Category Archives: Media

Waterboarding Is Not Torture

Waterboarding is waterboarding.

Torture looks like this, and this .

And it often ends up like this.

beheaded american

For a look at what torture is like, just look at the torture manual used by our enemy.

Waterboarding is a method of interrogation that appeals to the most basic of animal or human instinct, survival. It works. It is the only interrogation technique that a subject can walk to and walk away from with not so much as a mark on their body. The interrogatee can go on to a good nights sleep. Unlike the pictures of what constitutes real torture.

Voter Fraud, A Democrat Party Mandate?

It was just two days ago that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn) was reported here to have come out with a proposal to prevent States from requiring a photo ID to vote in all federal elections. That’s not all he is up to. Try this. H.R. 2457: Same-Day Voter Registration Act of 2007, also sponsored by Keith Ellison.

What? You need 400 votes to win? No problem, send four busloads of ‘votes’ to that precinct. Done deal. This doesn’t sound like democracy in action, but it is within the realm of something Democrat party operatives in the Soros wing would do.

Another likely scenario. Guessing that most of those people who have never voted have the attention span of a gnat in heat when it comes to the U.S. political process, you have a one-week ad blitz, ending on election day. You flood ALL media with ads in the native language of ‘your constituents’, like Spanish or Arabic for example, to go to the polls and vote because the Democrats said that you can. And while you’re there, remember who gave you that vote and who will also, if elected, give you citizenship, a free education, and free health care.

Not one republican signed on as a co-sponsor. Imagine that? I don’t hear any public outcry for such legislation. Do you? Do you suppose Democrats just want to facilitate fraudulent elections?


The Empire Strikes Back, Over Mukasey

I knew the Soros wing of the Democrat party would be ticked off over the Senate Judiciary Committee taking steps Thursday to send his name out of committee and to the Senate floor for a vote, where he will most likely be confirmed as Attorney General, replacing Alberto Gonzalez. The left’s reaction is a Donor Strike.

In 2006, the voters of America elected Democratic majorities to the Senate and House in order to end the occupation of Iraq and restore the Constitution of the United States. We, the Netroots, helped elect Democratic majorities with large contributions of money, time, and passion.

Unfortunately Congressional Democrats have surrendered to George Bush and Dick Cheney on all of the issues we care about most: Iraq, Iran, warrantless wiretapping, torture, and habeas corpus.

We recognize that “Bush Democrats” are primarily to blame for Democratic failures, and we will do whatever we can to change their minds – or replace them with true Democrats in 2008. But we cannot wait until then to fix the urgent problems we face.

We will therefore begin a donor strike against the official fundraising committees for Senate Democrats (DSCC) and House Democrats (DCCC) until our core demands are met.

We will instead contribute only to individual candidates who firmly support the values of the Democratic Party and the American people, as certified by BlueAmerica and Progressive Challenge 2008.

Two things should be obvious about their reaction. That they believe, as they said themselves after the 2004 election, that they have bought and paid for the Democrat party with their campaign contributions, and that they expect the Democrats in Washington to obey. The other thing that is obvious is just how effective their money was in influencing the Democrats in Washington. Or to put it another way, just how easily Democrats in Washington can be influenced by money. Like, having no belief system of their own, they adopt the one from their donors. They echo their sentiments and believe that they had a mandate from the American people. How many times have we heard that from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? In reality, it was only a mandate from them, a well financed and well organized group of about 400,000 activists.

They are making plans to send what they call the ‘Bush Democrats’ packing. Their arrogance is off the charts.

Hillary may have had a turning point last Tuesday, but the Democrat Party itself may be having one of its own. The netroots, or nutroots, will now only be giving money to individual politicians who pass their litmus test on the issues that they care about. How these Democrats react will be their own litmus test.

links: Democratic Donor Strike Against DSCC and DCCC | Code Pink

Senate Democrats Clear Way For Bush’s AG Nominee

That’s the way the headline should read. But it would sound too much like beginning to get along with Bush and actually get things done. Hell no, can’t have any of that. So the Washington Post headline to this story is this, “Democratic Defections Clear Path For Mukasey.” Imagine that, there were ‘defections.’ Sort of like in Iraq where the former al-Qaeda supporters defected and started helping the government instead of the terrorists. The ‘defectors’ were Sens. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Diane Feinstein (D-CA), making 11 Yes votes from the 19 member panel. We know who the insurgents are. This paves the way to send his nomination to the Senate floor making confirmation likely. But it wouldn’t have happened without them both. Gotta give credit where credit is due.

Schumer said . . .

