Tag Archives: Media

The Real Target In BP Class Action Is . . .

The strategy is starting to dribble in as to the so-called real cause of the Deepwater Horizon oil leak, otherwise known as an oil spill. (I hate it when the language gets abused like that.)

A local (Pensacola FL) environmental group called The Emerald Coastkeepers has taken the lead in keeping locals informed on both the progress and criticism of BP and its efforts to stop the gusher of a leak at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. Chief spokesperson for them is Chasidy Fisher Hobbs who was published in today’s paper as saying . . .

Did you know that BP’s first quarter profits for 2010 were more than $5 billion? Yet, a half-million dollar investment for an acoustic shutoff valve to protect our Gulf was not worth the investment.

In the interest of full disclosure, did you know that the President of Emerald Coastkeepers is mass tort lawyer, left-wing talk radio  co-host, and FOX News contributor representing ‘balance,’ Mike Papantonio? And did you know that the President of the Waterkeeper Alliance is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?  Kennedy also doubles as co-host with Papantonio on the Ring of Fire radio program, formerly associated with Air America Radio. (Air America eventually went bankrupt for the last time after their listener base dwindled to relatives and employees. That, and a lack of sponsors willing to underwrite their efforts.)

Not that there’s anything wrong with any of that in and of itself. But the big omission here, and not just from Chasidy’s article but from the mainstream media overall, is the fact that both Papantonio and Kennedy are on the class action case against BP and have been from day one.

And on day three Papantonio laid out his cards to another lefty talk radio host, Mike Malloy. Papantonio has a much juicier target when it comes to this case. Bankrupting BP is just a distraction for him. He’s after something BP can’t give him, Dick Cheney and the Bush Administration.

Because you know, it’s all their fault. Cheney and Bush developed an energy policy with energy people. (Oh the nerve.) And then they didn’t make an acoustic shutoff valve mandatory, LIKE OTHER COUNTRIES have. And that’s why there’s oil coming out of the ground. It’s all their fault. That was the sum total of his case as he explained it to Malloy and his several listeners.

Papantonio did not say how he could prove that an acoustic shutoff valve would not and could not also fail.

I have my own theory for why we are seeing oil coming into the Gulf a mile deepwater_horizon_rigbelow the surface, and it has nothing to do with Dick Cheney and the Bush administration. It has to do with the Coast Guard pouring water onto the oil rig for three or four days until it sank. It wasn’t until the rig sank that the pipeline broke, putting oil into the Gulf.

It is also a testament to the failure of BP, the EPA, and the MMS, to have a plan B in the event of just such a catastrophe. It also brings to focus the consequences of environmentalists and spineless politicians seeking their favor of pushing oil and gas drilling off of land and shallow waters where it is more readily available, into deeper waters where the risks are greater.

Leaving the fire burn and surrounding the rig with sea booms, and letting smoke get in the air until a ‘fix’ can be made, sounds like a better choice to sinking the rig, putting oil in the water, and moving the workplace a mile under water.

Update 5/24/2010: And for your video amusement, Papantonio: BP – The Very Corrupt Side of Dick Cheney

Republicans, Don’t Count Your Chickens . . .


Republican consultants are doing a wonderful job raising expectations sky-high for the November elections, so that now, even if Republicans do smashingly well, it will look like a defeat (and an across-the-board endorsement of Obama’s agenda). Thanks, Republicans!

That’s what happened in the 1998 congressional elections, nearly foiling Clinton’s impeachment. It’s what happened to the Conservative Party in Britain a week ago. And that’s what happened this week in the 12th Congressional District of Pennsylvania, formerly represented by Rep. John Murtha.

Note to Republicans: Whenever possible, victory parties should be held after the election, not before it.

The result of the election in Murtha’s old district on Tuesday was that the rabidly anti-ObamaCare, pro-life, pro-gun candidate won! Yippee!

But the news on Wednesday morning was that the election “dealt a blow to Republicans,” as The New York Times reported.

The reason the Times’ description was not utter madness (in violation of New York Times’ official policy) is because the anti-ObamaCare, pro-life, pro-gun candidate was a Democrat and, for the past two months, every Republican on TV has been predicting a Republican victory in Murtha’s district.

