Category Archives: Pensacola

Speak Up Pensacola!

Even short-time residents of Pensacola can see the rise in violent crime here. Law enforcement can only do so much. It’s not their problem to fix. It’s their problem to respond. It’s our problem to fix.


There are signs that people are realizing that fact as noted on the Pensacola News Journal’s editorial page, A caring community. Organizers of “Saturday’s Soul Bowl” hoped to focus on fighting crime from the ground up. From within Pensacola’s neighborhoods.

“I call it cancer,” McAway told sportswriter Matt Foster. McAway, director of the Pensacola Youth Sports Education Association’s Rattler teams, was referring to the violence in Pensacola. “It’s a cancer because it’s eating up people.”

Lumon May, director of the Southern Youth Sports Association Tigers squads, reinforced McAway’s comments saying “Everyone needs to live in a safe neighborhood, and we can’t be silent about the violence.”


Counterfeit Bills Alert

Pensacola businesses and residents might be extra vigilant with paper currency while the “Fair” is in town. From my completely unscientific survey of one, I’ve noticed a trend when it comes to bad bills, from 10’s on up. And that is, they only seem to surface during the time of year when the Fair is in town.

Link: Fair frenzy!

Tea Party ‘Don’t Raise The Debt Limit’ Demonstration Saturday

Just a note from the Pensacola Tea Party about a demonstration in front of University Mall, or what once was University Mall, this Saturday Noon-2PM.

Although the Rally in Washington, D.C. on October 12 has been postponed local groups intend to Rally and be on the same subject. The Administration wants to raise the Debt Limit and waste even more hard earned tax dollars. Many of those dollars are sent to other countries, some of which do not like us at all. There is sufficient tax money coming in to meet all obligations and there is no need to raise the National Debt to 18 Trillion dollars! This Administration added 159 new bureaus to add to the Union rolls, increase union dues and spend the money against the American public needs! DO NOT RAISE LIMIT!

It’s just amazing how words have absolutely no meaning to people in Washington. Here are two that mean absolutely nothing to President Obama and his party.

Limit and Border

If you’ve had enough of this lawless administration, come out and be seen. Bring a home-made sign with you. (The SEIU won’t be printing them up for you. You’re the opposition.)

Tell President Obama to live by the current debt limit, or resign.

Check out the national Tea Party Patriots website for a protest near you.

Liberal Blowtorch Burns Ring Of Fire

Mike PapantonioWas checking in to one of my favorite liberal, progressive, downright wacko websites, the Ring of Fire1, to see what they had to say about the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) report on climate change. Who according to them, is the world’s authority on the greenhouse effect.

I previewed the report in a comment on one of their posts a few days before its release. Where their scientists had to admit that there has been no global warming in the last seventeen years.

Harken back to 2007 when the global warming nuts were saying that the arctic ice would be gone by 2013. When in fact the arctic ice grew by 29%, over a half million square miles, in the last year.

But alas, not only is my comment gone, but all comments are gone (not that they had very many in the first place). In fact, they have disabled comments altogether. So now, the Ring of Fire has been reduced to a blow torch. No ring, no two-way. Like Obama himself, no negotiations. Just fun food for their lemmings.

On slow news days, the big lawyers post about big lawsuits against big pharma, big energy, and whoever else has big, deep pockets.


1 The Ring of Fire is a Liberal (they’ll say Progressive) talk radio show, co-hosted by Attorneys Mike Papantonio and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and another lib named Sam Seder. The Ring of Fire is unique in terms of a talk radio show in that they don’t take calls live. Like Obama, they screen all questions emailed to them or left on their answering machine. Lord only knows what happens after that. Their show is scripted to pump out whatever liberal blather is on their page, regardless of what is going on in the news of the day. They really have a mis-named show. Not unlike Obamacare being called affordable. There is no ‘ring’ left in the Ring of Fire. They are unique in another way too, compared to ‘America’s Anchorman.’ They are not supported by advertisers. They don’t have a product anyone but other law firms want to be associated with. If they were ‘supported’ by advertisers, their show would have died when Air America Radio died, when its founder and Papantonio grew tired of personally footing the bill.

Big Labor Paid Protestors At WWII Memorial

Hey, I got paid $15. Yipee!

In yet another example of just how morally bankrupt the Democrat party machine is, they have astroturf  protestors show up to protest at the WWII memorial, posing as federal employees.