I deeply esteem those who believe the issue of torture is so paramount that Judge Mukasey’s views on it should be the sole determinant of our vote,” Schumer said. “But I must respectfully disagree.

Good for Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) for sticking by Mukasey. After all, it was Schumer who recommended Mukasey for the position. No doubt the Soros wing of their party, the new base, will be ticked big time. Schumer is safe as far as a democratic challenger that they might put up to oust him. He would do what Leiberman did. Beat the guy hands down.

I’m guessing she said more, but this is all the WaPo quoted Feinstein as saying about Mukasey . . .

He is not Alberto Gonzales. Rather, he has forged an independent life path as a practitioner of the law and a federal judge.

At any rate, its more than a victory for Bush. Its a victory for the country. To bad the libs won’t see it that way.Who Whould Kennedy Save

Update 11/07/07: Ted Kennedy did his best to defeat Mukasey’s nomination.  After the Senate Judiciary Meeting that advanced Mukasey’s nomination to the Senate floor, Ted (the swimmer) Kennedy spoke about what its like to drown.  He is very determined to protect scum like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Hillary Needs Cash, What?

The Clinton Campaign lost its footing just a bit with Hillary’s performance at Tuesday’s debate. She fell off her script when Tim Russert asked her whether she supports NY Governor Elliot Spitzer’s plan to issue drivers licenses to people in this country illegally. There are about a million of them in New York State according to Hillary. Hillary’s handlers all feel that Tim Russert was out to get her for some reason. One of them suggesting that he should be shot. I’m assuming that was hyperbole, but it shows how much they hate to be pressed for an answer that might give a clue as to what she really believes. Her campaign came out the next day to further explain her response to that Yes/No question.

Classic Clinton. They want to shoot the messenger. In this case, Tim Russert. That’s what they do. The fact that her campaign has their thongs all twisted up over being asked a most relevant question for a New York Senator about a New York governor is just hilarious.

“Clinton was unfairly targeted” and “The other candidates were asked questions like, ‘Is there life in outer space?’ ”

And, unfortunately for Hillary, none of the other presidential wannabes’ constituencies are in the State of New York, which explains why Russert asked her first and not the others. It’s a perfectly valid question to ask her and he would have been negligent if he or Williams had not asked it.

Pressing her on that question didn’t make Russert a bully. How else can the American People learn what she believes? As she has found out, dodging a question during a debate made her look pretty inadequate.

Now that her Chinese connection has apparently dried up, and in the course of 24 hours, they feel they need a lot of money, fast.

Mark Penn, Clinton’s senior strategist and pollster, and Jonathan Mantz, the campaign’s finance director, told the supporters on the call, which The Hill listened to in its entirety, that they expect attacks from Clinton’s rivals to continue, and she will need the financial resources to deflect their attacks.

Hardly anyone saw it. It was on MSNBC. While the Clinton Campaign and the far-left blogosphere whine over Tim Russert as being too tough on her, they should be thanking their lucky stars that it wasn’t worse.

Tim Russert’s play last night was not only nakedly sexist, but showed his immaturity and lack of respect for any woman standing up to be commander-in-chief.

Sexist? Hillary? No way.

A person wanting to be Commander in Chief should be able to answer any question from anyone. Even Brit Hume and Chris Wallace.

Both Tim Russert and Brian Williams deserve the “Chris Matthews Award” for avoiding to ask any of the presidential wannabes about Iran supplying 107 mm rockets and super-penetrating IED’s to the terrorists in Iraq that are killing Iraqis and our soldiers. I know the Clinton Campaign would disagree but the moderators didn’t go far enough. I think they did the best they could to make it more like “Softball.”

Democrat Primary Debate Missed Iran’s Missiles

Tonight’s Democrat Primary Debate started off with Iraq and Iran and spent a lot of time on that subject. Some thought calling Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (aka Quds Force) a terrorist organization was provocative and some, like Hillary, thought it was correct, as was the resolution that stated such. Again, some signed that, some didn’t. That says a lot right there. None of them spoke about winning. All of them spoke about just getting out of Iraq.

The most astounding thing about this so-called debate was that the moderators allowed all the time on Iraq and Iran to go by without once asking any of the candidates about the 107 mm Iranian made rockets that are landing in and around Baghdad. Not a word about the Iranian made super penetrating IED’s. What I saw was the candidates tripping over each other to say how negotiations and diplomacy is the way they would handle Iran. Most of them wanted Congress to make some kind of resolution to declare that there will be no military action on Iran without Bush coming to Congress for permission, and some wanted to just take that option off the table. It was that dual reality again. Their “reality” was as if Iranian made rockets and IED’s had never happened, but which continue on an almost daily basis. They are all clearly in denial regarding Iran. And the moderators let the Commander in Chief wannabes get away with that.

