Tag Archives: Media

Islamic Insanity, Honor Killing

An update about the ancient and barbaric ‘religion of peace.’ If you think Mo’s barbaric religion was something that happened centuries ago, think again. Just because it isn’t reported in the U.S. media doesn’t mean it isn’t still happening. Talk about a war on women . . . her name was Farzana Iqbal. Twenty-five years old, and three months pregnant.

“I killed my daughter as she had insulted all of our family by marrying a man without our consent, and I have no regret over it,” Mr. Mujahid, the police investigator, quoted the father as saying.

Link: Pregnant woman stoned to death by her family – The Globe and Mail.

How Incompetence Gets A Pass

It’s more than just incompetence. That would be too generous a description of the way this regime is operating. Destructive, deceptive, and dishonest would pretty much round out the behavior of the gang that is running the government today.

There’s a price to pay for being unplugged or disconnected from what is going on in Washington. Especially when the so-called watchdog media keeps its eyes, ears, and mouth shut.

This video is funny and sad at the same time.

Shinseki, First Of Incompetent Appointments

Just days before President Obama’s first term began, President-elect Obama nominated Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to head the second-largest bureaucracy in the government, behind the Pentagon. In January 2009, the New York Times writes “General Shinseki said that if confirmed he would streamline the disability claims system, use new information technologies to improve the delivery of benefits and services, and focus on unemployed and homeless veterans.”

Like his boss, he knows what to say to gain your confidence. Also like his boss, he hasn’t a clue on how to do it. Five years later, we all know how well that worked out. He accomplished nothing of what he set out to do. Zip, Zero, Nada!

Appointing Shinseki was his political payback for being the first uniformed general to speak against the Iraq war. He was John Kerry’s hero in 2004 when he debated George W. Bush at Washington University. Kerry quoted his newfound anti-Iraq-war-anti-Bush hero.

Shinseki came out and said, “You can’t do this without multiple hundreds of thousands of troops.”

This is what got the attention of Democrats. And this is why qualifications did not matter. Incidentally, despite what the Times reported, Shinseki was wrong about Iraq. The surge was won with 170,000 troops. Not twice that amount like he had “predicted.”

It underscores the point made in THIS POST about the regime’s culture of corruption.

Link: A Second Act for General Shinseki  | General Shinseki: Democrat Hack

Culture Of Corruption, On Steroids

IRS, V A Hospitals, ICE, Benghazi, ACA, Fast & Furious, Justice Department. Talk about a culture of corruption? Oh. No. Don’t talk about it. Because if you do then you’re a racist.

It’s as if President Obama and everyone in his regime are inoculated from any sort of criticism (or impeachment), blame, or responsibility for anything bad because the President is Black.  What’s amazing to me, is how many people have been indoctrinated into this line of non-thinking?

How did we get to this point? Is it because the administration is loaded with liars, or because it is loaded with ideologues bound to the progressive agenda being put in positions they are not qualified (like Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to head the V A) to fill? Starting with the President himself, I believe it is the latter. The lying comes as a result, like Benghazi, of trying to cover up the incompetence.

Simply impeaching the president will not fix the problem. It will take an election and re-appointments of competent people into responsible positions (from the Cabinet on down) in government. America, it’s time to take out the garbage.

Gay Activists Most Intolerant, Fascists

PC or “politically correct” is just a mushy term for fascism. It means you shouldn’t, or in this case, can’t say or do anything that these activists don’t agree with. And if you do, then you’ll be made to pay for it. With your job, or worse. It’s as if they have their own version of the 1st Amendment. Politically, this is an invention of Saul Alinsky. Instead of debating the issues, you try to shut the opponent up, if not destroy him personally. This is exactly what happened here.

What Brendan Eich, CEO and creator of the popular web browser Mozilla did, was give $1000 to the Proposition 8 initiative in California, in 2008. That was the proposition that Californians approved by an overwhelming majority that said simply, that marriage is between a man and a woman. It was the same position that President Obama had at the same time. It was also what the 9th Circus Court of Appeals overturned.

