Tag Archives: Politics

Scarborough’s Straw Man Argument For Gun Control

According to former Congressman Joe Scarborough (R-FL1), those House members (R’s and D’s) who voted against the gun control joe_scarborough1bill last week are “against background checks for criminals and terrorists” and “occupy the most extreme corner of American politics.”

I don’t know anyone who is against background checks for purchasing firearms, including the NRA. Background checks have been law for decades now. But that’s not the case from wherever Joe sits.

Only in the mind of the far Left is the 2nd Amendment in the “extreme corner of American politics.” Basically, it has nothing to do with politics. It is part of the Constitution that lawmakers are charged with protecting and defending. Second Amendment be dammed, Joe has made using 20 dead school children his cause for infringing upon the 2nd Amendment. Tugging on ones heartstrings is what Liberals do, and that’s what Joe is doing in this article. Creating his straw man argument for more gun control laws.

Could it be that Joe (Morning Joe) Scarborough isn’t aware that criminals and terrorists are already not permitted to buy or posses firearms?

Could it possibly be that Joe isn’t aware that the provisions in the bill that was defeated last week would have done nothing to stop the kind of violence that has brought “gun control” to the front page again, including the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre and including the Boston terrorist bombers?

And could it be that Joe, like the President, wants an issue to use for political advantage (presumably for Democrats) than to insist on enforcing current laws before infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens by calling for more laws that criminals and terrorists won’t obey anyway?

Jeri MacDonald on Joe’s facebook page said “Joe, i wish you’d come over to the left side!” Judging from his article in Politico, that is a redundant statement.

Boston Bombers Broke Gun Laws Too

According to Reuters, the two brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings, who police say engaged in a gun battle with officers Boston-Bombersearly Friday after a frenzied manhunt, were not licensed to own guns in the towns where they lived, authorities said on Sunday.

Must be a little disheartening for the gun-grabbing lobby to learn that common criminals aren’t the only people who don’t obey gun laws. Islamic terrorists don’t obey them either.

Anyone still believe that making more restrictive laws on law-abiding citizens will take guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists?

Like Jan Morgan said, “It seems the only people who adhere to the laws were those poor law abiding citizens who were forced to walk around defenseless while these murderous Islamic thugs were on the loose in their area looking for their next victims.”

Link: Boston Bombing Suspects Did Not Have Valid Handgun Licenses

Bill Ayers Visit Cost University Donor Money

From Terrorist to University Organizer

This is rich. One can only hope that William Ayers’ rose is beginning to wilt. Not just because he is a bomb-throwing terrorist, but because of his Revolutionary (with a capital R) ideas about educational institutions being used more for engineering a “social justice” movement than anything else.

Minnesota State University Moorhead President Edna Szymanski said . . .

The university has lost a “significant amount” of donor money since William Ayers was there for a Feb. 26 speech and three days of meetings with faculty and students on how to incorporate social justice issues into curricula.

Link: Two months later, MSUM still facing fallout from Ayers visit

House Advances Cyber Security, Protecting Liberties

The House, in a bi-partisan fashion, passed H.R. 624, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.  H.R. 624 seeks to establish voluntary information-sharing links between the private sector and the government.  Rather than seeking to intrude on the private sector by mandating the sharing of information, this bill encourages companies to share cyber threat information by limiting the government’s use of the information and protecting the companies from liability.

The bill includes safeguards to our personal liberty which Democrats who voted against the bill (98 NO, 92 YES) thought we don’t need or deserve. Specifically, that the federal government may not make use of any records with personal identifiable information—such as firearms sales records, tax return records, and medical records—shared under the legislation. And, nothing in the bill authorizes the Department of Defense, National Security Agency or other Intelligence Community element to target an American citizen for surveillance. And that nothing in the bill authorizes companies receiving cyber threat information to sell the personal information of a consumer for marketing purposes.

Contrary to the Big Brother mentality that pervades Washington, the bill is constrained to limiting and combating cyber security threats only. Next step is for the Senate to do something with it. Or not.

Link: Congressman Jeff Miller’s (FL-1) Newsletter, 4/21/13

Second Amendment Survives First Round

The Obama administration’s first attempt at incrementally limiting the 2nd Amendment went down in bi-partisan defeat in the Senate. Walter and Joe Biden are visibly upset.


To prey on the emotions of victims is standard operating procedure for bleeding-heart liberals. That goes without saying. But what’s interesting to me about this performance yesterday is the audacity and arrogance he displays, and whining, over losing his first attempt at putting limits on the second amendment.

But instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill. They claimed that it would create some sort of “big brother” gun registry, even though the bill did the opposite. This legislation, in fact, outlawed any registry. Plain and simple, right there in the text. But that didn’t matter. And unfortunately, this pattern of spreading untruths about this legislation served a purpose, because those lies upset an intense minority of gun owners, and that in turn intimidated a lot of senators.

Making the gun lobby the bogeyman is expected. It is the American people who know, and have seen, what can be accomplished by incrementalism when it comes to legislation. This was but the first step. For him to accuse anyone of lying to the American people is the pot calling the kettle black when he says “this pattern of spreading untruths about this legislation served a purpose.” He should know, beginning with the so-called Affordable Health Care Act when he told the American people “I will not sign a bill that adds one dime to the deficit.” On Obama’s part, he knew he was lying. He knew that if it was repeated enough, with the support of the media, that the American people would believe his lies. They bought it. But since the Congress didn’t, states had to be bribed and the bill had to be forced through without a proper vote to get it enacted. Who’s to say he won’t try the same shenanigans with ‘gun’ control?

