the media, the American people won’t see that he is lying.
And that is becoming impossible. Whether you choose to believe what you see is another matter. But I live in Realville.

Remember when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke before the a joint session of Congress, and said how Obama’s wannabe Iran plan was nothing more than a path to a nuclear bomb? Remember when he said that Iran was mere months away (2 to 3) from having the material to make one? Remember how Obama, echoed by the media, said Netanyahu was wrong? Iran was more than a year from “breakout.” And, that this deal would take Iran 10-15 years before they would have that ability. Remember that? Do you remember when he praised Sec. of State John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) for forging a historic agreement and, that Iran was not going to have a bomb under that (hope and change) agreement?
Thomas Sowell describes Obama’s Iran so-called deal this way . . .
By abandoning virtually all its demands for serious restrictions on Iran’s nuclear bomb program, the Obama administration has apparently achieved the semblance of a preliminary introduction to the beginning of a tentative framework for a possible hope of an eventual agreement with Iran.
Well, the jig is up. And, the media hasn’t noticed. This, so his low-information voter base and other ideologues won’t be awakened.
Now, NOW, Obams is admitting exactly what Netanyahu had said. But that’s only the half of it. Obama knew at the time Netanyahu made that speech that he was right. That was days and weeks before Obama was saying just the opposite.
Doesn’t that our president has no compulsion to tell the truth on the international, and national stage, make you feel just a bit disgusted? Embarrassed for your country? And, are you feeling safe and secure knowing that his lies now translate to a game of thermonuclear war with Iran, a State sponsor of terrorism?
His candidacy was a lie. He lied to sell his agenda to America. He won ‘Lie of the Year’ for Obamacare. Now it’s not just Americans who are at risk because of his lies. It’s the United States, Israel, and the rest of the civilized world.
Link: Obama Kept Iran’s Short Breakout Time a Secret