Category Archives: Middle East

The Third Option For Dealing With Iran

By Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D.

Ratification of the nuclear deal with Iran does not eliminate the threat of war, but only postpones it while the Shia-Mullahs grow stronger.

Most people think there are only two options: accept the nuclear deal, or go to war with Iran. The nuclear deal will elevate the Shia-Mullah regime to the dominant power in the region with devastating results for the U.S. and its allies. War with Iran would destroy the global economy and bring death and suffering to millions.

However, there is a Third Option:  peaceful regime change by the Iranian people themselves, with no outside military action.  Conditions are ripe, and this kind of regime change can be accomplished rapidly and effectively. A friendly regime in Iran would eliminate the nuclear threat, end Iran’s support for international terrorism, stabilize the Middle East, secures energy supplies for the world, and more, as shown in the chart below.


Ends Iranian support for terrorism, replaced with a civilized, friendly regime consisting of experts in different fields. Makes the Shia-Mullah regime the top power, expands terrorism, leading eventually to war. Immediate disruption of oil and gas supplies and the global economy.
Establishes balance between Shias and Sunnis in the region, leading to weakening and eventual dismantling of ISIS/ISIL. Rise of terrorism and radical Islam worldwide, and control of Islam by the Shia Mullahs. Massive casualties on all fronts, millions dead and disabled.
Recognition of Israel by the largest country in the Middle East, with friendly relations and trade. Rising threat of annihilation of Israel and occupation of Saudi Arabia. Tens of millions of refugees.
Ends Iran’s drive to dominate the region and the threat to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Gulf states; blocks the spread of radical Islam to Europe and the U.S. Dominance of radical Shia Islam, and the end of kings and sheikhs in the Middle East. Collapse of the world economy.
Abolishment of torture and capital punishment; political and social freedom based on modern civil law, not Sharia Law. Rise of Sharia Law and execution of political opponents. Potential end of the civilized world as we know it.
Neutralizes Russian influence in the region. Gives Russia access to the Middle East and North Africa.
Protects the U.S. Dollar’s reserve currency status; continuing prosperity for the U.S. Weakens the U.S. Dollar as world reserve currency, leading to shrinking prosperity in the U.S.
Opens the huge Iran market for U.S. businesses, civilian and military; hundreds of billions of dollars in new trade agreements. Loss of the huge Iran market to Russia and China.
Ends the nuclear threat and defuses the nuclear arms race. Rise of nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
Secure, stable energy market for the world, especially for the U.S. and western allies. Insecure energy market worldwide.
Peace and prosperity for the Middle East, North Africa and the world. Rising social costs of all kinds for the world economy and growing poverty worldwide.
The lowest cost option of all, with the greatest benefits to the U.S., Iran, and the region. Regime change would cost less than $20 million.  Part of the $150 billion in frozen assets will be used to implement an economic plan which creates millions of jobs.This money is recovered from the booming economy. Most of the money is distributed to the people of Iran, boosting U.S. and European economies as well. Costs of this option are very high. Much of $150 billion of frozen Iranian assets ends up in Russia and China. At least $50 billion to protect and police the region, $10 billion or more per year related to refugees; $10 – $50 billion in foreign aid to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, and other friendly nations in the region; $2 – $5 billion over 10 years for monitoring nuclear activities in Iran. Would cost millions of lives and $10 Trillion or more, while destroying the global economy.


Dr. Farid Khavari is a noted independent economist and author of 10 books, including the classic Environomics (1993) and Oil and Islam: The Ticking Bomb (1990) which predicted that Iran, not Saddam Hussein, would become the biggest threat in the Middle East. He is the creator of Zero Cost Economics and was on the ballot in 2010 and 2014 for Florida Governor.  More information is at Dr. Khavari can be contacted by email at [email protected]

Obama’s Negotiating Partner, Iran

When I hear the phony ‘war on women’ meme from those who use it to tar a certain political party, I just have to laugh at their righteous indignation.

You should see what a real war on women looks like. Brought to you by the Islamic goons currently running Iran. With the blessing of the nuclear proliferation co-conspirators, President Obama and Sec. of State John Kerry. (Bet you didn’t know that the Iranian negotiator, Kerry’s Iranian counterpart, is the father of the best man in Kerry’s daughter’s wedding.)

