Tag Archives: Politics

Barack Hits A Hard Place, The United Nations

There comes a time when rhetoric just runs out of steam. Seems that is the case now over getting tough on Iran for its secret nuclear ambitions.

Permanent Security Council member China has joined Russia in opposing Washington’s plans to impose tough, wide-ranging sanctions on the Islamic Republic over its refusal to suspend sensitive uranium enrichment activity and open up fully to U.N. nuclear inspections.

If there ever was a legitimate reason to walk away from the United Nations club and form a ‘new world order,’ this is it.

Seems that limiting alternatives, like the Russia and China are doing, is their game. When the alternatives are limited, if tougher sanctions are off the table, the choice then becomes to let Iran develop a nuclear arsenal or go the military route, including a blockade. Whatever other sanctions could be imposed would be ameliorated by Russia and China.

It is diplomatic propaganda for Russia to characterize sanctions by the United States and the European Union and ‘other western nations’ as being unilateral if it does not include the United Nations. Clearly, they hang their hat on their puppet called the United Nations.

It’s crunch time for President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Their choices couldn’t be more clear. Does the United States stand with the EU and like-minded allies or will we find a face-saving way to leave the EU and the Middle East at risk and back down? I guess we will soon see exactly what Barack and Hillary mean when they speak of improving our image around the world.

Watch for yet another apology tour, while China and Russia are ROTFL.

Link: Russia warns U.S. against unilateral Iran sanctions – Yahoo! News.

Capitalism Pays For Socialism

What is happening to Greece, and soon to Spain, Portugal, and Italy is a snapshot of what we can look forward to right here in the United States unless we reverse the course of big government and expanded government control of our lives, higher taxes, and deficit spending amounting to generational theft, like the Obama administration has already done. And they have only just begun.  The picture painted in this post, The State of the Welfare State, demonstrates how socialism with all its good intentions is not sustainable.

Now Greece, with a total population roughly equal to the combined populations of New York City and Chicago, is looking for $146.2 billion for a bailout. The fact is, no amount of money will bail out Greece. Not unless and until Greece dismantles the socialist utopia it has built for itself.

Their utopia is currently running a national debt that is 115% of GDP, and is expected to rise to 149% of GDP by 2013. {actual for 2013 is 156.9% of GDP} By any measure, that is what bankrupt is. Pretty impressive debt, especially when you consider that Greece, like all of the EU, has a value added tax (VAT) in addition to all their other taxes.

Most European countries today operate under economic and labor policies crafted during the height of the post-war baby boom, featuring middle-class entitlements like generous pension systems that allow early retirement, liberal disability programs that exempt many laborers from work, and extended unemployment systems that make going on the dole and staying there easier than in the U.S.. Europeans designed these policies in an era when there were, in many European minds, too many people competing for jobs and a bulging work population to support those who were retired or on disability.

Now, this house of cards is falling down. The demographics are nothing today like they were 60 or 70 years ago. Now, not only are there less people working, but there are more people on the government dole collecting retirement pensions. Europe has their own baby boomers.  Governments, like Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal, have no money to sustain this welfare state and they and other countries face riots in the streets at the very thought of trying to reform (take away) the unsustainable benefits they have put in place.

So where are we today? Hopefully, we a learning the lesson that the socialist economic system is not sustainable. Like Margaret Thatcher said, ‘the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money.’ Their socio-economic models need to change to a market driven capitalistic model. Much like the one President Obama is trying to dismantle.

By trying to be more like Europe, actually way worse than Europe, he is heading the country southbound in the northbound lane. And is taking advice from people telling him to ‘speed up,’ instead of ‘turn around.’

And before too long, this great country will be in the same shape as Greece, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, and the rest of them.

Link: Eurozone approves massive Greece bail-out

Still An Issue Of Trust For Obama Administration

Now that the dust from the terrorist car bombing attack in Manhattan has settled, and the oil spill talking points are down, all while the flooding in Tennessee is being ignored, what else has the media not been telling you about when it comes to the Obama administration?

Having removed all possibilities offered by giving the benefit of doubt to President Obama, let’s examine the actions of the community organizer-turned Commander in Chief since last month. Time has come to hold him accountable for the disparity between his words and his deeds.

Missed from the news pages and the evening ‘news’ was this little ditty.Our honest leadership and open government at work.

The economic report released last week by Health and Human Services, which indicated that President Barack Obama’s health care “reform” law would actually increase the cost of health care and impose higher costs on consumers, had been submitted to the office of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius more than a week before the Congressional votes on the bill, according to career HHS sources, who added that Sebelius’s staff refused to review the document before the vote was taken.

“The reason we were given was that they did not want to influence the vote,” says an HHS source. “

Which is actually the point of having a review like this.To put it another way, telling Americans and Congress the truth would be contrary to President Obama’s agenda. So the truth loses.

