Tag Archives: 2012 Election

Obama Has Quit On You

Vice President Joe Biden pumped up the crowd at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night, testifying to his observations of President Obama. Up close and personal.

The theme seems to be another redefining of the Democrat Party. It’s ‘values.’ They have values. And Republicans don’t? The challenge today is the economy and jobs. Not ‘values.’ Since they can not talk about the shape we’re in and how they’re going to fix it, they talk about ‘values.’

With that understood, let’s look at the ‘values’ of this president. According to Joe Biden tonight . . .

You never quit on America. And you deserve a President who will never quit on you. And one more thing that our opponents are dead wrong about: America is NOT in decline.

In September 2011, President Obama had a very different feeling about America and Americans. President Obama blamed the stagnant economy on the Arab Spring, Japan’s tsunami, and rich people. Then he finally came down, to YOU. Not himself or his policies. You! Where was Joe last September?

This is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft, and we didn’t have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades. We need to get back on track.

The ‘New’ Democratic Party

A bizarre moment at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte last night. It reminded me a bit of the Star Wars bar scene. The party unwittingly showed itself for what it truly is.

Last night, the country saw over half of the party’s delegates vote against ‘God’ being mentioned and ‘Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel’ being mentioned, in the Party Platform.

If those watching from their homes could have been heard, I’d guess (but I could be wrong) that there would have been way more than 2/3rds in favor of putting those two items back into the Party Platform. Never mind that the vote was predetermined in the teleprompter and all of what that says about the significance of delegates and their votes at these (both of them) conventions.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was speechless when the vote he heard didn’t match the teleprompter. How could he say that what just happened, did not happen, and get away with it? Then his Liberal conscience took over. Screw that, back to the teleprompter and say what the President wants me to say.

Proof that Obama and his political party aren’t too keen on the most basic democratic principles. What we saw last night could easily have come out of Caracas, Venezuela. This is today’s Democratic Party.

Would like to have been a fly on the wall when the President weighed the choice between the country’s reaction upon finding out what was NOT in the platform, and the reaction of the delegates upon finding out what Obama wanted put in the platform. Another thing to ponder is whether Huma Abedin was any way involved into those items being stricken from the Party Platform? Wouldn’t surprise me. For Obama, that would be ‘Muslim outreach.’

President Obama’s Words, Just Words

President Obama demonstrates, with the help of this stunning one-minute video, starring President Obama, exactly what an “empty suit” looks and sounds like.


Compare what he says today to what he has said in the past, going as far back as when he was a candidate running against Hillary Clinton, and you’ll realize that this guy has nothing new in store for America than what we’ve already seen.

He chastises his opponents for their empty words, just words. He should know what “empty words, just words” are. Beginning with this campaign speech in 2008 when he “borrowed” someone else’s words, and the laundry list of empty words provided in this LINK on this blog.

Same speeches. Same promises. Are you better off?

What are the chances the mainstream media will notice the same playlist on the TOTUS? (Teleprompter Of The United States)

Links: An Obama Refrain Bears Echoes of a Governor’s Speeches  |  Links to Obama’s “Words, Just Words”  |  GOP Video Demonstrates Emptiness of Obama’s Words

Do Democrats Take Blacks For Granted?

Obama is no friend of the poor, and no friend to Blacks. He is simply trying to become America’s newest founding father by rejecting and dismissing the Constitution and over 200 years of American history.

With President Obama now trapped in an election season where no arguments on the basis of his record are forthcoming, the racial agitation has reached a fevered pitch. That “post-racial” administration Obama promised us, was just more snake-oil.

The beauty of conservative policies – be they low taxation, educational choice or equal justice before the law – is that their benefits apply equally to all, with no regard for race, skin color or creed. That pitch may not be as rhetorically appealing to black voters as promises to tailor policies directly toward them, but it does have one key advantage over the liberal approach: It actually works.

Link: The Democratic Betrayal of African-American Voters

NBC Cuts Out Blacks, Hispanics At The Republican National Convention

What? That’s right. NBC’s coverage of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday did not include Blacks, Mia Love and Artur Davis, or Hispanics, Ted Cruz.

They were not shown on broadcast NBC or cable MSNBC.

After being caught editing George Zimmerman’s 911 call, and now this, it is NBC that has racial issues. They have lost all credibility as a news organization. But they do function well as the spin doctors for the Obama White House.

Link: Mia Love @ Instapundit.com

Charles Lane, “No Major Role In Politics”

In another example of liberal-think that is a mirror image of the “No Place In The Public Square” comment by liberal commentator Robert Beckel, Washington Post editorial columnist Charles Lane doesn’t believe military people should have a say in the public political arena either.

In discussing the Navy Seals political ad, Chuck Lane said this . . .

“I don’t believe military and intelligence people, even retireds, should have a major role in politics.”

The statement begins at 01:04 into the video.

In just the last two weeks, the Left doesn’t approve of, successful business people (Bob Beckel) or people in the military, active or retired, or people in the intelligence community (Chuck Lane), having a say in the public political discourse.

