Category Archives: Race Relations

World Leaders Differ On ISIS

British Prime Minister Cameron says the ISIS threat is “a poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism”. Clueless Pres. Obama says it’s political.

Why would President Obama deny that ISIS, alQaeda, all those cowardice cave men clinging to their guns and religion, is political and therefore requires a political solution? That there is no military solution and, btw, we don’t have a plan on how to deal with (terrorism) them. If that isn’t music to the terrorists’ ears, I don’t know what is.

Great Britain is learning what an open door Politically Correct driven immigration policy is getting them. Suicide bombers, citizens being decapitated in broad daylight. Unfortunately, President Obama is likewise genuflecting to the Islamic goons by ignoring border security here. Which begs another question. Do you think Obama has weighed the benefit of millions of undocumented democrats against the terror threat that exists? To put it another way, do you think Obama thinks that the sacrificing of untold number of Americans to terrorist attacks is worth the price for the perpetual Democrat control of government?

From the frame of mind of someone who wrote the book “Dreams from my (Communist) father,” I have no doubt that he thinks it is worth it.

As an aside, and not totally unrelated to Obama and terrorism, let’s review his actions of late.

  • Illegally sends reinforcements to the Taliban, ostensibly after spending a year in Qatar, by trading five of their top generals for one deserter.
  • Gives further aide and comfort to the enemy (that’s also illegal) by announcing that the US has no plan to deal with them.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not feeling confident that this president knows what is best for America.

Somebody tell me, what happened to, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”? (h/t to Rush Limbaugh for that one)

Links: David Cameron stands up to Islamists |  Terror target Britain  |  Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap was illegal, says US government watchdog

Kids Shooting Kids In Pensacola

Here is a case where youth violence, youth gun violence specifically, has been a growing concern in the Pensacola area. One way to reach the kids, it was thought, was to give them something to do and try to teach them to behave responsibly.

An altercation early Sunday morning that led to a 16-year-old being shot and a 15-year-old being knocked unconscious occurred right after a Stop the Violence concert, according to an event organizer. A co-organizer of the concert, Bill Marshall, said the concert had been a free event where local music artists performed and spoke to the youths about ending violence in their communities.

So much for that idea. The Pensacola News Journal reporter does not say, but from the address of the place where the free concert was, it seems to be in a predominately Black neighborhood. I could be wrong in assuming that the youths involved were Black, but I doubt it. The reporter could clear this doubt up with just a little more information.

You can’t fix the out-of-control youth issue when you don’t know what the problem is. The problem is that Black youth unemployment is 33.4 percent nationally. That’s almost criminal to have a figure that high. I don’t know if it is better or worse in Pensacola. It is almost twice that of White youth unemployment at 18.9 percent. Which is still way too high. Either way, for all races, youth unemployment is unacceptably high. This makes for trouble the likes of which occurred over the weekend.

The answer obviously is not free concerts. And it isn’t a higher minimum wage. The answer is in a growing economy. Not a contracting economy like we have now. Contrary to what President Obama thinks (and economist he is not), raising the minimum wage (which is where youths always start) will create less opportunities for them. Not more.

Link: Pensacola American Legion shooting occurred after concert.

Thad Cochran’s Twofer

Thad Cochran played Blacks in Mississippi like a fiddle, by playing the race card to disparage the tea party, and as an aside, to beat Chris McDaniel.


Learning from the Democrat playbook, he used the same tactics (and people) that they use. Emphasis on use. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Cochran campaign used Blacks by fomenting racism the same as Democrats.

Where identity politics goes, there’s no difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats any more. How’s that post-racial administration (that Obama campaigned on) working out?

There’s an opportunity here. Is it possible to use this example to persuade Blacks that their victimhood is self-imposed? That the Democrat party is not helping them by keeping them in a perpetual state of victim status. On the contrary. That kind of treatment, and incitement, is keeping them right where Democrats want them. On the Democrat plantation. It’s an opportunity to free them again.

