Regime Marches On, “Net Neutrality”

Never ceases to amaze me, given the track record of this administration, how genetically gullible, or genetically faithful to this regime, people can be.

This fact should be a red flag. A BIG red flag.

The full text of the rules will not be revealed to the public until after the FCC’s vote on Thursday morning.

The gullible have been conditioned to believe in vapor. Beginning with “hope and change.” Then there was the “Affordable Care Act.”

Who did not have hope? Everyone had hope. What we didn’t know, well, what people who voted for Obama didn’t know, is just what his hopes were and what kind of change he had in mind.  The Affordable Care Act turned out to be anything but affordable. In fact, the President won the “lie of the year” for it.

Now comes the next nondescript, warm and fuzzy sounding set of government regulations called Net Neutrality. Sounds quite “fair” doesn’t it? There’s nothing about the internet that is broken or that requires the government to step in and take it over too! Where is the evidence that things the government controls actually works?

Ask yourself, given recent history, and given the fact that we can’t know, and therefore won’t have the opportunity for public input, what kind of regulations we are in store for until after it is voted on by the FCC, what makes you think the end result will be anything good for the country or compatible with the First Amendment? Especially since this takeover is being done entirely outside of the legislative process. By-passing Congress yet again.

Where is your confidence that the end result will be anything that anyone wants?

One can not even say “anything that is being promised” because the Obama administration (the most open and transparent one) is keeping its content secret. That should tell you that the purpose has nothing to do with fairness or neutral-ness. It has everything to do with control of yet another sector of the private economy and content, aka speech.

Links: Eleventh-hour drama for net neutrality rules | Watch Mark Cuban’s Surgical Takedown of Net Neutrality 

What Religion Is Barack Obama?

What does it matter if Obama is a Christian, an Atheist, or even a Muslim? That talk is irrelevant according to our 1st Amendment. But it is something the media would like to hyperventilate over, if they can tar a republican with it. It’s why they’re having a hissy-fit because Gov. Walker won’t play their game, re: Rudy Giuliani comments.

When was the last time you heard anyone from the MSM ask Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden, or Elizabeth Warren how they feel about Bill Clinton traipsing off to an island with a pedophile?

The only thing that matters is how Obama carries out his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. And so far, he’s not doing well.

It matters when he refuses to protect this country at home and abroad.

It matters how he gave up all that was gained in Iraq, had erasable ‘red lines’ in Syria, and now has handed ISIS a good part of both countries.

It matters when he succumbs to Iran’s delays on nuclear arms and now is going to allow Iran to have nuclear weapons. Just what Iran wants. He didn’t have to negotiate that. He may as well have said, I won’t try to stop you, so let’s come up with a way to make me look like a relevant leader of the free world.

Screw our ally in the Middle East, Israel.

Screw our NATO ally, Ukraine. Screw the Budapest Agreement.

An unpatriotic and irresponsible national debt? Who cares, as long as I can control everyone’s health care and tell them what to eat, how to live, and how much of their money I’ll let them keep as I grow the government beyond recognition. It’s what he called “fundamental change.”

It’s things like this that matter.

Rudy Giuliani Is Right

When you love someone. Or when you love some thing, like say, your country, you don’t go out and try to fundamentally change her, or it.

Rudy Giuliani was right.

Besides that, Obama lied on two basic tenets that most Americans believe, in order to get himself elected.

  1. He lied when he said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman, and
  2. he lied when he said that the national debt, then $9 trillion, under Bush was unpatriotic, and irresponsible.

Now, had he told the truth about himself, that he was for gay marriage and he was preparing to raise the national debt to over $20 trillion, HIllary Clinton would have been elected. And those two facts have nothing to do with the color of his skin.

None of this, what Obama has done to America, would have been a surprise if he were vetted before the election. I wasn’t the only one warning people what this guy is all about. All of what he has done and wants to do makes perfect sense if you know his motivations and where he comes from.

