Tag Archives: Politics

We’re All Bigots Now

Republicans added two magnificent new black faces to the Congress with Allen West in Florida, who beat sore loser Ron Klein 54.3 percent to 45.7 percent (with 97 percent counted, Klein wouldn’t concede), and Tim Scott in South Carolina, who crushed Democrat Ben Frasier, 65-29.

Republicans also launched two new Hispanic stars this election: Sen.-elect Marco Rubio from Florida and the new governor of New Mexico, Susanna Martinez. And we got a bonus Sikh — Nikki Haley, the new governor of South Carolina. MSNBC is still searching for the “Republicans are racist” angle in all of this.

Read all of Ann Coulter’s article here.

Get Ready For Inflation, And Then Some

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake said he will ‘help’ the economy again by buying down our unsustainable debt by $600 Billion. He says the Fed will buy bonds to do it. OK fine. Except for the fact that they will be printing money to pay for it. That is called monetizing the debt. Something that Bernake said he would not do. There’s a nifty word for it. They call it Quantitative Easing.

For the Fed, it grows on trees.

The result of crushing debt will cause one of two things to happen. Declare bankruptcy and start over. A move that would have worked and would have been a lot cheaper if the banks, Freddie, and Fanny were allowed to do it a couple of years ago. But now, the Obama administration and Congress has increased the debt to the point that our country and foreign countries are affected, not just companies. Foreign countries would have a meltdown if we were to declare bankruptcy. OK, maybe that should still be on the table. That will teach them to believe our leaders in Washington. I mean, if China said two years ago, “no, we’re not buying your debt any more. You need to live within your means,”  we wouldn’t be looking at hyper-inflation being just around the corner.

The other option is to just print more money. What Bernake did today. Gee, all that will do will cause your savings, earnings, and investments to shrink to levels that would mean you can forget about retiring. You’ll have to work until you die, because a dollar will be worth less than a quarter, if we’re lucky. And, our debt that China, Russia, and other countries are holding will be just as worthless. And Obama just doesn’t understand why companies aren’t hiring? Maybe it’s because the need to survive is taking priority right now.

Why is all this happening? Because we have economic imbeciles in Washington that think you can put a fire out by putting gasoline on it. Some of them got thrown out yesterday. But there is still a lot of unfinished business there.

Links: Ben Bernake: Impeach Me – I’m A Damned Liar in [Market-Ticker] | Fed will spend $600B in latest bid to help economy

Election Is Over, You’re All On Probation

The people have spoken. Republicans regained majority control of the House. Question for President Obama is two-fold. Have you heard the voice of the American People? Will you listen to them?

This mid-term was a dramatic shift in power from one party to the other. But it was not a Republican victory as much as it was a victory for conservative principles. Over the last 12 months and culminating tonight, we have witnessed the ascension of conservatism in America, caused mainly by the direction that President Obama is leading us. Republicans are on notice, just as much if not more than Democrats, to get back to basics as described by the tea party movement.

Starting today, Republicans and Democrats are on probation. It’s not just the spending and debt issues that have brought the economy to its knees, but the role of the federal government that threaten to bring the American people to their knees. The message to Washington is to fix it or pay the price in 2012.

Related link: What A Conservative Is

In Denial, The Excuses Begin

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed (Fast Eddie) Rendell (also former DNC chairman) is but the first today to offer an explanation for the anticipated Democratic losses in today’s mid-term election. No doubt others will follow.

His excuse is typically nuanced. A new take on ‘we just didn’t get the message out.’ Rendell says their message was blurred. ‘We’ve got to learn to explain and communicate what we’ve done a lot more clearly,’ he said. Acknowledging the Obama effect on the anticipated poor results, Rendell also said ‘expectations were unreasonably high’ for Barack Obama when he took the presidency. Do ya think? That’s code for, this is what you get when you run on smoke like hope and change and have the media pumping you up to be America’s Messiah. The empty suit has fallen to the floor.

No Eddie, it’s not because your message was not clear. It is because the folks don’t like the message they hear or the policies they see. In living color Eddie, here’s why.

And from the Huffington/KOS/Ring of Fire crowd, we’ll know doubt hear that it’s because Obama is black.

Link: Pa. Gov. Rendell: Democratic message was blurred

Tomorrow Is Election Day, And Freedom Day

Tomorrow is Election Day. Before you head to the polling place, take a moment to remember March 21st, when the Pelosi Congress cast its vote for Obamacare. The enduring image of that day is one of Congressional Democrats arrogantly dismissing the pleas of thousands of Americans gathered outside the Capitol Building begging them not to inflict this disastrous bill on us.

In the end this bill wasn’t about health care reform; it was about control and government mandates and fines for not purchasing a government-approved insurance plan. The bill jeopardizes the very thing it was supposed to reform. Every day we hear about doctors leaving the Medicare system; increased premiums with talk of price controls; rationing becoming standard practice; and panels of faceless bureaucrats deciding which categories of treatment are worthy of funding based on efficiency calculations (which I called a “death panel”).

