San Francisco Values, Jr. ROTC At Risk

The San Francisco Board of Education will vote tomorrow on whether to keep the JROTC programs in their schools.  The decision would affect 1600 students.  Mission Impossible: Get Nancy Pelosi to publicly answer how she would vote if she were on the board.

The San Francisco Board of Education is scheduled to vote Tuesday on ending the JROTC program. Let the trustees know your views. Their e-mail addresses are:

— Norman Yee, president: [email protected]

— Sarah Lipson, vice president: [email protected]

— Eddie Y. Chin: [email protected]

— Dan Kelly: [email protected]

— Eric Mar: [email protected]

— Mark Sanchez: [email protected]

— Jill Wynns: [email protected]

Note: For the meeting agenda, go to

San Francisco Chronicle  |  Michelle Malkin

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2 thoughts on “San Francisco Values, Jr. ROTC At Risk”

  1. My husband (CDR. John S. Holmes USN Ret.) and I have contact with Jr. ROTC here in New Jersey. We are VERY impressed with the students and the programs as well as with the leadership. After attending the awards ceremony last June, we came away very proud of the students and the parents as well as of their commitment to excellence and personal achievement. The evidence of pride of team, school and country was high. They are, indeed, trained to be good citizens with good self-esteem, not necessarily future service personnel. To abolish this program anywhere in the U.S. would be a shame and send a bad message to the rest of the world.

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