Here’s an account, by someone who used to live there, of what is going on in Iran, and the type of people Obama is dealing with. This was posted on the ‘American Policy on the Middle East and Iran’ FB group.


By Farid A. Khavari

Under the former Shah’s regime, women had equal rights with men. Under the Shia-Mullah regime women’s rights have been eliminated completely, although they get some special treatment under the laws.

Boys of 15 years and girls of 9 are legally adults and subject to execution for crimes.

Out of over 120,000 political executions (mostly young people) since 1979, about one third were females. Since it is illegal to execute a female virgin, she must be deflowered before being hanged or stoned.

The Shia Mullahs legalize the rape of the woman to assure compliance with their version of holy law. These practices do not exist among the Sunnis.

Is The U.S. A Reliable Ally?

If Israel were to attack an Iranian nuclear site, whose side would President Obama, and the United States, be on?

From the “deal” under Nuclear Security . . .

10. Co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.”

Would the U.S. give intelligence to Iran in the event of such an attack? Would the U.S. attack Israel? Would the U.S. resupply Israel? Would the U.S. refuel Israeli jets.  Would the U.S. proved intelligence to Israel?

If I were Israel, I’d be looking elsewhere for an dependable ally. From this agreement, it is obvious that Obama has switched sides.

Link: Full text of Iran Nuclear Deal

Obama’s No Fool, Are You?

He fooled too many people with Obamacare, none of what he sold it on has come to fruition. He lied to us. This bad deal is no different, except that it involves a WMD.

All the so-called red lines he talked about in this “historic” and “unprecedented” deal have been crossed, and he STILL went along with Iran. There is no UN-announced inspections anywhere. There is no inspections PERIOD, at any nuclear facility on ALL of their military sites.

All rhetoric aside, the bad deal expires in fifteen years, after which (and presuming that Iran doesn’t cheat (which would be unprecedented),  Iran is free to have their nukes, according to THE DEAL.

He’s right about this deal being unprecedented, but there’s nothing good about it. Well, except that Iran likes it.

Link: 16 reasons nuke deal is an Iranian victory and a Western catastrophe

Pres. Obama Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Speaking with Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Fellows at the White House, President Barack Obama said that under his leadership, the United States has become the most respected country in the world.

Of course, these weren’t real world leaders. The real leaders were at home ROTFL. These were students, who probably knew better.

This assertion is like his assertion that he has this economy in a recovery, while there is not a single economic measure that would support that claim. Beginning with, he economy is contracting, lowest worker participation rate since Jimmy Carter, real unemployment rate is north of 10%, more businesses are closing than are opening, and, a record number of people are on government assistance and food stamps.

On the world stage, every country he has had a hand in has been a disaster. Starting with the United States, the Arab Spring, Benghazi, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, China, and the rise and strengthening of terrorists around the world.

The winning statement . . .

and today once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth

For this, President Obama wins the award for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. For the third time.

Links: President Obama: Under My Leadership, US Once Again Most Respected Country on Earth  |  Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Fellows

Obama Fueling Nuclear Proliferation

Walking down Armageddon Road

It must be blatantly obvious to everyone, media excepted, that the Obama administration’s determination for an Iranian nuclear “deal” has nothing to do with whether it is a good deal.

Latest development, and this has to have the Iranian negotiators laughing themselves silly (oh, and our allies concerned) over the smoke and mirrors the administration is showing the American people by pretending that their negotiations are about to come to a fruitful end.

U.S. negotiators are said to have given up ground on demands that Iran be forced to disclose the full range of its nuclear activities at the outset of a nuclear deal, a concession experts say would gut the verification the Obama administration has vowed would stand as the crux of a deal with Iran.

This, after learning a few weeks ago about the existence of a covert underground and fortified nuclear enrichment site. Instead of walking away from talks with a dishonest and belligerent state, they continue to forge ahead with a “deal” that only insures nuclear proliferation in the one country responsible for supporting more terrorist attacks and organizations than any other in the world.

You have to question, who’s side is President Obama on?