And today the Congressional Budget Office says President Barack Obama’s new health care law could potentially add at least $115 billion more to government health care spending over the next 10 years.

Long before the so-called health reform bill was voted on, I was willing to accept that Obama was just wrong in his assertion that his bill would reduce costs. I was even willing to believe him (well, not really) when he said that he wouldn’t sign a bill that wouldn’t reduce cost and increase care. But when put to the wall, this administration is all about the means justifying the end. Truth, openness, and accountability was the smokescreen used to usurp nearly 20 percent of the private sector economy and the health care decisions of all Americans, whether they like it or not.

We now know that none of what the President promised will happen. Ditto with the so-called ‘stimulus’ package of out-of-sight deficit spending keeping unemployment below eight percent. If the President was an honest man, he would hold a news conference and admit his ‘mistake’ and call for the revocation of The Affordable Care Act and hold true to his word that no bill of that magnitude will ever again pass on a simple majority, bribery notwithstanding.

Then there is the divider-in-chief’s comments on the new law in Arizona that gives state and local police the same powers of the federal government when it comes enforcing the law as relates to border crashers, aka illegal aliens.

Anyone who characterizes the Arizona law as an immigration law is mis-characterizing it. The federal government has immigration laws that cover how people immigrate to the United States legally. Arizona has given State authorities the same tools to identify those in the country illegally as those used by the federal government. Their law has nothing to do with immigration laws.

It was in late April at a campaign-style event in Iowa when Obama said, “Now, suddenly, if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you’re going to get harassed.” That simply and factually is not true. It is a deliberate prevarication of the facts, or more simply, a lie. Standard practice for a community organizer who looks at illegal aliens as undocumented democrats. But deplorable practice for the President of the United States.

The Arizona law prohibits profiling to ascertain citizenship, same as the federal law prohibits profiling. What the President knows, and is deliberately misleading to inflame emotions in the Latino community, is that (like the federal law) any interrogation such as asking for identification may only come AFTER a lawful contact with a person such as being stopped in the commission of a crime, a traffic stop, or some other reason that an officer may lawfully come in contact with an individual. It may not happen solely on the color of their skin.

And where is the President when it comes to responding to Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon who said . . .

Criminalizing immigration, which is a social and economic phenomena, this way opens the door to intolerance, hate, and discrimination.” Calderon told a meeting with Mexican immigrant groups.

“My government cannot and will not remain indifferent when these kinds of policies go against human rights,” Calderon said, adding that he would bring up the new law when he meets with Obama next month during an official visit to Washington.

Like his predecessor Vicente Fox, Calderon often refers to illegal aliens who are Mexicans as a migration phenomenon. Breaking U.S. immigration laws is not a human right Mr. Calderon. Something else to ponder President Calderon, people immigrate, animals migrate.

I have no problem with people who want to come to America to live and prosper, when done legally. And if steps are not taken now to insure that America remains American, then I apologize to our future generations for the chaos they’ll be going through. There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.


Cape Wind, Nation’s First Wind Energy Project

After only 10 years (only?) of obstructing from politically connected democrats in the State of Massachusetts like the Kennedys past and present, the Cape Wind project met its last hurdle when on April 28, 2010, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced his approval of Cape Wind with a favorable Record of Decision for the project to be constructed on Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound off the coast of Massachusetts.

This marks not only a first for wind energy in the United States, but real progress in green energy and green energy jobs. The project’s approval also means a boost for Pensacola’s GE who will be manufacturing hundreds of turbine generators for Cape Wind.

Link: CAPE WIND APPROVED by Federal Government as America’s First Offshore Wind Farm; Project will Add Clean Energy Jobs for RegionWind Energy? N.I.M.B.Y.

Times Square Car Bomber

Like the Christmas day airline bomber, we have another successful attack and unsuccessful detonation.  Counting the shootings at an Army recruiting office, the Ft. Hood shootings, and the Christmas Day airline bomber, we now have 4 successful attacks on our homeland in the last 12 months. Lucky for us, two bombs failed to detonate.

Screen capture from a Times Square web cam below. The suspect vehicle is the black SUV at the bottom of the picture.

Illustrating the level of denial of the war on terror and just who the enemy is, and/or the extent to which some in the administration and progressives are quick to seek political advantage at the expense of Americans in Times Square by positing the notion that the perpetrator was likely a tea party person or some right winger who doesn’t like Obamacare.

According to Bloomberg . . .

“If I had to guess 25 cents, this would be exactly that: homegrown, or maybe a mentally deranged person, or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything,” Bloomberg told Couric. “There is no evidence here of a conspiracy, there is no evidence that it’s tied into anything else. It looks like an amateurish job done by at least one person,” he said.

And just to make you feel safe,   Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary — described it as a “one-off” saying ‘there was no evidence of a continued threat to the city.’  That’s good news. What? Did bin Ladin and alQaeda give up? New Yorkers no longer have to worry about another attack?

