Category Archives: Immigration

Geraldo On Sanctuary Cities

It finally happened, Geraldo answers. Geraldo spent a few minutes on H&C last week on the subject of sanctuary cities. He obviously supports the notion of sanctuary cities if you read the transcript of the show.Geraldo Rivera and Rep. Tom Tancredo on Hannity & Colmes, 8/22/07

Neither he nor Alan Colmes could grasp the argument that the murders of the three college students were preventable. Whereas all the other crimes that Geraldo and Colmes wanted to compare this crime to, was an attempt to shape the anti-sanctuary cities people as racists. The fact that they were illegal didn’t matter to them. But when it is preventable, it does matter.

It shouldn’t be hard to understand that, when an illegal alien enters the criminal justice system for a felony, the first 30 counts are not freebies. But had this thug been turned over for deportation when he committed his first felony, he would not have been in Newark to commit the execution-style murders of three out of four human beings, who just happen to also be American citizens.

But this is just what I expected from Geraldo if he were ever to talk to this subject. Geraldo has validated that now.

related: Geraldo Rivera’s Little Secret

Rep. Tom Tancredo and Geraldo Rivera Face Off

Law & Order 1, Anarchy 0

Somehow, and after a full year of being holed up in a sanctuary church in Chicago, illegal alien Elvira Arellano was finally arrested and deported to Mexico again, the place she calls ‘her country.’ Curious distinction since we are told how illegals want to assimilate and be American. Her actions and words prove otherwise. This woman was merely using America, not living it.

So she gets deported to Tijuana, which means she’s probably back in Los Angeles by now.  With all the bleeding heart talk about how deporting illegals separates families, that’s not an immigration problem.  That’s an unfit parents’ problem.  She should have taken her son with her and kept her own family together.  She chose not to do that.   As do all the other illegals that put their families presence at risk by being illegal from the start.  The only anchor in your ‘anchor baby’ is in your mind.  A loving mother doesn’t abandon her kid to use as a political tool.  You take your American citizen child with you.  Instead she left him with the preacher at the church where she was holed up for the last year.  He is now the legal guardian of her son.

I love legal aliens.  Its the illegal ones and their depraved notion of right and wrong and entitlement that has no place in an American society.  The illegals need to fight their fight where the problem is.  Mexico.

Debbie Schlussel link

UN Does Human Trafficking Too! And Putin Is Not Pleased.

Two (Russian) United Nations employees were busted for visa fraud. They were essentially writing letters of special permission for certain people to enter the country to ostensibly attend a special meeting or some diplomatic business at the UN. Neither happened, the people just came over.

Noteworthy in this news article is the fact that the MSM here in the US is mute on it. A google search right now shows a Reuters, VOA, and foreign media outlets. No NYT or LAT, no WaPo, no CBS, NBS, or ABS. Definitely does not fit the template.

The Reuters article is the most complete. Two are from Russia. And you ought to see how Pravda reports this. This is the Putin media talking with a Michael Moore twist. That’s President Vladimir Putin, the guy who put democracy in Russia into reverse.

update: The link to the Pravda story is gone. The story isn’t on the server, if the error msg is to be believed. Lesson here is, when it comes to Putin’s press, better capture it because the link won’t be there when you return.

What you missed is the whole tone of the article is different. As though it is a different story altogether. In Putin’s version, it is just trumped up charges on Russian citizens in order to further the anti-UN fervor in the US as an excuse to get out of the UN. And it goes on from there, tinfoil hat and all.

Putin characterizes the US negatively in such a way that he’s not speaking of an ally of Russia. He seems to use this topic as a means to launch on to other attacks. Like James Carville with hair. There is no anti-US reporting in the other Russian media accounts of this story. Well, not yet anyway. The other Russian media’s versions of this story are nothing of the sort of the Pravda version. They are all using a shorter version of the Reuters story.

From here it looks like Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to create some anti-US sentiment in his country. Why would this be? It is what he would need to justify (to the Russian people) his recent arms escalation and unwillingness to participate in a cooperative missile defense arrangement in that part of the world. That is presuming he gives a wit about the Russian people. Seems to me Putin has his sights on eliminating most, if not all, of the freedoms the Russian people are supposed to be able to enjoy. A ‘free’ media in Russia is on the endangered species list.

UPDATE: 8/8/07, the link is back but Putin and references to Putin are gone. His picture is gone. All of that was on the original story. For starters, here is the headline and sub-head.

USA arrests Russian UN officials to slander the organization

American authorities have been looking for a reason to get rid of the UN and obtain the absolute freedom

Republicans Hate Immigrants Says goLeftTV

On the forefront of what they call progressive news, goLeft.tv1 host Farron Cousins discusses the passage of Homeland Security-related bills that pertained to the 9/11 Commission’s report. Adding that Republicans hate immigrants. Being a life-long republican, that’s news to me.

“Since Republicans seem to hate immigrants for some reason” is his explanation for the addition of $3 billion to provide for adequate border security. Because Republicans want “to keep new people from coming into the country to experience the American dream.”

“Progressives”2 can not distinguish between legal aliens and illegal aliens. Or they won’t. And that’s dangerous. It also gives them the so-called moral authority to say that Republicans hate immigrants. In their world, there are no borders so there are no illegal aliens. And that’s dangerous.

Then there’s the propensity to demagogue all issues to a political advantage and say outrageous stuff like republicans hate immigrants. But that’s not unusual for the rants of Mike Papantonio and other progressives.

