Tag Archives: Obamacare

Hillary’s Campus Rally

Hillary shared the stage with the Bern yesterday “to appeal for youth votes.” Worried about shrinking support from millennials (now the same as ‘college-age’), she echoed the “free stuff” theme of making public colleges tuition-free, for families earning less than $125,000.

Odd that the campus rally wasn’t open to the students without an invitation. Attendees described many of them as middle-aged, members of local Democratic organizations, or invited by the campaign. Phony much?

Although Sanders lost to Clinton, he consistently drew younger voters to his side with promises to take on Wall Street and make college less expensive.

Hillary’s version is not as bold when it comes to taking on her major donors, Wall Street. Speaking to student debt, she’s not talking about forgiveness, she’s talking about “those who already have student debt to refinance.”

Having lived through the real estate crash caused by Fannie / Freddie and bailing out Wall Street (which they continue to do), and what Obamacare has done to health care costs and the health insurance industry, managed by politics and not economics, what Hillary has in mind is just more of the same.

You can’t expect for the people who created the problem to now know how to fix it.  Like Trump says, “follow the money.”

Link: Clinton enlists former foe Sanders in appeal for youth votes

ACA Fail, On Schedule

The collapse of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, was predicted. Basically because it was designed to fail.

Three years ago we learned that, in order to get insurance companies to cover the extra mandated coverages, the act (aka taxpayers) would reimburse the insurance companies for their losses for three years. The gamble was that by that time, so many young and healthy people would enroll to cover their costs. Well, that didn’t happen.

Now, because they will no longer be reimbursed for their losses, the insurance companies are pulling out. And those staying with it are raising their rates accordingly.

The failure of Obamacare to deliver on its promises, and the insurance carriers pulling out, paves the way for what Democrats have been longing for, and something that Americans have rejected ever since it was first proposed 73 years ago by John Dingell Sr. in 1943. Single-payer health care. Or to put it another way, Medicare for all. The government can’t take proper care of veterans. They can’t deliver affordable health care for the ten percent of Americans that had no health care. So why would anyone believe they can take care of 320 million of us?

This presidential election will be the deciding point. The Republican sides wants to fix it with private sector solutions. The Democrat side wants to exacerbate the problem regardless if it makes health care worse.

Links: It’s Working: Nation’s Largest Insurer Pulling Out of Obamacare in Nation’s Largest State  |  STILL THINKING OBAMACARE IS AFFORDABLE?  |  DAYS OF INCREMENTALISM ARE OVER

aSide Order

Democratic Socialist Debate On CNN

Americans, illegals, and future illegals were treated to a triple dip of taxing, spending, and free stuff as the Democrat Party’s vision for America. Like most everything they’ve been supporting since 2008, it has been the turning everything we know upside-down. From the American dream and capitalism, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and any hint of fiscal responsibility. It also was the first Democratic debate I’ve seen where an Independent was included. Were it not for the Independent (avowed socialist) Bernie Sanders, the TV viewing audience would have been down to friends and relatives of CNN employees.

Wealth envy and class warfare, with a heaping topping of race divisiveness were also evident. Basically, they get their power from pitting Americans against each other by creating victims, villains, and the savior. Not Jesus Christ, but them and their Party. Exhibiting a moral standard  of the lowest of society, with expectations to match.

Doubling the national debt since 2008, and proposing to double it again with all the “free stuff,” and ignoring the already unsustainable unfunded mandates (Social Security, Medicare) that exceed $100 trillion, were not even considered. Essentially, what we saw was a race to the bottom if Democrats keep The White House in 2016.

They also were bold to say how they would circumvent Congress and the Bill of Rights. The 1st and 2nd Amendments to this bunch are not principles to be protected. Instead, they are obstacles to their rule.

The most amusing thing to see was how they all trashed Obama’s seven years in office with no jobs, low wages, brutal police in Democrat strongholds,  and the bad Iran deal. You know, that deal they were for before they were against it. They all were talking as though a Republican has been in power for the last seven years.


Hillary’s First Night As President ??

Hillary Clinton was sworn in today as President. She has disposed of Bill and is spending her first night alone in the White House. She has waited several years for this!


Suddenly! The ghost of George Washington appears to her, and Hillary says, “How can I best serve my country?”

Washington says, “Never tell a lie.”

“Ouch!” Says Hillary, “I don’t know about that.”


The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears…?

Hillary says, “How can I best serve my country?”

Jefferson says, “Listen to the people.”