Both times, Beckel and Lane, were on a FOX News program. And both times the statements went unchallenged. Granted that those statements were not the topic of the discussion and would have changed the topic had they been challenged. So I can half understand why they were left to fly on by.

Seems to me that the Left’s desire to squelch speech and opinions that they don’t like, is a story in and of itself.


Obama’s Economy To Defend

How’s Obama doing?

  1. Unemployment, which at 8.3 percent is the highest this long after a recession ended.
  2. 8.8 million jobs lost, just over 4 million jobs created.
  3. Long-term unemployment a “national crisis.”
  4. Adjusted for inflation, wages have fallen 0.8 percent.
  5. Economic growth has never been weaker in a postwar recovery.
  6. Falling home prices have slashed home equity.
  7. Consumer spending has never been so slack. Only once has job growth been slower.
  8. Growth-chilling uncertainty.

And that doesn’t include energy and its cost. Anyone would look at this and say, ‘Yeah, I’ll vote for more of that!’

Rare act of journalism committed by AP.

White House OK With – “Put Y’all Back In Chains”

Remember those “nice” and “decent” people Biden and Obama were talking about two days ago? Kissy kissy. Today Vice President Joe Biden told supporters that Republicans would “put y’all back in chains,” speaking before a “racially mixed” audience, during a campaign speech Tuesday in Danville, Va.  It’s obvious, there is no shame possible from this administration from the top down. And when ‘the top’ is the President of the United states, it’s disgraceful.

It’s even endorsed by The White House. Imagine that . . .

Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter says the campaign has “no problem” with Vice President Joe Biden’s comment about putting people back in chains.

Folks, this is what a community organizer is. A president would not divide the American people against each other in every possible way he can think of, just so he can get re-elected. He got elected on “Hope and Change.” A post-racial society that HE was going to create in America. How’s that working out?

H/T Victor Davis Hanson: Racial comity got Obama elected. He hopes racial division will get him reelected.

Bla Bla Woof Woof

After two weeks of news media reporting on the ‘Romney Kills Wives’ ad produced by Priorities USA, a PAC run by Bill Burton, former White House deputy press secretary, essentially accusing Romney of being responsible for a woman’s death and not caring about it, there still have been no comments from President Obama or Vice President Biden about the ad. That is, until yesterday.

Both men spoke out about their opponents character. On the same day. This was their attempt to distanced themselves from the ad, without saying a word about it.

At any rate, their statements do two things. First they inoculate them from any and all future PAC ads, no matter how ridiculous, bordering on primal fear, they might be. Because they’re on the record as saying, hey, Romney and Ryan, they’re good guys.

Biden called Rep. Ryan (R-WI) “a good and decent man.”

President Barack Obama said that Mr. Ryan is a “good man. He’s a family man.”

The other thing it does is give the green light to the PACs that support them. Regardless of the content.

The good news is, Rep. Paul Ryan is the man to effectively, and factually, communicate the agenda while effectively answering all the hyperbole from the Lefty PACs and the Obama/Biden campaign.

Do you think the media would be so uninterested in expecting a word of condemnation from the President and Vice President if they were a ‘R’ instead of a ‘D’?

Never mind this exhibition of their lack of moral standard to publicly denounce the implied message in that ad. No matter where it came from.  The fact that they won’t, tells you where their heart is. For them, it is win at any cost and above all else. And that ‘Romney kills wives’ ad sets the new standard in political campaigns. It’s the Chicago way.

Obama Threatens “Every Industry”

On the campaign trail, President Obama touted his takeover of the auto industry as a smashing success (for who?). He said the auto industry is roaring back, which it isn’t. And that GM is #1 again, which it isn’t. Then he said this . . .

I said I believe in American workers, I believe in this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back and GM is number one again. So now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs not just in the auto industry, but in every industry. I don’t want those jobs taking root in places like China. I want them taking root in places like Pueblo.

President Obama just illustrated the power of the bully pulpit. Knowingly or not, the content of what he said will have a negative effect on an already stagnant economy.

The business climate now is in survival mode. Not hiring employees and not planning to expand. The administration is doing everything it can to depress private business by Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. The FUD Factor. And it has been that way since before President Obama was inaugurated.

In his first 100 days analysis . . .

The power grab the Obama administration has perpetrated over various industries and companies within his first 100 days is sending only one message to business. Watch out, you could be next.

President Obama’s recent statement answers the final question. Who, what business, or what industry, could be next? Given the chance, he wants “every industry.” After finally admitting to how he truly intends to change this country, there is no end to the FUD Factor where private sector business is concerned.

Until the FUD Factor is eliminated, there will be

  • no economic rebound
  • higher unemployment
  • college grads without jobs
  • higher energy costs
  • higher food cost
  • depressed home values
  • “kids” returning home

You know, the whole economic scheme that Obama said “works”.

Couldn’t have said more to perpetuate the fear, uncertainty, and doubt to American business. He’s already got his thumb on energy-related industries. Preventing (high-paying, union) oil industry jobs from being created, and kicking coal miners out of a job. Now, it’s everyone else.

related link: Hugo Chavez Campaign, Sean Penn