Thanks to all the happy talk, if the Republican actually had won, it would have been Page 16 news. But when the Democrat won, it seemed like an against-all-odds, come-from-behind Hoosiers victory!

Why were Republicans predicting victory in a district where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-1? Given a choice between two candidates who both hate ObamaCare, why would lifelong Democrats not vote for the Democrat?

Republicans are playing the same raised-expectations game with the November elections. Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner is ludicrously predicting Republicans will pick up 100 seats in the House in November. Newt Gingrich puts the figure at an equally insane (and weirdly precise) 78. He also predicts the Cubs will win 132 games this season and six games will be rained out.

Keep it up, Republicans, and I’m going to keep naming names. I have Nexis.

For more than half a century, the average midterm pickup for the party out of power has been 24 seats.

Your job, Republicans, is not to go on Fox News and whisper sweet nothings in conservatives’ ears. Your job is to repeal the Obama agenda. Raising expectations so high that a 30-seat Republican pickup will seem like a loss is not helping.

Moreover, we’re not going to pick up any seats this November if Republicans keep chumming around with the Democrats’ pals on Wall Street.

Roughly since the Harding administration, Wall Street has overwhelmingly favored Democrats. According to a recent report from ABC News, for example, the five largest hedge funds gave “almost all their donations to Democrats.”

For the past year, the Democrats’ Wall Street BFFs have had lower public approval ratings than Hitler. (When I say “Hitler,” I don’t mean Dick Cheney or George W. Bush; I actually mean Adolf Hitler.) While Hitler continues to enjoy great personal popularity, there is a growing dissatisfaction with his policies.

How could Republicans possibly screw that up? We try harder.

No sooner had the news come out that Goldman Sachs (Joseph Goebbels in this metaphor) had given Obama an astronomical $1 million in campaign donations, than Republican John Boehner decided that this was the time to suck up to Wall Street! So Boehner flew to New York to meet with Wall Street bankers and ask them to be Republicans’ friends.

Boehner is like the guy who just got raped in prison and doesn’t know what happened to him. Hey — what was that? Should I have thanked the guy?

As Pat Caddell says, Democrats are whores, but they expect to be paid; Republicans’ names are scrawled on the bathroom wall: “For a good time, call the GOP!”

As depressing as it is to watch the Republican Party dive headlong off a cliff, at least we have Dick Blumenthal.

Connecticut’s attorney general, pompous, freakishly ambitious, self-righteous, hold-a-press-conference-every-day Blumenthal, was a shoo-in to take Chris Dodd’s Senate seat this fall.

After all, he was a Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star and Purple Heart winner from his days as a four-star general in Vietnam. (And captain of the Harvard swim team to boot!)

But now we find out from a front-page article in The New York Times that, despite Blumenthal’s repeated references to serving “in Vietnam” — he was never in Vietnam. He got five draft deferments and then joined an elite unit of the Marine Reserves to avoid going to war, serving in their heroic “Toys for Tots” brigade.

He also wasn’t on the Harvard swim team. (Oddly enough, though, the story Blumenthal likes to tell about owning a necklace of human ears? That one’s actually true.)

Blumenthal may as well have shown up for a press conference in a dress. Suddenly, Connecticut is in play!

Naturally, therefore, Republicans are planning on running a World Wrestling Entertainment “impresario” against Blumenthal. Yes, in Connecticut … a state that is among the wealthiest and most highly educated in the nation … a state that isn’t Minnesota. The average Nutmegger doesn’t even know what a turnbuckle is, and that includes me.

Republicans could run Rob Simmons, a Connecticut legislator with a distinguished record of service in the House of Representatives, the CIA, and as a Yale political science professor — who actually did serve in Vietnam, winning two Bronze Stars and retiring as a colonel.

But defeat is so close! Republicans can almost taste the bitterness of yet another crushing loss!

The above lovingly snatched from Ann Coulter.com

Gov. Chris Christy, Honest And Refreshing

In case you missed it, this two minute twenty-five second video is the conservative that replaced years of Democrat control and subsequent debt in New Jersey.

And the funny part is the backwash. The Newark Star Ledger is claiming copyrights to this video. Since those where Gov. Christie’s words and not those of the reporter that got an answer he didn’t expect, to claim so just shows how thin-skinned the liberal media is.