Continue reading Tomorrow Is Election Day, And Freedom Day

aSide Order

Candidate for Governor of Florida Alex Sink, caught here breaking the very rules that the person sending the text message on her Blackberry had proposed.

She promised an ethical administration, and promptly fired the guy on the other end of the Blackberry. To keep her promise, seems like there’s only one more person to fire.

But let’s be positive. Vote for Farid Khavari for Governor of the State of Florida. No BS, now kowtoing to political party machines. Just sound solutions.

Why the tea party movement? And why now?

Honoring our fallen veterans every summer evening for the last 38 years. A touching tradition at Cape May Point, New Jersey.

Pensacola News Journal Pulls Political Opinion Piece

The article by columnist Mark O’Brien entitled Hayward is a candidate of hype was pulled from the PNJ website late yesterday. It no doubt had something to do with a barrage of hate-mail from Hayward supporters, or the fact that Hayward was the newspaper’s endorsed candidate, or that one of the papers’ major advertisers is a contributor to the Hayward campaign. Or all three.

From memory now, since I didn’t save a copy, O’Brien wrote an opinion piece on Hayward that was less than flattering but all based on substantiated fact. Including his receiving campaign contributions from the Levin Papantonio law firm and their involvement in the BP lawsuit, and subsequent comments made by Hayward on the campaign trail. Not mentioned in that article, is Papantonio’s participation in a class action suit against BP. At any rate, aside from a columnist, O’Brien is also an opinion writer. Much the same as Juan Williams does, or did, double duty as a reporter, columnist, and opinion commentator for NPR and FOX News. O’Brien does both opinion and reporting functions.

The pulling of this piece from their website without comment shows the priorities are less about journalistic integrity than political and financial expediency. It’s no secret that the Levin Papantonio law firm is a big advertiser in the paper. It takes a willing suspension of disbelief to think that that was not part, if not all, of  Executive Editor Richard Schneider’s motivation.

Seems like only a couple days ago that the subject of journalistic ethics and objectivity came up. At issue there was who was paying the bills for the reporter. This brings a new twist to the topic which is, who is paying the bills for the paper?

Former link location: Hayward is a candidate of hype

Update Nov 1, 2010: Correction in today’s PNJ.

In Sunday’s column, Mark O’Brien erroneously stated that mayoral candidate Ashton Hayward III had urged the Pensacola City Council to hire the Levin Papantonio law firm to pursue possible legal action against BP for the April 20 oil spill.

Hayward did not specify any law firm when he urged the City Council to consider legal action.

Apparently everything else in the article was correct.  If you entertain conspiracies of coincidence, Johnson provided Hayward the cover that he needed. Both he and the candidate are allied to the law firm that was hired. Whether by contributions or the Emerald Coastkeepers club, the end result is the same. LP is on the case.

At least the paper did not attempt to deny the genesis of the article, that ‘Hayward is a candidate of hype.’

Obama On GM, More Words, Just Words

Harken back sixteen months ago when President Obama said this, ‘What I have no interest in doing is running GM,’ concerning the GM bailout and government ownership of 60% of the company.

Enter a little no spin zone with this little ditty from Reuters . . .

The Obama administration and GM executives say the White House has stayed good to its pledge to refrain from meddling in the day-to-day management of this 102-year-old industrial enterprise . . .

OK, that is if you don’t count the administration putting their own people on the Board of Directors, closing product lines, closing dealerships, and telling them what kind of car to make.

Now with an impending IPO of the new and improved BM (Barack Motors), or for the record, GM, we find that it is still the administration calling the shots.

Don’t you know the M.O. by now? We’re supposed to pay attention to what Obama says instead of what he does. He is counting on the dumb masses never finding out that he is an empty suit filled with Karl Marx stuffing.

Link: Special Report: For GM IPO, the government is back-seat driver | Reuters.

Khavari’s Common Sense Alternative For Florida

Florida gubernatorial candidate Khavari calls for nationwide mortgage strike

Miami, FL October 30— Noted economist and independent candidate for Florida governor on Tuesday’s ballot today called for all Americans to withhold their mortgage payments to apply pressure to banks.

“Foreclosures are rampant and there is no end in sight as long as unemployment is high. And there is no reason to expect unemployment to do anything but get worse,” said Khavari. “My economic plan for Florida will generate a million jobs in 4 years, but foreclosures will continue to rise unless we do something now.

“The banks brought us the housing bubble. They drove up home prices and wrote millions of stupid loans. Then they bet on the loans failing, using credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations.

They won the bets and collected their money, so why are they crying? Meanwhile, they have raised interest rates, cut credit lines, and lowered almost everyone’s credit score, including the majority of people who never missed a payment,” Khavari said. “This has brought our economy to a standstill.

“Until we clear up the foreclosure crisis, the economy can’t move forward. And the banks are doing nothing but making it worse. They collect on their bets, then grab the homes and put families in the street using bogus documents. Then they sit on the houses because they don’t want to admit they are worth less than their books show.

