Category Archives: 2016 Election

Walls, Not Bridges

Listening to the political Left, like HIllary Clinton and lefty talkers like Alan Combs, you would think the flow of illegals into this country has improved. If by improved you mean decreased.

They’re now claiming a net zero flow. Even if true, which it is not, they are not claiming that illegals are no longer coming into the country. So that’s supposed to make us feel safe and secure?

Here are a few things a wall and enforcement would do.

  • Save lives, from convicted criminals and human traffickers
  • End bunji deportation, once deported, stay deported
  • Prevent terrorists and ISIS from walking in.

The surge of illegal and unaccompanied children is ramping up again. This summer it is worse than in 2014. Not better.

Yuma, Arizona is on our southern border. Far from Washington DC and New York City.  Here’s a couple articles from 5/28/2016, that is in the news down there.

Sexual Predator Nabbed at the Border,

On Tuesday, Agents from the Deming Station were patrolling an area east of Columbus, N.M. when they were alerted to five subjects who crossed the international boundary from Mexico. The area is a known illegal immigrant and drug smuggling corridor.

During processing it was discovered that 34-year-old Mexican national, Juan Antonio Canales Martinez, had a prior conviction for “Sex with a Minor” in California, along with other criminal charges

 Smugglers abandon women and children in the brush

U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley Sector saved the lives of a man, a women and a 3 year old who were abandoned by their smugglers in two separate incidents in the last 24 hours.

“These heartless smugglers left a woman and child helpless and lost” said Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla Jr. “this reinforces the message from our Border Safety Initiative, “smugglers view little regard for the safety of migrants.”

Bridges are not what is needed. Despite what Hillary Clinton keeps saying.  We already have “bridges.”  And they’re not working to keep illegals, terrorists, and human traffickers out.

Bridge that looks like a wall.

On top of the human cost described above, there are also social costs incurred with illegal immigration and sanctuary cities.

  • Fewer jobs for Americans, while record unemployment persists
  • Depressed wages for Americans because of cheap labor of illegals, enabled by lack of enforcement of current immigration laws
  • Overburdened health care facilities and schools.
  • Poor service and higher cost to taxpayers in servicing people who don’t belong here in the first place.
  • Cost of educating illegals $1.2 Billion per year.

Putting Americans first must be our priority. Starting with enforcing immigration laws and re-establishing our southern border. After all, protecting the American people, not illegals, is the main responsibility given to the federal government. It is the oath all elected officials have taken. There’s nothing controversial about that.

IG, Hillary “Broke Rules”

News accounts of the State Department Inspector General’s report about Hillary Clinton’s handling of email and her email server focus on “rules” being broken by former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. It is clear the IG went to great lengths to write it that way. Bottom line is, the rules were written to conform with the law. She broke the law. But so far no one of any consequence is saying that.

But, the “security review” isn’t over yet. And her old buddy Terry McCauliffe and the Clinton Crime Family Foundation are now part of the investigation. According to FBI Director James Comey, the FBI does’t do security reviews. They investigate criminal activity.

I don’t think she can laugh this one off. She certainly can’t claim a vast right-wing conspiracy. This is Obama’s State Dept. and Obama’s FBI. Something smelling a little fishy?  Smells like the way Obama does paybacks. He could put an end to this if he wanted to.

To the point that the IG’s report shows “consistency” with earlier Secretaries, the only consistency there is that personal emails were exchanged (on government approved servers). Hillary is the only Secretary who not only didn’t use the servers authorized by the law, she used her own server, authorized by no one but herself. There is no equivalency there.  And that’s not a political misrepresentation. That’s just the facts.

Also not political, is the fact that she told everyone in her State Department not to speak to the IG.  She and her “team” refused to “cooperate” with the Inspector General from the Department she was once the head of. Had she been put under oath, that’s called pleading the 5th.

Below is the IG’s report.

Clinton’s Email Server

The FBI has interviewed Huma Abedin (aka Mrs. Anthony Weiner), Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Cheif of Staff, as part of a federal investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state.

This is the part of the entire investigation that just floors me.