For years, most people have assumed that Israel has nuclear weapons or nuclear weapon capability. But neither Israel nor the United States have ever publicly confirmed it. Until now. The Obama administration has declassified, and published, documents going back to the 1980’s that confirm the existence of nuclear weapons capability in Israel.

Why would Obama do that? Two reasons, one of which I mentioned in this post . . .

Imagine watching your enemy and seeing your so-called ally meet up to strike a deal that threatens your very existence. It’s no wonder Netanyahu did what he did. That isn’t showing disrespect for The One. That is sticking up for his country and exposing Obama for the fool in international relations that he is. That’s why he is so upset. And that’s why you can expect the petulant child to double-down and make the world less safe for our best ally in the Middle East, Israel, faster.

The other reason is to excuse Iran for wanting to have a nuclear weapons program, that they already (illegally) have. Now, with the help of our own president, Iran can say, “Israel has one, we feel threatened, so we must have one too.” “To maintain stability” they will argue. And Obama will say, yes, that seems reasonable. (Ignoring Iran’s continual call for the elimination of Israel.) It makes John Kerry’s job so much easier by letting Iran have the nukes they want.

And Obama’s legacy will be marred by mushroom clouds. God help us all.

Links: Obama Caught In Sting  |  U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together  |  Tehran hiding a secret underground nuclear base in Iran, dissident group claims

Obama Caught In Sting

Well, calling it a ‘sting’ is a bit much. That implies that the meeting was arranged by a third party who, in this case, is Israel. From his reaction though, Obama must feel like he was.

What is being reported by the WSJ is that Israel somehow “spied” on the Iran/U.S. nuclear talks. To put it another way, Israel was using due diligence in the defense and security of their country.

Suffice it to say though, keeping an eye on your enemy (Iran) is just a prudent security practice. Especially when that enemy avows, on an almost daily basis, to wipe your country off the map.

Besides eavesdropping, Israel obtained information from confidential US briefings, informants and diplomatic contacts in Europe, the officials told the Journal.  It added that more than the espionage, what irked the White House was the fact that Israel shared inside information with American legislators in a bid to sap support for a deal intended to limit Iran’s nuclear program.

What really irked the administration is that they got caught conspiring with the enemy to cook up a deal that is in violation of current U.N. resolutions. A deal that paves the way for Iran to not only have sanctions lifted, but to give the OK for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. To make matters even more bizarre, the administration took Iran and Hamas off of the list of terrorist organizations and regimes. No doubt to give the impression that they weren’t doing something absolutely idiotic by letting them have nukes.

That’s how desperate this administration is for a legacy building “deal.” It’s legacy building all right. In a bad way.

Imagine watching your enemy and seeing your so-called ally meet up  to strike a deal that threatens your very existence. It’s no wonder Netanyahu did what he did. That isn’t showing disrespect for The One. That is sticking up for his country and exposing Obama for the fool in international relations that he is. That’s why he is so upset. And that’s why you can expect the petulant child to double-down and make the world less safe for our best ally in the Middle East, Israel, faster.

Link: Israel ‘spied on Iran talks’  |  UN Security Council Resolutions on Iran

The Peace Process Illusion

For more than four decades, Americans have waited for “peace in the Middle East.” The reason they’ve expected peace in the Middle East is because the U.N., politicians in Washington, and  the media have us all believing that there actually is a peace process going on. The unrest has been ongoing since the formation of Israel in 1947.

The truth of the matter is, and President Clinton proved the point, that the Islamist half of this phony peace process have more to gain by clubbing Israel from “the process” than they do in having peace. Peace that the Islamists do not want. They want peace without Israel.

In negotiations with Yasir Arafat, the chairman of the P.L.O, Clinton essentially called Arafat’s bluff. Clinton agreed to everything that he asked for. Instead of coming to an agreement and having peace, Arafat walked away and refused to agree to his own demands for peace with Israel.

The controlling political authority in the conflict, Hamas, still has the destruction and elimination of Israel in their charter. There is no way to negotiate that. That is why Netanyahu was right when he said there never would be a so-called two-state solution. Because the Palestinian side is the side that is demanding a one-state solution.

