Michelle Obama once said “I want a better future for my children.” Now nobody else can say that? Melania Trump said she was proud of America and, to be an American, BEFORE her husband was nominated. She didn’t say “For the first time in my adult lifetime I am proud of my country,” AFTER her husband was nominated.
That portions of the speech was plagiarized is not as significant to me as what was said. It is the definition of the American Dream. Anyone have a copyright on that? Come to think of it, from that perspective, everyone owns that copyright.
My point here is, Melania has lived it. The significant difference between Michelle Obama and Melania Trump is, one didn’t believe what she was saying, said it for political purposes to appeal to middle America, and the other actually believed what she said.
Hillary’s polling numbers improve when she’s not speaking in public, not in the news. Where the media is concerned, any distraction that takes the focus off of Hillary Clinton is a worthy cause. Call it a campaign contribution.
With Republicans and the National Rifle Association gun lobby under pressure to respond to the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, Trump said he would meet with the NRA to discuss ways to block people on terrorism watch or no-fly lists from buying guns.
No. The response is, Obama’s failure to prosecute the war on terror has made us victims in our own cities. And the pressure belongs on him and Democrats. Not on Republicans and the National Rifle Association.
His failure to protect our borders.
His failure to enforce immigration laws,
his releasing of GITMO prisoners to return to the battlefield,
his insistence on scooping up thousands of Syrian refugees to bring them here, some of who are and will be (according to his own security apparatus) terrorists embedded among them.
His failure to keep tabs on terrorists he had his hands on, like the Boston bombers, the Fort Hood shooter, the San Bernardino shooters, and the Orlando shooter. All terrorists, all on the FBI’s radar, all on their list, and all let go. Credit Obama’s CVE program for that.
His plan to fight Islamic extremism is not to investigate Islamic extremism. That’s his program called the Countering Violent Extremism program.
And the media doesn’t ask why.
And that doesn’t even include giving Iran $1.5 Billion dollars to fund Hamas and Hezbollah and to expand their nuclear weapons program, or funding the Palestinian Authority and Hamas with hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, so they can attack Israel.
To deflect his failure to keep us safe, his response, is the same as always. Not to let a crisis go to waste. That’s what this is about. In this case, he makes the case for taking away our rights to defend ourselves, a constitutional right, for his inability to protect us from terrorism. In other words, to protect us from the terrorist invasion that he is creating, his response is to disarm law-abiding citizens. This might makes sense if you are a Mullah in Iran, or an ISIS terrorist. But it does make sense to Barack Hussein Obama.
Besides all that, there is no constitutional right to fly on an airplane. There is a constitutional right to protect oneself with a firearm. In fact, the right was intended to protect oneself from a tyrannical government. Not a deer or a duck. And never has this been as imperative since the forming of the Bill of Rights when we broke from the tyrannical Crown of King George III.
UPDATED: 6/16/2016, Countering Violent Extremism program added, explains our ineptness in fighting terrorism here.
How bad the low information crowd, the media, and especially the current republican wing of the Democrat Party (that would be the current Republican leadership and Republican Establishment), are clinging to the “unfavorable” ratings of the presumptive Republican candidate for president Donald J. Trump?
We tried electing an American idol in Barack Hussein O. In fact, despite any positive results, he was re-elected. The country, the working poor, and those not working, and the middle class are seeing their future, their incomes, their jobs all shrinking.
Hillary Clinton is running on more of the same. Trump is running on change, not hope. The people who chose him over 16 other candidate feel the same way and, feel that he can deliver.
Personally, the “unfavorable” ratings hyped by the media don’t mean a thing to me. Your mileage may vary. I think the American people who support Trump realize that turning this ship around is going to take someone bold enough to lead. Between the media and fellow republicans doing all they can to elect Hillary, it is going to take someone like Trump to turn the Washington establishment upside down. And if that portrays him as unfavorable, then so be it. We’re electing a Commander-in-Chief, not a vagina or an American Idol.
Fascinating to watch just what a cover-up looks like. Cover-up combined with a major case of CYA. How’s that go again? If you have nothing to hide, just answer the questions. All of them. This video is a re-enactment of the deposition of Cheryl Mills, who was the a lawyer for both the Clinton’s. Representing Bill Clinton during the impeachment chapter of his presidency, and, was Hillary’s Chief of Staff while she was Sec. of State.
The reason that this is a re-enactment, instead of the real audio/video recording is because the judge, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, has sealed them from the public until such time as he may change his mind. What? Ostensibly it seems, not until after the November election. Here is his order on release of the audio/video public record.