Link: The Flier That Got Thad Cochran Elected? |  How Thad Cochran bounced back from disaster

Culture Of Corruption, On Steroids

IRS, V A Hospitals, ICE, Benghazi, ACA, Fast & Furious, Justice Department. Talk about a culture of corruption? Oh. No. Don’t talk about it. Because if you do then you’re a racist.

It’s as if President Obama and everyone in his regime are inoculated from any sort of criticism (or impeachment), blame, or responsibility for anything bad because the President is Black.  What’s amazing to me, is how many people have been indoctrinated into this line of non-thinking?

How did we get to this point? Is it because the administration is loaded with liars, or because it is loaded with ideologues bound to the progressive agenda being put in positions they are not qualified (like Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to head the V A) to fill? Starting with the President himself, I believe it is the latter. The lying comes as a result, like Benghazi, of trying to cover up the incompetence.

Simply impeaching the president will not fix the problem. It will take an election and re-appointments of competent people into responsible positions (from the Cabinet on down) in government. America, it’s time to take out the garbage.

‘We’re Being Manipulated’ by Those ‘Trying to Divide Us’

“If you are pro-life, then you’re anti-woman. If you’re pro-traditional marriage, then you’re homophobic. If you’re a white person and you say something against a progressive black person, you’re a racist,” Carson explained, calling for Americans “to realize that we are not each other’s enemies. The enemies are those people who are trying to divide us up.”

And the media either hasn’t a clue, or is complicit with this brand of politics perpetrated by the regime. My money is on the latter.

Link: Ben Carson: ‘We’re Being Manipulated’ by Those ‘Trying to Divide Us’

Is Obama Immune From Impeachment?

It remains to be seen whether articles of impeachment will ever be brought against President Obama. But you see what happens to you, or what you are called, if you opine on the failures of Obama’s policies, and his deceiving the American people to the point of being awarded the “lie of the year,” or his making up laws around the legislative branch, and not enforcing laws enacted by the legislative branch, and for using regulatory agencies of the executive branch to harass and punish political opponents. Basically, for usurping powers not granted to him by the Constitution.

You are labeled a racist by the race hustlers, elected Democrats, and the compliant media. So it is no wonder that President Obama acts as a dictator with the impunity of someone who has been inoculated from impeachment. With immunity essentially granted him by virtue of the color of his skin. Jonathan Turley has another way to describe this immunity. He calls it a “cult of personality.”

What do you think the chances for impeachment would be, if not already done by now, if the President of such a lawless administration were White, from any political party?

Obama’s War On Women, Poor, Hispanics, And Young

For better or worse, a truism of American politics is that voters vote their pocketbooks. Yet according to a new report on median household incomes by Sentier Research, in 2012 millions of American voters apparently cast ballots contrary to their economic self-interest. A testament to the power of a media devoted to their president.

Now for some economic facts

Obama’s economic policies are hurting the people who elected him more than any other demographic.

President Obama was re-elected with 51% of the vote. Five demographic groups were crucial to his victory: young voters, single women, those with only a high-school diploma or less, blacks and Hispanics. He cleaned up with 60% of the youth vote, 67% of single women, 93% of blacks, 71% of Hispanics, and 64% of those without a high-school diploma, according to exit polls.

Family income decrease from President Obama’s 5 most dedicated demographics since his “recovery” began.

  • -7% single women households, with or without children
  • -9.6% under age 25
  • -10.9% Black heads of households
  • -4.5% Hispanic heads-of-households
  • -8% incomes of workers with a high-school diploma or less fell by about 8% (-6.9% for those with less than a high-school diploma and -9.3% for those with only a high-school diploma).

To put that into dollar terms, in the four years between the time the Obama recovery began in June 2009 and June of this year, median black household income fell by just over $4,000, Hispanic households lost $2,000 and female-headed households lost $2,300.

The middle class is getting poorer.  While the minimum wage remained steady, the median family income has fallen every year since Obama’s “recovery” began.