What are your anonymous thoughts? Here’s a totally politically incorrect poll. On this poll you can check more than one box.  May want to keep it handy the next time we are attacked.

[polldaddy poll=3141328]

Know Your Florida Gubernatorial Candidates

Florida governor candidates compared in black and white


Miami, FL April 21 – Noted economist and Democratic Independent gubernatorial candidate Farid Khavari today challenged voters to think about their own futures and the future of Florida. “People should vote in their own interests, not for candidates who represent special interests,” said Khavari. “It’s not complicated, but this year, with over a million Floridians unemployed, and over 800,000 foreclosures in Florida, our choice of governor is a more important decision than ever.”

Khavari offered a simple comparison:


Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D. is a respected economist and author of nine books, including Environomics. His Economic Plan for Florida is at www.khavariforgovernor.com.

Khavari Brings Message To Gulf Breeze Democrats

On Saturday April 17th, Dr. Farid Khavari, Democratic candidate for Governor of the State of Florida, brought his message to the Fourth Annual Luau Gala in Gulf Breeze presented by the Santa Rosa County Democrats.

There were about 50-60 people there who took in some Hawaiian music and dance, some good BBQ from Billy Bob’s, and the reason they all came, to hear from the candidates.

The lack of any local news media was disappointing. What you don’t know can hurt you. The print and broadcast media did you no public service in this vital election cycle by not telling you about the candidates that came to speak. They ranged from local school board, U.S. House and Senate seats, and Florida Governor.

But there is a bigger problem with the Democratic Party of Florida that spells bad news for Floridians. Which is, they have already given millions of campaign cash to their anointed candidate, Alex Sink, before the primary process is over. The party leadership and the Sink campaign are not interested in the Democratic process. They made up their minds on who they want to see in Tallahassee months ago. Additionally, they run from any opportunity to sponsor a debate between the two top and credible Democratic candidates, Sink and Khavari. In fact, they won’t have them in the same room together. Don’t forfeit your right to an open and fair primary process. Tell party Chair Karen Thurman and Executive Director Scott Arceneaux that you want a public debate between Alex Sink and Farid Khavari. Floridians have a right to know just who has a plan for them, and who has smoke and mirrors.  Their phone and FAX numbers are Phone:850.222.3411, Fax: 850.222.0916

Besides having a real economic plan for Florida to stimulate the economy and create jobs without deficit spending, something the others do not have, Khavari demonstrated how his message appeals to all Floridians; Democrat, Republican, and Others. His policies are more about helping Floridians instead of special interests. He does bring people together for the good of the State of Florida, breaking through the political party walls that we’ve become used to, if not tired of.

He recounted his appearance at an April 15th Tea Party in Punta Gorda, FL as an invited speaker. First of all, how many Democrat candidates have you ever seen speaking to an audience of Tea Partiers? What is different about Khavari, aside from his message, is that the courage it takes to speak at a Tea Party comes from the strength of his conviction that his platform is for all Floridians, not just Democrats or Republicans, and his concern for the people of the State of Florida.  Khavari said “First, it was very hostile, but later I was very welcome after I spoke.”

This video needs a disclaimer. It is my first one and I see it begs for the use of a tripod. OK, next time.

Related links: Dr. Farid KhavariKhavari for Governor

There's A Lot To Be Thankful For

The community organizer-turned-President of the United States took another opportunity to show his arrogance toward Americans that don’t appreciate all that he has done to the country.

Speaking at a DNC fundraiser in Miami Thursday night, the President said . . .

“In all, we passed 25 different tax cuts last year. And one thing we haven’t done is raise income taxes on families making less than $250,000 a year — another promise that we kept,” he told supporters at the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. “So I’ve been a little amused over the last couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes. You would think they would be saying thank you.”

Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh took him up on his suggestion, thanking him for a number of accomplishments.

Khavari Reacts To Crist SB-6 Veto

Khavari congratulates Crist on SB-6 veto

Miami, FL April 15 – Noted economist and Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate today congratulated Florida Governor Charlie Crist on his veto of SB-6.

“I know it was a tough decision,” Khavari said, “and I am pleased that Governor Crist did the right thing, despite heavy pressure from Republicans in the Legislature. I am speaking as a parent and an American, not as a Democrat or Republican.”

Referring to the controversial bill, Khavari added, “SB-6 was tossed together and passed in the dead of night. It was political posturing rather than a constructive change. We all agree that teacher evaluation is an important component of improving education, but it is not the whole answer.

“We need more input from teachers and less input from legislators if we are going to find the right solution. We also need to evaluate student performance in terms of the home environment and parental involvement.  Where student performance is worse, we need better, more motivated teachers. Let’s look for carrots rather than sticks.”

Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D. is a respected economist and author of nine books, including Environomics. His Economic Plan for Florida is at www.khavariforgovernor.com.