But unlike Obama, he didn’t change his mind (for campaign cash). And unlike Obama, he didn’t go public and advocate his position. He merely exercised his right to participate affirmatively in the initiative, made a contribution to the cause, and went about his own business.

It was the little fascist hetero-phobic bigots that searched public records to find, then target for persecution, people who contributed to Prop 8.

The reaction from The White House about this is crickets. Any other President of the United States would be the first to publicly condemn that kind of retribution as being not only intolerant, but as an attack on the free speech guarantee of the 1st Amendment. You know, that document he swore on a stack of bibles to protect and defend.

Link: Mozilla CEO Eich resigns after gay-marriage controversy

I’m Fighting to Restore a Free Society

It’s been a few busy weeks in the news business, and a blessing to the Obama regime. The “news” has been consumed by an airplane that has gone missing somewhere in the far East with 239 people on board. The blessing to the regime is that the media wasn’t reporting on the debacle called Obamacare, aka the Affordable Care Act. Also known as the federal government growing, swallowing up 16 percent of the American economy and destroying the health insurance and health care industries, changing the role of government and its relation between it and the people.

On April 1st, President Obama had a pep rally in the Rose Garden which was characterized in the news media as a “victory lap” for Obamacare. Yes, the President is back to calling it Obamacare again. Never mind the numbers that the regime is touting as the big success. You know what they do with numbers.

If by success you mean that millions of Americans who have either had their insurance policies cancelled by the federal law, or are reacting under threat of penalty of the federal government for not buying an ACA approved insurance policy, “purchased” one. (In this context, purchased does not mean purchased.) That’s the administration’s definition of “success.” Suffice it to say that nothing the American people were promised that Obamacare would do has come to fruition, and can’t come to fruition.  So no news about the government over-stepping its constitutional boundaries is a good day for the regime.

And speaking of the government over-stepping its boundaries, below is an op-ed piece from the Wall Street Journal from an American who sees the danger, and is devoted to restoring the country to those principles (boundaries) spelled out in the Constitution. It’s a great read, in its entirety . . .



I’m Fighting to Restore a Free Society


I have devoted most of my life to understanding the principles that enable people to improve their lives. It is those principles—the principles of a free society—that have shaped my life, my family, our company and America itself. Unfortunately, the fundamental concepts of dignity, respect, equality before the law and personal freedom are under attack by the nation’s own government. That’s why, if we want to restore a free society and create greater well-being and opportunity for all Americans, we have no choice but to fight for those principles. I have been doing so for more than 50 years, primarily through educational efforts. It was only in the past decade that I realized the need to also engage in the political process.


A truly free society is based on a vision of respect for people and what they value. In a truly free society, any business that disrespects its customers will fail, and deserves to do so. The same should be true of any government that disrespects its citizens. The central belief and fatal conceit of the current administration is that you are incapable of running your own life, but those in power are capable of running it for you. This is the essence of big government and collectivism.

More than 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson warned that this could happen. “The natural progress of things,” Jefferson wrote, “is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.” He knew that no government could possibly run citizens’ lives for the better. The more government tries to control, the greater the disaster, as shown by the current health-care debacle. Collectivists (those who stand for government control of the means of production and how people live their lives) promise heaven but deliver hell. For them, the promised end justifies the means.

Instead of encouraging free and open debate, collectivists strive to discredit and intimidate opponents. They engage in character assassination. (I should know, as the almost daily target of their attacks.) This is the approach that Arthur Schopenhauer described in the 19th century, that Saul Alinsky famously advocated in the 20th, and that so many despots have infamously practiced. Such tactics are the antithesis of what is required for a free society—and a telltale sign that the collectivists do not have good answers.

Rather than try to understand my vision for a free society or accurately report the facts about Koch Industries, our critics would have you believe we’re “un-American” and trying to “rig the system,” that we’re against “environmental protection” or eager to “end workplace safety standards.” These falsehoods remind me of the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s observation, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” Here are some facts about my philosophy and our company:

Koch companies employ 60,000 Americans, who make many thousands of products that Americans want and need. According to government figures, our employees and the 143,000 additional American jobs they support generate nearly $11.7 billion in compensation and benefits. About one-third of our U.S.-based employees are union members.

