Howard Dean Has Some Racial Issues Of His Own

I hearken back to early last year when DNC Chair Dr. Dean again invoked the race card when he said that republicans don’t have diversity among them unless they include the wait staff.  He was speaking to the Congressional Black Caucus.  Repulsive as that was, it was ignored by the media.  Here’s another one that will be similarly ignored.  Do the dems have a ‘Michael Steele Problem?’

From Michelle Malkin’s blog:

Well, isn’t this rich? Howard Dean is scolding the Maryland state Democratic Party for being too..white:

Dean says Maryland democrats need more color (black) on the top of their tickets to be successful in ’08.  He still doesn’t get that color is not the issue as much as issues are the issue.  Michael Steele got the endorsements of some prominent black (democrat) leaders not because of his color, certainly not because of his party, but because of his message.

McCain Starts Exploratory Committee For 2008

I just don’t see how anybody who thought the gang of fourteen was a brilliant move could expect to win a nomination or a national election.  The weasel surely is not an endangered animal in the republican party.  Will his exploratory committee draw the same conclusion?  The republican party needs to get back to what wins elections and ideas; conservatism.  They have their own cut-and-run politicians which don’t belong at the top of the party hierarchy, and as founder of the gang of fourteen, McCain is one of them.


RNC Needs A New Chair, A Steele One

Ken Mehlman says he’s had enough fun for 6 years and is leaving as RNC chair for the private sector. Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, Maria Cino, a former RNC official and now Deputy Secretary of  Transportation, and Mary Matalin, former communications director for VP Cheney are three names supposedly under consideration.

I would be surprised to see Michael Steele take the job as head of the Republican National Committee.  Not because I don’t think he would be a good one, but because he probably has ambitions higher than that.  Prior to this election, I would have said Michael who? It was his campaign that introduced him to me and most of the rest of the country.  I was impressed, and after he said that he identified more with the party of Lincoln than the party of Bush, I liked him even more. I don’t mean to take away from Bush with that comment.  Rather, like Bush, I see Michael Steele as someone with a vision for a better future. Paul at Power Line thinks that taking that position could hurt his electability in Maryland.  That might be the case in Maryland.  But I think that Steele is ready for a larger stage.  Libertas at HipHopRepublican seems pumped to see Steele as the RNC chair. I know I’d like to see it happen.

Steele would, if he took the position, be making history in more ways than one.  The other is that his vision may be just what the doctor ordered to help the Republican Party get on the right track, get the majority back, and make this country better than where we are today.

Mary Matalin is another excellent choice.  And like Steele, a good communicator.  According to the resumes however, it looks like Maria Cino would be the one.

Whoever becomes the RNC chairman, they better make embracing conservatism their guiding light. We have learned that a compassionate conservative isn’t conservative.  A compassionate conservative is one who embraces entitlement programs regardless of the cost, and not based on need, but rather on age.  (the prescription drug program) Economically speaking, the only difference between a compassionate conservative and a liberal is that the liberal wants to spend even more.