Category Archives: Egypt

Obama Advocating For Muslim Brotherhood, WHAT?

Obama pleads for terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood, to be included in Egypt’s political process.  He has a history for supporting terrorists. Like in 2006 when he advocated for “democratically” held elections in Gaza, when everyone knows that Hamas is the majority political and terrorist party in Gaza. As if an election guarantees peace loving people will win. It doesn’t. It does however, clearly identify who the enemy is. He repeated this in Egypt when he set up the Muslim Brotherhood at the fall of Mubarak.

The fool doesn’t know how to protect our interests or those of our allies. Or, he simply doesn’t want to. My money is on the latter. Which one works for you?

Link: Obama Call for Muslim Brotherhood Role Overtaken in Egypt – Bloomberg.

The Big Distraction

Time was, that when something went wrong in America, or to Americans, that there was someone, or a government entity, and a responsible media, to hold people to account. Then fix the problem. And if it was a president, then he was held to account.

But that was before President Barack Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm. Since his inauguration five years ago, much has happened and nobody has been held to account. The result is the destruction, disassembling, and unraveling of our economy, our government as it was founded, education, our culture, and the trust in government officials to tell us the truth and to do the right thing. None of this could be possible without a complacent, if not compliant, media.


The standard operating procedure for President Obama is to stay on a permanent political campaign. Never standing still long enough to sit down and tackle problems. His version of problem solving is to appoint a special committee, or make a speech about how bad things are and he’s not going to accept that, or both. Nothing substantive ever gets accomplished. And worse, no one holds him responsible or to account to fix any of it. Then he merrily moves on to screw up something else, if not just distract you from one mess to focus your attention somewhere else. Sleight-of-hand magician that he is.

So while his right hand (media included) is talking about global warming, illegal immigration, women’s wages, gun control, and abortion, his left hand is responsible for the problems he wants you distracted from.  And after five years, there’s a lot to be distracted from.

  1. Stagnant Economy despite trillions of ‘stimulus’ spending
  2. Record Public Debt
  3. No Budget plan that ever reaches balance
  4. Decreased purchasing power, devaluation of the dollar
  5. Record unemployment and long-term unemployment
  6. Smallest worker participation rate since Jimmy Carter era.
  7. An immigration policy favoring low skilled immigrants, further burdening the welfare system, changing the nation’s demographics forever.
  8. Higher Health Care Insurance rates
  9. Social Security facing insolvency
  10. Medicare Facing Insolvency
  11. Breakdown of the family
  12. Record single parent households
  13. Record illegitimacy
  14. Record food stamp recipients
  15. Gay marriage
  16. Falling graduation rates
  17. Falling ranking in education compared to the rest of the world
  18. Student’s lack of knowledge of our nation’s founding and its founding documents
  19. Islamic terrorism on the rise in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and throughout the world
  20. Growing lack of respect for the United States by the rest of the world
  21. Nuclear proliferation in North Korea
  22. New Nuclear state of Iran
  23. High gas and fuel prices
  24. High food prices
  25. Punitive regulation on the coal industry
  26. Punitive regulation on the oil industry
  27. Punitive regulation on the gas industry
  28. Govt. takeover via regulation of finance industry
  29. Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt in Tax Code, suppressing risk taking of new business and growth
  30. Resistance at every turn in constructing the XL pipeline
  31. Executive branch abuses and voter intimidation by the IRS
  32. Executive branch abuses and voter intimidation by the FBI
  33. Executive branch abuses and voter intimidation by the EPA
  34. Executive branch cover up of all aspects of the 9/11 Benghazi terrorist attack
  35. State Department cover up of all aspects of the 9/11 Benghazi terrorist attack

Meanwhile, the country is on the fast track to destruction. Or as Obama would call it, fundamental change. Dare I suggest that if a Republican was in The White House, the media and low information crowd would not be as forgiving. This list is not all-inclusive. It’s what I came up with while waiting for a pot of coffee to brew.

So the race is on to see which item(s) will bring down this regime before the country reaches a point of no return.

Egypt’s Enemies? America And Israel

Remember how the Obama administration was so happy to take part in the Arab Spring? To bring down Hosni Mubarak who if nothing else, was a stabilizing factor in the Middle East and Israel.

Then the Arab Spring quickly turned into the Arab Winter and the Mubarak regime was replaced with the Muslim Brotherhood who slaughter Christians and burn churches in their spare time.

kerry_morsi_secret_arms_dealMeanwhile the Obama administration ignores all that, and presses on to sell our top-of-the-line military fighter jets, tanks, and related military hardware to them. Against the will of Congress. After all, why not better arm a country that is openly hostile to our ally, Israel?

In this video, you will see what a good citizen Egypt is in their part of the world. The first half of it is about a controversy about Ethiopia building a dam on the Nile to better manage the water resource. Egypt’s reaction is that they’re going to cut off their water supply. They discuss ways to undermine them from within by supporting groups hostile to the government. Remember, this is the Muslim Brotherhood. This is what they do, and how they think.

