Running On Coat Tails

Consider Sec. Hillary Clinton’s life in politics.  Stuck by her husband’s grab-ass affairs while Governor of Arkansas, where her political aspirations were more important to her than her marriage. Stuck by her husband’s grab-ass while in The White House, where her political aspirations were more important to her than her marriage. Choosing instead to ride his coat tails for elected office. And maybe some day, the presidency.

It was her husband’s coat tails that got her a Senate seat from New York. Because after all, she deserved it. She earned it. Not from anything she did for the people. But for defending  her horny husband. Her name was Clinton, and that’s all that mattered to voters in New York.

In 2008, Hillary changed coat tails. To Obama’s. He gave her a job as Secretary of State. We all know how well our image around the world has improved since that happened. And how much more stable the world is. Especially in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Benghazi was a major ‘bump in the road’ for both Hillary and Barack. That event brought both of them closer together. Not in the way Bill does, but in a way of each one covering up for the other.

Their bond of CYA is extended to Hillary’s brass ring. The run for the presidency. Having nothing else to run on, she’s running on Obama’s coat tails now. An Obama third term is what she’s running on. Despite her speeches on the campaign trail where she says how bad things are, she knows, and he knows, that she really doesn’t mean it. She’s just pretending to relate to the folks, who do feel the pain. And, who’s been in charge for the last seven years?

Because Barack has her future as close as a phone call to Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch, she has to walk the tightrope now.  They each have a reputation, a legacy, real or imagined, to protect.

Speaking of real or imagined. We will soon see what the voters see in Hillary Clinton, when the coat tails are gone.