“Every family in America lost out, but we bailed out the biggest insurance company and the biggest banks in America, and their employees collected billions in bonuses. And what have they done since but destroy our economy? The banks need a wake-up call, like a two-by-four upside their heads,” Khavari said.

“If every American family would withhold their mortgage payments, and save that money in a bank other than where they have their mortgage, we could get the banks back to come clean, or else get rid of them forever. Specifically, we must withhold payments until every bank does the following:

“First, issue a statement showing their total mortgage activity since 2006, and a summary of all the derivatives they speculated in, all the CDO’s and credit default swaps.

“Second, every homeowner must be informed of what the bank did with their mortgage, including packaging it, slicing and dicing it into so-called securities—and exactly how many derivative bets the bank made on that very mortgage. We’ll see how much the banks stand to collect—and from whom– when you don’t pay the mortgage.

“Third, every homeowner must be informed exactly where their original mortgage note is, who owns it now, and how they can see it if they wish to.

“Fourth, the bank must negotiate in good faith to reduce the principle balance according to the new market reality, which was brought about by the banks in the first place.

“Fifth, the banks must refinance at 2% fixed rates for 15 years based on current market value.

“Sixth, the banks must inform each customer how much money they donated for the past five years to every political party, lobbying organization or political fund of any kind.”

“The alternative,” said Khavari, “is for us to create the Bank of the State of Florida, which can just buy all the houses from the banks at the current market value, say 50% of the original value, and issue the 2% 15-year mortgages ourselves, while leaving the families in their homes. We have already shown that this could earn billions per year for the state of Florida while saving Floridians 50% to 75% of the long-term cost of owning a home.

“This will create a thousand times more jobs than any stimulus plan or tax cut. It would stabilize our housing market at prices that are fair to buyers and to builders. And our kids will be able to afford homes, too.

“Already foreclosure affects over one out of seven homes in Florida. If we wait to act until it is one out of five, it will be the end of our economy. Many people think this does not affect them. They pay their mortgage, they have a job, and life goes on. Well, just as a rising economic tide floats all boats, an economic tidal wave drowns everyone, rich and poor alike.

“The banks have abused their power to create money out of thin air and charge interest for it. Just when the economy needs consumer demand and spending, they raised credit card rates to 30% and raised the minimum payments, just to be sure that there is no available cash to spend on anything but paying the banks. Their time is over. A state bank could earn countless billions issuing 6% credit cards, and there is no reason the commercial banks can’t do that, too—except for simple greed.”

Khavari’s plan for a bank owned by all the people of Florida has received national acclaim and has since been adopted by gubernatorial candidates of at least three parties in seven states, and several similar proposals are pending in state legislatures across America. His job creation plan is based on organizing demand, rather than tax cuts.

“On Tuesday, Floridians have an opportunity to choose a governor who will fix our economy. I am the only candidate with a real economic plan. I am an economist, not a politician. We are in this mess because the banks and insurance companies have bought the political parties and call the tune for the politicians. More people than ever are voting against big party politics. This is a good year for independents and can be a great year for Florida,” Khavari said. “Be sure to vote!”

Farid Khavari, Ph.D., is a respected economist and author of nine books, including Environomics. His economic plan is detailed at www.khavariforgovernor.com. He is on the Florida ballot as an NPA (no party affiliation) candidate for governor.

Hang Tough, Campaign Noise On The Rise

In the closing days of the mid-term elections (and for weeks preceding) there will be no discussion on the issues that Americans care about. Nothing of substance from Democrats, the legacy media, and other supporters of the Left.

Bereft of anything positive to run on, what you will hear instead is she’s a bitch, a witch, and a whore. Have you noticed the vile attacks on conservative women lately? Well, I take that back. Have you noticed the attacks on conservative women since Sarah Palin in the 2008 presidential campaign?

Then there’s Obama himself explaining that half the country is just too scared to see what a great president he is. What? They have a reason to be scared, but their solution is based solidly on the fact that they don’t like where Obama is taking this country. And Obama isn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer.

Then there’s the race card being played by the race-baiter in chief, our President, the post racial President by the way, telling his political adversaries to get in the back of the proverbial bus in using his lame metaphor of a car that he’s been driving for the last 22 months. That Democrats are playing the race card during an election is not new. It’s on page one of their play book. But for the President of the United States to do it is quite another thing.

And what’s the media’s take on all this? The answer lies in all the stories about the policy differences. Nancy Pelosi, we will not increase the debt. The lies Obama told us when he was selling Obamacare, then shoved it down America’s throat.  You can keep your doctor, your policy, your costs will go down. Any of that true? All that while creating jobs was his top priority.

Now there are reports of voter fraud coming from all over the place. Oh how well he trained ACORN back in the 90’s.

No, there will be no useful discussion about why you should vote for anybody. Right now the country is focused on stopping Obama from transforming America in the image of Europe. And the Democrats are focused on name calling and dividing us on racial lines. The media doesn’t see that either.

November 2 isn’t the end. November 2 will only be the beginning. So hang tough.