Obama’s Supreme Court Pick, Elena Kagan

Is Elena Kagan a good pick for the Supreme Court? She wouldn’t be my pick. My pick would be someone with judicial experience. Someone with experience in interpreting and deciding law. A supreme court nominee should be someone who advocates for the Constitution, not a lawyer whose experience is advocating for a client.

Having absolutely no track record to reference in terms of how she interprets law, we have to know what she thinks about the Constitution and her interpretation of it. Whether she thinks the Constitution is ‘the rule’ or ‘a guideline’ is paramount. And that will open up a lot of questions. Nothing against Elena Kagan, but considering who picked her and the track record of other Obama appointments, chances are that this choice is more political than judicial.

You don’t have to look any further than Eric Holder, Obama’s pick for Attorney General. Like Obama, Holder is in denial over the notion of who the enemy is in the war on terror. So he pics an AG with a career in defending them and who to this day, after halting the military tribunals in order to conduct the trials in the civilian court system, has not decided whether to try the Gitmo terrorists in New York City. Obama’s track record seems just as relevant in this pick as Kagan’s background and understanding of constitutional jurisprudence.

One thing getting buzz is the sexual orientation of Elena Kagan. Does it matter if she is a lesbian? As far as I’m concerned, that’s a non-issue for the position. But she will have to convince the Judiciary Committee and Congress that whatever her feelings are regarding homosexuality, that she will not let those feelings have sway in any decision before the court. Again, considering who picked her and with no judicial experience to examine, she has an uphill battle.

Is Elena Kagan the vehicle to assuage the gay community and to be used as such by the President, as ‘political’ as her pick seems to be? In all fairness and with all due respect to Ms. Kagan, the President should go against his own personal beliefs about the Constitution and pick an experienced jurist who Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WVa) would pick, an originalist.

[polldaddy poll=3212111]

Links: Politico: Elena Kagan’s friends: She’s not gay |  h/t SodaHead

Still An Issue Of Trust For Obama Administration

Now that the dust from the terrorist car bombing attack in Manhattan has settled, and the oil spill talking points are down, all while the flooding in Tennessee is being ignored, what else has the media not been telling you about when it comes to the Obama administration?

Having removed all possibilities offered by giving the benefit of doubt to President Obama, let’s examine the actions of the community organizer-turned Commander in Chief since last month. Time has come to hold him accountable for the disparity between his words and his deeds.

Missed from the news pages and the evening ‘news’ was this little ditty.Our honest leadership and open government at work.

The economic report released last week by Health and Human Services, which indicated that President Barack Obama’s health care “reform” law would actually increase the cost of health care and impose higher costs on consumers, had been submitted to the office of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius more than a week before the Congressional votes on the bill, according to career HHS sources, who added that Sebelius’s staff refused to review the document before the vote was taken.

“The reason we were given was that they did not want to influence the vote,” says an HHS source. “

Which is actually the point of having a review like this.To put it another way, telling Americans and Congress the truth would be contrary to President Obama’s agenda. So the truth loses.

And today the Congressional Budget Office says President Barack Obama’s new health care law could potentially add at least $115 billion more to government health care spending over the next 10 years.

Long before the so-called health reform bill was voted on, I was willing to accept that Obama was just wrong in his assertion that his bill would reduce costs. I was even willing to believe him (well, not really) when he said that he wouldn’t sign a bill that wouldn’t reduce cost and increase care. But when put to the wall, this administration is all about the means justifying the end. Truth, openness, and accountability was the smokescreen used to usurp nearly 20 percent of the private sector economy and the health care decisions of all Americans, whether they like it or not.

We now know that none of what the President promised will happen. Ditto with the so-called ‘stimulus’ package of out-of-sight deficit spending keeping unemployment below eight percent. If the President was an honest man, he would hold a news conference and admit his ‘mistake’ and call for the revocation of The Affordable Care Act and hold true to his word that no bill of that magnitude will ever again pass on a simple majority, bribery notwithstanding.

Then there is the divider-in-chief’s comments on the new law in Arizona that gives state and local police the same powers of the federal government when it comes enforcing the law as relates to border crashers, aka illegal aliens.

