Category Archives: Economy

2010 Energy Policy Recap

A quick recap of the Obama administration’s energy policy. On the subject of energy, this administration is the party of NO.

Oil, no. Natural gas, no. Low sulfur coal, no. Nuclear, no. Solar, no. Wind, no. And biofuel as an industry is not only unsustainable in a free market, but is worse for the environment than fossil fuels and is causing food fights and starvation in the poorest parts of the world.

To be perfectly clear, Obama’s energy policy is to not get or use our own resources. And, to increase the cost of everything including the cost of living for every American in their commitment to ‘social justice’ and the redistribution of wealth, they have cap & trade (aka cap & tax) legislation that will impose taxes on all industries including, or especially, the energy industry. The administration’s shining jewel of economic ignorance here is that the people they purport to be helping will be the ones paying these taxes in the form of higher prices, higher electric bills, and higher fuel bills.

The latest stick in the green energy spokes is the newest controversy about the Nantucket Sound shoals being Indian burial grounds.  For ‘tribes’ that do not currently exist on federal records. No, can’t have a wind farm there. A creative, but just as effective, way to impede energy production as Bill Clinton’s making a 1.7 million-acre Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah, placing off-limits the world’s largest deposit of low-sulfur coal.

It seems that the opposition, having run out of technical, environmental and economic arguments, has co-opted the local Wampanoag tribes to assert that their ancestors are — or might be — buried under what is now Nantucket Sound — this despite the fact that the area became a water feature long before Native Americans settled nearby.

In the next few weeks, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar will make a momentous decision — the official, final, formal record of decision on permitting the nation’s first offshore wind farm, Cape Wind. And after eight years of obfuscation, dilatory tactics and sharp practice by a well-funded opposition group wielding political power quite out of congruity with its level of popular support, his decision will come not a day too soon.

This press release from the Department of the Interior suggests the direction the administration is leaning.

“America’s vast offshore wind resources offer exciting potential for our clean energy economy and for our nation’s efforts to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,” said Secretary Salazar. “But as we begin to develop these resources, we must ensure that we are doing so in the right way and in the right places.

“The Keeper’s finding that Nantucket Sound is eligible for listing in the National Register (of Historic Places) provides information that will help us to undertake final consultations and analysis of potential impacts of wind development on historic and cultural resources in Nantucket Sound.

Having successfully overcome all other permitting and environmental studies over the last decade, will the imaginary Indian burial ground be the issue that stops green energy and green jobs?

This interview with the San Francisco Chronicle shows Obama’s real commitment to the coal industry.

Rush sums it up in a humorous way in this ‘morning update’ below.

Khavari, Bank Of The State Of Florida

From the Naples Daily News . . .

Farid Khavari makes a campaign promise that should shoot him straight to the top of the field running for governor of Florida.

“We have to get rid of taxes,” says Khavari, a Democratic challenger to the party’s favored nominee, Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink.

Khavari, who claims a doctorate in economics from the University of Bremen in Germany, believes eliminating most state taxes is more than just an empty promise to get himself noticed.

He’s laid out an economic plan for Florida, something he says his opponents both Republican and Democrat have failed to do, that funnels billions of dollars to the state in mortgage interest payments.

If you look a little further, you’ll also see that Khavari is the only candidate that has a specific plan. And it’s in writing. The others, including Alex Sink, haven’t a clue. They have the campaign rhetoric, but no plan on boosting the economy and jobs.

Asked whether a state-owned bank is socialism, Khavari smiled. “Are public schools socialism? Public roads, police and fire protection, municipal water? Socialism is where everyone works for the state. In these cases, and with our Bank of the State of Florida, the state is working for everyone. I call that general capitalism.”

Links: Brent Batten: Khavari banks on interest in governor’s race » Naples Daily News.

Obama's Oily Rope-a-Dope

President Obama announced today that he is opening up some areas for oil and gas development. Some in the Gulf of Mexico, some in the Atlantic. Alaska, not so much. Alaska needs more study. ‘More study’ is political-speak for ‘it ain’t gonna happen.’