“Ohhh! I really really don’t want to do that.”


On the third night, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln appears…?

Hillary says, “How can I best serve my country?”

Lincoln says,

“Go to the theater.”


The Ambidextrous Lady Golfer

A group of men live and die for their Saturday morning golf game. One transfers to another city and they’re lost without him.
A new woman joins their Club. When she hears the guys talking about their golf round, she says, “I played on my college’s golf team. I was pretty good. Mind if I join you next week?”

No one wants to say ‘yes’, but they’re on the spot. Finally, one man says. Okay, but we start at 6:30 a.m. He figures the early tee-time will discourage her. The woman says this may be a problem, and asks if she can be up to 15 minutes late.

They roll their eyes, but say, “Okay”. But she’s there at 6:30 a.m. sharp, and beats all of them with an eye-opening 2-under par round. She’s fun and pleasant, and the guys are impressed. They congratulate her and invite her back the next week. She smiles, and says, “I’ll be there at 6:30 or 6:45.”

The next week she again shows up again at 6:30 sharp. Only this time, she plays left-handed. The three guys are incredulous as she still beats them with an even par round, despite playing with her off-hand. They’re totally amazed. They can’t figure her out. But she’s very pleasant and a gracious winner. They invite her back again, but each man harbours a burning desire to beat her.

The third week, she’s 15 minutes late this time, which irritates the guys. This week she plays right-handed again, but narrowly beats all three of them. The men grumble that her late arrival is petty gamesmanship on her part. However, she’s so charming and complimentary of their strong play, they can’t hold a grudge.

Still, this woman is a riddle no one can figure out. They have a couple of beers in the Clubhouse, and finally, one of the men asks her, “How do you decide if you’re going to golf right-handed or left-handed?”
The lady blushes, and grins. “When my Dad taught me to play golf, I learned I was ambidextrous,” she replies. “I like to switch back and forth. When I got married after college, I discovered my husband always sleeps in the nude. From then on, I developed a silly habit….
Right before I leave in the morning for golf practice, I pull the covers off him. If his Willie points to the right, I golf right-handed; if it points to the left, I golf left-handed.”

The guys think this is hysterical. Astonished at this bizarre information, one of the guys says, “What if it’s pointing straight up?”
She says, “Then, I’m fifteen minutes late.”

DNC Chair Comes Out, Planned Parenthood

Debbie Was-a-man Shultz comes out. In her fear campaign to raise money, Debbie says she is “pissed off.” “I’m going to be frank,” she says. (Could have been an uppercase F.)

Willing to shut down the government for preserving $500,000,000 of taxpayer money to 700 Planned Parenthood butcher shops instead of giving it to 13,540 federally qualified women’s health clinics that don’t kill babies and sell their remains, Shultz demonstrates how abortion, not women’s health, is the Holy Sacrament of the Democrat Party.

In her DNC fundraising letter, she also bemoans how those evil republicans want to repeal Obamacare. The program that was forced down America’s collective throat. The program that is so bad that it won’t even be fully implemented (if not repealed first) until Obama is out of office. Obama doesn’t want to be around to face the mess he made.

Still Thinking Obamacare Is Affordable?

It’s so affordable that the Obama administration had to prime the insurance industry with payoffs for their losses for getting onboard with the misnamed Affordable Care Act. Those payoffs end next year.

And already, despite the government’s best efforts to use taxpayer money to give the illusion that it is working as advertised, it is not. And those payoffs are supposed to end in 2016.

It may not be performing as advertised. But, it is working exactly as planned. The pathway to single-payer healthcare is widening.

State-run health insurance markets that offer coverage under President Barack Obama’s health law are struggling with high costs and disappointing enrollment. These challenges could lead more of them to turn over operations to the federal government or join forces with other states.

Critics of Obamacare saw it coming long before it was rammed down America’s collective throat. But they were dismissed by the Left and its media being racists, not liking the government takeover of 16% of the private economy and ruining the health insurance industry just because Obama is Black. As if it would be OK if Obama were only White.

On this legislation, there’s no victory lap for being right. So far it’s a moot point, because electing a Republican majority in both the House and Senate with a mandate to repeal it has failed. It has failed because those Republicans have betrayed their constituents by failing to do what they were elected to do. They have caved on every plank of that mandate.

There are way too few republicans running for president with the gonads to turn this ship around. Most of them are responsible for running full speed ahead.