Notice how this judge is obviously making political, not legal, judgements in his decision. And where is the cacophony of media analysis and calls for this judge’s impeachment like we are hearing about the judge who gave a rapist a 6 mo. jail term? Like the judge hearing the Trump U. case is politically tied to his party, his LaRaza affiliated lawyer club, and the La Raza agenda. Something, to be honest, he should recuse himself from that case for. Not because it has anything to do with Trump University, but because he is an advocate for everything that Trump as president wants to stop, where illegal immigration is concerned.
Judge Sullivan is inserting his political beliefs into his legal obligation as a judge. That’s why it is our/your obligation to spread the word about not only Judge Sullivan enabling, but the extent Hillary Clinton’s staffers go to shield her and cover their own butts. When the mainstream media won’t, the alternative media must.
Media headline, “Obama says U.S. race relations have improved, but work to be done.” Don’t you mean Obama “claims” U.S. race relations have improved? More work to be done? Like this?
First President ever to hate his country. So much so that he wants to fundamentally change it.
And the only way he’s getting away with it is, because he’s Black. And if you disagree with his agenda, then you are called a racist. Not patriotic. A racist. Not only by his acolytes, but by the willing media as well.
Part of the American Dream is the mobility of the people that liberty and opportunity affords. Blacks don’t have a monopoly on being “poor.” He wants to make sure that if you succeed and want to move to a better place, regardless of the color of your skin, that it won’t exist.
Pictured above, in front of a graph that shows unemployment below 5%, realize that the real number, not the BLS massaged number, is 9.7%. The BLS calls it the U-6.
Meanwhile President Obama touts 74 straight months of private-sector job creation. Good choice of words. “Creation.” He couldn’t use the word “growth.” That’s because it takes over 250,000 jobs to “break even” with population growth and retirements. Anything less than that is a net loss. Hence, record number of people out of work since Jimmy Carter.
The Media’s inoculation of President Obama
Accounts of our soldier killed in Iraq yesterday begin like this, “the first US casualty since military forces have gone in as advisors . . . ”
By contrast, under the previous administration, every account of the war began with “President Bush . . .” and “Bush’s war . . .”
And all this is happening when, under Barack Obama, our military is at its smallest and the rules of engagement are, in terms of keeping our service members safe and in defeating the enemy, ridiculous.
After data came to light that $100’s of millions had been spent on First Family vacations during a recession, Mrs. Obama’s unpopular new regulations that changed food in America’s schools and other negative news including the disastrous Obamacare roll-out & website mess, Jay Leno took his comedy to a new level and his ratings skyrocketed – none of the other comics were so bold.
NBC couldn’t tolerate the fact that Leno’s jokes about Obama were always right on target about the first black president… and left-leaning executives at NBC were being harassed by Obama himself who thought the comedy was a racist attack on him.
“I was going to start off tonight with an Obama joke, but I don’t want to get audited by the IRS.”
On NSA surveillance: “We wanted a president who listens to all Americans – now we have one.”
On a new IRS commissioner: He’s called ‘acting commissioner’ because he has to act like the scandal doesn’t involve the White House.”
On closing the Guantanamo prison for terrorists: “If he really wants to close it, turn it into a government-funded solar power company. The doors will be shut in a month.”
Concerning the Benghazi, Associated Press, and IRS scandals: “Remember in the old days when President Obama’s biggest embarrassment was Joe Biden?”
On Obama saying he didn’t know about the IRS scandal: “He was too busy not knowing anything about Benghazi to not know anything about the IRS.”
“The White House has a new slogan about Benghazi: Hope and change the subject.”
“It’s casual Friday, which means that at the White House, they’re casually going through everybody’s phone calls and records.”
“It is not looking good for President Obama. Today his teleprompter took the fifth.”
“Fox News has changed its slogan from ‘Fair and Balanced’ to ‘See, I told you so!’
On Obama’s commencement address: “He told the young graduates their future is bright unless, of course, they want jobs.”
On a Chicago man who set a record for riding a Ferris wheel: “The only other way to go around and around in a circle that many times is to read the official report on Benghazi.”
On White House claims of ignorance on the scandals: “They took ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ out of the Pentagon and moved it into the White House.”
Now the last and possibly the best…..
“These White House scandals are not going away anytime soon. It’s gotten so bad that People in Kenya are now saying he’s 100% American.”
I’m getting pretty disgusted with the way the primaries are being covered. Which is, more like a horse race, concentrating on who is ahead, who is falling behind, instead of platform/policy oriented.
The other thing that republicans (who don’t like Trump or Cruz) are talking about is how (they say) neither of them are electable. Because, they say, of their “unfavorable” polling.