Nevertheless, the President seemed to echo what he said in his State of the Union Address in January.

But to create more of these clean energy jobs, we need more production, more efficiency, more incentives. And that means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. (Applause.) It means making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development. (Applause.) It means continued investment in advanced biofuels and clean coal technologies. (Applause.) And, yes, it means passing a comprehensive energy and climate bill with incentives that will finally make clean energy the profitable kind of energy in America. (Applause.)

And today, President Obama said . . .

But the bottom line is this: given our energy needs, in order to sustain economic growth, produce jobs, and keep our businesses competitive, we’re going to need to harness traditional sources of fuel even as we ramp up production of new sources of renewable, homegrown energy.

Don’t think for a minute that the President is serious about drilling. Just like he isn’t serious about nuclear energy. Seen any new refineries being built? Seen any new oil drilling going on? Seen any new nuclear plants being built? NO! What we have seen is ANWR and Bristol Bay being held hostage, and the closing of the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository. With no place to put nuclear waste, how many new nuclear plants will be built?

Today’s show at Andrews Air Force Base was a political rope-a-dope. His goal is far from using and getting more of our own energy resources. His goal is cap and trade legislation that will do exactly the opposite of what he said he wanted to do today. It will kill economic growth and jobs, depress business, and raise costs. We will pay more for electric and all other products because of tax pressure put on the industries that produce them. And in the end, the redistribution of wealth in the name of social justice.

NPR is trying to make sense out of Obama’s statement. Here’s what they came up with . . .

Much of the speculation for the administration’s reasoning has been on the need to get Republican votes for Obama’s climate legislation. Sens. John Kerry (D-MA), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) are trying to hammer out a bipartisan climate bill, but Graham is getting no GOP backing on this, and Graham himself has said that he couldn’t support a bill that “doesn’t have off-shore drilling in a meaningful way.”

The New York Times’ John Broder writes that today’s proposal by Obama could “help win political support for comprehensive energy and climate legislation,” . . .

He is repeating his SOTU line in order to get support from Republicans for his cap and trade agenda. Combine this with Obamacare and the American Dream will be history. America will have its newest founding father.


Is Obamacare Constitutional?

That is the question that will hopefully soon be answered by the Supreme Court. But the conventional wisdom for those who think that Obamacare  is just dandy with the Constitution, like Pennsylvania Governor Ed (Fast Eddie) Rendell, seems to be calling the health care system put in place in Massachusetts as precedent.

Biggest problem with this, and this is the fallacy of Rendell’s argument, is that the states can make whatever law they want, within their state, and the federal government has no similar autonomy. The federal government is restrained by the 10th Amendment of the Constitution thusly . . .

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Gov. Rendell and the Obama administration are making the giant leap that the federal government is the same as a state. Dictators view those as being the same, but this is not the case in the United States.

If the people of Massachusetts don’t like the health care system there (which they’ve found out is way more expensive then they figured), they can change it, or they are free to move to another state to get out from under it. Our freedom and liberty allow us to do that. If you like to smoke pot, you may want to move to California. If you like to not have your income taxed by the state, you may want to move to Florida. If you like to pay taxes on anything and everything, you may want to move to New York.

The massive centralization of control and power that Obamacare projects is simply antithetical to the original intent of the founding fathers and the documents they created.

Under Obamacare, there is no provision in the constitution that gives the federal government the power to require citizens to purchase anything else they be fined. Under Obamacare, there is no where to go to get out from under it.

One Year Anniversary for BM, Barack Motors

A year after President Obama came out of the closet, not everyone is unhappy with him. Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez feel he’s doing a fine job of taking control of the people and industry. Taking control of people and industry is not making things better, but worse.

What else could one expect to happen when freedom and liberty get stomped on by an over-reaching and expanding government? The auto industry cabal was more to buttress labor unions’ benefits than to make the company financially solvent. The actions of what he orchestrated for Chrysler Corporation and GM, and the health care legislation prove that out.

