Tag Archives: Media

Obama As Himself In RNC Ad

Very effective video featuring President Obama’s economic message from now to eternity. April 3, 2012 in remarks before the National Press Club, and June 14, 2012, at what was billed as the big “framing” speech in Cleveland on how President Obama was going to create jobs and heal the economy.


It’s pretty clear, if you want more of the same fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and high unemployment, a stagnant economy, failing schools, a no-energy energy policy, more people out of work, and an expanding ‘poor’ population, then Barack Obama is your man.

Consumer Prices Rising

The Consumer Price Index report for May 2012 was released today. As the mainstream media reports that the prices have fallen .3 percent, know that they are deliberately deceiving you. They are comparing apples to oranges to make it look like things are getting better. You know whether that is true. You live it every day.

Including energy, the total CPI score does show a .3 percent decrease in consumer prices. That is due primarily because of the falling price of gas. That is due to the falling demand for gas. And that is due to the depressed economy, rising unemployment, and generally less business, or any, activity overall.  Depressing the economy is not the way to achieve lower prices at the pump.

The CPI that gets the media attention, because the BLS publishes it every month, is the one that does not include Food and Energy. It is called “All items less food and energy”.  (After all, who needs to eat or get anywhere? ) You will find it near the bottom of page two.

It is there that you will see, comparing apples to apples, that the Consumer Price Index for May 2012 increased 2.3 percent over May of 2011. It also increased .2 percent, each month, over the last two months, March and April of 2012.

The full detailed report is below.

[scribd id=97169339 key=key-20l9ql0t2g3dp26025ey mode=list]

Look a little deeper and you’ll see even more news. You know this to be true, even though you’re not reading about it. The BLS also tracks “Medical Care.” All sub-categories under Medical Care are up from 1.8 to 3.9 percent from May of last year. It is up .4 percent for March and up .5 percent for April of this year.The category “Hospital and related services” shows a 5.2 percent increase. And under Obamacare, it’s only going to get worse. Much worse.

Barack Obama’s Background

Obama’s past (from the 90’s, not the 60’s) is coming back again.  The post ‘The Real Barack Obama‘ from nearly four years ago details Obama’s political bent in the New Party, a socialist political party. And then some. Stanley Kurtz published Obama’s affiliation with the New Party in 1996 yesterday. We had it here a few years ago.

As in 2008, the mainstream media is ignoring it. You’ll see it in conservative outlets only. Certainly not in the New York Times.

Once you understand who Obama is, in a political and ideological sense, which you will know if you read the post, you will see how everything he has done to the country and still wants to do makes perfect sense. From his point of view. Which is why he must be defeated in November.


Wisconsin Voters Still Support Gov. Walker

With 27 percent of the votes counted, both FOX and CNN are projecting that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his Lt. Governor Kleefisch keep their jobs by a landslide margin with 60% of the votes to the challengers’ 40%. That 20 percent spread is a wider margin than elected Gov. Walker the last time. Twenty percent is way beyond the voter fraud margin.

Tough luck for the public sector labor unions. If they had any sense, they would see the need to be competitive in the labor market, because the taxpayers (at least in Wisconsin) are holding their feet to the fire. And if they had any sense, they would realize that it was the governor’s policies that the legislature put into law that enabled them all to keep their jobs while at the same time turning a budget deficit into a surplus.

Big Labor’s free ride on ‘the government’ (aka taxpayers) is over.

Reaction to a Walker victory from DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (D-Fl) was enormously downplayed . . .

She said the June 5 recall is a contest with no implications for national politics. “It’s an election that’s based in Wisconsin,” she said.

The union’s know what it’s all about. As described by Patrick Martin.

[W]alker’s hard-line stance threatens their position as a secondary layer of management in controlling state employees.

The Walker victory today has the socialists calling for a split from the Democrat Party to form a third party.

The debacle in Wisconsin underscores the dimensions of the struggle now facing the working class. The defense of jobs, living standards and social services can go forward only through a mass rebellion against capitalism and the political domination of the financial aristocracy. This requires, first and foremost, a break with the Democratic Party and all its political apologists and defenders and the building of an independent party of the working class, fighting for a socialist program.

What a great idea. For them.

Update: Watching Gov. Walker’s victory speech live, thanking Wisconsins ?? on FOX. Checked to see what CNN was covering, and they’re re-playing the Queen’s Jubilee.  “CNN, the most trusted name in news.”   ROTFLMAO

Obama’s War On America

One would expect a community organizer to be the one advocating for ‘gay marriage.‘ But not the President of the United States.

When Barack Obama says that he is now in favor of gay marriage, something that no other president has said, himself included, isn’t this an attack on traditional American values when it comes to marriage being a union between opposite sexes? Not to mention trying to change the definition of the word.

