Tag Archives: Media

Questions The Media Won’t Ask President Obama

Or any other Democrat

Mr. President . . .

  • Why is it that Black lives don’t  matter in Africa?
  • Why don’t Christian lives matter in Africa?
  • Why don’t homosexuals lives matter in Muslim countries?
  • Why don’t Christian lives matter in Muslim countries?
  • Why doesn’t the United States stand up for human rights anymore?
  • And why are you facilitating nuclear proliferation (against UN  sanctions) in Iran, a hostile and terrorist-supporting State?

Sergeant Shultz Schooled, Cuts Mic Off Guest

pMSNBC host Ed Schultz has his premise (on Indiana’s religious freedom law) blown out of the water, then cuts the mic off of the guy who did it.

Shultz would not stand for his demagoguery being blown to smithereens, poster child for the rabid Left that he is. See, Ryan Anderson wasn’t invited to discuss the issues. He was there to be whacked like a piñata. And Anderson wasn’t taking it.

Just another example of how the Left has their own definition of free speech.


Links:  ‘Cut his mic off’  |   Ed Schultz Snaps at Heritage Foundation Guest over Indiana, Cuts Off His Mic

Obama Fueling Nuclear Proliferation

Walking down Armageddon Road

It must be blatantly obvious to everyone, media excepted, that the Obama administration’s determination for an Iranian nuclear “deal” has nothing to do with whether it is a good deal.

Latest development, and this has to have the Iranian negotiators laughing themselves silly (oh, and our allies concerned) over the smoke and mirrors the administration is showing the American people by pretending that their negotiations are about to come to a fruitful end.

U.S. negotiators are said to have given up ground on demands that Iran be forced to disclose the full range of its nuclear activities at the outset of a nuclear deal, a concession experts say would gut the verification the Obama administration has vowed would stand as the crux of a deal with Iran.

This, after learning a few weeks ago about the existence of a covert underground and fortified nuclear enrichment site. Instead of walking away from talks with a dishonest and belligerent state, they continue to forge ahead with a “deal” that only insures nuclear proliferation in the one country responsible for supporting more terrorist attacks and organizations than any other in the world.

You have to question, who’s side is President Obama on?

For years, most people have assumed that Israel has nuclear weapons or nuclear weapon capability. But neither Israel nor the United States have ever publicly confirmed it. Until now. The Obama administration has declassified, and published, documents going back to the 1980’s that confirm the existence of nuclear weapons capability in Israel.

Why would Obama do that? Two reasons, one of which I mentioned in this post . . .

Imagine watching your enemy and seeing your so-called ally meet up to strike a deal that threatens your very existence. It’s no wonder Netanyahu did what he did. That isn’t showing disrespect for The One. That is sticking up for his country and exposing Obama for the fool in international relations that he is. That’s why he is so upset. And that’s why you can expect the petulant child to double-down and make the world less safe for our best ally in the Middle East, Israel, faster.

The other reason is to excuse Iran for wanting to have a nuclear weapons program, that they already (illegally) have. Now, with the help of our own president, Iran can say, “Israel has one, we feel threatened, so we must have one too.” “To maintain stability” they will argue. And Obama will say, yes, that seems reasonable. (Ignoring Iran’s continual call for the elimination of Israel.) It makes John Kerry’s job so much easier by letting Iran have the nukes they want.

And Obama’s legacy will be marred by mushroom clouds. God help us all.

Links: Obama Caught In Sting  |  U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together  |  Tehran hiding a secret underground nuclear base in Iran, dissident group claims

The Peace Process Illusion

For more than four decades, Americans have waited for “peace in the Middle East.” The reason they’ve expected peace in the Middle East is because the U.N., politicians in Washington, and  the media have us all believing that there actually is a peace process going on. The unrest has been ongoing since the formation of Israel in 1947.

The truth of the matter is, and President Clinton proved the point, that the Islamist half of this phony peace process have more to gain by clubbing Israel from “the process” than they do in having peace. Peace that the Islamists do not want. They want peace without Israel.