For GM, rather than capitulate to President Obama, what GM’s CEO Rick Wagoner should have said was, ‘with all due respect Mr. President I don’t work for you. And your advisers are not welcome to ‘help’ us change our company. We, with the help of a free market and a timely bankruptcy, will get out of this. You will have to bring the National Guard to occupy our company while we stand to protect our rights. Thank you very much.’

Next, expect the President to complete his payback with a plan to increase labor union membership through Card Check legislation. About which, I hope he fails. His ‘focusing like a laser beam on job creation’ is empty rhetoric for the dumb masses. Just pay attention to what he does rather than what he says.

The Obama we are seeing today is the real Barack Obama. If you want to see what this means, force yourself to read about what his campaign and his willing accomplices in the media did not want you to know. Because if you did, Hillary might have been the President instead of Barack. It is a ‘must read’ in order to make any sense to what we are seeing going on in Washington today.

The job of the President of the United States consists of only two tasks. To protect and defend its people, and to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. After you listen to this radio interview that Obama gave in 2001 to an NPR interviewer, you’ll have to ask yourself how this man could even put his and on the bible and take the oath. It is obvious that he feels the founding fathers erred in the creation of this country and its Constitution. And in this interview, he explores ways to fundamentally change it. Not protect it. And to become America’s new founding father.

Links: President Obama Comes Out Of The Closet | General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner out, replaced by COO Fritz Henderson.

Khavari Economic Plan For Florida

Khavari Economic Plan would improve medical care quality and availability, reduce costs in Florida

Miami, FL Mar. 22 — Noted economist and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Farid Khavari congratulated President Obama and Congressional Democrats for passing the Health Care Reform bill, but cautioned that states must take action on health costs now, or face bankruptcy by 2020. “No health care plan of any kind can succeed until we reduce costs dramatically. Florida must prepare for over a million new Medicaid enrollees. The federal government is supposed to pay for the extra cost, but only until 2016. Then Florida can look forward to billions per year in additional Medicaid costs even if Washington chips in the usual 54%.

Rising unemployment will increase Medicaid enrollment even higher,” Khavari said. “All states face similar problems.”

Khavari continued, “Bill McCollum’s response to Health Care Reform is to threaten suit on Constitutional grounds. Alex Sink has said nothing at all on the subject—but she just found out a week ago that there is huge unemployment and a lot of foreclosures happening in Florida. Neither of them has offered a plan to fix our health care before it bankrupts our state and our people.” McCollum is Florida’s Attorney-General, and a Republican candidate for governor. Sink is Chief Financial Officer and a Democratic candidate for governor.

“My detailed plan to improve efficiency in health care delivery is on my website for everyone to see. You can read my newest book there for free. We can make quality health care available 24 hours a day to everyone, for much less than we are paying now. Stop and think about the fact that Florida right now spends about $5,000 per year per Medicaid recipient. That’s what many so-called Cadillac health plans cost. Does anyone believe that Medicaid patients have the same quality and availability of care that executives get? We can do better for half the cost,” Khavari said. “Taxpayers are paying for waste and fraud that has grown under Republican administrations. For this kind of money, we could send every Medicaid patient to Switzerland for health care and save 30%. Now imagine what we could do if we got good value for our money.”

Khavari has also gained national acclaim for his plan to establish a state-owned bank, which would save state and local governments billions per year in interest expense, while offering 2% fixed-rate mortgages and other programs to save Floridians more billions per year. Since announcement of the Khavari Economic Plan, gubernatorial candidates in California, Oregon, Vermont, Michigan and Illinois have declared state-owned banks as part of their platforms. “Our Bank of the State of Florida will balance state and local budgets without higher taxes. We can finance the reforms we need to make the best quality health care in the world available to every Floridian, 24 hours per day, and reduce costs for everyone, including private insurers ,” Khavari said.

Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D. is an economist and author of nine books, including Environomics. His latest book, Toward a Zero-Cost Economy, is available in stores or for free download at his website,

Wind Energy? N.I.M.B.Y.