If the strategy is to make gay marriage the next ‘war’ for some political advantage, then they’ve picked the majority of America as their enemy. And running against most of the country on this issue is not a winning strategy.

Notice the pattern. ABC asks the question about as irrelevant a matter on people’s minds today as birth control or contraception, so it becomes the news. It’s the next social topic to distract folks from Obama’s failing economy, no jobs, and high prices because it is now wall-to-wall in the news.

The ‘fundamental change’ Obama has in mind for America has to be stopped by stopping him in November. That is, if you want the kind of America you and your ancestors grew up in.

2012 Campaign Of Deceit

President Obama has the solution to our economic troubles. He told one of his two preferred audiences, school students and labor unions, in this case it was college students, that we can’t spend more than we take in.  And they cheered. Who can argue with not spending more than you have? The only difference is, the unions know he’s lying and the students don’t.

President Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that there is no year in the ten-year budget forecast where the budget deficit decreases. At a House hearing on the subject, I believe it was also he who said that balancing the budget was not a priority for the administration because it would mean making substantial cuts to entitlement programs. He said ‘the people won’t stand for it.’

Translation: Doing the right thing will be disastrous to our base and the president’s re-election. So, we punt.

It’s not a hard decision to make, given what is happening to the E.U.; Greece, Italy, Spain, and others. We can be successful by living within our means, or we can count the years until what we are seeing in the streets of Greece begins to happen here.

This lie is so blatant, so much of a 180 from the truth, it is impossible to defend. Which is probably why the mainstream media ignores it.  After all, in 2008 they promoted the vacuous campaign of ‘Hope and Change.’ Four years later, they are delivering a campaign designed to deceive the American people.

Zimmerman Charged | Post-Racial Administration

Florida Prosecutor Angela Corey arrested George Zimmerman, described by the NY Times as a White-Hispanic, charging him with second degree murder.

This incident was over six weeks ago, February 26, 2012. It’s relevant to what prosecutor Angela Corey said today. The joke of the day . . .

“We do not prosecute by public pressure or by petition. We prosecute based on the facts on any given case as well as the laws of the state of Florida.”

It is shameful how the media, known to create campaign themes for the President, started from day 30 (not day 1), with doctored reporting, fraudulent reporting, about the racial aspect of this case that did not exists until they introduced it.

Without knowing whether Trevon Martin’s death was murder or self-defense, like some published tapes, eyewitness accounts and the police reports suggest, President Obama’s entry in the case leaves no presumption of due process, innocent until proven guilty, or even to warn about stirring up tension, racial tension, because Trevon Martin is black. The absence of anything presidential in this matter, to urge calm and respect for the laws, was the go-ahead for the race industry and the rhyming reverends, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Controversy hit fever pitch after Barack Obama, when asked for comment on the case took the unprecedented step of commenting on the still ongoing investigation stating “If I had a son, he’d look like Trevon”.

Eric Holder’s “people,” the New Black Panthers,  issued a bounty for Zimmerman’s capture for them to administer justice. There are Wanted Dead or Alive posters out there. Not surprisingly, Attorney General Eric Holder doesn’t have a problem with private citizens soliciting kidnapping and who knows what else? Under Obama, it isn’t the D.O.J. It’s the D.O. Black J.

Where the New Black Panthers are concerned, Holder’s record is dropping charges on them for voter intimidation at a Philadelphia polling place during the 2008 election. This, after they were already found guilty by default. So there is no expectation that the Justice Department under Obama will do anything about their threats this time. Justice under Obama is not blind.

With the big racial controversy successfully up and running, other irresponsible Democrats pile on to the racial angle. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) plants her face in front of a camera and says the shooting was a hate crime.

After all this, if you are wondering why President Obama has not come out to call for calm, something to ease the racial tensions spawned by the false media accounts, it is because things are going just fine. For his re-election. He’ll kill it if he were to come out and act like a President should act. There’s nothing ‘post-racial’ about this guy.

Now that the trial process is underway, at least we will see who the legal victim is. Martin or Zimmerman?

Obama’s Virtual Economy And Virtual Truth

Contrary to the administration’s storyline, the economy is not creating jobs. We’re still short millions of jobs from when he took over, and that’s after all the so-called stimulus spending. What little economic growth there is, is happening in spite of Obama’s stimulus spending, takeovers, and Czars. Not because of them. And is the reason the economy hasn’t already shown good signs of recovery. He is depressing what is a strong economy eager to be set free.

The administration, with a little help from the media, is attempting to redefine progress. Let’s look at where we are: 8.2% unemployment is the new 5.2%.  The new norm.  That 8.2% is nothing to be alarmed about.  No problem.  And $5/gallon gasoline, that’s the new $3.  Not $4.  Remember when $4 was hit, everybody went crazy?  No, now $5 gasoline, “Hey, it’s the new the norm! It’s not as much as they’re paying in Europe.  You should feel lucky.”