Makes one wonder what it would take for these people to realize that what they are living is not what Obama is saying, but what he is doing? He’s not going to stop campaigning. He can’t. Because if he does, the gullible voters that elected this community organizer president twice might begin to realize that President Obama is more interested in gaining political power than making the economy, and their lives, any better.

Which reminds me of what Rand Paul said in this post . . .

Liberals don’t seem to get the point that if you’re trying something and the objective evidence shows that it’s not working, why not try something different?

Paul indirectly referred to the famous definition of insanity as trying something again and again while expecting a different result.

Link: Stephen Moore: Obama’s Economy Hits His Voters Hardest –

A Liberal Diagnosis

An excerpt from an interview with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) over the weekend. World Net Daily’s Gina Loudon asked “What is wrong with the people who don’t understand why conservatism works, and why liberty is so important?”

Sen. Rand Paul, Gina Loudon at CPAC 2014

The “people” being referred to here is the “fair shot” crowd. The pols who prey on wealth envy and class warfare, who presume that because there is a bottom rung on the socio-economic ladder, that there is something unfair about that. 

Sen. Paul, R-Ky., had the answer to her question.

I tell people it’s the ‘big heart, small brain syndrome.’ Liberals have big hearts, but they’re not using all their brain capacity. I don’t know,” he said. “Liberals don’t seem to get the point that if you’re trying something and the objective evidence shows that it’s not working, why not try something different?”

Paul indirectly referred to the famous definition of insanity as trying something again and again while expecting a different result.


Blacks Killing Themselves

In New York City for 2012. . .

31,328 – number of black babies killed by abortion

24,758 – number of black babies born

Black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in NYC, which is 19% Black.

Any questions?


I’m Black. Don’t shoot me!


I’m Black. Don’t kill me!

How can anyone defend this wiping out of the Black population? How can we build a middle class when we’re killing our children faster that we’re raising them? And how can President Obama and the likes of Jesse Sharpton sleep at night when their social policies support such genocide? Or blackocide?

Margaret Sanger, The Negro Project, Black History Month

What better time than Black History Month to recall the roots of Planned Parenthood. The brainchild of Margaret Sanger, who believed in the eugenics of “refining” the “Aryan” race.

Beginning with the ABCL (American Birth Control League). The ABCL became a legal entity on April 22, 1922, in New York. Before that, Sanger illegally operated a birth control clinic in October 1916, in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York, which eventually closed. The clinic serviced the poor immigrants who heavily populated the area—those deemed “unfit” to reproduce. In 1942, the ABCL became part of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Malthusian Eugenics

Margaret Sanger aligned herself with the eugenicists whose ideology prevailed in the early 20th century. Eugenicists strongly espoused racial supremacy and “purity,” particularly of the “Aryan” race. Eugenicists hoped to purify the bloodlines and improve the race by encouraging the “fit” to reproduce and the “unfit” to restrict their reproduction. They sought to contain the “inferior” races through segregation, sterilization, birth control and abortion.

It was Margaret Sanger’s goal to abort as many Black babies as possible. To eliminate “the dangers of uncontrolled procreation.” If you’ve never heard this before, this article, The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger, sums it up nicely. It shows how she used prominent Black leaders to buy into her idea by deceiving them.

Sanger suggested the answer to poverty and degradation lay in smaller numbers of blacks. She convinced black civic groups in Harlem of the “benefits” of birth control, under the cloak of “better health” (i.e., reduction of maternal and infant death; child spacing) and “family planning.” So with their cooperation, and the endorsement of The Amsterdam News (a prominent black newspaper), Sanger established the Harlem branch of the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. The ABCL told the community birth control was the answer to their predicament.

The ethnic cleansing in New York City is, by Margaret Sanger’s standards, moving along nicely. In 2012, there were more Black babies killed by abortion (31,328) in New York City than were born there (24,758), and the Black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in the Big Apple. Despite the fact Blacks represent less than 15 percent of the population.

I’m Black. Don’t shoot me.
I’m Black.
Don’t kill me.

What’s wrong with this picture?