Anyone who characterizes the Arizona law as an immigration law is mis-characterizing it. The federal government has immigration laws that cover how people immigrate to the United States legally. Arizona has given State authorities the same tools to identify those in the country illegally as those used by the federal government. Their law has nothing to do with immigration laws.

It was in late April at a campaign-style event in Iowa when Obama said, “Now, suddenly, if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you’re going to get harassed.” That simply and factually is not true. It is a deliberate prevarication of the facts, or more simply, a lie. Standard practice for a community organizer who looks at illegal aliens as undocumented democrats. But deplorable practice for the President of the United States.

The Arizona law prohibits profiling to ascertain citizenship, same as the federal law prohibits profiling. What the President knows, and is deliberately misleading to inflame emotions in the Latino community, is that (like the federal law) any interrogation such as asking for identification may only come AFTER a lawful contact with a person such as being stopped in the commission of a crime, a traffic stop, or some other reason that an officer may lawfully come in contact with an individual. It may not happen solely on the color of their skin.

And where is the President when it comes to responding to Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon who said . . .

Criminalizing immigration, which is a social and economic phenomena, this way opens the door to intolerance, hate, and discrimination.” Calderon told a meeting with Mexican immigrant groups.

“My government cannot and will not remain indifferent when these kinds of policies go against human rights,” Calderon said, adding that he would bring up the new law when he meets with Obama next month during an official visit to Washington.

Like his predecessor Vicente Fox, Calderon often refers to illegal aliens who are Mexicans as a migration phenomenon. Breaking U.S. immigration laws is not a human right Mr. Calderon. Something else to ponder President Calderon, people immigrate, animals migrate.

I have no problem with people who want to come to America to live and prosper, when done legally. And if steps are not taken now to insure that America remains American, then I apologize to our future generations for the chaos they’ll be going through. There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.


Khavari Brings Message To Gulf Breeze Democrats

On Saturday April 17th, Dr. Farid Khavari, Democratic candidate for Governor of the State of Florida, brought his message to the Fourth Annual Luau Gala in Gulf Breeze presented by the Santa Rosa County Democrats.

There were about 50-60 people there who took in some Hawaiian music and dance, some good BBQ from Billy Bob’s, and the reason they all came, to hear from the candidates.

The lack of any local news media was disappointing. What you don’t know can hurt you. The print and broadcast media did you no public service in this vital election cycle by not telling you about the candidates that came to speak. They ranged from local school board, U.S. House and Senate seats, and Florida Governor.

But there is a bigger problem with the Democratic Party of Florida that spells bad news for Floridians. Which is, they have already given millions of campaign cash to their anointed candidate, Alex Sink, before the primary process is over. The party leadership and the Sink campaign are not interested in the Democratic process. They made up their minds on who they want to see in Tallahassee months ago. Additionally, they run from any opportunity to sponsor a debate between the two top and credible Democratic candidates, Sink and Khavari. In fact, they won’t have them in the same room together. Don’t forfeit your right to an open and fair primary process. Tell party Chair Karen Thurman and Executive Director Scott Arceneaux that you want a public debate between Alex Sink and Farid Khavari. Floridians have a right to know just who has a plan for them, and who has smoke and mirrors.  Their phone and FAX numbers are Phone:850.222.3411, Fax: 850.222.0916

Besides having a real economic plan for Florida to stimulate the economy and create jobs without deficit spending, something the others do not have, Khavari demonstrated how his message appeals to all Floridians; Democrat, Republican, and Others. His policies are more about helping Floridians instead of special interests. He does bring people together for the good of the State of Florida, breaking through the political party walls that we’ve become used to, if not tired of.

He recounted his appearance at an April 15th Tea Party in Punta Gorda, FL as an invited speaker. First of all, how many Democrat candidates have you ever seen speaking to an audience of Tea Partiers? What is different about Khavari, aside from his message, is that the courage it takes to speak at a Tea Party comes from the strength of his conviction that his platform is for all Floridians, not just Democrats or Republicans, and his concern for the people of the State of Florida.  Khavari said “First, it was very hostile, but later I was very welcome after I spoke.”