The only difference here is, gun rights folks know what Obama’s end-game is. It didn’t have to be spelled out in the legislation. Democrats have openly said they want to effectively disarm law-abiding citizens, since they can’t disarm criminals.

Below is the whiner and liar-in-chief  from The Rose Garden.

Statement by the President Transcript

What’s Next For Big Labor?

Labor unions today have unknowingly fulfilled a self-fulfilling prophesy. By leveraging unfair practices upon workers to build union Labor-Unionsmembership, they did such a good job that they have lost their only reason to recruit.  Now they are left with ancient history, the mid twentieth century, to fall back on. And for the most part, no longer have a reason to exist.

BIG LABOR advocates say “Without America’s labor unions, we wouldn’t have many of the protections and benefits that we have today.” That’s a true statement. It was true 30 years ago too! Thanks to the ‘wake-up call’ delivered to employers by organized labor decades ago, which was “treat your people right or lose,” the labor movement has successfully put itself out of business so to speak. Their usefulness has diminished due to their earlier success as shown by their decreasing member rolls.

  • Total percentage private sector and public sector labor union workers: 2002 13.3%, 2012 11.3%
  • Percent of private sector labor union workers: 2002 8.6%, 2012 6.6%
  • Percent of public sector, government, labor union workers: 2002 37.3%, 2012 35.9%
  • Total number of union workers, public and private sector: 2002 16,145,000, 2012 14,366,000

Continue reading What’s Next For Big Labor?

Venezuela’s Election Day For Chavez Successor

It’s election day in Venezuela. Venezuelans in the United States are going to New Orleans to vote for their successor for the hemisphere’s idiot, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who his hand-picked successor claims was killed by cancer given to him by the United States Nicolas Madurogovernment. I know, Venezuela has their own low-information voters. It is what it is.

The opposition candidate Henrique Capriles said his opponent was “violating all the Henrique Caprileselectoral norms”. By closing, arresting, and otherwise bankrupting any TV and radio station that would carry their ads, I’d say he is right. No doubt tactics like that would meet with Jimmy Carter’s approval, who put his stamp of approval on Chavez’s first presidential election. Capriles’ response was to start an internet TV channel to try to get his message out. Beyond that, the opposition (to socialism) party is left with word-of-mouth campaigning.

Illegal Migration, Why Border Security First?

Here’s what Rep. Jason Chaffetz, (R-UT) found on the U.S. border near Yuma, Arizona. No fence, but a walkway and stairs. border_accomadationpic.twitter.com/AepousiI7C. With all the news about amnesty and comprehensive immigration reform, the border with Mexico is being over-run with illegals like never before.

New technology to spot border crashers is troubling. Not because it doesn’t work, but because it works so well that Border Patrol agents are shocked to see how many are getting by.

“It’s a match made in heaven for border security,” said a former U.S. law enforcement official.

He said the radar had helped Border Patrol agents watch migrants and smugglers gathering on the Mexican side of the border before they start trekking north. But not all of the agents are happy to get a precise head count for the first time of how many people they are missing.

“The rank-and-file guys are afraid it will make them look bad,” the official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the program are not public.

The system is being tested along with military-grade camera towers and surveillance blimps developed for use in Iraq and Afghanistan in an effort to provide more accurate coverage of remote border areas.

illegal_aliensJust from what we already know, the ‘Gang of Eight’ is going about any “reform” backwards if they don’t put securing the border FIRST. That is, BEFORE any other legislation is discussed. Not to do that will be leaving the welcome mat out for illegals.

Link: Radar shows U.S. border security gaps

Obama’s Taxes, “Less Than His Secretary”

By his own standard, President Obama did not pay his fair share in taxes. He paid $112,214 in taxes for 2012, putting his effective federal tax rate at 18.4 percent. Curiously, he didn’t voluntarily pony up to the 39%, and then some, that he expects of the other one percenters.

Things are tough for the President in 2012. A victim of his own making. Being on a fixed income, he managed to earn less in 2012. This, due to decreasing sales in his books. Who knows, maybe everyone who is going to buy one, has one now? Maybe people know that his hope and change, along with his campaign rhetoric, is a bunch of BS now? Maybe a little of each? Who cares now anyway? But it does fully explain the never-ending campaign.

Link: Effective federal rate is 18.4% on $608,611 income

Obama Nominates 3 To National Labor Relations Board

While the legitimacy of the NLRB and the decisions it has made since President Obama’s illegal “recess appointments” are still in limbo, National_Labor_Relations_Board_logoPresident Obama nominated 3  board members for full terms and is hoping that they will get approved by the Senate this time.

The status of the board has been in limbo since a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously in January that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority by appointing three of its members while lawmakers were on break in January 2012, thus bypassing the usual Senate confirmation process.

The House is expected to vote on legislation this week that would prohibit the board from issuing decisions until the fate of Obama’s so-called recess appointments is known.

Link: Obama nominates new NLRB members as House threatens to halt board actions  |  Court Slaps Down Obama On NLRB Appointments-Decision Could Invalidate Hundreds Of Labor Decisions