Koch employees have earned well over 700 awards for environmental, health and safety excellence since 2009, many of them from the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration. EPA officials have commended us for our “commitment to a cleaner environment” and called us “a model for other companies.”

Our refineries have consistently ranked among the best in the nation for low per-barrel emissions. In 2012, our Total Case Incident Rate (an important safety measure) was 67% better than a Bureau of Labor Statistics average for peer industries. Even so, we have never rested on our laurels. We believe there is always room for innovation and improvement.

Far from trying to rig the system, I have spent decades opposing cronyism and all political favors, including mandates, subsidies and protective tariffs—even when we benefit from them. I believe that cronyism is nothing more than welfare for the rich and powerful, and should be abolished.

Koch Industries was the only major producer in the ethanol industry to argue for the demise of the ethanol tax credit in 2011. That government handout (which cost taxpayers billions) needlessly drove up food and fuel prices as well as other costs for consumers—many of whom were poor or otherwise disadvantaged. Now the mandate needs to go, so that consumers and the marketplace are the ones who decide the future of ethanol.

Instead of fostering a system that enables people to help themselves, America is now saddled with a system that destroys value, raises costs, hinders innovation and relegates millions of citizens to a life of poverty, dependency and hopelessness. This is what happens when elected officials believe that people’s lives are better run by politicians and regulators than by the people themselves. Those in power fail to see that more government means less liberty, and liberty is the essence of what it means to be American. Love of liberty is the American ideal.

If more businesses (and elected officials) were to embrace a vision of creating real value for people in a principled way, our nation would be far better off—not just today, but for generations to come. I’m dedicated to fighting for that vision. I’m convinced most Americans believe it’s worth fighting for, too.

Mr. Koch is chairman and CEO of Koch Industries.

Link: Charles Koch: I’m Fighting to Restore a Free Society

Where Was PTSD After WWII?

In the news again is a soldier shooting unarmed soldiers in a military base. Preliminary speculation to motivation is mental illness, PTSD.

Where was PTSD after WWII, the Korean War? What’s different about war, or the human condition, today? Or did incidents like this happen back then, but was never reported and sensationalized like it is today? Do you think the news today is fueled more by the “gun control” agenda than mental health?

Jolly (R) Wins FL13, Who Knew?

One Associated Press piece in the local paper titled Fla. House race could be warning for Democrats was all there was in the news media about the republican win in a district that voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. In a contest that was described as a bellwether for the midterm elections in November, where Obamacare was the focus on both sides.

NBC’s Chuck Todd said . . .

Tomorrow’s race in Florida will tell us a lot about the power of the Republican Party’s health-care attacks on Democrats could have in 2014.

Jolly campaigned on a conservative platform; cutting government spending, balanced budgets and repealing Obamacare. Sink tried a new version of offense with Obamacare; mend it, don’t end it. She followed the President’s agenda with a pro-illegal alien agenda, and more government spending. ‘Cutting spending’ and ‘balanced budget’ as an objective never crossed her lips.

Republican David Jolly beat Democrat Alex Sink with 48.5 percent of the vote to Sink’s 46.7 percent. Before the returns were in, Democrats began downplaying the importance of this contest. When the results were final, DNC Chair Debbie Was-a-man Shultz tried explaining away their loss, saying “the GOP fell short of its traditional margin” in a Republican-leaning district (but trending Democrat) packed with older voters.

She’s right about that. And the mainstream media carried her message. Missing in that fact is a little perspective. What she and the news media won’t say is that in all seven of Rep. Young’s elections, he ran unopposed. In this election, Jolly had two challengers. Sink a Democrat, and Libertarian candidate Lucas Overby.

Speaking of traditional margins. Third parties traditionally have given Democrats the win by siphoning off Republican party votes. Ralph Nader and Ross Perot come to mind. But this time, the nearly 5% that Overby got wasn’t enough to hand Sink a win. Also not mentioned was the fact that Jolly’s candidacy was not taken seriously by the establishment Republicans, allowing Jolly to be outspend by Democrats 3 to 1.