In negotiations with Yasir Arafat, the chairman of the P.L.O, Clinton essentially called Arafat’s bluff. Clinton agreed to everything that he asked for. Instead of coming to an agreement and having peace, Arafat walked away and refused to agree to his own demands for peace with Israel.

The controlling political authority in the conflict, Hamas, still has the destruction and elimination of Israel in their charter. There is no way to negotiate that. That is why Netanyahu was right when he said there never would be a so-called two-state solution. Because the Palestinian side is the side that is demanding a one-state solution.

Netanyahu’s clarification was simply to say that he would be for a two-state solution if they had a negotiating partner, including Iran who supports and finances Hamas, that also wanted a two-state solution.  But they don’t. And President Obama has his head up his ass if he thinks peace can be achieved by negotiations when the Islamist side denies Israel’s right to exist. The media is just as irresponsible for giving the president a pass by keeping this story from being told.

The existence of Israel is not negotiable. The reason it is “hard to find a path” toward serious negotiations is not because of the lack of will from Israel. It is because of the lack of will on the part of the Palestinians and their shadow government (Iran) to recognize Israel as a legitimate State. And because of the naïveté of President Obama to pretend that they do.

Too bad President Obama doesn’t have what it takes to come to terms with that very basic fact. He is the one missing the opportunity to bring the parties together. And paling up with the enemy while chastising our ally, Israel, is not even “looking” for a path to realistic peace talks, let alone finding one. And until he does, there will never be peace, and always be a “process.”

Race, Democrats, And The Hook

If you’ve ever tried to engage in an informed debate on race in America, you will quickly learn how intolerant or unwilling some people can be.  The trick is in finding someone willing to have a discussion on race in (as President Obama put it in July 2010), “a truthful, mature, and responsible way, the divides that still exist.”

Given a little curiosity, there is a lot to learn about our history. And by “our” I mean American, in this post, History Of Civil Rights, Republicans And Democrats. My contribution to “Black History Month.” The plethora of documented and sourced material in there totally debunks the lie that the GOP of today is, or was, the lynchers, slave owners, and segregationists of Blacks. Something that needs to be done if there ever is to be an honest airing of the race grievance community with the goal of actually reaching the “post-racial” America that our first Black president said he would be a part of.

Picking an educated Black man (Reginald Dogan), who used to write for the local newspaper, and who constantly reminds us of our horrible racial past, seemed to me to be the right place to begin this discussion.

Suffice it to say, the Democrat party has set a hook so deep into the hearts and minds of the majority of Blacks that the discussion Barack Obama says we need to have has become impossible (at least with the person I hoped to engage), as shown by this attempt. Which was reinforced by another and current writer (Troy Moon) for the local newspaper. You know, the people we’re supposed to look up to as being smart, relevant, and impartial.

Of course, their level of intolerance and selective interpretation of “free speech” is nothing new.  It’s who they are. But that’s not going to stop me from trying to reach out to save the savable. And it shouldn’t stop you either.

Commenting on Reggie’s post of lynchings from Southern States in the 19th and 20th centuries, the first comment from a reader was,  “Reginald – don’t look now but it’s 2015!” Continue reading Race, Democrats, And The Hook

Democrats, Poor, Caught By Surprise?

As a Democrat legislator, how can you be caught by surprise by the fine that Obamacare levies on taxpayers for not buying a government-approved health insurance policy when, it was all Democrats and only Democrats who voted for it?

It is obvious that they did not read their own law that they voted for.  It is also obvious that the sheeple in their party followed them blindly down the same path.

It is obvious too that there would have been no surprise about the tax penalty if the media had done its job.

All this could have been avoided if they opened their eyes and maybe, read this, Obamacare Fines, For Poor People Only, from October 2013.

Links: Obamacare Fines, For Poor People Only  |  Democrats are bracing for another Obamacare backlash

What Religion Is Barack Obama?

What does it matter if Obama is a Christian, an Atheist, or even a Muslim? That talk is irrelevant according to our 1st Amendment. But it is something the media would like to hyperventilate over, if they can tar a republican with it. It’s why they’re having a hissy-fit because Gov. Walker won’t play their game, re: Rudy Giuliani comments.