What is NBC going to do with three Chris Matthews? Lets see, they have the original Chris Matthews, they have Brian Williams and Tim Russert. For letting Iran’s active involvement in Iraq to pass without one question earns them “Chris Matthews” status in my book.

related links: Iranian rockets in Iraq

U.S. Turns Karbala Province Over To Iraqis

Not making news lately is the fact that things are going well in some places. That should be news but it isn’t. Anyway, US forces have handed control of the mainly Shia province of Karbala in central Iraq today to the Iraqi government. That makes 8 out of 18. That’s good news.

At the ceremony, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said the country had been slow to rebuild its security forces this way . . .

Allow me to say that we are late, very late, to reconstruct, to rebuild our forces for reasons that I do not want to mention here.

That’s an understatement, but honest nonetheless. The BBC reporter has him saying this year would be the year of Iraqi security while next year the focus would turn more towards reconstruction. al-Maliki also said that he expects the country’s southernmost province, Basra, to be handed over in December 2007.

FOX reports al-Maliki also said this. . .

This is the proof of the strong will and resolve of the good citizens of this nation… The reconstruction of Iraq does not hinge on security alone, but security is the key to everything.

Violence levels falling is the subtitle in the story. And after 12 full paragraphs of attack-related news, the story ends with this line . . .

But our correspondent says levels of violence have generally been falling since a US troop surge began in February.

What, you mean you haven’t seen the surge reported this way before? Neither have I.

BBC: US hands over Karbala to Iraqis

Are Democrats Using Wrong Language?

Confused as to why Democrats aren’t just steamrolling over the administrations foreign policies as regards to Iraq, Iran, health care and the lot, they think its because they just aren’t using the right words.   That their message is not persuasive.  I think they are wrong in that assessment.  Their agenda is not being widely accepted because people DO know what their message is.  Trying a different color lipstick on the pig just won’t fly any more.

Democrats are losing the battle for voters’ hearts because the party’s message lacks emotional appeal, according to a widely circulated critique of House Democratic communications strategy.

Sen. Clinton’s Ethics, Place Your Hand On The Bible

The 90’s were ripe with one Chinese contributor after another returning to China to avoid questions and, ostensibly, an investigation. And to this day, she has not yet learned how to stop taking money from Chinese bundlers.

The most recent two donation incidents were Norman Hsu, that Hillary first agreed to return, then changed her mind. Her last word on that was if the donors asked her for ‘their’ money back then her campaign would return it. So there was no return made. The Chinatown scandal in New York City, where donations were made from non-existent people and places was the other.

Her latest scheme was for the so-called Woodstock museum. That became better known when Sen. John McCain commented on it at a recent Republican primary debate. It was about a $1 million earmark that both Hillary and Charles Schumer tried to sneak into a bill. But this story does not end with the killing of the earmark.

You have to look long and hard to find out the logistics of this particular earmark. The recipient of the one million dollars of our tax money is a billionaire named Alan Gerry who is also one of the promoters of Woodstock ’69. On the third page of this Washington Post article, you will find this. . .

Gerry and his family contributed $20,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, headed by Schumer, and $9,200 to Clinton’s presidential campaign after the earmark was inserted into legislation.

Here’s the deal, for a $29,200 total donation from a billionaire, Hillary and Schumer will spend $1 million of yours and my money for the donor’s pet project. There are a lot of questions about the ethics that should be asked of the woman who wants to be President. I think those questions need to be asked under oath.

You Know Your Campaign Is In Trouble When

Former Senator and presidential hopeful John Edwards’ campaign staff tried to kill a news story of a student at UNC-Chapel Hill. See the video story that so upset the Edwards campaign. Once an ambulance chaser, always an ambulance chaser I guess. Wouldn’t you think that if anything, the Edwards campaign would respond to the article rather than try to have it suppressed? Excuse me if you’ve heard this before but, that’s what liberals do.

Associate Professor C.A. Tuggle said two top staffers for the former North Carolina senator demanded that the school drop the segment from the student-run television program “Carolina Week.” They also asked to have the video removed from the YouTube Web site.

People who want to be president should not be trying to suppress speech. One would think that they should be able to defend and protect the Constitution even before being elected. Edwards isn’t that stupid. But this being the second time people running his campaign have caused him some embarrassment. Well, at least it should have. It does show, however, that Edwards does not know how to pick his campaign staff. Would it be appropriate to question his ability to surround himself with good talent if he were Commander in Chief? That is something a President must be able to do. Hiring grown-ups would be a good start.
