Dept. of (Black) Justice

No ‘blind justice’ from this Justice Department. If AG Loretta Lynch’sblind_justice criteria were income-based, she at least could make a case for leniency. But, typical of this administration, it is race-based.

And, if you disagree with a racial preference application of the law, then you must be a racist. See? So how’s that ‘post-racial’ administration working out?

There is empirical evidence that the ‘reform’ of the type Lynch wants will only exacerbate the crime problem. Typical of liberals like her, they never look at the consequences of their policies beyond their intentions. Also typical is that the “fix” makes matters worse. Worse for the people she portends to help.

This new court “reform” will only exacerbate the crime problem. Studies show ignoring low-level crimes like warrant violations only leads to bigger crimes.

That there is improvement to be made in the criminal justice system is obvious. For example, it makes no sense to levy a fine while at the same time suspending a driver’s license for an offense that had nothing to do with driving. And without transportation, you lose your job, making paying the fine impossible. Creating unemployment, poverty, and government dependence. Is that what we want of our justice system?

Many of the cities with the highest fines, such as Philadelphia, are run by Democrats; and the Justice Department is no piker when it comes to levying fines.

“US attorneys always want fines and restitution amounts in the millions from people who have little chance of ever paying it back,” the department official said.

Liberals are actually to blame for the trend they’re trying to reform. Court fines and fees help pay for all the new costs liberals have added to the system, such as drug counseling and home electronic monitoring. They’ve also pushed judges to assess more fines in lieu of incarceration, especially for drug offenders.

Yet now they claim the whole court fine and bail system is racist.

Link: AG Loretta Lynch wants to let nation break law without consequences

Running On Coat Tails

Consider Sec. Hillary Clinton’s life in politics.  Stuck by her husband’s grab-ass affairs while Governor of Arkansas, where her political aspirations were more important to her than her marriage. Stuck by her husband’s grab-ass while in The White House, where her political aspirations were more important to her than her marriage. Choosing instead to ride his coat tails for elected office. And maybe some day, the presidency.

It was her husband’s coat tails that got her a Senate seat from New York. Because after all, she deserved it. She earned it. Not from anything she did for the people. But for defending  her horny husband. Her name was Clinton, and that’s all that mattered to voters in New York.

In 2008, Hillary changed coat tails. To Obama’s. He gave her a job as Secretary of State. We all know how well our image around the world has improved since that happened. And how much more stable the world is. Especially in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Benghazi was a major ‘bump in the road’ for both Hillary and Barack. That event brought both of them closer together. Not in the way Bill does, but in a way of each one covering up for the other.

Their bond of CYA is extended to Hillary’s brass ring. The run for the presidency. Having nothing else to run on, she’s running on Obama’s coat tails now. An Obama third term is what she’s running on. Despite her speeches on the campaign trail where she says how bad things are, she knows, and he knows, that she really doesn’t mean it. She’s just pretending to relate to the folks, who do feel the pain. And, who’s been in charge for the last seven years?

Because Barack has her future as close as a phone call to Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch, she has to walk the tightrope now.  They each have a reputation, a legacy, real or imagined, to protect.

Speaking of real or imagined. We will soon see what the voters see in Hillary Clinton, when the coat tails are gone.

Capitalism Good, Socialism Bad

The more that the federal government interferes with free-market economics, it cripples capitalism. It gives us the current situation of unsustainable debt, long-term unemployment, decreasing family income, and skyrocketing costs.

So what is the Democratic Party’s solution? Keep on crippling capitalism so they can claim that capitalism doesn’t work.

The Democratic Party offers us two choices. One is a Socialist, the other is a Big Government Tax and Spender. Actually, they’re both Big Government Tax and Spenders. And on top of that, they’re both competing for the top spot in a fascist economic regime.

Not only are they going to increase taxes on the very people they expect to start a business and create jobs, but they are going to tell companies what they can make, sell, and how much they have to pay their employees.  And they remain clueless as to  why companies, and whole industries, are fleeing the country.

The answer to our problems is not more of what caused them and, more government The answer to our problems is more free-market capitalism and, less government.

