Category Archives: Race Relations

Obama, Americans Losing Confidence

Through the smoke and mirrors in his first news conference in four months, President Obama shows us one hand, while hiding the other. He acknowledges that the American people have a growing lack of confidence in what goes on in Washington. You know, from all those phony scandals which, btw, he has refused to

I had nothing to do with it. And I'm fighting for you!
I had nothing to do with it. And I’m fighting for you!

name. Why? Maybe because not one “reporter” asked him what he thought the phony scandals were, or are? And it’s not about Bradley Manning or Edward Snowden.

It’s not enough for me as president to have confidence in these programs. The American people have to have confidence as well.

To restore confidence, the President is going to have to do more than speak about it as an innocent bystander. A tactic the media lets him get away with.

So far, all he has actually done drains confidence, not builds it. Americans are losing confidence. Not only because of the NSA spying (on Americans) programs, the intimidation from the IRS, and the not-so-blind justice of the Justice Department, but also because no one has been held to account. Not NSA Director James Clapper for lying to Congress. IRS officials that we know (so far) were responsible for targeting political adversaries have received promotions. And not one policy change, zip, zero, nada, has been made to insure that such government intimidation and abuse of power won’t, or can’t, happen again.

There’s plenty of reasons Americans are losing confidence in their government Mr. President. It all starts, and ends, with you!

Link: Obama speaks out on Snowden, calls for greater transparency on surveillance

h/t Mark O’Brien

“One Spin, One Win,” The 2014 Election

You could say that politics in 2013 and leading up to the 2014 election is not unlike the wheel games on the boardwalk. A big win for either party is not certain. It’s not even certain that one party will win. The balance of power could stay as it is, which isn’t enough to stop America’s decline.spinning_wheel2

Some say, like this article, that the Tea Party (which isn’t an actual party, but a group of political conservatives) has lost its power due in part to its low profile compared to a few years ago when it took the House in the 2010 election. And also point to some of their “candidates” beginning to change color and lose favor. Sen. Marco Rubio for example, was against immigration reform without border security first, before he was for it. Who the Tea Party gets behind in 2014 and 2016 remains to be seen. They have had enough of politicians that lack the backbone to stand up for conservative principles, ALL the time.

Then there are the democrats that have had enough of the “Hope and Change” vapors. Who instead want to see the promises (any of them) come to fruition. Too bad it took five years for them to see that the man they elected hasn’t a clue about solving why they still don’t have a job, why their health care is getting more expensive, and why their dollar is worth less and less every day. While they all won’t switch their political party, they might sit the next election out. A phenomenon that cost Romney his election win when, compared to 2008, over 3 million republicans stayed home and didn’t vote. On top of buyer’s remorse, you have Democrats like Louisianans Elbert Guillary and Ralph Washington switching to the Republican Party.

Both parties have reason for concern. If Democrats keep the Senate and take the House back, it’s game over for America as we know it. High unemployment the new norm. Overbearing government control of our lives, despite the Constitution, the new norm. And the so-called “lame duck” will be anything but lame. The stakes couldn’t be higher for Republicans to get behind the conservatism that got them elected in 2010, if they ever intend to get control of the Senate, keep the House, and turn this ship around. They actually can make Obama’s promises come to fruition. Being Democrat-lite is a loser.

Links: Tea Party Plans to Abandon GOP Stars | Two Black Democrats Become Republicans in Louisiana

Reality v Pres. Obama’s Speeches

Keep in mind that Senator Obama, and now President Obama, for five years now, has been focused like a laser beam on rebuilding the economy. Really? I guess it depends on the meaning of “rebuilding.” His speech on the economy last week, was the same speech he has read since day one. More spending, more taxing the rich, infrastructure, middle class, green energy, education, investments, bla bla bla.

Five years later, here’s a progress report (minus $7 trillion in more debt) from an unlikely source. The Associated Press.

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. {emphasis added}

… the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs …

Faced with the reality that picking victims by race is not working, maybe trying something that would help “everyone” (as in post-racial?) is a wiser approach?

