Tag Archives: Media

Tea Party Fund-Raising Beating G.O.P. Establishment

All you need to know about why people like Ted Cruz are being so demonized by his own party, is that republicans and conservatives are fed up with the G.O.P. establishment. They, I’ll include myself in this bunch, are not going to see their contributions wasted on Democrat-lite candidates, or on candidates not willing to stand up for the principles we all used to believe in. Consequently, conservatives and republicans are sending their contributions to organizations and candidates of their choosing. Not to the RNC, RNCC, or RNSC, the establishment. And the establishment is being out-raised.

Here’s how the New York Times characterizes the tea party types:

Insurgent conservatives seeking to pull the Republican Party to the right raised more money last year than the groups controlled by the party establishment, whose bulging bank accounts and ties to major donors have been their most potent advantage in the running struggle over the party’s future, according to new campaign disclosures and interviews with officials.

Message to the RNC, RNCC, RNSC. It’s only going to get worse, for you, unless you start backing real conservatives and begin standing up for the principles you say you stand for.

via Fund-Raising by G.O.P. Rebels Outpaces Party Establishment

Stimulus Is 5 Years Old

President Obama, after delivering remarks at Organizing for Action’s “National Organizing Summit” in Washington. For money for roads, rail, bridges and infrastructure.

Unemployment is higher than Obama’s worse case scenario had the stimulus not been done. Workforce participation, the number of Americans still working, is at its lowest level since Jimmy Carter. Record number of people on public welfare. Food Stamp spending has more than doubled since 2008. Median family income has fallen every year for the last five years, and is much worse for Black families than any other demographic. And the national debt went from $9 trillion to $17.3 trillion.

Yet, at every State of the Union show, you will hear President Obama cry out for “investments” for roads, rail, bridges, infrastructure. And the low information crowd, and Democrats in the chamber, cheer. Problem is, they are painfully ignorant of the fact that despite the annual appeals for more money, the Obama administration still has not spent more than 10% of the so-called stimulus money on roads, rail, bridges, and infrastructure.

And just today asks for $302 Billion more. Obama knows the media, the low information crowd, and progressive acolytes will believe what he says and won’t follow what he does. He also knows that he’ll get whatever money he wants when he says it is for roads, rail, bridges, infrastructure, and education.

An example of how the media, literally regurgitates the White House talking points as “news.”

“This vision will show how we can invest in the things we need to grow and create jobs by closing unfair tax loopholes, lowering tax rates, and making the system more fair,” the White House said in a statement previewing his speech, set for 3:05 p.m. EST.

The transfer of wealth, and the growth of government, continues.


President Obama MIA In FCC Flap

What began years ago, but didn’t go into motion until late last year when the FCC was fully staffed with a Democrat majority, is another government regulatory agency putting its nose where it doesn’t belong.

What’s happening is a different angle to stifle free speech when it comes to political opposition. They tried it with the Fairness Doctrine, and failed. So now the commission has come up with the idea that the American people have “critical information needs.” And of course, they’ll tell us what those needs are, ostensibly to ensure that the collective press comply. How great is that if your intent is to control the media?

Here’s how the press is supposed to work. They report on what happened, or is happening. Of course, for the most part, it’s not like that any longer. The media watchdog died five years ago. Now, for the most part, it has become an extension of the administration’s propaganda wing.

Is is instructive that Mr. Constitutional Professor, our president, is mute on this whole episode. And, there’s no point in even asking him about it because he’ll say he didn’t know about it until he read it in the newspaper. How’s that for irony? There is nothing the government has to do or say about “the press,” how it gathers its information, or what it reports.

Here’s what the President should do. But won’t. He’s a big fan of using his pen nowadays to write executive orders. He should instruct all agencies of the government to allow news reporters, upon request, to monitor their goings on in committee rooms and meetings. Anywhere decisions are made. So the American people will be able to fulfill what they decide is their “critical information needs.” Lest we forget, it is “the press” that has that guaranteed right, not the government, president, or the FCC.

Caracas Burning, Army Sent In, Maduro Blames U.S.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro says “fascist” forces financed from the United States were plotting against his government. Probably has caracas-burning_unrestnothing to do with corrupt elections and election campaigns, seizing media outlets that print or say anything against him or his party, empty shelves in stores, high crime and unemployment. It other words, the failing of another socialist/communist state.

Maduro ordered the arrest of a top opposition leader and a former military chief as he claimed “fascist” forces financed from the United States were plotting against his government.

Here’s the plan President Nicolás Maduro should follow. Stop selling oil to the United States. Immediately. He can do that. He owns the oil industry. But Maduro needs our money. So Plan B is for the U.S. to stop buying Venezuelan oil. We don’t need their oil. We have access to plenty of our own. It’s time to turn the tables and use our oil to our advantage. Not Venezuela, not Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else besides home.