On the day before the election, Todd also said this . . .

Conversely, a Jolly win on Tuesday would signal that it’s open hunting season on Democrats — even in places where Obama has been a strength for Democrats in past elections.

It’s also open season on the establishment Republicans if they don’t stand on the principles that got them elected, and if they refuse to understand that running on conservative principles, compared with the status quo of the last 6 years, is how you win elections.

Obama’s War On Women, Poor, Hispanics, And Young

For better or worse, a truism of American politics is that voters vote their pocketbooks. Yet according to a new report on median household incomes by Sentier Research, in 2012 millions of American voters apparently cast ballots contrary to their economic self-interest. A testament to the power of a media devoted to their president.

Now for some economic facts

Obama’s economic policies are hurting the people who elected him more than any other demographic.

President Obama was re-elected with 51% of the vote. Five demographic groups were crucial to his victory: young voters, single women, those with only a high-school diploma or less, blacks and Hispanics. He cleaned up with 60% of the youth vote, 67% of single women, 93% of blacks, 71% of Hispanics, and 64% of those without a high-school diploma, according to exit polls.

Family income decrease from President Obama’s 5 most dedicated demographics since his “recovery” began.

  • -7% single women households, with or without children
  • -9.6% under age 25
  • -10.9% Black heads of households
  • -4.5% Hispanic heads-of-households
  • -8% incomes of workers with a high-school diploma or less fell by about 8% (-6.9% for those with less than a high-school diploma and -9.3% for those with only a high-school diploma).

To put that into dollar terms, in the four years between the time the Obama recovery began in June 2009 and June of this year, median black household income fell by just over $4,000, Hispanic households lost $2,000 and female-headed households lost $2,300.

The middle class is getting poorer.  While the minimum wage remained steady, the median family income has fallen every year since Obama’s “recovery” began.

Makes one wonder what it would take for these people to realize that what they are living is not what Obama is saying, but what he is doing? He’s not going to stop campaigning. He can’t. Because if he does, the gullible voters that elected this community organizer president twice might begin to realize that President Obama is more interested in gaining political power than making the economy, and their lives, any better.

Which reminds me of what Rand Paul said in this post . . .

Liberals don’t seem to get the point that if you’re trying something and the objective evidence shows that it’s not working, why not try something different?

Paul indirectly referred to the famous definition of insanity as trying something again and again while expecting a different result.

Link: Stephen Moore: Obama’s Economy Hits His Voters Hardest – WSJ.com.

Obama Warns Russia Against Intervention

Psst. Hey media! They’ve already intervened. Russia has taken over Ukraine airports and seaports. Putin has done this before, in Georgia.

‘Leading from behind’ is so predictable. Nothing different here than how President Obama reacted to Egypt, Lybia, Syria, or how candidate Obama reacted to Georgia.

So predictable in fact, that Sarah Palin called it six years ago . . .

“After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the

Crimean Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov tweeted a photoshopped image of President Barack Obama in a Russian military uniform.
Crimean Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov tweeted a photoshopped image of President Barack Obama in a Russian military uniform.

kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.”

Our president’s official reaction:

  • Any violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity would be deeply destabilising, which is not in the interests of Ukraine, Russia or Europe.
  • It would represent a profound interference in matters that must be determined by the Ukrainian people.
  • It would be a clear violation of Russia’s commitment to respect the independence and sovereignty and borders of Ukraine – and of international laws.
  • Just days after the world came to Russia for the Olympic games, it would invite the condemnation of nations around the world.
  • And, indeed, the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine.
  • The president is also considering boycotting a G8 summit hosted by Russia.

As if any of that has Putin quaking in his boots. I can imagine Russian President Vladimir Putin rolling on the floor laughing his ass off.

And news on ABC’s Nightline tonight? Nothing about Russia invading a sovereign country. “News” is the Oscars.

Link: BBC News – Ukraine crisis: Obama warns Russia against intervention  |  “Stupid” “Insipid” Sarah Palin Predicted Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Video)