Netanyahu’s clarification was simply to say that he would be for a two-state solution if they had a negotiating partner, including Iran who supports and finances Hamas, that also wanted a two-state solution.  But they don’t. And President Obama has his head up his ass if he thinks peace can be achieved by negotiations when the Islamist side denies Israel’s right to exist. The media is just as irresponsible for giving the president a pass by keeping this story from being told.

The existence of Israel is not negotiable. The reason it is “hard to find a path” toward serious negotiations is not because of the lack of will from Israel. It is because of the lack of will on the part of the Palestinians and their shadow government (Iran) to recognize Israel as a legitimate State. And because of the naïveté of President Obama to pretend that they do.

Too bad President Obama doesn’t have what it takes to come to terms with that very basic fact. He is the one missing the opportunity to bring the parties together. And paling up with the enemy while chastising our ally, Israel, is not even “looking” for a path to realistic peace talks, let alone finding one. And until he does, there will never be peace, and always be a “process.”

What Religion Is Barack Obama?

What does it matter if Obama is a Christian, an Atheist, or even a Muslim? That talk is irrelevant according to our 1st Amendment. But it is something the media would like to hyperventilate over, if they can tar a republican with it. It’s why they’re having a hissy-fit because Gov. Walker won’t play their game, re: Rudy Giuliani comments.

When was the last time you heard anyone from the MSM ask Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden, or Elizabeth Warren how they feel about Bill Clinton traipsing off to an island with a pedophile?

The only thing that matters is how Obama carries out his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. And so far, he’s not doing well.

It matters when he refuses to protect this country at home and abroad.

It matters how he gave up all that was gained in Iraq, had erasable ‘red lines’ in Syria, and now has handed ISIS a good part of both countries.

It matters when he succumbs to Iran’s delays on nuclear arms and now is going to allow Iran to have nuclear weapons. Just what Iran wants. He didn’t have to negotiate that. He may as well have said, I won’t try to stop you, so let’s come up with a way to make me look like a relevant leader of the free world.

Screw our ally in the Middle East, Israel.

Screw our NATO ally, Ukraine. Screw the Budapest Agreement.

An unpatriotic and irresponsible national debt? Who cares, as long as I can control everyone’s health care and tell them what to eat, how to live, and how much of their money I’ll let them keep as I grow the government beyond recognition. It’s what he called “fundamental change.”

It’s things like this that matter.

President Obama, The Enemy Within

By trying to draw a moral equivalence to the Islamic goons, aka Islamic terrorists of today, President Obama is making a dangerous attempt at rewriting history.

The Crusades was a push back, a fighting back, of an Islamic war. A muslim v cresade battleswar based on Islam, the purpose of which was to take over the world by eliminating any other religion. The Crusades was not a war on Islam. It was a war for survival against the Islamic goons of the time. In Islam, their religion is their government. When the battle was won, it was over. Christians didn’t continue killing “non believers.”

By drawing this moral equivalence, Obama says “that’s not who we are.” Sorry Barack O, but standing our ground and not succumbing to Islamic goons, or Nazi Germany, or Imperial Japan, IS who we are. We will save ourselves from any enemy, and destroy the threat. (And we’ll even do the same for other countries who can’t do it on their own.) So from this standpoint, his rewriting history is setting us up for another attack.

He is trying to assuage us into believing that what the Islamic goons are doing is no big deal . This is clear by the fact that the president won’t even use the words Islamic terrorist to describe the enemy.

An enemy that resurfaced in the last 30 or 40 years. And having a Commander in Chief that refuses to fight our enemy, and refuses to even identify our enemy, means only one of two things. Neither bode well for the United States.

He is either hopelessly ignorant of what is really happening, OR, he is brilliantly paving the way for more victories by the Islamic goons, more attacks in our own country. There is a third possibility. It’s sort of like voting “present.” That no matter what, he is not going to answer the war that radical Islam is waging on us while he is in The White House.  But rather, will leave that up to his successor. The spinmeisters have an acceptable phrase for such cowardice, strategic pause.  He is the anti-war president after all. He ran on that.  In any case, he is on the wrong side. An enemy from within.

The racial spin on this is but a distraction from the enemy we face. This enemy wants to kill us based only on their “religion” and it’s high time we get on our high horse and take it to them. Again.