Link: Army sent in to Venezuelan cities as unrest prompts coup warning

Obamacare Update, He Knew

Recall last October, shortly after the Obamacare rollout, President Obama acted totally surprised, ‘caught off guard’ I think was his phrase. Surprised to find out how bad the problems with the website and other problems with the law were. Everyone was astonished that the President would have been so disconnected from his signature piece of legislation that he was caught off guard. Then news that the White House visitors log showed only one entry of Secretary Sebelius having been to The White House in the 18 months prior to the rollout had everyone scratching their head.

From FOIA requests, The Hill has uncovered dozens of meetings between Sebelius and President Obama, many of those about Obamacare specifically. He knew what the situation was. His CYA was to lie about it and to throw Sebelius under the bus.


Saturday February 15th is National Youth Enrollment Day

That’s the day The White House has picked to have an all-out youth enrollment campaign for Obamacare. Oh but wouldn’t you know, healthcare.gov will be down for maintenance on Saturday February 15th until Tuesday February 18th.

OK, everyone who still thinks that the federal government knows how to control your health care better than you, please raise your hand.


Colorado Health Exchange Director Indicted For Fraud, Theft, False Claims

Christa McClure, 51 is the director of partner engagement for Connect for Health Colorado, the state program that implements the Affordable Care Act in the state. She is facing an eight-count indictment filed in U.S. District Court in Billings, Mont., in January. The 12-page indictment alleges that while serving as executive director of the federally funded Housing Montana, McClure between 2008 and 2010 paid herself “significant sums” for consulting services although she was already on the payroll as a full-time employee. She also made payments to her family and used federal money for personal travel, the indictment alleges. She also is accused of charging homeowners for a $750 warranty that did not exist, converting a laptop for personal use, inflating the hours she was to be compensated for and writing herself a $21,000 check.

What’s worse? State health care exchange officials said they had thoroughly vetted her.


Oregon Health Exchange Enrolled ZERO

Despite receiving $160 million in taxpayer money, Oregon’s ObamaCare website has yet to properly sign up a single person for health care.

And there could be consequences. An Oregon legislator has gone to the FBI. Top officials have resigned. The state is investigating. And there could be a federal probe as soon as Thursday.

If history is any lesson with this administration, instead of hand-cuffs or a pink slip, there’s probably a promotion coming.

Threat Assessment, In Case You Missed It

Here’s a minute and a half of how well things are going in the world. From our “greatest” Secretary of State to the current one, and five years of “leading from (his) behind.”

Can’t imagine why you aren’t seeing this on the major news networks. You?

Full transcript HERE.

Looking back over my now more than half a century in intelligence, I’ve not experienced a time when we’ve been beset by more crises and threats around the globe. My list is long. It includes the scourge and diversification of terrorism, loosely connected and globally dispersed, to include here at home, as exemplified by the Boston Marathon bombing and by the sectarian war in Syria, its attraction as a growing center of radical extremism and the potential threat this poses now to the homeland.

Let me briefly expand on this point. The strength of the insurgency is now estimated at somewhere between 75,000 to 80,000 on the low end and 110,000 to 115,000 on the high end, who are organized into more than 1,500 groups of widely varying political leanings. Three of the most effective are the Al- Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, as it’s known, whose numbers total more than 20,000. Complicating this further are the 7,500-plus foreign fighters from some 50 countries who have gravitated to Syria. Among them are a small group of Af/Pak al Qaida veterans who have aspirations for external attack in Europe, if not the homeland itself.

And there are many other crises and threats around the globe, to include the spillover of the Syrian conflict into neighboring Lebanon and Iraq, the destabilizing flood of refugees in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon, now almost 2.5 million, a symptom of one of the largest humanitarian disasters in a decade.

The implications of the drawdown in Afghanistan: This year, as the chairman noted, is a crossroads, with the drawdown of ISAF, the presidential election, and whether the bilateral security agreement is signed. Key to sustaining the fragile gains we’ve made is sustained, external financial support.

The deteriorating internal security posture in Iraq, with AQI now in control of Fallujah, and violence across Iraq at very high levels. More than 5,000 civilians were killed in Iraq in 2013, which is a made — made that year Iraq’s deadliest since 2007.

The growth of foreign cyber-capabilities, both nation states, as well as non-nation states; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; aggressive nation state intelligence efforts against us; an assertive Russia; a competitive China; a dangerous, unpredictable North Korea; a challenging Iran, where the economic sanctions have had a profound impact on Iran’s economy and have contributed to the P5- plus-1 joint plan of action . . .

2014 SOTU Rebuttal, What?

If you listened to President Obama deliver his 2014 State of the Union address and thought you were hearing him on the 2007 campaign trail, you wouldn’t be wrong. After five years of his administration, the first two of which he held both houses of Congress, no one has done more to depress our economy in joblessness, long-term unemployment, and in falling family incomes than the President himself. So he must be seen as campaigning to fix things for which he takes no responsibility. Or as Charles Krauthammer said, “He sounds like a president who realizes he’s not going to get it done.” I don’t have to tell you that. You are living it.

