Differences Between Right to Work and Non-Right to Work States

Contrary to what the labor union leaders, activists, and fleebaggers say about how good labor unions are for ‘the middle class,’ the statistics tell an entirely different story. You have to excuse them for using class warfare though. They can’t help it. They were born that way.

Right to work states create more private sector jobs, enjoy lower poverty rates, experience more technology development, realize more personal income growth, and increase the number of people covered by employment-based private health insurance.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, right-to-work states added 1.5 million private-sector jobs from 1999 to 2009 for a 3.7% increase; states that are not right-to-work lost 1.8 million jobs over the same decade, a decline of 2.3%.

The numbers really isolate where labor unions and President Obama stand when it comes to the American taxpayer. It’s all about them, and Democrats’ re-election. It’s not about ‘the workers,’ the middle class, jobs, or the economy.

Links: Differences Between Right to Work and Non-Right to Work States |   Right to Work StatisticsUnions And The Right To Work

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2 thoughts on “Differences Between Right to Work and Non-Right to Work States”

  1. Interesting anecdotal sample you used Gary. Especially Florida where there are a plentitude of illegals, working construction jobs. Thanks for making the case for controlling our borders. Main reason labor unions oppose controlling our borders and support amnesty is they’re salivating over all those potential dues paying subjects.

    What you need to look at are the real statistics. Like these from the U.S. Dept. of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis(BEA), and the U.S. Census Bureau.

  2. When businesses move good paying jobs from non right to work states to low paying jobs in right to work states how is this good for anybody except the business owner. The simple fact is that right to work means right to pay lower salaries to workers and higher profits for corporations and CEO’s. Most jobs created in right to work states are minimum wage jobs.

    Carpenter Orlando Florida 31,000 per year.

    Carpenter St. Louis Missouri 58,000 per year.
    Wages do not include benifits.

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