As nonwhites approach a numerical majority in the U.S., (a reality not missed by Democrats, in so many ways) one question is how public programs to lift the disadvantaged should be best focused – on the affirmative action that historically has tried to eliminate the racial barriers seen as the major impediment to economic equality, or simply on improving socioeconomic status for all, regardless of race.

Hardship is particularly growing among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families’ economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy “poor.”

I’m not the only one who sees our American ship heading for the rocks. Most would think this to be bad news. But not our President. He’s getting closer to what he calls leveling the playing field. It is clear, according to the AP, that poverty and pessimism about our country’s future is shared by everyone, regardless of race, equally.

Obama is closing the gap in poverty among the races. Not by lifting those at the bottom, but by lowering those higher up.

While racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to live in poverty, race disparities in the poverty rate have narrowed substantially since the 1970s.

I don’t blame or hold President Obama solely responsible for this disaster. It is the result of something larger than himself. It is Liberalism in general, the ideology, that fails us. Just like it fails in every other country it is tried.

The consequence of spreading the wealth only results in one thing. Spreading the misery.

Link: Exclusive: Signs of declining economic security

Why Would Democrats Resist Voter ID?

Requiring a voter to provide a picture identification would ostensibly prevent people, dead or alive, from voting multiple times. After all, isn’t having a fair and honest election process the right and moral thing to do?Shelton_moral_standards

lessadolla-sowers_mugshot-400x800Fraud on absentee ballots is a whole other issue. NAACP Exec. Lessadolla Sowers of Tunica County, Miss., sentenced on 10 counts of voter fraud. Voted for Obama 10 times using absentee ballots of people living and dead.

Unfortunately, different moral standards exist. There is no right to vote more than once in a given election.

Link: DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud

Obama Administration, You’re A Racist If You Don’t Hire Criminals

Basing their lawsuit on the disparate affect on minorities for employers having a policy of excluding the hiring of someone with a criminal background, the Obama Administration’s EEOC filed a lawsuit against Dollar General and a BMW facility for using background checks on job applications because it’s racist. It’s now criminal-justiceunlawful to discriminate against applicants who have committed a crime. Well, they may as well add the State of Florida, Sacred Heart Hospital, and Baptist Hospital to the suit. They won’t hire people with a criminal record either.

Talk about having it both ways, the EEOC is sanctioning the same kind of criminal profiling that law enforcement, and community watch people, are not permitted to do.

Under the same assumption, employers like Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, Baptist and Sacred Heart hospitals are racist because they will not hire people that smoke tobacco. Apparently, marijuana is OK because that would be criminal. And, more blacks smoke tobacco than any other demographic except Native Americans.

So how’s the President doing in bringing America to the “post-racial” status he campaigned on?

[polldaddy poll=7273047]

Link: Obama Administration Sues Companies For Running Background Checks Calling them Racist.

“Could Have Been Me 35 Years Ago”

Two can play that game Mr. President.

If you were Trayvon 35 years ago, it would have spared the country from . . .

  • record unemployment
  • a stagnant economy
  • high energy prices
  • high food prices
  • union bailouts
  • a move towards socialism
  • Obamacare
  • the dilution of “equal justice under the law” with your inclination toward “social justice” and “racial justice”
  • your lawless administration that selectively enforces laws, especially current immigration laws
  • your Attorney General ignoring voting rights laws (New Black Panthers in Philadelphia)
  • your dozens of unaccountable Czars
  • using the Federal Govt. and its agencies to oppress (and attack, George Zimmerman) the citizens
  • abuse of voting and first amendment rights (IRS)
  • attacks on second amendment rights
  • racial tensions fueled by you not seen since the 60’s.
  • Did I mention voting rights abuse?

The Country, And Justice, Is Failing

Don’t know about you, but the country I once knew is starting to become unrecognizable, fast. We had Presidents that would keep our country secure. And would call for calm when the need arose. We had a justice system that was the envy of the world. A nation of laws, not men. When justice was “blind” and there was “equal justice under the law.”