Embarrassed by all the media attention given to the Honor Flights that were met with barrier fencing, and not letting a crisis go to waste, an organization called the “Good Jobs Nation,” an activist group largely financed by unions, including the Service Employees International Union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the United Farm Workers and the United Food and Commercial Workers, were paid $15 each to pose as federal employees protesting the government shutdown for the media crowd that was already there.

Not a word about it in the New York Times.

The Times did have one article saying how the Honor Flights were now being allowed. Thanks to a guy named Jeff Miller. I’m presuming it is my representative Jeff Miller (R-FL1), but you’d never know it from the New York Times article.

Jeff Miller, the co-founder of the Honor Flight Network, which flies veterans to Washington to see the memorial built in their honor, welcomed the news.

Links: Democrats Pay Union Members to Protest World War II Vets  |  World War II Memorial Will Stay Open to Veterans

Reid, Obama Want Government Shutdown, Not Republicans

Outstanding piece by Sarah Palin on Breitbart. The majority of Americans don’t want Obamacare and the higher cost and the rest of the broken promises that go with it. It is killing jobs all over the country, including in the Health Care industry like 150 jobs at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola and, no doubt, at a hospital near you.

Palin’s message to Republicans is simple. Stand on principles, pay no attention to how the media will demagogue you for standing up for the American people. They’ll do that no matter what, and always will. So get over it. Do the job the American people sent you to do.

It is President Obama who is willing to negotiate with people who gas children, but not Republicans. It is President Obama who continues to divide this country, and legislate by fiat against the will of the American people. Over sixty percent of the country doesn’t like and does not want Obamacare. He has demonstrated that he is President of the Democrat Party, not all Americans like he took an oath to be.

So who’s hyping a government shutdown? In an email from Lindsay Siler,National Director of Issue Campaigns, Organizing for Action, at . . .

We’re 10 days from a government shutdown, and John Boehner just brought us closer to the brink.

Sarah ends her piece with this beauty, “Oh, and a little reminder to Republican senators up for re-election in 2014: Moose season ends soon, allowing more time on one’s hands. So, we’ll be watching your votes very carefully this week.”

Link: EXCLUSIVE: Palin — Bombs Away on Obamacare; Cruz Is over the Target  |  Sacred Heart Health System to Lay Off Up to 150

Chicago 19, Navy Yard 13, Pensacola 1

Last night wrought 1 dead and 18 wounded in two incidents in Chicago last night. According to an FBI report on crime, Chicago is branded the Murder Capital of America. A witness of the shooting in the Chicago park told a reporter, “They’ve been coming round here looking for people to shoot every night, just gang-banging stuff. It’s what they do.”

From another witness, in the CBS video . . .

They was a lot of shots like, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. Man like like, I say like nine some people got hit. A little kid got hit in the face man. I don’t know if he’s still alie. I don’t know what’s his condition.

A “young girl” was victim of another shooting in Pensacola last night. The Pensacola News Journal reports . . .

“There was an ongoing feud on this street between individuals,” he said. “According to the family, she was not from the neighborhood.”

The Navy Yard shooting in Washington got wall to wall news coverage from a crazy person with a gun. But when it comes down to the violent crime culture? Not so much.

Links: Chicago park shooting leaves 13 wounded, including 3-year-old boy – CBS News.  |  Young girl shot to death on Maxwell Street

Can’t Get On The Bus In Pensacola

The Pensacola News Journal listed holiday closings. Among them is the closing, although they didn’t actually phrase it that way, of the public bus system. Here’s what they said:

“Escambia County Area Transit will run limited service for the beach trolley route.”

Translation: If you are one of those hard-working Americans that depend on public transportation to get to work, you can thank the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 (that’s a Labor Union) for not operating today.

Want a reason to leave Pensacola? How about if you depend on public transportation to get to work, you can’t hop on a bus every Sunday and holidays. Why? Because the union really isn’t interested in you, and the city doesn’t seem to care.

Time was that Blacks had to sit in the back of the bus. Today, they can’t even get on it. But this time there’s no racial discrimination involved. Now no one can get on it and you have the ATU1395, and the city, to blame.

Pensacola, Brought To You By The Letter ‘S’

As a Pensacola resident, have you grown tired of the never-ending hand-wringing over doing something that will increase tourism, prevent young people from having, and wanting, to leave town to make a living, and of the politicians catering to deep-pocketed special interests to no one’s benefit except the politician and his special interest, aka contributor? Let’s try something different.