That, I find to be especially amusing, given elections results of 2008 and 2012. McCain and Romney. Both losers. Not only losers, but losers to a community organizer with no executive experience. No experience in anything beyond community organizing. Romney couldn’t beat Obama after four years of a leaderless president.
It’s time to ignore the RNC and their talking heads about who is best to run against the Democrats. After these last eight years, how could going with the will of the people be so bad? Embrace it, accept it, and back the winner. The arrogance of these party operatives to presume that the American people don’t know any better should be their ticket out of public office. They’ve forgotten who they work for.
In year eight of the Obama administration, it is amazing to watch the Democratic candidates on the campaign trail.
They both say how terrible the economy has treated Americans. And the town-hall regular citizens complain to them about unemployment, high cost of health care, etc.. And neither of them lay the blame on the Obama regime. It’s as if he was not in charge for the last seven years.
Then you hear President Obama talk about how wonderful his recovery and economic policies have been. Especially Obamacare. And how he has created a gazillion jobs.
Listening to it all can subject you to political whiplash. Watch the candidates, and watch President Obama. The economy is good. The economy sucks. The economy is good. The economy sucks. See how dangerous that can be for one’s psyche?
Here’s the kicker. “There’s still more we can do.” Like “investing” in infrastructure and education. Isn’t that what that $787 Billion stimulus bill in 2008 was for? And the $302 Billion more two years ago? The same old RBI line. Roads, Bridges, and Infrastructure.
Obama’s explanation . . .
[Wages and incomes] haven’t gone up as quickly as people had been accustomed to in previous generations. There are a lot of reasons for that. Global competition. Technology. You know, corporate practices have changed. In some cases tax policies that I’d like to see changed, and I’ve tried to push Congress to change have made a difference.
“Haven’t gone up as quickly as people had been accustomed to?” You mean like when there was a competent leader in The White House who understood free-market economics? Wages and incomes have dropped.
Why is that? According to the president, it’s because of global competition, technology, and, corporate practices have changed. Spoken like a true ignoramus on free-market economics and capitalism. In his world, which Ms. Sinclair refused to penetrate, companies and industries are not supposed to protect their interests. They’re not supposed to react to market or government pressures. They are supposed to do what the government wants them to do, including pay higher taxes and spend shareholder’s investments where he says they should. That’s economic fascism.
You can’t spend your way into prosperity, nor borrow your way out of debt. Winston Churchill understood economics, “We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”
It’s disgusting to see financial reporter Nicole Sinclair let Obama get away with his excuse without challenge and, in light of more than doubling the national debt, sit there and say “we need to spend more.” Zero accountability for the last seven years and 10 trillion dollars (and climbing) national debt. It is typical of the way the media has given this president a pass throghout his presidency.
The media’s anti-Trump syndrome manifested itself last week when the Boston Globe put out what they deemed a fear & smear piece against current GOP front-runner Donald J. Trump. They projected their fears in various headlines a year from now if Trump were to be President. In other words, fake news like, “Deportations Begin!” “Economy in Tailspin!” “Wall Construction Halted Because of Lack of Funds.”
With all the push-back from the media, and even from the GOP, aligned against Trump and Ted Cruz, why do you suppose there has been zip, zero, nada pushback from the media or from anyone in political power for what the Democrat Party and President Obama is doing — IS DOING, not “is going to,” is doing?
The people at thepeoplescube.com have answered that with their own version of a Boston Globe front page. The difference is, these headlines are not made up. They are real and, have never been seen. And, they are what the GOP candidates ought to be talking about.
There is a lot that we, as Americans, do not know about what is now called Black History Month.
Here are two pieces from Stacy Swimp at the Project 21 website on the subject.
The Origin and Purpose of Black History Month
History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human geography. History tells a people where they have been and what they have been, where they are and what they are. Most important, history tells a people where they still must go, what they still must be. The relationship of history to the people is the same as the relationship of a mother to her child.
– J.H. Clarke
Stacy Swimp
February is observed as “Black History Month” in America.
Its precursor, “Negro History Week,” was created by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in 1926 and observed on the second week of February.
A staunch Republican, Woodson choose that week in that month to honor the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.
Woodson created Negro History Week because black Americans and their accomplishments were largely left out of the educational curricula of that time. Where blacks were mentioned, it was usually very demeaning imagery or discriminatory ideas.
Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro (now African-American) Life and History in 1915 and the Journal of Negro History in 1916. He was dedicated to helping educate black and white Americans about blacks and their accomplishments and potential in a way that would benefit everyone.
