Tag Archives: Politics

Recovery Summer 2.0

Fewest jobs in eight months added. Unemployment goes back up to 9.1 percent.

With a little over a year to go until the next national election cycle is complete, it has become apparent that from an economic standpoint, the SS Liberal has officially run out of steam. Hull weighted down with the barnacles of false promises and rudder crippled by the reckless mismanagement of a spendthrift captain from Chicago, she sits there floundering in a sea of unemployment and malaise not experienced since Jimmy Carter was at the helm.

President Obama is having great success in his mission to fundamentally change America. Change you can step in.

Link: Employers added 54K jobs, rate ticks up to 9.1 pctIt’s Official: The Left Is Out of Ideas

Chris Matthews Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Mitt Romney announced he is running for president in 2012 today. He did it in Stratham, New Hampshire, at the Bittersweet Farm. The same place that Bush ’41 and Bush ’43 made their announcement. Not missing a beat, Chris Matthews, host of Hardball on MSNBC plays the race card.

While watching the clip of Romney’s announcement, Mathews says “look at the diversity in that crowd. They are Lilly white.”

Chris wins the M.R.I.O.T.D. (Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day) award hands down on a twofer. First for even injecting a racial element, and second for the locale of the event. They were in New Hampshire, where blacks represent 1.4 percent of the population.

Moral Double Standard?


About Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) and his alleged picture sharing fiasco, it’s no big deal. Although if he were a Republican, he would have already resigned and not consume the news.

His non-denial denial is laughable. Only thing I can add is that it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.

That, and there must be something wrong with anyone wanting to see that guy below the waist. Well, except to see if there is anything there.


Organized Labor Call To Action

Gov. Rick Scott will be in the neighborhood June 1. And BIG LABOR is trying to rally the climate change and social justice movements in Florida against Scott for not wanting the State of Florida to spend $300 million buying real estate for the Florida Forever program.

Of the $ 615 million vetoed from the$ 69.7 billion Florida budget, almost half of the $ 615 million was to help fund Florida Forever. Scott’s attitude towards working families, students, the unemployed and the working poor reflects in his attitude towards Florida’s pristine ecosystem- he simply has no respect for Florida’s citizens and the environment we live in!

In a broadcast email, Union representative F. Lee Pryor, Mobilization Coordinator for the The NW FL Central Labor Council FL AFL-CIO laments “we see where Scott and company interests lie and that is with big business!”

Odd that labor would not be in favor of an agenda that would focus on cutting deficits and creating jobs. No jobs, no labor. Organized or otherwise.

Pryor also says . . .

It is entirely up to you to show the strength of the working families movement and join with all of our allies in the social justice and climate change justice movements. We need to stand unified against this corporatist attack from Tallahassee politicians disconnected from the everyday lives of working people in the state of Florida. This is the very reason we must do whatever we can do on June 1st to let Rick Scott know that Northwest Florida will not back down!

Typical of liberals. Organizing to try to spend your money (that we don’t have) instead of their own. I have a suggestion to test their mettle in conservation. Use your own money, not that of Florida taxpayers.

Herman Cain, To Skeptics And Critics

Wow! I must be causing some people quite a concern as a candidate for the Republican nomination for president. The establishment skeptics are still stuck in the traditional campaign paradigm of immediate name ID, lots of money, and having held a worthy elective office before. The critics are pounding on what they perceive as my weaknesses. And the Democratic National Committee now has me on its radar and is sharpening its blades for a Cain attack.

No one is more emblematic of the Republican establishment than Karl Rove. He has an unmatched political record from his tenure with former president George W. Bush. I greatly respect and admire what he has accomplished in his career.

But I would suggest that he take a few minutes to review my record as a leader in business and as a problem-solver before he dismisses me as the radio talk show guy from Atlanta with not much to offer as a presidential candidate. Mr. Rove’s perspective also suggests that successful business skills are not applicable to changing the “Titanic” course our federal government is on.

People outside the political establishment are starting to recognize that those business skills are applicable. Maybe that’s why Cain is rising in the polls.

One of my favorite political commentators, Charles Krauthammer of Fox News, described my candidacy as entertainment. I enjoy his perspectives because he is usually very thoughtful and often correct in his analysis. Unfortunately, this time he got it wrong. Some people would describe being able to give an informative and inspiring speech as an asset, especially if one is running for president.

Or maybe Mr. Krauthammer was thinking of the announcement rally we held in Atlanta recently, which attracted over 15,000 enthusiastic supporters. Then again, maybe it’s because we do not have the funds or the fundraising network that the more well-known candidates have. And no, my campaign is not broke, as someone on Chris Wallace’s Fox News staff incorrectly concluded from a dormant PAC account.

My presidential campaign account is called Friends of Herman Cain, just in case Mr. Rove, Mr. Krauthammer and Mr. Wallace would like to make a contribution. I’m not mad! We just have temporary differences of opinions.

And to my critics who are scouting for more of my weaknesses to write about, I will give you three you have not discovered yet. I don’t know everything. I don’t pander to groups.  And I am terrible at political correctness. Like any candidate, I will make some gaffes and stumble in some interviews with the press.

On the other hand, my strengths include identifying problems, properly framing problems, solving problems, surrounding myself with good and great people, and giving those overly inspiring speeches to engage the people in my common sense solutions process. Oh! I also like to smile, laugh and have fun with people. I think people can handle those qualities in a presidential candidate.

Lastly, I’m surprised that the DNC already has me on its political radar screen when not all of the potential candidates have yet to even formally declare their candidacy for the Republican nomination. Maybe the Democrats are taking my candidacy seriously, and if I win the nomination then they will not be laughing.

I realize that the road to the nomination and the White House is long and difficult. I know we will encounter many new challenges along the way, and that many people see my chances as against the odds.

When one considers that I am up against the skeptics, the critics, the establishment, the Democrats, the liberals, gotcha journalism, a liberal-leaning mainstream media, the challenges of raising campaign funds and a host of other candidates seeking the same objectives, my candidacy is against the odds.

But then, that’s been the story of my life and my career.

Maybe my middle name should have been David. He defeated a giant against the odds.

Shock And Awe?

You see the stories every year about the sacrifices our people have made, on our behalf, for serving in the military.

That we owe our very existence to those brave and patriotic men and women is not even debatable. The families they left behind should not be forgotten either.

While you can, please thank those in uniform for what they do on your behalf. Not just today, but every day. Reach your hand out and thank them for their service.

The strain on the families for their loss is one thing. But what about the strain of protracted wars on the families and the soldiers who decide to make military service a career?

Have you noticed that wars nowadays seem to be longer? Casualties are less in numbers than they once were, but the strain of a 10 year (and counting) war on the soldier and their families are nothing short of extraordinary.

We have seen political correctness dictate a lot of how we fight our wars in the last few decades. The only problem is that our enemies don’t share that same mindset. Our enemies today are unaffected by political correctness and, in fact, use it against us to their advantage.

It’s about time we re-evaluate how we conduct a war, once it is obvious we are in one. Fighting wars that seem to never end is not a winning strategy. After ten years in the Afghan/Iraq war, everybody except our enemy is growing weary. That includes our soldiers and their families doing all the heavy lifting.

Perhaps it is time to take another look at how we will fight a war? What I’m suggesting is committing enough assets to obliterate an enemy in short order, no matter which side of whoever’s border they are on. Once the world wakes up to that ‘new world order,’ the world will be a more peaceful place.