How about we start with something that will enhance our area for everyone? Beginning with the letter “S”.

Scenic Highway is an area that has been neglected for so many years that there’s no scene anymore. Out of 11 miles of it, there’s maybe a half-mile left, measuring small patches of open view along the way. The area has been left to overgrowth of wild nuisance trees and other invasive growth that have taken the scene out of Scenic Highway. This didn’t happen overnight.

Did you know that there is a Scenic Highway Foundation? They see the problem as I do, and have received no cooperation from the City of Pensacola to fix it. As they see it . . .

One of the major problems along Scenic Highway is non-native invasive plants. These plants are a threat to the highway corridor’s natural landscapes because they can alter native ecosystems by outcompeting, shading out, and sometimes physically overwhelming, native plants. So invasive plants threaten native plant diversity, but also they provide fewer habitats for beneficial insects than natives do, and many native birds depend on these insects to feed their young. On the bluffs, invasives cause the additional problem of obscuring views of the bay, making Scenic Highway less scenic.

I’m not one to criticize without offering a solution. Get rid of the non-native vegetation. And for control of erosion, replacing where necessary with native plants like the SHF recommends. Remove the junk/wild trees that obscure the view at street level. Topping off, as in chopping off, those trees at street level that are rooted on the hillside leading down to the bay. After that, keep up the highway so that it will not be overgrown again. Then residents and tourists will be treated to the natural beauty that Pensacola has to offer. It would make Ladybird Johnson proud.


Next on Pensacola’s to-do list, and another thing that didn’t happen overnight, is to find the source(s) of the fecal bacterial contamination that has plagued Bayou Texar for decades, causing the Health Department to close it for use and human contact several times a year. Getting the Shit out of Bayou Texar has been on my radar since November of 2007. A lot has happened since then. But nothing to fix the problem. Just more Bayou closings by the Health Department and lip service from City Hall.

I have challenged the Emerald CoastKeepers, a local group created in 1999 by Mike Papantonio (local lawyer and Lefty talk radio host), to address the issue to no avail. Their focus on environmental issues is suing corporations with deep pockets instead of advocating for clean water in Bayou Texar.

I refer you to two links here on The Lunch Counter that give a good summary of efforts made to affect positive change. All to no avail. Both posts, Cleaning Up Bayou Texar No Longer A Priority and Mayor Hayward’s Town Hall Tonight condense the issue to who said what, including a comment from Doreen Glennan, a prospective newcomer to the area.

For brevity, I urge you to follow the links provided in the posts mentioned above. A complete summary of all my research on this subject can be found HERE.

Since Mayor Hayward’s tenure, the reporting from the Health Department has been sanitized. What used to be described as fecal bacteria is now called simply “bacteria,” and the posting of signs at the boat ramps to warn the public was discontinued. There’s nothing to be gained by ignoring the nature of problem, except maybe to disguise the truth and not embarrass the new Mayor-based City government while outside advertising campaigns designed to attract tourists and industry are running. I don’t know. To quote my favorite former Secretary of State, “what difference, at this point, does it make?”

A gentleman named Al Garza used to advise the city on matters like this. After talking to him though, it seems his “solution” is to do nothing. That’s not acceptable. What should be done is to contract again with a scientist or organization qualified in determining the source(s) of the fecal contamination, like Dr. Richard Snyder at UWF or some other entity. And, see it through to completion.

Mr. Garza seemed conflicted between the Shit in the water and the chemical contaminants in the sediment of the Bayou. As though the fecal contamination could not be solved without dredging the bayou. And, he said, dredging the bayou would cause more problems by stirring up the chemicals. I’m not a scientist, but seems to me that whatever “problems” would be created by removing contaminated sediment would be solved by the natural flushing and depositing of new sediment that is not contaminated. And it wouldn’t take decades for it to repair itself. Long term, it would be repaired and we won’t have to tout the new Chamber slogan . . .

Visit Pensacola, You’ll love our shit!

Rep. Mike Hill (FL-2) Appears On Scarborough’s ‘Morning Joe’

In the best four minutes I’ve seen on the MSNBC network, my Representative Mike Hill (FL-2) appeared on Morning Joe.

I love his American perspective, as guided by the Constitution. It’s what our founding fathers intended for our country.

And, this is what conservatism is about, and what we need more of in Washington. None of this identity politics that President Obama and his party play, dividing this country in every way imaginable.