Assassination Attempt Outside DC

The reaction of the shooting of Republican congressmen, their aides, and the Capitol police has been about what one would expect. Some calling for more gun control, many condemning the shooting, some blaming Trump, and none addressing the cause. But the one I want to discuss here is one reaction calling it White Terrorism.

I don’t think race has anything to do with it. Like Islamic terrorism, it is ideologically based. In this case, it’s political.

It is a result of the media-fueled acceptance that Hillary Clinton unfairly lost the 2016 presidential election. A meme that has been supported by the Democratic Party since November 8, 2016. It’s what happens when election results are not accepted by millions of (low information) people. People who believe what they read in the NYT or WaPo. People who believe what they see on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS. And the malicious intent and malicious motivation cast upon the Trump administration and Republicans by the media and Democrats, has metastasized into what this Bernie Sanders supporter did today.

For years now, political opposition from Democrats in Washington has been less about policy differences of one being right or wrong, good or better, better or worse. And instead is focused on republicans being bad people, evil people. They are no longer in the shadows of American politics. They call themselves The Resistance. (Hello Venezuela)

We’ve heard Bernie Sanders, and others in the Democratic Party say repeatedly how everything Trump wants to do will kill people. The solution to end the mass psychosis is to stick to policy matters. I don’t see Democrats taking the high road and finally accepting defeat, but that would help immeasurably.

Statement by President Trump on the Shooting in Virginia

Joint statement of today’s shooting by the leaders of The Resistance. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said this . . .

One could easily say about The Resistance (including the fake news media) as a result of this shooting, blood is on their hands.

Link: Rep. Scalise remains in critical condition, requires more surgery

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