Then there’s the oil head-fake, lie. The oil ‘subsidies’ which are not really subsidies but current tax law, are the same production and manufacturing incentives that all companies enjoy, whether they make cars or gasoline.

Yet, the Divider-in-Cheif continues to demagogue the entire industry, urging Congress to “stand with the American people” by voting to end subsidies to oil companies. Funny thing happened last week. The Democrat-controlled Senate stood with Big Oil and voted 51-47 against the bill. And how does the media report it? CBS’s  Bill Plante frames it like this . . . “GOP blocks Obama’s bid to end oil subsidies.”

From The White House, on the same day the Senate killed his bullying initiative to raise taxes on the oil industry, President Obama said . . .

“Right now, the biggest oil companies are raking in record profits. On top of these record profits, oil companies are also getting billions a year in taxpayer subsidies.”

Here’s a fact. The biggest oil companies will likely always earn record profits in terms of dollars. Not in terms of profit margin. When what you produce runs the economies of the world, and there is an endless demand for it coming from China, India, and other developing countries, the dollar amounts will consistently hit ‘record highs’ on a monthly, if not annual basis. If they don’t, then it will be because of no economic growth. Sure makes it easy for a politician to demagogue, doesn’t it?

Acting as though he was leading the charge to end crony capitalism when he was candidate Obama, President Obama climbs in bed with George Soros and Brazil. It’s just a bit dishonest for Obama to fund oil drilling and exploration in Brazil, then pledging to be their major customer, for oil that he refuses to get here.

Links: Higher gas prices cause less public anger this time  |  Obama says US to be major purchaser of Brazilian oil  |  The New Normal: Trickle-Down Poverty

High Gas Prices, A Good Thing?

While everyone else is feeling the pain at the pump, President Obama is having trouble feeling your pain. In a most amazing turnaround from an economical and political standpoint, high gas prices are now a good thing.

Watch the transformation in this video.


Steven Chu is Energy Secretary because he and Obama are soul brothers in the concept of sacrificing the economy with high gas prices so as to (in their liberal minds) force development of alternative energy sources. Chu is the same Energy Secretary that wants you to paint the roof of your house a reflective white, ostensibly to change climate change. Not sure if there is any racial implication in that. Anything is possible with this administration.

Raising ‘taxes’ on the poor is part of the plan. See The Poor Tax, and how Obama screws the poor while saying he has their back. Backside is more accurate. Of course, the media doesn’t see it that way.

News Print Industry Downsizing

More early retirements at our local newspaper, the Pensacola News Journal. What we are seeing at the PNJ is happening to the newspaper industry. It is an industry in a state of change.

What is happening at the News Journal is symptomatic of an aging industry. Whether that makes the PNJ more a victim of circumstance than of their own doing is arguable, but the fact is the print news industry is changing. The computer age that enabled the media to get and share info has become a not insignificant part of the industry’s woes because the same information, and more, is also available online to their customers.

There is plenty of evidence of how industries evolve as the need to meet customers’ demand changes. Some evolve and survive. Others die.

Look at the effect the internet has had on the movie industry. Retail stores sprung up all over the country to rent movies. Movie Gallery, Blockbuster, and small mom and pop stores renting movies. In the quest for a better mouse trap, companies like NetFlix and RedBox sprung up making movie distribution so much more convenient. The customers get their needs fulfilled in a way that no longer includes the brick and mortar stores. That industry is changing, never to be the same again. The brick and mortar stores are closing, giving way to movie vending machines or internet access from your home that need no employees to serve you when you want to be served. The recording industry faced the same metamorphosis. Record stores are more like antique shops. The trend now is online with shops like iTunes.

Remember the Sears Catalog Sales stores where you could buy your washing machine and pick up your catalog order from “The Book” in the same store? Sears, once the largest retailer in the world, has seen the end of the catalog segment of their business.

With its roots in the late 1950’s and 60’s, a ‘new’ industry arose in the 70’s and 80’s. The Catalog Showroom industry. The Sears ‘Big Book’ was, for all intents and purposes, replaced by a thinner book and monthly and seasonal flyers inserted into newspapers for stores that carried (on a good day) everything that was in the catalog. The giants in that industry were Service Merchandise (TN) and Best Products (VA). Smaller players in this industry were, H.J. Wilson (LA) and Present Company (NY). In fact, it was H.J. Wilson Co. that brought my family to Pensacola in the early 1980’s. I saw the industry grow for about 25 years, then die a slow death. They were replaced by stores that were even more convenient.

I don’t see the news industry dying. But it is in a state of change. Where it goes from here is anyone’s guess. What is certain though is that there will be something better, from a consumer standpoint, that will either augment or replace the newsprint industry. That is, as long as free-market forces are at work and Washington stays out of the bailout business.

Link: Richard A. Schneider: And so we say goodbye to 11 of our best