The FBI and Justice Department have been investigating whether sensitive information that flowed through Clinton’s email server was mishandled. (emphasis added)

Why she hasn’t already faced charges for the obvious is beyond me.  The obvious being the ‘Clinton’s email server’ part of the investigation. Never mind for a moment how much secret information has already been lifted by hackers or destroyed by her or people under her, or people contracted by her. What has been known from the start was that she violated the law when she set up her own server for her official State Department business instead of the secure government servers for her department’s use.

The longer this drags on, the more it looks like a case is being built to exonerate her instead of bringing what is already known to a grand jury for an indictment.

Link: AP Source: Clinton aide interviewed in email investigation

Establishment, Step Aside

I’m getting pretty disgusted with the way the primaries are being covered. Which is, more like a horse race, concentrating on who is ahead, who is falling behind, instead of platform/policy oriented.

The other thing that republicans (who don’t like Trump or Cruz) are talking about is how (they say) neither of them are electable. Because, they say, of their “unfavorable” polling.

That, I find to be especially amusing, given elections results of 2008 and 2012. McCain and Romney. Both losers. Not only losers, but losers to a community organizer with no executive experience. No experience in anything beyond community organizing. Romney couldn’t beat Obama after four years of a leaderless president.

It’s time to ignore the RNC and their talking heads about who is best to run against the Democrats. After these last eight years, how could going with the will of the people be so bad? Embrace it, accept it, and back the winner. The arrogance of these party operatives to presume that the American people don’t know any better should be their ticket out of public office. They’ve forgotten who they work for.

2016, It’s Still Bush’s Fault

In year eight of the Obama administration, it is amazing to watch the Democratic candidates on the campaign trail.

They both say how terrible the economy has treated Americans. And the town-hall regular citizens complain to them about unemployment, high cost of health care, etc.. And neither of them lay the blame on the Obama regime. It’s as if he was not in charge for the last seven years.

Then you hear President Obama talk about how wonderful his recovery and economic policies have been. Especially Obamacare. And how he has created a gazillion jobs.

Listening to it all can subject you to political whiplash. Watch the candidates, and watch President Obama. The economy is good. The economy sucks. The economy is good. The economy sucks. See how dangerous that can be for one’s psyche?

When asked why two-thirds of Americans still think the country is on the wrong track, President Obama has an explanation for it. For “some people” (that would be two-thirds of Americans), it’s all Bush’s fault.

Here’s the kicker.  “There’s still more we can do.” Like “investing” in infrastructure and education.  Isn’t that what that $787 Billion stimulus bill in 2008 was for? And the $302 Billion more two years ago? The same old RBI line. Roads, Bridges, and Infrastructure.

Obama’s explanation . . .

[Wages and incomes] haven’t gone up as quickly as people had been accustomed to in previous generations. There are a lot of reasons for that. Global competition. Technology. You know, corporate practices have changed. In some cases tax policies that I’d like to see changed, and I’ve tried to push Congress to change have made a difference.

“Haven’t gone up as quickly as people had been accustomed to?” You mean like when there was a competent leader in The White House who understood free-market economics? Wages and incomes have dropped.

Why is that? According to the president, it’s because of global competition, technology, and, corporate practices have changed. Spoken like a true ignoramus on free-market economics and capitalism. In his world, which Ms. Sinclair refused to penetrate, companies and industries are not supposed to protect their interests. They’re not supposed to react to market or government pressures. They are supposed to do what the government wants them to do, including pay higher taxes and spend shareholder’s investments where he says they should. That’s economic fascism.

You can’t spend your way into prosperity, nor borrow your way out of debt. Winston Churchill understood economics, “We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”

It’s disgusting to see financial reporter Nicole Sinclair let Obama get away with his excuse without challenge and, in light of more than doubling the national debt, sit there and say “we need to spend more.” Zero accountability for the last seven years and 10 trillion dollars (and climbing) national debt. It is typical of the way the media has given this president a pass throghout his presidency.

Link: Obama articulates why Americans are so unhappy

‘Globe’ Front Page, Faux Or Real?

