Tag Archives: Politics

goLeftTV Says The U.S. Is Like Old Communist Russia

I’d say that this video would qualify Mike Papantonio’s1 way-out-there ‘progressive news’ outlet called goLeftTV for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. But it would diminish the value of the award because they would probably win it every day.

There are a few topics in this video, but the most outrageous is the take that Farron Cousins has concerning the Bush administration (probably the National Security Agency) and Google.

According to Cousins, at the request of the administration, Google has agreed to block images of military installations, war zones, The White House, and other potential sensitive areas. To that, the progressive news source accuses the Bush administration of being like the old communist Russia. Which, by the way, is the place where Vladimir Putin is trying to return.

If you need one, here’s a quick credibility test for goLeftTV. Look up The White House on Google Earth. Is it blocked out on your screen?

video link

1Bio: Mike Papantonio hosts a nationally syndicated radio show, the Ring of Fire, on Air America Radio and is the founder of GoLeft.tv. He is a partner in the Levin Papantonio law firm in Pensacola.

Economy Continues To Grow, GDP Up 3.3%

Contrary to what is coming out of the mouths of Democrat(ic) candidates and President Clinton, the truth is that the U.S. economy continues to grow. Again, there is no recession. Well, except in the brain matter of Democrats in Washington for what they would have you believe.

GDP, the broadest measure of the nation’s economic activity, stood at an annual rate of 3.3% in the quarter, adjusted for inflation, the Commerce Department said. Economic growth between 2.5% and 3.5% is typically viewed as the norm for a healthy economy.

After hearing President Clinton, and VP candidate Joseph Biden last night, talk of a failing economy, that only they can fix, let’s see how the Messiah himself calls it tonight. The sorry thing about these politicians is that no matter what the fact show, they continue to try to pull one over on you. This used to be called lying to you. Whatever.

The stimulus worked. Moreover, to keep it working, make ‘those Bush tax cuts’ permanent.

Personal spending helped add 1.2% to the second-quarter preliminary GDP reading released Thursday, up from the advanced reading of 1% for the quarter and just 0.6% in the first quarter.

Exports rose, much to the horrors to those that worry over the so-called ‘trade deficit.’

Much improved demand for U.S. exports added 3.1% to GDP, compared to just 0.8% in the advanced reading.

Wages rose.

Individuals pay excluding volatile food and energy prices – rose 2.1%

And according to Wachovia senior economist Mark Vitner . . .

Inflation is still just barely above the perceived comfort zone of central bankers. The Federal Reserve is generally believed to want to see the 12-month change in core inflation readings remain between 1% and 2%. “Without a price spiral, the Fed won’t have to squeeze the life out the economy, which should help sustain modest economic growth,” Vitner said.

Month after month, quarter after quarter, there is not and has not been anything approaching a recession. So time has come to blame George Bush for our continued growth.

link: Economy gets big stimulus boost

pMSNBC Libs Ignite On Scarborough

Michael Calderone at Politico details the story that spans two days. Beginning with Keith Olbermann piping in for Joe to get a shovel. Apparently implying that McCain has not gained in the polls, like he actually has, to a point of being competitive with Obama, like Joe was pointing out. With that comment, Olbermann was implying that Joe was putting out bullshit. It is Olbermann’s political blinders than prevent him from seeing McCain’s rise in the polls to within the margin of error of tying the Messiah. Then again, I don’t remember when he ever read the news from an objective perspective. That was Monday night.

Then on Tuesday morning, reporter David Shuster, tries to equate the criticism of the left’s call to leave Iraq immediately with al-Malaki’s call for all troops to leave Iraq in 16 months. For some reason, we all know what the reason is, Shuster is unwilling to see the difference between an immediate and precipitous withdrawal from one over the span of 16 months. And, according to Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, even that is not cut in stone. But hey, Shuster has an agenda to uphold. David Shuster stepped in it when he tried to draw the relativism between the two, which wasn’t at all what Joe was talking about. Then Shuster attaches his bias to Joe with his ‘your party’ comment. What a blithering idiot.

Got to hand it to Joe though. He doesn’t take the abuse, and holds his own. I hope they pay him well over there.

related links: Hardboiled with Chris Matthews video | Morning Joe video | MSNBC prez defends convention team

Privacy, Security, Honesty, Obama And Biden

Taking a cursory look around the blogosphere, there seems to be more information coming out about the Democratic Presidential ticket.

From GIZMODO, is a report about Sen. Joe Biden that should make all Internet users pay attention. And it has to do with IE8. It has security features that Biden does not like. Curious that he is against the Patriot Act when he is all about taking away your privacy and security. H/T D=S

From the American Thinker comes some information about Barack Obama’s shifting positions on gun control issues. Specifically, the right of a law abiding private citizen to have a concealed weapons permit. He speaks with forked tongue. One could call it a lie if you were to be so bold.

