Tag Archives: Politics

Columbia University Institute Wins MRIOTD Award

Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute has filed a suit against President Trump, alleging that Trump has breached the First Amendment rights of two people, Holly O’Reilly and Joe Papp, because he has blocked them on Twitter.

Who knew that the First Amendment also included the freedom to listen? Well, it doesn’t. And blocking anyone on Twitter for whatever reason, or no reason at all, does not prevent Holly O’Reilly, Joe Papp, you, or anyone else from speaking their mind.

The fact that Columbia is taking this suit is indicative of just how polluted higher education has become with their disdain for the Constitution. For taking this matter to court on 1st Amendment grounds earns Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute the Lunch Counter’s Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award.

As an aside, and winning an honorable mention is PETA, for “representing” a monkey named Naruto. Naruto took selfies using British nature photographer David Slater’s camera. PETA claims that the monkey holds the copyright to the pictures. The case has risen to a three-judge panel in the 9th Circus Court of Appeals in San Francisco. Naruto could not be reached for comment.

Links: No, Trump isn’t breaching your First Amendment rights by blocking you on Twitter  |  Trump blocked some people from his Twitter account. Is that unconstitutional?  |  Monkey-selfie copyright lawsuit returns to court

Battle Of Fake News

1 potato 2 potato 3 potato 4. CNN tries to take out Trump. Trump takes out CNN more.

It’s a funny video. You gotta know that Trump is getting his kicks with this. Egging CNN on to continue, so he can hit them back again. He’s playing with them. Not being able to put this president in their little box, they, and his detractors, are about going insane.

It’s the Fake News Media that has made politics a contact sport. They have met their match. And as they say in the Twitterverse, ROTFLMAO.


This is the original clip. Trump and his wrestler end up shaving Vince McMahon’s head. I guess that was part of “the deal.”

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a new sheriff in town.

What Common Ground?

Every time I hear politicians from both parties talk about the need to come together and find common ground, I’m reminded of this old Roseanne Barr line; “Ya know what burns my ass? A flame about this high.”

It happens so often that I’m having my doubts whether the politicians in Washington are going to snap out of the political coma they are in. Those politicians who for decades think that money grows on trees. There seems to be only a handful left, Trump being one of them, willing to face the reality of just how deep a hole they have put this country. And it’s not like there’s anything new to expect from spending more than you can afford. Look at any country in socialist Europe, or Venezuela, to see the state of the Welfare State.

What are we getting from Democrats? The same old song, Republicans want to “take” health insurance away from 22 million people. That farce is explained HERE. Republicans want to take away everything we want to give you.

Finding common ground with this bunch is impossible. Like finding common ground with Hamas. They want to kill Jews. Jews don’t want to be killed. Where’s the common ground?  Liberals and Progressives want to tax and spend their way to bankrupt the country by committing inter-generational theft, thereby exacerbating an already catastrophic financial meltdown. They want to ignore the current $20 Trillion debt, and over $200 Trillion in unfunded mandates, and make both worse by running on “free” stuff.  Who doesn’t like free stuff? Where’s the common ground?

What we need is more adults in Washington that have the will, and the guts to tackle the problem. Chart a course for a new America. One that pays its way and doesn’t steal from future generations, and reviving the economic engine and job creation that the country is capable of.

But first, we must win the argument that a responsible government is what we need. Democrats want an irresponsible government, that’s how they get re-elected. Republicans want to fix the problem, that makes them evil. Where’s the common ground?


22 Million People Reject Obamacare

When you hear Democrats whine, or the CBO “score,” about how replacing Obamacare is going to cause 22 million people to lose their health insurance policy, consider this.

That is the difference between the number of people forced by the government, Obamacare, to either buy one or have one (free, as in socialist free and dumped into Medicaid) even though they can’t afford to use it if they needed to, and those who want one in the first place.

Given the choice, which Obamacare does not offer, there are millions of people, especially young, healthy people, who would rather spend their money on something other than an expensive health insurance policy designed by the federal government that they can’t afford to use because of high premiums and higher deductibles.

Basically, the higher the number the better. It doesn’t signal how evil the Republican plan is. It shows how many people don’t like Obamacare and want nothing to do with it. It shows how many people, as the Dingell family learned, reject socialized medicine.

Senate To Probe Loretta Lynch

Who wants to probe Loretta Lynch? Damn, I can’t un-picture that image.

But I do think she needs to be in jail, after being investigated and found guilty for interfering in an election, Hillary’s.

  • Saying that her investigation into Hillary’s email shenanigans wouldn’t “go to far”
  • Don’t call it an investigation, call it a matter. The same language that the Clinton campaign was using. The FBI doesn’t do matters.
  • Didn’t check the DNC’s computers after they accused Russia for hacking them. When the emails were most likely given to Wikileaks by a staffer who was a Bernie supporter, who later turned up dead, and whitewashed as a robbery, even though nothing from his dead body was missing.
  • Then there’s the clandestine meeting between Lynch and Slick Willie (Bill BJ Clinton) days before Comey’s public announcement that he’s not going to prosecute Hillary because she (according to him) did not “intend” to violate the law, even though “intent” is not the test, only gross negligence is, which Comey said she had committed.