Cape Wind, is  a dynamic green energy company specializing in wind energy. Their slogan is ‘Energy For Life.’ That’s because energy generated by wind, not to be confused with ‘hot air’, is free and in infinite supply. Oh wait, that might not be the best comparison when you  consider the spin-meisters in politics. Especially where the environment is concerned.

Let me be clear. I’m all for tapping energy resources wherever they may be. And I’m all for doing it responsibly. Emphasis on ‘doing it.’ The ‘responsibly’ part goes without saying. Seems to me that’s where the conventional environmentalists, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and I disagree.

Cape Wind is proposing America’s first offshore wind farm on Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound. Miles from the nearest shore, 130 wind turbines will gracefully harness the wind to produce up to 420 megawatts of clean, renewable energy. In average winds, Cape Wind will provide three quarters of the Cape and Islands electricity needs.

You see, I’m totally on board with the proposed 130 turbine wind farm that Cape Wind has been trying to do for the last eight years. RFK, Jr. is not. Through all the hard work and devotion to environmental lawsuits Kennedy has toiled on over the years, when it comes to the Cape Wind project, it’s Not In My Back Yard.

He want’s them further from shore. Where he can’t see them. And where they would be in deeper water putting the turbines and ships at risk.  From Cape Wind . . .

By placing the turbines in the shallow water of Horseshoe Shoal, we ensure that they will not interfere with large ships. With each turbine about o­ne third of a mile apart, the wind park will be easily navigated by recreational boaters and fisherman.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Jason Jones 180 – Nantucket
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform

Looks like  ‘dithering‘ is President Obama’s strong suit. Unlike sending in reinforcements to Afghanistan, this is not a life and death decision for American troops. This is a decision for clean energy and green American jobs.

related links:

Liberals And Free Speech, Part 2

The political tsunami that swept our country yesterday, paving the road for the socialization of health care and the end of the private health insurance industry, is one for the history books. It’s an issue that has been brewing for the last 60 or 70 years that seemed to be coming to a head last week. And so it was that I set out to see what the Left had to say about it.

I thought I would find something on the Ring of Fire. But I was wrong.

So I asked a couple questions to a post entitled ‘This Week on Ring of Fire’ . . .

All that, and no mention about ‘deeming’ major legislation to be passed without a vote? No whisper about the constitutional issues with it all?

Don’t have 60 votes? Eh, no big deal. Well, don’t have 51 votes? No problem. Let’s just skip the voting part, let the RINO’s (Representatives In Name Only) take care of substituting that process with another one.

No mention about the process at all? Like President Obama as much as said to Bret Baier when he dodged his question about the ‘process.’ The end justifies the means.

Is the ROF ducking the most important issue facing America today?

Background Note: For those not familiar with the Ring of Fire, it was an Air America Radio program, hosted by a local (Pensacola, FL) attorney named Mike Papantonio. It still is, only Air America went bankrupt for the last time a few months ago. And at its outset, Papantonio boldly claimed (paraphrasing here) that his show and network was going to be the answer to Rush Limbaugh. He mentioned Rush by name, and then some. And being a fan of Rush, my interest in this show was piqued.

What followed that was a real gem. Follow the comment thread, if you can stand it, to see what the ‘process’ was to getting an answer from the show’s producer, Farron Cousins.

Continue reading Liberals And Free Speech, Part 2

Ways And Means Closed The Door On FairTax

I encourage the input from all Americans, from both sides of the aisle. If you have a better idea, I want to hear it. That is the talking point from this honest and open administration. That is what President Obama has said, over and over. It is his alleged open door policy.

But actions speak louder than words. What are the actions?

Leaders Fiddle While the Nation Burns

The United States hit a new record this month—more public debt piled up than any month before in the history of the nation. Unapologetic, Congress bought five luxury private jets for a brand new Congressional fleet because they didn’t feel that military jets were good enough for their junkets or their refined tastes.

Where did the money come from? The nation borrowed it from foreign creditors and secured the debt with our earnings and the future earnings of our children and grandchildren.

