Motor Voter 2.0

Hillary Clinton is playing the race card on the campaign trail over “voting rights,” saying that Republicans want to prevent Blacks, Hispanics, and illegal aliens from voting.

That’s why I urge the all minorities to be on the lookout for Republicans attempting to prevent you from voting. Call 911 immediately if one or more of them get between you and the voting booth.

That’s exactly the impression Hillary Clinton and her party paint of Republicans. The reality is, there’s no one out there putting roadblocks on people motivated enough to vote. Hillary wants to make registering to vote mandatory..

Just because people can register to vote, does not mean they have to register or that they have to, or even should, vote. But the door has been opened. If the government can make you buy health insurance that includes registering to vote, or be fined, what’s to stop them from mandating that you vote as well?

Use this same Democrat logic with another “right” and see how accepting of it they become. Unlike voting or registering to vote, this right is provided for in the our Constitution. The right to keep and bear arms.

So when you are eligible for a drivers license or sign up for Health Insurance, in addition to being given a voter registration form, which I don’t agree with either, also include a form 2A (2nd Amendment). There is no such form, but for argument’s sake, make it a summary of the meaning of the 2nd Amendment, the firearm laws in the state, how old you have to be to buy a long gun and a hand gun. Maybe even a sentence or two about buying the weapon from a licensed firearm dealer and submitting to a background check.

Democrats should be for something like that. Otherwise, wouldn’t they be preventing Blacks, Hispanics, and the poor from exercising their 2nd Amendment rights?  Making them powerless to defend and protect themselves, their family, and their property. How racist is that?