Link: Senate announces probe of Loretta Lynch behavior in 2016 election

GA-6, The Message

“Analysts” are opining on “what message” does Georgia’s special election send. One is obvious. The republican won, the democrat didn’t. Again.

But the message that’s out there is, that the republican base is energized to win and save the agenda that Trump ran on. After all, that’s what, and who, they voted for.

It’s also a “last call” for the Never Trump Republicans and those Republicans in the swamp to get behind the president in a 100% party kind of way. The message to them is get off your ass, and get legislation passed. Try it and let the policies succeed or fail on their own. Sitting on your thumb is not an option.

Democrats’ Time For Reflection?

What, suddenly the Democrat Party is rudderless, leaderless? Writer Matthew Dallek hits all the angles of why, except the one where blame belongs, President Barack Obama. He destroyed the party’s identity for his own vision. Neither he or the party can admit that or plot a course for a new and improved political party. To do that would be to repudiate The One’s vision.

Republicans have their own problems. They have a leader, they have a vision. Problem is, they also have members in the swamp who like their political careers more than the future of the country. Were that not the case, if people like McCain and a few others would get on board, it’s Katy bar the doors.

Link: Bitter Ga. loss provides backdrop for Democrats to reflect on party’s future

Sen. Schumer Wins MRIOTD Award

That Sen. Chuck Schemer won the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award was not even close. In fact, he won it in a landslide.

Promising to continue his party’s agenda to resist everything and anything the Trump administration wants to do, from non-controversial and necessary appointments to necessary things like repeal and replace of Obamacare, Schumer whines on about how Democrats have not been included in the bill drafting process.

Early Alzheimer’s onset? He doesn’t remember how Obamacare was crafted, introduced, and passed into law with zero input from Republicans and zero votes from Republicans.

Aside from the utter failure of Obamacare to deliver what was promised, Schumer and his  comrades in the Democrat(ic) Party have excluded themselves from participating by the very nature of their new Resistance campaign.

For this reason, Sen. Schumer (D-NY) wins the MRIOTD Award.

Assassination Attempt Outside DC

The reaction of the shooting of Republican congressmen, their aides, and the Capitol police has been about what one would expect. Some calling for more gun control, many condemning the shooting, some blaming Trump, and none addressing the cause. But the one I want to discuss here is one reaction calling it White Terrorism.

I don’t think race has anything to do with it. Like Islamic terrorism, it is ideologically based. In this case, it’s political.

It is a result of the media-fueled acceptance that Hillary Clinton unfairly lost the 2016 presidential election. A meme that has been supported by the Democratic Party since November 8, 2016. It’s what happens when election results are not accepted by millions of (low information) people. People who believe what they read in the NYT or WaPo. People who believe what they see on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS. And the malicious intent and malicious motivation cast upon the Trump administration and Republicans by the media and Democrats, has metastasized into what this Bernie Sanders supporter did today.

For years now, political opposition from Democrats in Washington has been less about policy differences of one being right or wrong, good or better, better or worse. And instead is focused on republicans being bad people, evil people. They are no longer in the shadows of American politics. They call themselves The Resistance. (Hello Venezuela)

We’ve heard Bernie Sanders, and others in the Democratic Party say repeatedly how everything Trump wants to do will kill people. The solution to end the mass psychosis is to stick to policy matters. I don’t see Democrats taking the high road and finally accepting defeat, but that would help immeasurably.

Statement by President Trump on the Shooting in Virginia


Joint statement of today’s shooting by the leaders of The Resistance. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said this . . .

One could easily say about The Resistance (including the fake news media) as a result of this shooting, blood is on their hands.

Link: Rep. Scalise remains in critical condition, requires more surgery

Climate Schlimate, Paris Accord

Pulling out of the Paris Accord is best for America. The anti-capitalist anti-American community are pushing the narrative that man-made global warming is going to kill the planet, and that the United States is responsible, and should set the example by agreeing to it.

The [agreement] promises to damage the economy while surrendering American sovereignty over climate policy to yet another international, largely anti-American enterprise. Our climate policy — which incorporates health and economic policy — would be mandated by the terms of this agreement. It is a hard-and-fast agreement that targets the United States as the primary culprit and requires the United States to carry the primary burden in fixing what isn’t broken, in stopping what isn’t happening: Man-made climate change.

We are setting the example already, and don’t need to shift trillions of taxpayer dollars from our side of the planet to the other. Get back to me when the rest of the world, including China and India, can run their industrialized economies as efficiently and environmentally friendly as we do. Then tell me what the global temperature should be, and how to keep it from changing.