Which is why he would never have been elected without lying about his beliefs and keeping his past hidden and sealed from public scrutiny. He epitomizes Obamacare. Like Nancy Pelosi said, you have to pass the bill to see what’s in it. Likewise,  the American people had to elect Barack Obama to see what was in him.


50 Pages Of Obama Vs America Vs Illegals

Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) published a fifty page document that catalogues President Obama’s executive orders that grease the skids for illegal aliens already here, and to those who haven’t yet run across the border.

And the precursor to illegals being able to vote is the trojan horse called ‘motor voter,’ a device passed during the Clinton administration. Here’s the way Clinton sold it. . .

Roughly 65% of eligible Americans are registered to vote. Supporters of the new law predict that number will top 90% within a few years because of easier registration. States must comply with the law by Jan. 1, 1995. Young people are likely to benefit most from the new rules.

That’s what we were told in 1993. Twenty-one years later the number is 70%.  An increase of 5% can hardly be attributed to ‘motor voter’ legislation.

But today, President Obama (not Congress) wants to issue Drivers Licenses and Social Security Cards to illegals in (and coming to) this country. The two documents needed to register to vote.

And isn’t it odd that Mexico requires proof of citizenship to vote but the United States Supreme Court says we can’t?

AP, Orgeon Governor Resigns

For some reason, I don’t know, don’t really care, the governor of Oregon has resigned. The AP has a story on it now. Came out an hour ago.

Guess which political party the Oregon governor is affiliated with? Look at the pictures where his name is mentioned. Don’t see the party label there where you would expect to see it following his name.

I’m thinking this guy must be a democrat, that’s why there is no party label.

Read the article. The next paragraph. The next paragraph. Not until the eighth paragraph is it obliquely mentioned this way . . .

This is a sad day for Oregon. But I am confident that legislators are ready to come together to move Oregon forward,” said Brown, also a Democrat. Unlike most states, Oregon does not have a lieutenant governor. The secretary of state is next in line to succeed the governor.” Way to go AP.

This is characteristic of the mainstream media. They will go to any length to limit damage to democrats. The reverse is true for republicans.

From NPR . . .

The back story is that four-term Democratic Gov. John Kitzhaber has increasingly found himself in a politically precarious position over an influence peddling scandal involving the state’s first lady Cylvia Hayes.

The “back story?” If that’s the back story for his resignation, then what’s the story?

Link: Feds subpoena records pertaining to departing Oregon gov.  |  Two Of Oregon’s Top Democrats Call On Gov. John Kitzhaber To Resign

View Of Success Differs On Food Stamps

In a report submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights on Friday, the U.S. State Department is boasting that there were “46.5 million” people on food stamps in the United States last year and that a quarter of all Americans received government “food assistance.”

Nearly double the 26 million recipients there were when Obama was elected in 2007. Given the success of the Obama’s economic policies this should come as no surprise. A result of the rising unemployment rate (U-6) and falling family incomes.

A perfect illustration of the consequences of the socialist mindset of big government Democrats. They view success by how many people are on government assistance.  Conservatives view success by how few people need government assistance.

Some charts here offer food for thought.

Link: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)  |  U.S. Brags to U.N.: We Have 46.5 Million on Food Stamps

aSide Order

On A Jewish Holiday

After the mid-term elections, Barack Hussein Obama, not feeling well and concerned about his mortality, goes to consult a psychic about the date of his death.

Closing her eyes and silently reaching into the realm of the future, she finds the answer: “You will die on a Jewish holiday.”

“Which one?” Obama asks nervously.

“It doesn’t matter,” replied the psychic. “Whenever you die, it’ll be a Jewish holiday.”


What a memory!

A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband is
not in bed. She puts on her robe and goes downstairs  to look for him.

She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of
coffee in front of him.

He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall.

She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip
of his coffee.

‘What’s the matter, dear?’ she whispers as she
steps into the room. ‘Why are you down here at
this time of night?’

The husband looks up from his coffee, ‘It’s the 20th
Anniversary of the day we met.’