This video needs a disclaimer. It is my first one and I see it begs for the use of a tripod. OK, next time.

Related links: Dr. Farid KhavariKhavari for Governor

Tea Party Media Coverage

This isn’t what you think it is. This isn’t about FOX reporting on the Tea Parties and the rest of the media all but ignoring them. Or when they’re not being ignored, they’re being denigrated and called inflammatory names. That’s too easy.

Tonight I sampled a lefty talk radio host named Mike Malloy to see what he was talking about. A listener, imagine for a moment that these people actually vote, but a listener emailed him to ask why the Tea Party coverage is so out of sync, in their opinion, with other demonstrations and causes.

According to Mike Malloy, it’s because these ‘baggers’ protesting the Obama administration ‘have a potential for extreme violence’ and are all armed and dangerous, and just waiting to blow your head off. That, and they’re all morons. And the protests against Buch/Cheney were all peaceful.  What?

It was harder for me to record this than it will be for you to listen to this three minute extravaganza. But I’m happy to make that sacrifice for you. The sound quality actually matches the content, but it is a little hard to listen to for a number of reasons.

Mike Malloy opines on TV coverage of the Tea Parties.

Next time you hear those on the left accusing people like Rush Limbaugh of perpetrating ‘hate radio,’ think of Mike Malloy. Malloy is more rabid than the Ring of Fire folks, and who ever thought that to be possible?

Khavari Coming To Gulf Breeze Saturday

The details of Khavari’s visit are in this post. You’ll have to ask the Pensacola News Journal why you haven’t heard of him anywhere else locally but here.  Dr. Farid Khavari is a Democrat candidate for Governor of the State of Florida. And he continues to be the only candidate with an economic plan for Florida and Floridians that is proven and in writing. But for more background of who he is, his background, and his platform, please read on.

Khavari seeks Dem nod for governor of Florida

By Grace Nasri, Iran Times, 9 April 2010.

Iranian-American Farid A. Khavari is one of a handful of candidates seeking to become governor of Florida, but first he must pass through the Democratic primary, scheduled for August 24.

Khavari, who was born in Yazd, is an economist, author and small business owner.

The leading candidate on the Republican side is Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, who is running against State Senator Paula Dockery in the Republican Primary.

The Democratic candidates so far include Marc Shepard, a substitute teacher and former aide to State Representative Barry Silver, Alex Sink, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, Joe “T.J” Allen, founder of the International Caribbean Association (ICA), Michael E. Arth, an urban designer and policy analyst and Khavari.

When the Iran Times spoke with Khavari several months ago, he laid out why he felt he was the best candidate for the job. “There are two main competitors: Alex Sink who is the Florida CFO. She has been endorsed by the Democratic Party. The Republican Party has endorsed the former congressman and the present Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum. Both of them are not popular among the average people. Alex Sink is also the former CEO of the Bank of America. I get more support from the grassroots than they get. They are the agents of big businesses and big banks.”

As an economist, the main issues Khavari focuses on include economic security and sustainability and what he calls a green economy. His ideas for change are documented in his nine published books, which include: Oil and Islam – The Ticking Bomb (1990), Environomics – The Economics of Environmentally Safe Prosperity (1993), and Towards a Zero-Cost Economy – A Blueprint to Create General Economic Security in a Carefree Economy (2008).

The Iranian-born candidate gained national attention after he proposed creating a publicly owned bank. Khavari told the Iran Times, “The centerpiece of my economic plan is to create The Bank of the State of Florida. This will power the economy to create full-employment, prosperity and economic security for all Floridians. It will make Florida economically recession-proof.”

According to his plan, the bank would act as a depository for state funds but would also offer loans to Floridians at low interest rates. The plan also would allow the bank to open up frozen credit markets, save homeowners thousands of dollars in payments, produce major revenues for the state, and allow the state’s own debts to be refinanced at much lower rates. Khavari believes these benefits are possible because of the “fractional reserve” banking system used by all American banks when they make loans.