President Obama wins the award for the longest speeches without saying anything of substance. That is why I was so looking forward to hearing the Republican’s “response,” which used to be called a rebuttal. No disrespect or anything personal towards Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), but the only thing worse than that SOTU address, was the Republican response. That opportunity missed, was an embarrassment that proves only one thing. The Republican Leadership has no guts and no will to do an honest rebuttal, point by point, to the fairy tale Obama told. Not just the misery he has caused, the exploding debt with no intention of stopping, the limiting and revoking of our freedoms, the making of his own laws and the breaking of his own laws, but a way out. None of that. Instead, we had a bedtime story fit for a cup of hot chocolate and a fuzzy blanket.

It was disheartening to see the Legislative branch of our government give the Executive branch a standing ovation when the President said he was going to run around them wherever he could to advance his political agenda. This is tyranny right in front of our eyes.  We saw the three equal branches of government dissolve before our eyes.

There were two other rebuttals to the President’s SOTU speech. Both of which did the job that the Republican response failed to do. They articulated the problem, and suggested a solution. Sen. Rand Paul’s address was spot on when he said before you can render a fix, you have to identify the problem. Which he did. Rep. Mike Lee’s response included the notion that the solutions to the problems facing us are not going to come from a top-heavy big government that purports to know how to spend your money better than you. It’s going to come from a big people taking responsibility and taking charge of the government. The way our founders intended it to be.

Both men articulated an inclusive vision. A vision easily acceptable to working people and families from all political parties trying to fulfill that American Dream.

I encourage you to at least hear them in their own words, because you won’t see them in the mainstream media.

DOJ Says NO To Special Prosecutor For IRS Investigation

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today called for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS’s illegal targeting of conservative groups. In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Sen. Cruz criticized the administration for failing to keep up its commitment to investigate and hold accountable those responsible for the targeting, for appointing a partisan, Democrat donor to lead DOJ’s probe into the IRS, and for bypassing Congress to make new IRS rules that would stifle free speech among non-profit organizations.

On the heels of a State of the Union address, where the Legislative Branch of our government (all Democrats) gave the Executive Branch of our government (a Democrat) a standing ovation when President Obama said he would go around them wherever he could to advance his political agenda, we saw three equal branches of government dissolve before our eyes. Except for the media, who either hasn’t noticed or won’t notice.

Today, Attorney General Eric (Gun Runner) Holder said he doesn’t see anything wrong with appointing a Obama political campaign contributor to impartially investigate the targeting of political opposition groups by the IRS.

Folks, this is what tyranny looks like. It is your constitutional responsibility to stand up to this coup. Starting at the voting booth and ending when it ends.

What ‘Circling The Wagons’ Looks Like, CBS Cuts Cruz

The editors at Face The Nation didn’t like the answer Ted Cruz gave to host Bob Scheiffer’s question about his 2016 aspirations. So they didn’t air it.

I mean really. They wouldn’t want to take the wind out of Obama’s sails for his State of the Union show before it even happened, would they?

And on top of that, in keeping the wagons circled around this administration, the show ended with all of them (reputed conservatives included) repeating Obama’s mantra that R’s have no alternative to the ACA. As if President Obama hasn’t been lying about it for years already. Excuse me, IT’S CALLED H.R.2300 for God’s sake and IT’S BEEN OUT THERE IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER FOR FIVE YEARS NOW!

Link: H.R. 2300: Empowering Patients First Act of 2013

Conservatism, The Biggest Story Never Told, Since Reagan

Unless you were listening to Rush or read The Blaze, you are not aware of news that Rush correctly characterized as ‘earth-shattering,’

It’s the fantastic, and real, turn-around that Gov. Scott Walker has done in Wisconsin as reflected in his State of the State address. Not only are new jobs being created, they have a budget surplus already amounting to $912 million, and is giving the people’s money back to them by cutting income taxes and property taxes. Why you might ask? Because Walker believes the taxpayer’s money belongs to them. Not the government. Gov. Walker also made the point that the surplus was not just a gimmick of budgeting or accounting (like we’re used to by the pols in Washington), but was the result of serious, significant policy changes. 

Listen to Rush’s take on this as it relates to the Tea Party, conservative principles, and the establishment Republicans. It’s a home run.


Shame on the media for actively ignoring this news story. And shame on the RNC, the Republican Governor’s Association, Sen. Mitch McConnell, and Speaker John Boehner for also ignoring it.

Rush, as usual, is right. The Wisconsin success story must be touted as the example of not just what is possible, but of what has actually been done. In a Blue state no less. Talk about ‘open tent’ and appealing to people from both parties? And under the right leadership can also be done for the country. If the establishment Republicans weren’t so focused on demonizing conservatives, the tea party, and on trying to be Democrat-lite,  their 2014 campaign theme is right before their freaking eyes.  It’s a strong message for how to turn this country around. It’s a ready-made script for a conservative campaign, to contrast Walker’s success story to Mr. Hopey Changy, focused like a laser on his teleprompter, robbing from future generations with debt, jumping from one problem Americans face to another, ignoring the fact that he is the cause of them all, wasting trillions of dollars on “stimulus” spending with nothing good to show for it.

Links: Limbaugh, Governor Walker’s Wisconsin Earthquake of Conservatism Goes Ignored by Media, GOP