She can’t believe he has remembered and starts to tear

The husband continues, ‘Do you remember 20 years ago
when we started dating? I was 18 and you were only
16,’ he says solemnly.

Once again, the wife is touched to tears.

‘Yes, I do,’ she replies.

The husband pauses. The words were not coming easily.

‘Do you remember when your father caught us in the back
seat of my car?’

‘Yes, I remember,’ said the wife, lowering herself
into the chair beside him.

The husband continued. ‘Do you remember when he
shoved the shotgun in my face and said, “Either you
marry my daughter or I will send you to prison for 20

‘I remember that, too,’ she replied softly.

He wiped another tear from his cheek and said, ‘I would
have gotten out today.’


 Michael Davis, Comedic Juggler at Ford’s Theater

With the Reagans, Speaker Tip O’Neil (D), and Sen. Howard Baker (R), Senate majority leader and White House chief of staff in the front row.

Illegals Paying Taxes? Riiiiight!

Know what burns my ass? That so many people believe the crap Obama is feeding us about illegal aliens getting amnesty and then “paying their taxes” like everyone else.

Why? Because unless they are drug dealers or human traffickers and stupid enough to declare that income, none of them make enough money to actually pay any taxes.

But the IRS code will allow them to file for, get this, “Earned” Income Tax credit, and the Per Child Tax credit, for all their kids, real or imagined.

The reality is, them paying taxes amounts to just more redistribution of wealth via the tax code, from you to them. That started under Clinton when The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 morphed the tax code into a vehicle for spending programs.

So when Obama sticks his nose in the air at you while he says they’ll be paying taxes, what the slime ball really means is that he’s going to give them thousands of dollars for being here illegally.

Link: Happy Tax-The-Rich Day

President Obama, The Enemy Within

By trying to draw a moral equivalence to the Islamic goons, aka Islamic terrorists of today, President Obama is making a dangerous attempt at rewriting history.

The Crusades was a push back, a fighting back, of an Islamic war. A muslim v cresade battleswar based on Islam, the purpose of which was to take over the world by eliminating any other religion. The Crusades was not a war on Islam. It was a war for survival against the Islamic goons of the time. In Islam, their religion is their government. When the battle was won, it was over. Christians didn’t continue killing “non believers.”

By drawing this moral equivalence, Obama says “that’s not who we are.” Sorry Barack O, but standing our ground and not succumbing to Islamic goons, or Nazi Germany, or Imperial Japan, IS who we are. We will save ourselves from any enemy, and destroy the threat. (And we’ll even do the same for other countries who can’t do it on their own.) So from this standpoint, his rewriting history is setting us up for another attack.

He is trying to assuage us into believing that what the Islamic goons are doing is no big deal . This is clear by the fact that the president won’t even use the words Islamic terrorist to describe the enemy.

An enemy that resurfaced in the last 30 or 40 years. And having a Commander in Chief that refuses to fight our enemy, and refuses to even identify our enemy, means only one of two things. Neither bode well for the United States.

He is either hopelessly ignorant of what is really happening, OR, he is brilliantly paving the way for more victories by the Islamic goons, more attacks in our own country. There is a third possibility. It’s sort of like voting “present.” That no matter what, he is not going to answer the war that radical Islam is waging on us while he is in The White House.  But rather, will leave that up to his successor. The spinmeisters have an acceptable phrase for such cowardice, strategic pause.  He is the anti-war president after all. He ran on that.  In any case, he is on the wrong side. An enemy from within.

The racial spin on this is but a distraction from the enemy we face. This enemy wants to kill us based only on their “religion” and it’s high time we get on our high horse and take it to them. Again.

Senate Dems Shut Down DHS For Illegals

Senate Democrats vote to shut down Department of Homeland Security. Because . . . continuing the flow of illegal aliens is more important than the nation’s security.

Besides all that, Democrats are right in lock step with their leader, Barack Obama, for their lack of fidelity to the Constitution that they took an oath to protect, and defend. Their actions on this budget item is proof of it.