Who knew that the justice system would go after a private citizen like George Zimmerman? No, would target a private citizen like President Obama’s Department of Justice is doing. Going on television and in every news broadcast, soliciting input from the nation for a way to put one of its citizens behind bars. That, after having already been through the judicial process and found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

Who knew that after having gone through the legal process with a jury trial, there would then be elected representatives in the nation’s capitol making slanderous accusations about this citizen, and claiming that “justice” has not yet been served? That something more needs to be done to this citizen. Never mind that this citizen has no job or resources left to support his family after having to defend himself in a long and drawn out legal battle.

And it doesn’t stop there. Aside from the government coming down on this citizen, there are national organizations like the NAACP calling for this citizen to be tried again for something, anything that they could find (having found nothing in the preceding 18 months) that would show this citizen to be a racist. The attacks on this citizen are coming from all areas public and in the government.

Innocent until proven guilty? Now, it’s guilty after proven innocent. The judicial process has been turned on its head. What’s worse is that all of this persecution is sanctioned by the President himself. He’s not calling for calm. He’s not calling for an investigation of the IRS scandal, but he instead, supports a witch hunt on a citizen, the justice system be damned. This from a man who said he was going to be the post-racial President in a post-racial administration. Who believes that now?

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was living in the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, or a host of other corrupt countries where the people are subjects of the government. Not in a country where the government protects its people.

That’s the state of our State. And it didn’t get this way by accident.

And integral part of the “fundamental change” President Obama and his acolytes are implementing is the bastardization of the justice system through the introduction of some modifiers. Social Justice and Racial Justice. And from there the sky is the limit. Why not have a little economic justice? Check, we have that too.

No, this is not the country it used to be by a long shot. When political considerations like “social,” “racial,” and “economics” are introduced, equal justice under the law is by definition, extinct.

The good news is, you don’t have to accept it. You have the power to change it at the ballot box. Let’s get busy.

Holder Advocating Against Blacks

Proving that Eric Holder is politicizing the Zimmerman case, he is fomenting opposition to Florida’s “stand your ground” law, which was not even part of the Zimmerman case, and claiming that it is making Florida more dangerous. Liar liar, pants on fire. Since Florida’s stand your ground law, violent crimes in the state fell by 23 percent. It is not getting worse like Holder would have you believe. And you know what else? Blacks (or “his people” as he calls them) benefit more, disproportionately more, than whites in Florida from the stand your ground law.

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Nonetheless, prominent African Americans including Holder and “Ebony and Ivory” singer Stevie Wonder, who has vowed not to perform in the Sunshine State until the law is revoked, have made “Stand Your Ground” a central part of the Trayvon Martin controversy.

So not only is his version of justice not blind, he is advocating the revoking of the basic human right of self-defense from the very people who are benefiting the most from it, for purely political purposes. This clown must go.

Link: Florida blacks benefit from Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ | The Daily Caller.

Piers Morgan, Jeantel Thought Zimmerman Was Gay

In the most revealing and most unreported interview from the prosecution’s main witness, Rachel Jeantel, Rachel puts in perspective what her conversation on the phone with Trayvon was about. And race had nothing to do with it.

When Trayvon told Rachel that he was being followed by a creepy-ass cracker, Rachel interpreted that to be that Zimmerman was following him because he was a gay, and possibly a predator. And she told Trayvon that. Which, with that mindset, does explain why an altercation ensued. Trayvon wasn’t going to let Zimmerman rape him or follow him home to his father’s house where is little brother was. A sick way of profiling people, but that’s Rachel.

Sure takes the wind out of the racist sails now doesn’t it? Now that this is out, pay attention to how much attention is paid to her statement from the media, the race hustlers, and the gay community. Zimmerman is looking more the victim, than the victim.

Piers Morgan’s question: “But you felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the ‘creepy ass cracka’ and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man — you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man — was pursuing him?  And he was freaked out by it?”

JEANTEL:  Yes.  Definitely. After I say, “Might be a rapist.”  For every boys or every man, every who’s not that kinda way, see a grown man following them, would they be creep out?  So you gotta take as a parent. You tell a child, “You see a grown person follow it you, run away,” and all that.

I’ll tell you one thing that creeps me out. The CNN audience that begins applauding after she said that.

H/T Rush Limbaugh