Early Voting In Florida, Ted Cruz

Early voting is underway for Florida’s primary election. NOTICE to all minorities. You have a week to get to the polls on March 15, or, you can make it to one of the early voting locations and vote whenever you want. Or, you can vote by mail and get a ballot mailed to you if you request one today.
Most important, call 911 immediately if any Republican operative prevents you from voting. That would be illegal. However, if you are not happy with the unemployment and falling family income that has beset you, you might consider voting for a conservative Republican president for a change.

I voted early. I’m not telling you who you should vote for, but I will tell you why I voted for Ted Cruz. It’s because I believe his stance on the founding principles (Constitution included) of the country (and I don’t mean the Democrat’s slavery platform) is what this country is sorely lacking in a president, and what can best turn this ship around. In case you haven’t noticed, Cruz does what he says, and does what people elected him to do. He listens to the

Link: Carly Fiorina Endorses Ted Cruz

Millions Still Have No Health Insurance

Got a kick out of hearing Bernie Sanders at the Town Hall last night, attacking Hillary Clinton on Obamacare. Bernie wants the endgame of what Obamacare was meant to be, Medicare for all.

What’s funny about it was Bernie saying that Obamacare doesn’t obama_carnival_barkerwork because there are, according to him, 29 million Americans without health insurance. Four years ago, when Barack O was selling the ACA, his promise that the 30 million Americans, according to him, who did not have health insurance would then have it.

Just add this to the list of broken promises, aka snake oil, that President Obama had told you about. So what has changed in the last four years?  The federal government has usurped 20 percent of the private sector economy, controls the health care and health insurance industry, and due to that, now controls you.

Motor Voter 2.0

Hillary Clinton is playing the race card on the campaign trail over “voting rights,” saying that Republicans want to prevent Blacks, Hispanics, and illegal aliens from voting.

That’s why I urge the all minorities to be on the lookout for Republicans attempting to prevent you from voting. Call 911 immediately if one or more of them get between you and the voting booth.

That’s exactly the impression Hillary Clinton and her party paint of Republicans. The reality is, there’s no one out there putting roadblocks on people motivated enough to vote. Hillary wants to make registering to vote mandatory..

Just because people can register to vote, does not mean they have to register or that they have to, or even should, vote. But the door has been opened. If the government can make you buy health insurance that includes registering to vote, or be fined, what’s to stop them from mandating that you vote as well?

Use this same Democrat logic with another “right” and see how accepting of it they become. Unlike voting or registering to vote, this right is provided for in the our Constitution. The right to keep and bear arms.

So when you are eligible for a drivers license or sign up for Health Insurance, in addition to being given a voter registration form, which I don’t agree with either, also include a form 2A (2nd Amendment). There is no such form, but for argument’s sake, make it a summary of the meaning of the 2nd Amendment, the firearm laws in the state, how old you have to be to buy a long gun and a hand gun. Maybe even a sentence or two about buying the weapon from a licensed firearm dealer and submitting to a background check.

Democrats should be for something like that. Otherwise, wouldn’t they be preventing Blacks, Hispanics, and the poor from exercising their 2nd Amendment rights?  Making them powerless to defend and protect themselves, their family, and their property. How racist is that?

Today’s GOP Needs A Lynching

That the RNC and establishment republicans can’t stand the thought of an outsider like Trump gaining favor with the folks, and even attracting some from the opposition party and independents, tells a lot about what they are all about and where their priorities are. They are not about the folks. “The folks” are supposed to do, follow, and vote the way they want. That’s not the way a republic works.

Juleanna Glover, a prominent Republican communications consultant, told Reuters that Trump’s ascent “spells the death of the party’s sentient and cohesive governing framework.”

Exactly! One can only hope. Precisely because the GOP’s “sentient and cohesive governing framework” got us a party that does nothing but grease the skids for the other party’s agenda, debt, deficits, open borders, not enforcing immigration laws, tying the hands of ICE so they can’t do their job, and so much more. Strategizing and spending campaign money to defeat your own team is suicide. The GOP as it is today, needs to prepare to get hung from the nearest tree, and, be ready to lead a conservative movement that the people demand.

It is obvious that the pledge the RNC wanted all the candidates to sign was for everyone, but them.

The days of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory are over. “We the people” are not sheeple any more.

Link: Trump’s march stirs growing sense of dread among Republicans