Tag Archives: Politics

Where’s The Curiosity?

“Funny . . . That we are learning more about Christine O’Donnell and her college years, her teenage years, her financial dealings than anybody ever even bothered to ask about Barack Hussein Obama as a candidate and now as our president.”  So true Sara Palin.

Double standard? Na. Where the legacy media is concerned, it’s S.O.P.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It doesn’t matter whether O’Donnell knew someone who practiced witchcraft or if she did it herself sometime. Same as it doesn’t matter whether Obama is a muslim or a witch himself. I’d defend both of them for their right to do it.

Related links: Palin: Why No Probe of Barack ‘Hussein’ Obama?.  |  Media Focuses On Obama’s Religion, Disappointing

Privatizing Citizens Is Wrong

Let Floridians save 30% while the state earns billions!

Rick Scott’s proposal to privatize Citizens Property Insurance Corp. is simply a bad idea. It would guarantee increased rates. There is a much better way to fix Citizens. Citizens is a mess with potentially huge exposure. That can be remedied, with 30% savings for all Floridians while the state treasury can earn billions per year. You don’t need to be an economist to understand this. It is just common sense.

Citizens is in trouble because it guarantees private insurers’ profits, and foists all of the risk onto Florida taxpayers. This is an obvious recipe for disaster. Citizens covers the riskiest 22% of Florida homes, nicely protecting the private insurers at our expense. Private insurers exploit Floridians worse each year. State Farm raised rates 14.7% and dumped another 125,000 policyholders this year. Was there a hurricane I missed?

Citizens should offer all homeowners in Florida coverage identical to what they have now from private insurers, at a 30% discount. Just bring your policy to an agent and save 30% by switching to Citizens.

Adding the “safest” 78% of Florida homes to risk pool would dilute Citizens’ risk to the lowest in the nation. Then Citizens could reduce rates by 30% to its existing customers, too. Even the worst hurricanes affect only a small percentage of Florida’s 8 million homes.

Six million new customers, saving only $500 per year, is $3 billion per year. That would generate at least $25 billion per year of economic activity in Florida, creating 30,000 jobs. The state could earn $5 billion per year in profit. Citizens would no longer be just the largest property insurer in Florida, but the safest and most profitable in America.

$25 billion in economic activity this year will make $50 billion next year, and another 30,000 jobs. And so on.

No need to argue about “socialism.” The state is already in the insurance business, with no realistic way out. The question is, shall we make some money at it and save Floridians billions per year? Or encourage more private insurers to suck even more blood out of our families and our state’s economy?

When everyone works for the state, we call it socialism. What do we call it when the state works for everyone? Common sense.


Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D.

Economist and Candidate for Florida Governor (Independent, 2010)

The Gamblers; Crist, Sink, And McCollum

It may be a difficult read, but if you really want to know who is responsible for losing billions of dollars of Florida’s pension funds, you must read this. Next thing is, don’t reward them with your vote.

For governor of the State of Florida, stick with Dr. Farid Khavari. An economist who not only knows better on how to manage resources, but he is the only one with a sound economic plan to put Florida back on the path to prosperity and to replace the money lost by Sink, McCollum, and Crist.

Related Links: Risk won; taxpayers lost – St. Petersburg TimesKhavari for Governor

Texas Takes EPA To Court

In an attempt to push back the EPA and the federal government from over-reaching and over-reacting to the whole man-made global warming scam, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott says the rules are illegal and if imposed, will cost Texans in higher energy costs and tens of thousands of lost jobs.

The suit claims four new regulations imposed by the EPA are based on the ‘thoroughly discredited’ findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and are ‘factually flawed.’ Like this one . . .

One of the rules imposed by the EPA would extend clean air regulations to the tailpipes of personal cars and trucks, but Abbott says the pollutants which the EPA aims to restrict by this rule aren’t even found in internal combustion vehicles.

Link: News Radio 1200 WOAI San Antonio Texas.

Hugo Chavez Breaks Campaign Rules

It’s election season in Venezuela too! Legislative elections are being held on September 26, 2010, and Hugh Chavez (the hemisphere’s idiot) is only allowing candidates he likes to use the country’s media outlets for campaign ads. The ones he does not like are left out. He is breaking the campaign laws in Venezuela but Chavez isn’t worried one bit about that. Because, he says, ‘I’m a political leader.’ He does what he feels necessary to shape the political landscape to suit his socialist agenda for Venezuela.

An electoral official accused President Hugo Chavez and his allies of breaking campaign laws by using state-run media to berate rivals and praise friends ahead of this month’s legislative elections.

Vicente Diaz, one of the National Election Council’s five directors, said Chavez is violating legislation prohibiting elected officials from using their posts to promote candidacies. Chavez has ignored the law, which also bans the use of state media and public funds for campaigning.

Opposition independent candidate for the National Assembly of Venezuela, Maria Corina Machado said . . .

While we are visiting voters, going from house to house, the ruling party’s campaign is imposed through televised speeches.

It’s enough to make President Obama’s inner circle jealous. It is also interesting to note how many of the mainstream media outlets in this country no longer have the links active. One would expect that for a President to break the law to control the media message to influence election results would be of interest and at least be on the front page. Wouldn’t you? Have you even heard about this?

Related link: Joseph Kennedy, Meet Maria Corina Machado

It’s Obama’s Tax Increase, Not Obama’s Tax Cuts

In a typical yet clever way to halt his falling popularity, the Obama administration is framing the current tax debate from the Bush tax cuts to Obama’s tax cuts.  The reality is, the only tax issues on the table right now are tax increases ‘for the rich.’

A non-revisionist history lesson will show that the current tax rates are what they are right now after having been cut for all Americans by the previous administration.  That is why President Obama wants to keep the lower tax rates the same, and call them tax cuts, and raise the higher tax brackets on ‘the rich,’ making them pay (according to the Dear Leader) ‘their fair share.’ Committing class warfare and wealth envy is what community organizers do.

The last time I checked, poor people typically don’t hire the unemployed. And increasing taxes on the people who do, and expecting that to generate private-sector jobs, is what economic ignoramuses do.

Hearings On Obamacare Begin Tomorrow

Hearings on the State of Florida (and dozens of others) v United States begin tomorrow at U.S. District Court in Pensacola, Florida. The state is challenging the health care legislation on several angles, not the least of which is that the Federal Government can not force citizens to buy health insurance or a certain kind of health insurance if they don’t want to.

Recovery Winter?

‘Recovery summer’ was a bust. Obama has moved the deck chairs around and replaced Christina Romer as the head of his Council of Economic Advisers with yet another university professor with zero real-world business experience, Austan Goolsbee.

It doesn’t take a professor of economics to see that the jobless rate is likely to remain high. Unless Obama’s economic policies take a 180, high unemployment will be the new norm.

Link: Obama adviser: Jobless rate likely to remain high – Washington Times.

One Thing That’s Up, Poverty

The number of people in the U.S. who are in poverty is on track for a record increase on President Barack Obama’s watch, with the ranks of working-age poor approaching 1960s levels that led to the national war on poverty.
But here’s the good part. The sympathetic media calls it ‘unfortunate.’

It’s unfortunate timing for Obama and his party just seven weeks before important elections when control of Congress is at stake.

Unfortunate timing for Obama? Is that the news analysis? Screw the folks, their readers, I guess.

But rest assured that Obama will not rest until everyone that wants a job has one.

Link: Record gains for U.S. poverty