The FairTax ends the corruption practiced daily by tax writing committees who treat $2.5 trillion a year in tax receipts as their private property. It bars lobby deals and special favors and shifts power from the government to the citizen. It restores the role of the American people in deciding how much and when taxes are paid by their consumption decisions and it creates a new era of robust American economic growth.

But as good as the FairTax is for the nation, it is still ignored, at best, and distorted and despised, at worst, by those in the political elite who profit from corruption of the federal tax code. This week your FairTax organization delivered nearly 100,000 petitions to the House Ways and Means Committee–who could not be bothered to meet with national FairTax campaign chairman, Ken Hoagland.

“I am furious that the leading alternative to the income tax has again been ignored along with every American who petitioned their government for redress of grievances,” said Hoagland. “This betrayal of the voice of the American people adds fuel to the fire of our determination to break through the wholly unacceptable and un-American shell of disdain for the common man that we are seeing from Washington, D.C.”

Hoagland said that April 15th events planned including the “Storm the Hill” and “Operation FairTax” rallies as well as the on-line tax revolt march were needed efforts to “break through to our leaders”. “We will not give up, we will not stop and we will not rest until we have ripped this broken tax system and culture of political privilege out by the roots. That is a promise.”

The President Berates Health Insurance Industry

If it were not for the words ‘American’ and ‘Congress’ in this quote, one might think it this quote came out of the mouth of a dictator like Hugo Chavez. But no, these are the words of a community organizer on the campaign trail, who has made the health insurance industry (that makes a profit margin of 3-4%) a demon to be run out of town. Problem is, it is also the words of the President of the United States.

At the heart of this debate is the question of whether we’re going to accept a system that works better for the insurance companies than it does for the American people — (applause) — because if this vote fails, the insurance industry will continue to run amok. They will continue to deny people coverage. They will continue to deny people care. They will continue to jack up premiums 40 or 50 or 60 percent as they have in the last few weeks without any accountability whatsoever. They know this. And that’s why their lobbyists are stalking the halls of Congress as we speak, and pouring millions of dollars into negative ads. And that’s why they are doing everything they can to kill this bill.

That, coupled with the lies like this, is simply disgraceful.

Now, the third thing that this legislation does is it brings down the cost of health care for families and businesses and the federal government. (Applause.) Americans who are buying comparable coverage in the individual market would end up seeing their premiums go down 14 to 20 percent. (Applause.) Americans who get their insurance through the workplace, cost savings could be as much as $3,000 less per employer than if we do nothing. Now, think about that. That’s $3,000 your employer doesn’t have to pay, which means maybe she can afford to give you a raise.

Another of his bullet points, which are not true in the long run . . .

If you like your doctor, you’re going to be able to keep your doctor. If you like your plan, keep your plan. I don’t believe we should give government or the insurance companies more control over health care in America. I think it’s time to give you, the American people, more control over your health.

None of that will happen. What will happen is what he is not saying. Which is that this legislation will lead to the end of the private insurance industry and the birth of a single-payer system. Which will give the government control over the American people regarding their health care. Which, by the way, is his only objective. Other consequences are higher premiums and fines imposed on Americans, higher taxes, fewer doctors, more government dependents, longer waiting periods, government rationing (as opposed to you making your own rationing choices) of health care, and a health care system comparable to those in Europe or Canada.

If the plan was so good, it would have public support and Congressmen would not have to have their arms twisted or bribes made in order to ‘gain’ their vote.

His favorite lie of the whole campaign is how, the Cornhusker Kickback was removed. Fact is, it wasn’t. Instead, they are extending the same welfare subsidy to all the states rather than taking the one for Nebraska out. And this is going to lower costs? Pass the pixie dust please.

Does this look presidential to you?

Is it just me or do you get the impression that he doesn’t know how to sit at his desk in the oval office and calmly explain to the American people exactly what it is he wants to do, how much it will cost, and how he intends to do it? He should also be held accountable to explain why passing this legislation by deeming it passed is appropriate.

Bret Baier asked him about that process and Obama blew it off. So much as to say that the end justifies the means.

What was in that oath again? I recall it saying something about protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States.