Then the subject moves to Egypt’s enemies. According to Magdi Ahmad Hussein, Egypts enemies are America and Israel, not Ethiopia.

Apparently Magdi Hussein didn’t get the memo that the meeting was broadcast live on channel 1 on Egyptian state TV. After making his inflammatory and hostile statements, he was told that this was not a secret meeting, but on live TV. He laughs ans says it’s no secret to Egyptians who our enemy is.

Transcript highlights, from Magdi Ahmad Hussein:

4:50 I’m very fond of battles. With the enemies of course, with America and Israel.

5:06 Even though this is a secret meeting, we must all take an oath not to leak anything to the media unless it is done officially by sister Bakinam.

5:35 Our war is with America and Israel, not with Ethiopia.

5:54 I am not presenting a secret plan or anything.

Under normal circumstances, our State Department and the President wouldn’t be propping up a regime hostile to the United States. But this administration is anything but normal. Preoccupied with the notion of improving our image around the world, giving them money and supplying them with arms, they are making us the laughing-stock around the world.

Link: Kerry’s Secret Gift to Egypt

Senate Says YES To Weapons Sales To Egypt

The U.S. Senate tabled the Paul Amendment to H.R.325, the debt limit bill. The amendment, introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) would have prohibited the U.S. government from selling F-16 military aircraft, M1 tanks, and similar military weapons to the Egyptian egypt_arms_transfergovernment. The amendment failed, 79-19.

On the motion to table the amendment, which effectively kills it, all Democrats with the exception of two, voted Yes. Two Democrats did not vote; John Kerry and Patty Murray.

Voted YES: Republicans that voted with the Democrats in favor of the weapons transfer were: Lamar Alexander, Kelly Ayotte, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Coburn, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Michael Enzi, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, John Hoeven, Mike Johanns, Ron Johnson, Mark Mark, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Robert Portman, Patrick Toomey, Roger Wicker

I contend that some of these Republicans are RINOs. But all of them have no spine to stand up for what is right, and acted recklessly with advanced military hardware. What is right is to not send these weapons to a country that hasn’t recovered from its last overthrow, and is poised to go through yet another one, where radical Islamists in the name of the Muslim Brotherhood are in power. To ignore that reality would be to our, and Israel’s, detriment. What is right is to wait until the dust settles and we have some assurance that these weapons would land into friendly hands, not making the Middle East a more dangerous place for our ally, Israel. The over 200 of these F-16’s that that Egypt already has is plenty for an unstable regime.

The following Republicans voted in favor of blocking the weapons transfer.

Voted NO: John Boozman, Daniel Coats, John Cornyn, Michael Crapo, Ted Cruz, Deb Fischer, Charles Grassley, Dean Heller, Mike Lee, Jerry Moran, Rand Paul, James Risch, Pat Roberts, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Jefferson Sessions, Richard Shelby, John Thune, David Vitter.

So Much To Celebrate?

    The Media, President, and Sec. of State seen here 'playing the fiddle while Rome burns.'
The Media, President, and Sec. of State seen here ‘playing the fiddle while Rome burns.’

If you watched at least five minutes of either the Senate or House hearings on Benghazi, you know that Sec. of State Hillary Clinton is the best Sec. of State that the United States has ever had. Which explains why we may never know why four Americans were left to die at the Libyan Consulate in Benghazi.

What’s not to celebrate? Beginning with the Arab Spring which quickly turned in to the Arab Winter, the President and Sec. Clinton rightfully deserve credit for dispatching Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak so that the Muslim Brotherhood could fill the power vacuum. Words like ‘democracy’ were thrown around like Egypt had their own Declaration of Independence. Two years later, Egyptians are still rioting in the streets over their new dictator President who is also head of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization. Now Egypt has a new opposition group called the ‘Black Bloc‘ who don’t like the lack of religious freedom, worsening economy from what started the protests two years ago, and the dictatorial leadership from President Mohammed Morsi.

Then there is continuing high unemployment, record national debt in proportions amounting to generational theft, and a stagnant economy here. High energy and food prices. High, and getting higher, health care costs. Record number of people receiving government help, and growing.

Then there is a worsening Middle East, Syria in flames and alQaeda moving in, Iran nuclear, Northern Africa being overrun by alQaeda, North Korea nuclear, our Ambassador and three other Americans murdered by terrorists in Benghazi.

So much here to celebrate that there is speculation that, just like President Obama, Hillary Clinton may get a Nobel Peace Prize too! The interview on 60 Minutes even hinted at Sec. Clinton running for President in 2016. And why not? It is easier to throw gasoline on the fire by blaming everyone and anyone else than it is to accept responsibility for it and put it out.

Why Benghazi-Gate?

The official (U.S.) response to the 9/11/12 terrorist attack in Benghazi was quite telling. The storyline began with we’re “still gathering facts.” Despite that, UN Ambassador Rice, Secretary of State Clinton, and President Obama were quick to proffer that the deadly attack in Benghazi was not only ‘spontaneous,’  but that it was in reaction to a YouTube video. They also said the attack was spawned from a “demonstration” in the street outside the safe-house that got out of hand, arguing that it was not a planned terrorist attack.

