Tag Archives: Benghazi

Not The News Today

What’s not in the news today, but should be? What we are witnessing here is a Democrat/Media attack on Trump like they did to Mitt Romney four years ago. Harry Reid alleged that Romney didn’t pay is taxes (when he did), and his dog on vacation fiasco.  That was front page, above the fold for weeks. Nothing illegal, like Trump, but an attempt to take down the candidate and dispirit his supporters from voting. In the latter, it’s not just to attack Trump, this includes half of America along with him. The “irredeemable deplorables.”

Let’s begin with the illegal publication of Donald Trump’s tax return. No one is accusing Trump of anything illegal. Trump followed the tax law by writing off a business loss.

  • You can’t find a word about the illegality of the IRS, or whoever else, for leaking the information.
  • You can’t find a word about the New York Times breaking the law by publishing it.
  • And, you won’t hear a peep from Obama’s Justice Department to be the least bit curious in enforcing equal protection under the law. To the contrary, his record consists of using the IRS as a weapon against political opponents.
  • You won’t find one article examining how Hillary Clinton made $22 million by giving speeches to donors on Wall Street, for speeches she won’t release the transcripts of.

Trump had a business loss in his Atlantic City casinos in 1995. That’s when the casino industry in Atlantic City started taking a dive. From which it has never fully recovered. Consequently, his corporation lost $916 million. Hillary Clinton uses that to denigrate Trump’s business acumen. She hasn’t a clue. Trump is among a small league of  business leaders who can take a $916 million loss as a bump in the road.

Current tax law allows you to carryover a large loss over however many years the size of the loss dictates. Trump lost $916 million of his own money. Only so much per year is allowed to be written off. In this case, it took 18 years.

So what has Hillary Clinton lost?

  • Four Americans including an Ambassador.
  • 33,000 incriminating e-mails
  • Broken laws on national security
  • Destroyed evidence under subpoena
  • $6 Billion of taxpayers’ money while Secretary of State

If a carryover write-off would be available for that, Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have to pay taxes for five generations.

Bottom line, know what you’re seeing and don’t let it work on you. Staying home this election is not an option.

Who Would Lie To Save An Election?

After hearing the cacophony of Democrats in Washington over the Benghazi hearings, starring the person in charge, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, a few facts are clear.

Setting the stage to not ignore history, the attack on the Consulate that ended in the deaths of our Ambassador and three other Americans, happened two months before the 2012 Presidential election.

Security conditions in Benghazi had been getting worse to the extent that the U.N. and other countries had left their Consulates because of it. The U.S.. Consulate was the only one that remained.

During that summer, the same U.S. Consulate was attacked. Also during the months preceding the September 11, 2012 attack, Ambassador Stevens had requested better security because of the escalation of terrorist attacks in Benghazi. The Arab Spring quickly turned into the Arab Winter.

Also during this same time, President Obama’s re-election campaign was in operation. During this time, President Obama was telling us that al-Qaeda was on the run. Remember VP Biden’s line? “Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive.” The meme, as echoed by the media, was that terrorism was in decline. When the truth was the opposite. They were on the run alright, but not from us, to us.

Today’s hearing revealed that Sec. Clinton knew on the night of the attack that it had nothing to do with a video. She said as much to the newly elected president of Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi, the day after the attack. After all, through her Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin Weiner, the nearly familial relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood was there, for all to ignore.

Of 63 leaders who make up the Muslim Sisterhood – which is essentially nothing more than the female version of the Brotherhood – we learned that Huma’s mother, Saleha, was one of those leaders. Little attention has been paid to the other 62 leaders, however. One of them is Najla Ali Mahmoud, the wife of Mursi. Both are members of the Guidance Bureau, which proves fallacious, the claim that Najla is just an innocent and naïve spouse.

After the attack, what flows from the Obama administration and his State Department, is the lie about how the attack was attributed to a “disgusting video.” The lie was perpetuated at the United Nations, and continued through the election. With the help of the Obamamedia, nothing stuck to the two people responsible. Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. The two of them went so far as to make a video of their own to perpetuate the lie broadcast to people in Pakistan.

The other thing that is clear is how right Elijah Cummings, D-MD, was when he said this hearing is political. That’s because the lies about the event under investigation were blatantly political. Which was, to keep the truth of his and Sec. Clinton’s agenda and campaign of deceit from the American people until at least after the election. Where four Americans under her purview were left with no protection and no rescue attempts made. After all, to quote Mrs. Clinton, “It is a subject that we are absolutely required to explore.”

Obama and Clinton lied. And four Americans died. And the lie lasted well past the November election. You bet it’s political, on their part. To save his re-election in 2012 and her election in 2016.

The Buck Stops In The Oval Office

So how’s the 2016 Clinton campaign going? Not very well. The fact that people do not trust her was brought on by her own actions.