Obama’s flip flops on guns is especially dizzying, but simply par for the course for Obama when it comes to projecting “misleading moderation” as Freddoso calls it. And unless the voter takes the time to dig into what Obama really thinks, they probably walk away with the opinion that Obama is not really the far left liberal he truly is.

While on the subject of honesty and Barack Obama, you will recall Barack saying that he barely knew William Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist. You know, the guy who not only was his neighbor but sold him property adjacent to Barack’s property for hundreds of thousands of dollars below market value. Naturally, this kind of stuff happens all the time between people that barely know each other. Doesn’t it?

Barack Obama made it appear in public statements that he barely knew Ayers. Here is what he said at the Philadelphia debate in April about his relationship with the terrorist:

This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn’t make much sense, George.

Then there is the ‘Chicago Annenberg Challenge.’ This is an organization founded by Ayers where Barack Obama served as President of the Board, and William Ayers headed up the operations arm. Even though he barely knows him. As documents relating to this organization are examined, I would expect to see more contradictions between Obama’s statements and the facts. This much is evident so far . . .

The UIC records show that Obama and Ayers attended board meetings, retreats and at least one news conference together as the education program got under way. The two continued to attend meetings together during the 1995-2001 operation of the program, records show.

The Democrat(ic) party is finally bearing the consequences of having an improperly vetted candidate. Details at 11.

related link: The Chicago Annenberg Challenge’s Mysterious Files

Socialist Democrat Party Platform

Spoken by ‘the traveling pant-suit’ herself, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) reiterated her party’s goal for ‘universal’ health care. If you believe her number, 47 million people, which includes 20 million illegal aliens, do not have a health insurance policy, but they do have health care. Never mind that every American has basic health care already. Her party’s goal, same as Ted Kennedy for the last 40 years, is to convince the dumb masses that health care is a ‘right’ of Americans. Last I checked, health insurance is not mentioned in our Constitution or our Bill of Rights.

In her rant attacking McCain and Republicans, Hillary says that Republicans want to give windfall profits to Big Oil. This statement blatantly shows her party’s ignorance and disdain of the capitalist system. Not to mention her elitist attitude for redistribution of wealth. Her frame of reference is that profits belong to the government and not the business and shareholders that own it and earned it. And, by misusing the term ‘windfall profits,’ is accusing Big Oil of cheating the American people. Adding a dash of class envy, Hillary points out that those companies making money are hurting the poor the hardest. Like the single parent minimum wage earner with 6 kids.

Watching her performance at the Democratic National Convention tonight was enlightening alright. The change they are looking for is nothing short of a socialist society. Question is, will the American people ignore our founding principles and buy into it?

aSide Order

Grandma gets her gun. Grandma 1, crook 0.

According to police, a 17-year-old suspect was attempting to burglarize Leda Smith overnight. That’s when Smith grabbed her gun and told the teen that she would shoot him if he moved, police said.

link: Elderly Woman Grabs Gun, Holds Would-Be Burglar At Bay

Babalu Blog has an advanced copy of the Democratic National Convention’s Schedule of Events. This is funny, even if you are a flaming liberal.

For starters:

7:00 pm ~ Opening flag burning.
7:15 pm ~ Pledge of Allegiance to the U. N.
7:20 pm ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:25 pm ~ Non-religious prayer and worship with Jesse Jackson.

Get the rest here.

Elian Gonzalez saga could haunt Obama

According to David Paul Kuhn at Politico, it could.

Having two top advisers who played key roles in the episode – Greg Craig, who represented Gonzalez’s father in Cuba, and Eric Holder, then a Clinton administration deputy attorney general when federal agents stormed the Miami home of Gonzalez’s relatives to remove the then-6-year-old and return him to Cuba – Obama now finds himself on the wrong side of an emotional issue in a battleground state.

Thanks to Charles Robinson, Yahoo Sports writer, for bringing us an Olympic story that we never heard.Somalia’s runners provide inspiration‘ is a story that will bring it all home for us all. And, should dam well make you thankful for what you’ve got. And, thanks to Charles Robinson, will have you cheering these two runners for their Olympic-sized human spirit.

And excerpt . . .

It’s about a girl whose Beijing moment lasted a mere 32 seconds – the slowest 200-meter dash time out of the 46 women who competed in the event. Thirty-two seconds that almost nobody saw but that she carries home with her, swelled with joy and wonderment. Back to a decades-long civil war that has flattened much of her city. Back to an Olympic program with few Olympians and no facilities. Back to meals of flat bread, wheat porridge and tap water.