Links: State health insurance markets struggle with cost challenges   |  OBAMACARE HIGHLIGHTS AND RACKETEERING

Democrats, Poor, Caught By Surprise?

As a Democrat legislator, how can you be caught by surprise by the fine that Obamacare levies on taxpayers for not buying a government-approved health insurance policy when, it was all Democrats and only Democrats who voted for it?

It is obvious that they did not read their own law that they voted for.  It is also obvious that the sheeple in their party followed them blindly down the same path.

It is obvious too that there would have been no surprise about the tax penalty if the media had done its job.

All this could have been avoided if they opened their eyes and maybe, read this, Obamacare Fines, For Poor People Only, from October 2013.

Links: Obamacare Fines, For Poor People Only  |  Democrats are bracing for another Obamacare backlash

Rudy Giuliani Is Right

When you love someone. Or when you love some thing, like say, your country, you don’t go out and try to fundamentally change her, or it.

Rudy Giuliani was right.

Besides that, Obama lied on two basic tenets that most Americans believe, in order to get himself elected.

  1. He lied when he said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman, and
  2. he lied when he said that the national debt, then $9 trillion, under Bush was unpatriotic, and irresponsible.

Now, had he told the truth about himself, that he was for gay marriage and he was preparing to raise the national debt to over $20 trillion, HIllary Clinton would have been elected. And those two facts have nothing to do with the color of his skin.

None of this, what Obama has done to America, would have been a surprise if he were vetted before the election. I wasn’t the only one warning people what this guy is all about. All of what he has done and wants to do makes perfect sense if you know his motivations and where he comes from.

Which is why he would never have been elected without lying about his beliefs and keeping his past hidden and sealed from public scrutiny. He epitomizes Obamacare. Like Nancy Pelosi said, you have to pass the bill to see what’s in it. Likewise,  the American people had to elect Barack Obama to see what was in him.


Whoops, He Did It Again

Giving cover to weak-kneed Republicans in the House, the weak-kneed House Speaker John Boehner passed a debt-increasing $1.1 Trillion Continuing Resolution. To add insult to injury, Boehner has the nerve to say “it’s a good bill.” The spending frenzy now goes to the Democrat-controlled Senate for approval.

Speaker Boehner has a habit of telling republicans how tough he’s going to be on cutting government spending and neutering Obamacare. And the 2010 and 2014 mid-terms show that that’s exactly what the folks want. But that’s only before elections. Once handed the power to be effective, he folds and kowtows to the regime.

It’s like the national debt topping $18 Trillion last week never happened.

Link: Is Boehner, Congress, In Violation Of Probation?  |  With Deadline Looming, Government Funding Bill Passes House

aSide Order

Iran Wins Another Round With Delay

Ten years and counting. Learning from recent history, when it comes to their nuclear program, Iran knows that this administration is all bark and no bite. The deadline for compliance has come and gone. The solution? Instead of shutting down centrifuges, they have six more months of full-steam ahead development and production. Oh, and the monthly dole-outs of $700 million in frozen funds that began under the temporary nuclear deal agreed on late last year that led to the present talks, continue.

Link: Iran nuclear talks stumble, extended until July


So How’s It Going?

Iraq is falling to pieces, again. ISIS and al-Qaeda are growing. Beheadings have become common and, a new normal. Russia is occupying. The Commander-in-Chief cuts military budgets and personnel while expanding their role. After withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, now that the mid-term elections are over, President Obama is sending the new smaller military back. Third Secretary of Defense in six years resigns. Iran continues to ignore the world in rolling back their nuclear weapons program.  China is eating our lunch. No one wants to eat Michelle Obama’s lunch. Not her lunch, the lunch she wants your kids to eat. The economy on Main St. is treading water. Long-term unemployment is growing. Average family income is falling. The “no-energy” energy policy is increasing energy cost. The Affordable Care Act fraud exposed. And cities are burning.


Jump Rope Girl – World’s Best Jump Roper!!! Adrienn Banhegyi

“The Lie” Got Obama A 4-Point Win

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said Tuesday that he regrets saying that aspects of Obamacare needed to be concealed from the public due to the “stupidity of the American voter.”

BUT, makes NO APOLOGY for purposefully deceiving Americans in order to pass legislation that usurped 16% of the economy, representing the largest government control over everyone’s lives since the 16th Amendment (income tax), Social Security, and Medicare.

But it’s worst than that. It was this lie that helped (got) Obama get elected in 2008. No apology for that either.

Link: Obama Lied, And Won By 4 Points