From the start of her position as Secretary of State, we now learn that she was allowed to have her own private mail server to conduct official business, instead of the required secure government servers.

True to form, for Hillary Clinton, her mission was to keep her activities out of public view and out of the reach of any Congressional oversight. Can you say Benghazi?

So why is it that the most obvious questions about Sec. Clinton’s mail server activity still has not been asked of her boss, President Obama?

Like these two . . .

Mr. President, the Cabinet officials work under you and for you.  Confidential and Top Secret emails are normal business for our Embassies around the world. Not only between our Ambassadors and the Sec. of State, but between the Sec. of State and yourself. How is it possible that you never noticed that email communications to and from your Cabinet Secretary were not going through a government-secured mail server? Will you agree to an investigation to verify that you also do not, and did not, have a private server and private email account of your own, that was not part of a government-controlled secure environment, for official business?

Pres. Obama Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Speaking with Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Fellows at the White House, President Barack Obama said that under his leadership, the United States has become the most respected country in the world.

Of course, these weren’t real world leaders. The real leaders were at home ROTFL. These were students, who probably knew better.

This assertion is like his assertion that he has this economy in a recovery, while there is not a single economic measure that would support that claim. Beginning with, he economy is contracting, lowest worker participation rate since Jimmy Carter, real unemployment rate is north of 10%, more businesses are closing than are opening, and, a record number of people are on government assistance and food stamps.

On the world stage, every country he has had a hand in has been a disaster. Starting with the United States, the Arab Spring, Benghazi, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, China, and the rise and strengthening of terrorists around the world.

The winning statement . . .

and today once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth

For this, President Obama wins the award for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. For the third time.

Links: President Obama: Under My Leadership, US Once Again Most Respected Country on Earth  |  Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Fellows

Dem Investigators Don’t Want To Investigate

As the famous Church Lady would say . . .church lady isnt that special

Democrats on the House committee investigating the deadly 2012 Benghazi attacks are demanding that the panel’s Republican chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C, withdraw a subpoena for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal emails and schedule a hearing for Clinton to testify immediately.

Now, as has recently been revealed, the former Secretary of State before, during and after the Sept 11 2012 attack in Libya, that resulted in the death of our Ambassador and three other Americans, never used the government email system she was required by law to use, right from the start of her role as Sec. of State.

Never mind all the reasons (and there are plenty) that Hillary would not want her communications to be available for public, and FOIA, scrutiny, but when you are the head of the State Department, your communications having anything to do with the State Department’s Consulate in Benghazi are relevant.

In fact, using then Senator Clinton’s own words, “It is a subject that we are absolutely required to explore.

To think that her mail sever was her own personal mail server, in her house, goes way overboard what the law says about the handling classified information. That in itself is indefensible and, a felony. And reason enough to hold all of her communications on that server under subpoena. The contents of that would be typical Clinton. Making a come-stained blue dress look like child’s play.

That Democrats on the House investigative committee don’t want to do their job is beyond incompetence. It is obstruction. All Hillary’s emails need to see the light of day. Not just the ones she volunteers to turn over.

Talk about bad timing. A convicted felon can not run for public office.  Can you say . . . Elizabeth Warren?

That’s what the Dems on the committee think they are protecting.

Link: Democrats decry GOP subpoena of Clinton’s personal emails  | Clinton private email violated ‘clear-cut’ State Dept. rules

Obama Announces First Benghazi “Capture”

He was never questioned since the attack (by authorities). And he lived openly in Benghazi.

The terrorist involved in the Benghazi attack said in an interview to an AP reporter . . .

“I am in my city, having a normal life and have no troubles,” he told The Associated Press late last year after he was first accused. He denied the allegations and said he didn’t fear being abducted from Libya.

And this is the Commander-in-Chief’s statement on the “capture.”

The fact that he is now in U.S. custody is a testament to the painstaking efforts of our military, law enforcement, and intelligence personnel.

President Obama also said that Ahmed Abu Khattala will . .  .

now face the full weight of the American justice system.

All of which means that this capture now, after two years of doing nothing, with President Obama’s approval ratings lower than ever, lower than Bush’s low, was nothing but politically motivated.

It also leaves open the question whether Attorney General Eric Holder will represent the United States or Khattala.

Bringing Club Gitmo detainees to trial in New York is just a continuance of Eric Holder’s defense (as opposed to prosecution) of these enemy combatants. Defending them is what he did at his New York law firm Covington & Burling.

Here’s the plea deal. He has to write “I will not kill infidels” 500 times on the blackboard, and he has to say that he was inspired by a video made by a guy who is still in prison, before he is released and returned to the battlefield in Afghanistan.