1 is a production of Air America radio host and BIG LAW trial attorney Mike Papantonio of Levin-Papantonio, Pensacola, FL.

2 a new label to replace “liberal”

Every Vote Doesn’t Count For Democrats

And especially so when you’re fighting for illegal aliens from Mexico like Democrats were Thursday night. Witness the actual stealing of votes in the House of Representatives.

You know, all the Florida recounts that included even the kind of recounts both Gore and the Florida Supreme Court wanted, showed that Bush won. Seven years later, you can see that facts never seem to matter when politics is involved. And Thursday night was a prime example.

Republicans argued afterward that they had secured a 215-213 win on their motion to bar undocumented immigrants from receiving any federal funds apportioned in the agricultural spending bill for employment or rental assistance. Democrats, however, argued the measure was deadlocked at 214-214 and failed, members and aides on both sides of the aisle said afterward.

This is what stealing a vote looks like. When they saw they had lost the motion, the Speaker gaveled the vote closed on a procedural measure and declared the vote to be tied, which leaves the bill as is. A video on this and a press release from my Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL) follow. Continue reading Every Vote Doesn’t Count For Democrats

La Raza’s Wave Of Hate

A ‘wave of hate‘ is how La Raza, an Hispanic advocacy group, characterized the will of the American people when they said NO to the “comprehensive immigration bill” that was ultimately defeated in Congress. Concerning the response of legal Americans to the under-the-table trick called an immigration bill, Cecilia Munoz, of the National Council of La Raza said this . . .

“That had an extraordinary impact in the Senate, and as a nation, I don’t think we should be comfortable with the fact that the United States Senate responded to what was largely a wave of hate.”

It is obvious who the hate mongers are here, it is Cecilia Munoz and her La Raza group. To call people who want a secure border and legal immigration as hateful is just . . . hateful. It’s hard to blame La Raza alone for that attitude because they’re saying the same things that proponents of that awful bill have said about Americans too! Pandering to special interest groups, like the open borders crowd and the illegal alien invasion has blurred the picture of national security and legal immigration.

NCLR’s convention continues today with addresses by the two leading Democratic presidential candidates, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois. With Hispanics already considered a key swing voting group, both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama are trying to win those voters for themselves in the primaries and for Democrats in the general election.

Just one question left to be answered. Where’s the fence?

related: Show your support of legal immigration by wearing a hat like this one.

Geraldo Rivera’s Little Secret

Geraldo Rivera has trouble discussing illegal immigration. His whole world revolves around championing law breaking when it comes to our borders. To him, there is no such thing as an illegal immigrant or an illegal migrant. That’s why he will label anyone who tries to support legal immigration as being anti-immigrant, like he did with Michelle Malkin.

There is one question that the pompous Geraldo Rivera, champion of Latino illegals everywhere, cannot and will not address. “What do you think about sanctuary cities?” Everybody he meets on and off the air should ask him that question until he gives us his answer. Until that happens, Geraldo who?

related link: The Question Geraldo Won’t Answer

update 8/27/07 : It finally happened. Geraldo spent a few minutes on H&C last week on the subject of sanctuary cities. He obviously supports the notion of sanctuary cities if you read the transcript of the show. Neither he nor Alan Colmes could grasp the argument that the murders of the three college students were preventable. Whereas all the other crimes that Geraldo and Colmes wanted to compare to in order to call the other side racists. The fact that they were illegal didn’t matter. But when it is preventable, it does matter.

Three Names For The Pardon List

Scooter Libby isn’t the only American that should be pardoned. Forget this commuting the sentence crap. That is the wimpiest (if that’s a word) application of justice that I’ve ever seen. A pardon is what Libby has coming to him, as do these two American heroes who were wrongfully prosecuted and began their combined 23 years prison term on January 17th, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. U.S. Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean are in prison because they tried to stop, if not kill, a guy from entering the country illegally. His vehicle was loaded with 743 pounds of pot. He managed to get away after being shot in the butt, and later came back to the U.S. to accuse the officers of violating his civil rights for shooting him. As unbelievable as it sounds, the illegal drug runner prevailed and our public servants are in jail.

Add Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean to the pardon list along with Scooter Libby.

Sen. Mel Martinez Update

Politically speaking, my good Senator Mel Martinez has reached his zenith. He has reached his “Peter principle.” He is against enforcing current immigration laws, he wants to make new laws that make us less secure and more like Americo than America. He is quick to speak out on the vital topics of the day, like immigration, and energy, and has been consistent in putting the interests of illegals and Venezuelan dictators ahead of his constituents and our country.

Just like he did with immigration, Mel is again sounding the alarm about the hemisphere’s idiot, Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela. Chavez has already nationalized the oil industry there, confiscating assets of American oil companies (which the Senator has not named) that do business there. Chavez has shut out and shut down any news media that is critical of him. Can you say Fairness Doctrine? Yet Mel has no plan or suggestion on what to do about it. Unless of course you consider his plan to not drill for oil anywhere near the State of Florida as a plan to fix our oil dependency problem with foreign countries.

Sen. Mel Martinez will not respond to an inquiry as to why the U.S. Navy still has Citgo gas stations on every base in the United States. The notion of getting another vendor on our bases apparently hasn’t occurred to him, so what does it matter what he says about Venezuela today? While his head is in the sand, his butt is in the right place for kicking. Kick him out.