Khavari explained, “Using the fractional reserve regulations that govern all banks, we can earn billions per year for Florida’s treasury, while saving thousands of dollars per year for Florida homeowners. For $100 in deposits, a bank can create $900 in new money by making loans. So, the BSF [Bank of the State of Florida] can pay 6 percent for CDs, and make mortgage loans at 2 percent. For $6 per year in interest paid out, the BSF can earn $18 by lending $900 at 2 percent for mortgages. The BSF can be started at no cost to taxpayers, and we’ll be a permanent engine driving Florida’s economy. We can refinance state and local projects at 3 percent, saving taxpayers billions and balancing state and local budgets without higher taxes.

“The state would earn $15,000 per $100,000 of mortgage, at a cost of about $1,700, while the homeowner would save $88,000 in interest and pay for the home 15 years sooner,” Khavari said.

“Our bank will save people about seven years of their payments over the course of 30 years, just on interest costs. We should work to support ourselves and our families, not the banks. What we have now makes everyone work for a few greedy fat cats,” he said.

Khavari was born in Iran in 1943, but at the early age of two, his family moved to India where his father – a leader in the Baha’i community [second most widespread monotheist religion in the world founded in 1844] – had work. After two years in India, the family returned to Iran. Khavari later served two years in the Education Corps as a teacher in the village of Liavole Oliya in northern Iran, where he built the school.

Khavari later went on to study at the University of Hamburg and the University of Bremen in Germany, where he earned his doctorate in economics. Two years before the 1979 revolution, Khavari and his late wife, Louise, emigrated to the United States, settling in Miami in 1978. In December 1978, Louise died while under medical care. The following year, Khavari’s father was executed by the regime because his father refused to renounce his Baha’i faith, Khavari said.

He told the Iran Times he has not returned to his native Iran since June 1977. In 1985, Khavari married his current wife, Janilla, with whom he began a family. Armin was born in 1987 and Bianca in 1988. Khavari and his wife run a small business in Miami and have lived there for more than two decades.

Khavari’s website says: “I am the only candidate with a specific plan to fix Florida’s economy. I am not a politician, I’m an economist … Florida has huge economic potential, but what we have are huge economic problems. Wall Street, the banks, and the politicians have screwed it up royally this time. We can’t look to Wall Street, or the banks, or Washington, or our Florida politicians to solve these problems. Our Florida politicians helped create this mess, yet not one of them has a plan to fix it, only plans for how to get elected.”

He told the Iran Times, “I am getting everyday more and more attention locally, nationally and internationally. Our campaign is developing to a grassroots movement. In order for us to win the election and realize our economic plan, we must get our message to the average people in Florida. This requires plenty of small financial contributions as well as volunteers. Our campaign is built only on people power.”

The deadline for candidate filings is June 18, so Khavari won’t know for certain how many opponents he will have until then. Khavari’s campaign website is located at http:// www.khavariforgovernor.com.

Christie, FOX Punked By 'Prayer'

Apparently unaware that the so-called prayer for N.J. Governor Christie’s death was a joke circulating the Internet weeks ago, both Christie and FOX seem to be the victim of Internet spam. But it was a joke nonetheless.

That the ‘prayer’ was tailored to Gov. Christie by a teachers union is understandable, since the good governor wants the union to share in the cost of their health care benefits like everyone else. But to take it to the level that he is, and for FOX to be giving it the coverage that it is, is making a mountain out of a mole hill.

They both need to drop the death threat aspect of it and concentrate on the real issue which is the financial aspect of the labor union health care plan and its affect on the financial position of the State.

OK, given that we’re talking about New Jersey and labor unions, with the thoughts of the Soprano’s tooling around in SUV’s with tinted windows, it does become believable. That’s what makes it humorous. But it’s time to get real and not get worked up over Internet spam.

The version I saw had a different politician in it. But it’s still a joke.

Link: N.J. Governor Undeterred by Teachers Union Refusal to Fire Leader Who Prayed for His Death

Crash The Tea Parties

Is it a parody or is it how the Left reacts to free speech when the speech happens to come from people they don’t agree with? I report, you decide.

The history of Libs and free speech seems consistent with the latter. In this case, they are conspiring to impersonate tea partiers for the purposes of discrediting them and minimizing their effectiveness.

To be sure, the media will be looking for them to assist.

Here’s a screen shot of the website. Taking a page right out of Saul Alinsky’s book for radicals.