When was the last time you heard anyone from the MSM ask Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden, or Elizabeth Warren how they feel about Bill Clinton traipsing off to an island with a pedophile?

The only thing that matters is how Obama carries out his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. And so far, he’s not doing well.

It matters when he refuses to protect this country at home and abroad.

It matters how he gave up all that was gained in Iraq, had erasable ‘red lines’ in Syria, and now has handed ISIS a good part of both countries.

It matters when he succumbs to Iran’s delays on nuclear arms and now is going to allow Iran to have nuclear weapons. Just what Iran wants. He didn’t have to negotiate that. He may as well have said, I won’t try to stop you, so let’s come up with a way to make me look like a relevant leader of the free world.

Screw our ally in the Middle East, Israel.

Screw our NATO ally, Ukraine. Screw the Budapest Agreement.

An unpatriotic and irresponsible national debt? Who cares, as long as I can control everyone’s health care and tell them what to eat, how to live, and how much of their money I’ll let them keep as I grow the government beyond recognition. It’s what he called “fundamental change.”

It’s things like this that matter.

Rudy Giuliani Is Right

When you love someone. Or when you love some thing, like say, your country, you don’t go out and try to fundamentally change her, or it.

Rudy Giuliani was right.

Besides that, Obama lied on two basic tenets that most Americans believe, in order to get himself elected.

  1. He lied when he said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman, and
  2. he lied when he said that the national debt, then $9 trillion, under Bush was unpatriotic, and irresponsible.

Now, had he told the truth about himself, that he was for gay marriage and he was preparing to raise the national debt to over $20 trillion, HIllary Clinton would have been elected. And those two facts have nothing to do with the color of his skin.

None of this, what Obama has done to America, would have been a surprise if he were vetted before the election. I wasn’t the only one warning people what this guy is all about. All of what he has done and wants to do makes perfect sense if you know his motivations and where he comes from.

Which is why he would never have been elected without lying about his beliefs and keeping his past hidden and sealed from public scrutiny. He epitomizes Obamacare. Like Nancy Pelosi said, you have to pass the bill to see what’s in it. Likewise,  the American people had to elect Barack Obama to see what was in him.


AP, Orgeon Governor Resigns

For some reason, I don’t know, don’t really care, the governor of Oregon has resigned. The AP has a story on it now. Came out an hour ago.

Guess which political party the Oregon governor is affiliated with? Look at the pictures where his name is mentioned. Don’t see the party label there where you would expect to see it following his name.

I’m thinking this guy must be a democrat, that’s why there is no party label.

Read the article. The next paragraph. The next paragraph. Not until the eighth paragraph is it obliquely mentioned this way . . .

This is a sad day for Oregon. But I am confident that legislators are ready to come together to move Oregon forward,” said Brown, also a Democrat. Unlike most states, Oregon does not have a lieutenant governor. The secretary of state is next in line to succeed the governor.” Way to go AP.

This is characteristic of the mainstream media. They will go to any length to limit damage to democrats. The reverse is true for republicans.

From NPR . . .

The back story is that four-term Democratic Gov. John Kitzhaber has increasingly found himself in a politically precarious position over an influence peddling scandal involving the state’s first lady Cylvia Hayes.

The “back story?” If that’s the back story for his resignation, then what’s the story?

Link: Feds subpoena records pertaining to departing Oregon gov.  |  Two Of Oregon’s Top Democrats Call On Gov. John Kitzhaber To Resign

Boehner Calls Out President

House Speaker Representative John Boehner (R-OH) closes debate on his party’s fifth and final amendment to H.R. 240, a funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security, by noting 20 times President Obama has mentioned respecting the Constitution.

Nice speech. Too bad it took 6 years for anyone to say it on the House floor. Should have heard this 20 times before.

Question is, why is this not on the mainstream media? You know if it was Nancy Pelosi calling out a different president, it would be out there every day for a week.

We’ve heard Speaker Boehner say good stuff before, before elections, then act contrary to what he had said after the election.

Time will tell whether Boehner is finally serious about the conservative agenda he was elected to keep, or this is but a bone thrown to disaffected conservatives and, will find a way to pass Obama’s agenda while appearing to fight it.

We’ve seen this movie.