Link: Nabbed Libyan militant lived openly in Benghazi


President Obama, our elected Commander-in-Chief, has demonstrated over and over his naiveté in foreign policy. If you can point to one successful, tactical foreign policy decision, then you’re a magician because there isn’t one. North Korea, China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, Eastern Europe’s missile defense shield, Israel, Lebanon, Arab Spring, Red Lines.

Likewise, his military acumen as a warrior is totally laughable. Except for the fact that he is responsible for our sons and daughters in harm’s way. He fights wars based on timetables instead of results. And he announces them, not just to his political hacks but, to the enemy. He creates a false narrative about the Benghazi attack, and broadcasts apologies to the Islamist goons in Pakistan about a movie that they likely never saw. As if they will do anything other than laugh at his amateur hour.

Withholding judgment whether Bowe Bergdahl is a deserter (an investigation will tell), this latest prisoner swap (he does negotiate with terrorists) is yet another example of how far Barack Obama will go to 1) stick it to the military, 2) appease terrorists in hoping (“hope” is not a strategy) that they’ll like us, 3) let these 5 terrorist kingpins go free after one year (who were supposed to be detained until the cessation of hostilities, ie. indefinitely). That is, if Qatar doesn’t release them or allow them to escape beforehand, and 4) he finally has a chance to give preference or weight to an Islamist goon, over an American. When the era of slavery was coming to an end, there was a time when slaves counted as 3/5 of a person. But today, President Obama (who claims to be Black) has a chance to exercise a little payback. Bergdahl weighs in at 1/5. One American, in exchange for the 5 most dangerous terrorists on the planet.

And that makes sense to who? Makes one think that President Obama is on the wrong side in this war. Problem is, he thinks he’s on the right side.

Link: Obama defends operation to rescue U.S. soldier from Taliban

How Incompetence Gets A Pass

It’s more than just incompetence. That would be too generous a description of the way this regime is operating. Destructive, deceptive, and dishonest would pretty much round out the behavior of the gang that is running the government today.

There’s a price to pay for being unplugged or disconnected from what is going on in Washington. Especially when the so-called watchdog media keeps its eyes, ears, and mouth shut.

This video is funny and sad at the same time.

Culture Of Corruption, On Steroids

IRS, V A Hospitals, ICE, Benghazi, ACA, Fast & Furious, Justice Department. Talk about a culture of corruption? Oh. No. Don’t talk about it. Because if you do then you’re a racist.

It’s as if President Obama and everyone in his regime are inoculated from any sort of criticism (or impeachment), blame, or responsibility for anything bad because the President is Black.  What’s amazing to me, is how many people have been indoctrinated into this line of non-thinking?

How did we get to this point? Is it because the administration is loaded with liars, or because it is loaded with ideologues bound to the progressive agenda being put in positions they are not qualified (like Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to head the V A) to fill? Starting with the President himself, I believe it is the latter. The lying comes as a result, like Benghazi, of trying to cover up the incompetence.

Simply impeaching the president will not fix the problem. It will take an election and re-appointments of competent people into responsible positions (from the Cabinet on down) in government. America, it’s time to take out the garbage.

No Free Pass In Politics

One thing is certain. If it happens in Washington, or anywhere there is an elected official, it is political. Politician, politics, political. Get it?

That’s not to say that anything or everything political is bad, good, or acceptable. The difference between what’s bad and what’s good is the legal and moral aspects of the action.

pelosi_orificeThe political Left as represented by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) and  Elijah cummings_benghazi_hearingCummings (D-Md.) believe that matters like the Benghazi investigation is just politics, and not worthy of attention. She says that the investigation is a “distraction.” A distraction from Obama’s failed policies elsewhere I suppose.

But here’s the difference between what is a distraction and what is not. Democrats had Tom Delay attacked and prosecuted for doing political actions that were legal. In short, they were successful in criminalizing legal political conduct. No one was killed or injured. And DeLay paid millions to defend himself to the end of having the case finally dismissed. Pelosi and Obama weren’t saying ‘oh, that’s just political, there’s no there there.’

Where Benghazi is concerned, the regime used political power and influence to an immoral, if not illegal, end. To this day, no one knows what the Commander in Chief was doing when Americans were fighting for their lives in Benghazi.

What we do know is, the story we were told by him and his surrogates in the State Department turns out to have been false. It wasn’t a mistake that the story about the alleged video was said to be the cause of the attack. That was the lie created to shift responsibility from the regime and the State Department to some poor shlep in California. That was the immoral political calculation the regime made to keep the truth from the American public (another immoral political calculation) long enough to get through the upcoming presidential election. And that’s why the investigation into what happened before, during, and after the Benghazi attack is important. See the difference?

To quote the now infamous Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “It is a subject that we are absolutely required to explore.