His week-long observance was expanded to become Black History Month – officially recognized by the U.S. government – in 1976.
Unlike it often seems to be today, Woodson never intended black history to be about black firsts and a parade of black icons. Woodson was a scholar. He intended this observance as a means to get around the institutional hatred of the era and ultimately have this new information included in the teaching of American history, period.
In particular, Woodson wanted black Americans to understand the strong family values, work ethic, sense of individual responsibility, spirit of entrepreneurship and incredible dignity that was indicative of black Americans and their African ancestors.
This educational pursuit was also important to Woodson because he felt that historical awareness would inspire black Americans of his time to avoid becoming dependent on government to do for them what they could do for themselves.
Woodson also believed that, if white Americans knew the true history of blacks in America and in Africa, it would help overcome negative stereotyping.
Negro History Week was envisioned as a tool to develop and cultivate new awareness and new critiques. It was about unity. It was not a basis for ethnocentric pride and cultural divide – the path radical black Americans on the left have pursued over the past few decades.
I personally take advantage of the national spotlight that Black History Month provides to educate others about the real history leftist scholars rewrite or ignore, and stress the original purpose of Negro History Week.
Woodson’s vision was that someday a special week or month would no longer be required in order to appropriately honor black Americans and their accomplishments. Black history is American history – and a year-round school curricula relevant to all.
But that won’t occur under the oversight of the U.S. Department of Education as long as there continues to be a left-wing domination of public education.
When we segregate months to highlight ethnicities and genders, we cease to simply recognize accomplishments and instead encourage disunity among Americans of all stripes. The political left deserves scorn for their determination to keep America divided along ethnic, cultural and so-called class lines.
I am thankful for the work and the vision of Dr. Carter G. Woodson. History is indeed a human need. His contribution and that of other black Americans is considerable and far too important to ever be compartmentalized into just one month.
I pray for a day when Dr. Woodson’s desire to observe “Negro History” comes to proper fruition.
Black History Month Makes a Mockery of Black History
During “Black History Month” most people focus on black America’s “heroes.” Stories are shared about the past, or what some call the “black experience” in America.
Unfortunately, Black History Month seems to have become a mechanical celebration of a few people and a few things that are deemed appropriate by the media and black establishment.
This tired programming doesn’t do justice to the vision of Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the founder of “Negro History Week” — the precursor to Black History Month.
I suggest that merely heralding a few black heroes and situations is a perversion of the reason Negro History Week was originally created back in 1926.
The great Dr. Woodson believed we study black history to learn an historical perspective to use to deal with modern problems and practices.
Dr. Woodson wanted black Americans to understand where we came from, who we were and what we had done so that we might also understand where we really are, who we really are and what we can do today as well as where we still need to go, who we still need to become and what still must be done.
Negro History Week, as Dr. Woodson saw it, was not simply a commemoration or a celebration — it was a call to action.
His hope was that, by learning the valuable lessons of history, we would not make the same mistakes. Likewise, studying history and learning about the struggles of the past should motivate us to take some level of personal responsibility in making our home, neighborhood and society at-large a better place to live, work and play.
In his speech to the National Urban League’s annual conference on September 6, 1960, Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. provided a strong indictment of the black community’s failure to honor heroes with personal integrity and dignity rather than with phony ad hoc observances, saying: “The Negro must make a vigorous effort to improve his personal standards… One of the sure signs of maturity is the ability to rise to the point of self-criticism.”
We are suffering today for not properly studying, understanding and acting in response to the lessons of yesterday.
As a result, too many of us have become cynical and disillusioned. Some of us have conditioned ourselves to perpetuate a system of segregation. We have lost touch with an important something that’s called initiative.
Too many now cite the oppression of the past as an excuse for modern mediocrity.
Many of us also live beyond our means, spend money on frivolities and fail to give to serious causes, organizations and educational institutions that so desperately need our charity.
In that same 1960 speech to the National Urban League, Dr. King said: “Our crime rate is far too high.”
It is indeed an insult to the legacy of so-called Black History Month heroes that so many of us claim to honor when we too often live our lives in direct contrast to the values and principles that they challenged us to maintain.
Black History Month celebrations, in my opinion, have all-too-often become something other than an honorable commemoration.
It’s not an outright mockery, but the ways we sometimes behave would surely disgust Dr. Woodson and the people about whom he sought to teach us. They would be disgusted at how their contributions are increasingly being wasted.
If they saw how we commemorate Black History Month today, I think our forefathers might say: “Keep your fake celebrations. Try practicing some integrity and self respect.”
# # #
Stacy Swimp is a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network. Comments may be sent to [email protected].
Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.