We now know that all aspects of their story were purposely deceptive. Not true. Lies. It wasn’t a result of the video. There was no demonstration at the “safe house” prior to the attack. And it was a planned terrorist attack by al-Qaeda. Right from the start, and for over a week after, the Obama administration pointed the finger away from them and to a private U.S. citizen.

Why would they say that if they knew it was not true? Because the event wholly exposed the naivete of President Obama’s “new direction” in Muslim/Islamic relations and foreign policy. That, and they aren’t accepting any responsibility for leaving our Ambassador virtually UN-protected in a known haven for al-Qaeda, and on 9/11 no less. A significant anniversary date for al-Qaeda. The spin about who and what was responsible began immediately.

The State Department is responsible for the security for our diplomats. The State Department is run by, and an arm of, the President as part and parcel of the executive branch. The assassination and murdering of our ambassador and three other Americans underscores the failure of President Obama’s so-called Muslim reset policies and apology tour.

It showed that killing bin Laden didn’t end the war on terror and, al-Qaeda still wants to kill us. It also showed the result of what a naive premise to the ‘war on terror’ can lead to.

After the fall of the Gaddafi regime, the administration established a consulate in the new Libya. The State Department, for whatever reason, set up the ambassador with no U.S. Marine security. In fact, they outsourced Ambassador Stevens’ security to a firm in Great Britain. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, and the Ambassador’s concerns for his security (as discovered by CNN, not FBI), our consulate was left to fend for itself, in a country rocked by terrorists, and on 9/11.

From start to finish, this tragedy is one that can’t be blamed on Bush. It is wholly owned by President Obama and his childish, if not suicidal, views about the war on terror and radical Islam. That’s why we’re being lied to. And that’s why we’re having Benghazi-Gate.

No doubt in my mind that, if there was a Republican in The White House, this would be the only story above-the-fold, from now until election day. Not a word from the MSM about lying to the American people for political cover for an election that is just weeks away. No demands for impeachment. Not even any demands for heads to roll.

Link: Benghazi-Gate: New Evidence White House Lied About Libya Terror Attack

Liberal Pundit Arrested Defacing Anti-Terrorist Ad

Mona Eltahawy, a former Reuters correspondent, has been a recent favorite of CNN and MSNBC’s weekend morning shows to discuss Egypt. Now she’s gotten herself arrested for being an idiot in public, or vandalism.

See her make a complete fool of herself. No doubt boosting her street creds for MSNBC.

Link: NewsBusters

No Obama-Morsi Meeting

One would expect President Obama to have already told Egypt’s (and Muslim Brotherhood’s) President Mohamed Morsi that freedom of speech and freedom of religion are among our core values. It’s been that way from the start. So get over it already. That didn’t happen.

But there was some talk about the two meeting sometime during the Star Wars bar scene at the U.N. General Assembly on Sunday.

Now that’s not happening either.

Having already put President Obama on defense by spelling out pre-conditions to a talk between the two, the president finds himself on the short end of the  foreign policy stick again.

Morsi pre-conditions . . .

If Washington is asking Egypt to honor its treaty with Israel, he said, Washington should also live up to its own Camp David commitment to Palestinian self-rule. He said the United States must respect the Arab world’s history and culture, even when that conflicts with Western values.

Not that it makes a difference who cancelled who, the result is the same. Like voting present. But Morsi seems to have as much reason to cancel a meeting between the two as Obama.

The Obama Doctrine seems to be in full-meltdown mode when it comes to the war on terror and radical Islam.

Brings to mind how in critical times in history, the right man for the right time comes along. The way the Muslim world is roundly condemning the United States and President Obama, it seems that he is not the right man for this time.

Links: Egypt’s New Leader Spells Out Terms for U.S.-Arab Ties  |  Obama cancels election-season meeting with Egyptian Islamist Morsi

Empty Oval Office

Remember how gruff and disrespectful the Clint Eastwood bit was at the RNC? I don’t either. It was a reflection of reality. A reality of an empty suit in The White House was parodied as the empty chair. And it wasn’t even a stretch.

Do you remember a national crisis where Americans were attacked and killed, like our Libyan Embassy people on Sept 11, when the American people were not addressed personally by the President on TV from the Oval Office within minutes if not hours of the event? I don’t.

Empty Desk!
Together again. The empty chair and desk.

It’s been thirteen days since the terrorist attack on our people and the president is still MIA. But he did characterize the 9/11 attacks as a foreign policy ‘bump in the road.’

Candidate Obama is the one who promised that he could change the hearts and minds of Islamic terrorists with his ‘new direction’ in foreign policy. The reality is that this direction is nothing new, where Barack Obama is concerned.

His ‘new direction’ alienates allies and emboldens our enemies. President Obama is merely doing in foreign policy what he is accustomed to do in law policies. This is his national security version of voting ‘present.’