The media’s anti-Trump syndrome manifested itself last week when the Boston Globe put out what they deemed a fear & smear piece against current GOP front-runner Donald J. Trump. They projected their fears in various headlines a year from now if Trump were to be President. In other words, fake news like, “Deportations Begin!” “Economy in Tailspin!” “Wall Construction Halted Because of Lack of Funds.”

With all the push-back from the media, and even from the GOP, aligned against Trump and Ted Cruz, why do you suppose there has been zip, zero, nada pushback from the media or from anyone in political power for what the Democrat Party and President Obama is doing — IS DOING, not “is going to,” is doing?

The people at have answered that with their own version of a Boston Globe front page. The difference is, these headlines are not made up. They are real and, have never been seen. And, they are what the GOP candidates ought to be talking about.


Links: h/t Rush Limbaugh  |  We’re funnier and redder than The Boston Globe!

Running On Coat Tails

Consider Sec. Hillary Clinton’s life in politics.  Stuck by her husband’s grab-ass affairs while Governor of Arkansas, where her political aspirations were more important to her than her marriage. Stuck by her husband’s grab-ass while in The White House, where her political aspirations were more important to her than her marriage. Choosing instead to ride his coat tails for elected office. And maybe some day, the presidency.

It was her husband’s coat tails that got her a Senate seat from New York. Because after all, she deserved it. She earned it. Not from anything she did for the people. But for defending  her horny husband. Her name was Clinton, and that’s all that mattered to voters in New York.

In 2008, Hillary changed coat tails. To Obama’s. He gave her a job as Secretary of State. We all know how well our image around the world has improved since that happened. And how much more stable the world is. Especially in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Benghazi was a major ‘bump in the road’ for both Hillary and Barack. That event brought both of them closer together. Not in the way Bill does, but in a way of each one covering up for the other.

Their bond of CYA is extended to Hillary’s brass ring. The run for the presidency. Having nothing else to run on, she’s running on Obama’s coat tails now. An Obama third term is what she’s running on. Despite her speeches on the campaign trail where she says how bad things are, she knows, and he knows, that she really doesn’t mean it. She’s just pretending to relate to the folks, who do feel the pain. And, who’s been in charge for the last seven years?

Because Barack has her future as close as a phone call to Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch, she has to walk the tightrope now.  They each have a reputation, a legacy, real or imagined, to protect.

Speaking of real or imagined. We will soon see what the voters see in Hillary Clinton, when the coat tails are gone.

Capitalism Good, Socialism Bad

The more that the federal government interferes with free-market economics, it cripples capitalism. It gives us the current situation of unsustainable debt, long-term unemployment, decreasing family income, and skyrocketing costs.

So what is the Democratic Party’s solution? Keep on crippling capitalism so they can claim that capitalism doesn’t work.

The Democratic Party offers us two choices. One is a Socialist, the other is a Big Government Tax and Spender. Actually, they’re both Big Government Tax and Spenders. And on top of that, they’re both competing for the top spot in a fascist economic regime.

Not only are they going to increase taxes on the very people they expect to start a business and create jobs, but they are going to tell companies what they can make, sell, and how much they have to pay their employees.  And they remain clueless as to  why companies, and whole industries, are fleeing the country.

The answer to our problems is not more of what caused them and, more government The answer to our problems is more free-market capitalism and, less government.

Early Voting In Florida, Ted Cruz

Early voting is underway for Florida’s primary election. NOTICE to all minorities. You have a week to get to the polls on March 15, or, you can make it to one of the early voting locations and vote whenever you want. Or, you can vote by mail and get a ballot mailed to you if you request one today.
Most important, call 911 immediately if any Republican operative prevents you from voting. That would be illegal. However, if you are not happy with the unemployment and falling family income that has beset you, you might consider voting for a conservative Republican president for a change.

I voted early. I’m not telling you who you should vote for, but I will tell you why I voted for Ted Cruz. It’s because I believe his stance on the founding principles (Constitution included) of the country (and I don’t mean the Democrat’s slavery platform) is what this country is sorely lacking in a president, and what can best turn this ship around. In case you haven’t noticed, Cruz does what he says, and does what people elected him to do. He listens to the

Link: Carly Fiorina Endorses Ted Cruz