Please read the whole story of the only two competitors representing Somalia here. If you have a heart, you’ll be glad you did.

Russia Is OK With Missile Defense System, For Syria

But certainly not for Poland. No! Missile defense systems for western aligned nations are not on Vladimir Putin’s approved list. Key phrase is ‘missile defense.’ Considering Russia’s history, and Putin’s history, and Putin’s current invasion and occupation of the sovereign state of Georgia, is it any surprise that they like the idea of selling offensive and defensive weapons systems to Syria?

Officials said Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has approved the sale of rockets, missiles, aircraft and air defense systems to Syria. They said Medvedev, in consultation with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, decided to enable Damascus to select from a range of Russian weapons and systems.

And it doesn’t stop there . . .

Assad, who ended a two-day visit on Aug. 21, has also pledged to consider a Russian request to station the Iskander-E long-range, solid-fuel rocket in Syria. Moscow has asserted that the Iskankder could penetrate Israeli or U.S. missile defense systems.

Putin is really enjoying his opportunity to bully Georgia, Poland, and Europe. And with a seat on the United Nations Security Council, he is almost guaranteed to get what he wants regarding the Georgian invasion. Which is, annexing the disputed areas into Russia, if not just washing away Georgia’s border and occupying those territories permanently. Well, that is, presuming the West will just sit by and watch, and let it happen.

link:Putin, Medvedev offer Syria expanded options for weapons systems

Biden Adds Gravitas To Obama's Campaign

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) chooses Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) to be his Vice Presidential running mate, adding gravitas to the ticket that needs it. Of course, the absence of the use of the word gravitas in the context of the Obama campaign is perhaps the most ignored story of the year.

Not sure how a 36 year veteran of the Senate represents ‘change we can believe in.’

The choice of Biden, who has served in the Senate since 1972, indicates Obama was more interested in filling gaps in his foreign policy experience than in finding someone who could reinforce his message of bringing change to Washington.

What it is, is a continuation of an empty suit running to be President and Commander In Chief.

related link: Barack Obama Picks His Cabinet | Obama picks Senate veteran Biden as running mate

First Annual Black Republican Forum

Founded and co-sponsored by the Women’s National Republican Club’s American Forum Series and the National Black Republican Association. The 2008 Black Republican Forum was held on August 6, 2008 and was broadcast on C-SPAN on August 19, 2008. It will be re-aired on Friday and Saturday on C-SPAN but can be viewed online at the links below. The Keynote Speaker was NFL Hall of Famer Lynn Swann who gave an inspirational speech on Race and the Presidential Election.

Session 2 has not been aired yet, which explains why it is not included in the links below. Session 2 is not yet available.

related links: Black Republican Forum, Session 1| Black Republican Forum, Session 3

National Black Republican Association | Women’s National Republican Club | Black Republican Forum

Is Obama Stuck On Stupid? Voters Want Substance

Using page two from the Democratic playbook, Obama is whining about McCain questioning his patriotism to the VFW today.

Democrat Barack Obama challenged his Republican opponent John McCain on Tuesday to stop questioning his “character and patriotism.” Addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention, Obama reaffirmed his early opposition to the U.S. invasion of Iraq and said the so-called “surge” strategy of sending 30,000 additional troops to Iraq last year had not produced the political reconciliation necessary to achieve lasting peace in the country. McCain supported the Iraq invasion and was an early champion of the surge.

If Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) thinks that by McCain repeating Obama’s views and policies on the war is questioning his character and patriotism, all I can say is, if the shoe fits, wear it. He, like his fellow Democrats, seems all too eager to put it on.

For a lawyer, well let me change that. For an educated person to say the surge strategy ‘had not produced the political reconciliation necessary to achieve lasting peace in the country’ is like expecting kids in Washington D.C., or anywhere else for that matter, to be smart because they receive the highest amount of dollars per student in the country. D.C., like most urban centers, has a dismal graduation rate. Using Obama’s strategy, we should cut education funding since the students obviously don’t want to learn. In Iraq, political solutions must come from Iraqi politicians, the same way smart students must come from smart teachers who know how to teach, coupled with school administrations that focus on the students instead of their union.

The Obama campaign is turning out to be one of the most shallow of campaigns ever. Far surpassing John Kerry’s for saying nothing. I want to hear how he is going to stimulate the economy by raising taxes, and how inflating my tires, which are already at the correct pressure, will equate to all the oil drilling possible, making it unnecessary to drill at all. I want to hear him say how taxing our oil companies by 18 billion dollars and more will bring down the cost of gas at the pump. Come on Barack, voters want substance.

related links:

Obama hits back at McCain over Iraq war | Obama And Democrats Demand That The Shoe Fits